LECTURE 13. Rules of behavior in conflicts. Psychology of communication

Analysis of the situation

First, it is necessary to analyze what happened and understand what reasons could lead to such a development of events. In addition, you must understand the degree of danger that threatens you at the moment.

There is no need to think that what happened was provoked only by the need to prove the truth or by the circumstances that arose at that moment, since the problem could be much deeper. Your opponent could have harbored a grudge against you much earlier or stored his discontent for a long time, which led to quarreling between you. Having understood the causes of the conflict, you can move on to the next step.

What is meant by a conflict situation?

A conflict situation is a lack of agreement between the parties, arising due to opposing values, interests, judgments and goals of the parties.

It is generally accepted that a conflict is necessarily accompanied by open opposition from its participants, quarrels, negative emotions, etc. But this is not always the case. The process of solving a problem and its outcome depend on the correctly chosen strategy of behavior.

Conflict situations at work

During the work process, colleagues often have misunderstandings both on work-related issues and as a result of personal disagreements.

Employee - employee

In conflict situations with colleagues of your rank, any of five strategies will be suitable, depending on the situation. But still, rivalry is best used as a last resort. If disagreements relate to work issues, it would be wiser to negotiate with your opponent to come to a compromise solution. It is important to express your point of view, since you and your opponent are on equal terms. Evasion and adaptation in most matters will not be justified.

To avoid conflicts related to personal relationships, it is important to remember that during working hours you need to primarily focus on fulfilling your duties, leaving personal communication for a while after work. Of course, personal communication is necessary, and it will be present in any case. But gossip and conversations on too personal topics should not be supported.

Opponent Analysis

When a conflict arises, you must clearly understand what kind of person you are dealing with.

  1. If he is not confident in himself, then in such a situation he will try to hide as far and better as possible, without denying that he is right and insisting on his principles.
  2. A confident person will be able to fight back in a verbal duel, since she is not used to retreating, including from a showdown.
  3. The most difficult situation can be considered an argument with an overly stubborn and narrow-minded person who, due to his position in society, tries by all means to impose his position only because he considers himself the “master of life.”
  4. It is also necessary to beware of conflicts with people who have mental disabilities or a low level of intelligence. The main reasons why you should not get involved with such individuals are the presence of aggressive behavior and the lack of a reasonable ending. In addition, there is a possibility that the conflict could escalate into a physical clash, in which you could get hurt due to an unshared opinion.
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