How to behave if the husband does not respect and value his wife - advice from a psychologist

The reasons why a husband does not value and respect his wife, what problems exist in the relationship, the root of these problems and what can be done, you will get answers in this article.

I am a psychologist with more than 12 years of experience, and one of the reasons to become a psychologist is the disrespectful relationship between my parents, therefore, I know first-hand what happens in a family when a husband does not respect and value his wife, and also insults, calls and raises his hand. As a child, I wondered why my mother tolerated this attitude towards herself? And only as an adult did I figure out why this was happening?

I want to immediately answer the question that you may have - what is happening in my family, between me and my husband? In my family, everything is fine, and if you are interested, you can read my personal story.

So, grab a cup of coffee, the article will be long, detailed and honest. I’m sure you don’t need nice words about a woman’s sacrifice, but rather specific recommendations on how to change the situation? Therefore, something will be unpleasant for you, but... come on, such is life...

Reasons why a husband doesn't respect his wife?

When we talk about the lack of respect for women in the family, we must understand that nothing comes out of the blue.

We all marry almost out of love, or at least out of strong sympathy, and it is natural that a bad attitude towards a girl could not be present during courtship.

And if suddenly the man was rude from the very beginning of the relationship, then the woman should think to herself why she agreed to live together with this moral monster?

Another option - rudeness, rudeness, lack of respect, appeared some time after the wedding. This means that the woman was unable to get to the bottom of the man during courtship, and was blinded by love.

The third option, when we lived together for a long time and in the process of living together, the man’s rudeness and rudeness increased gradually, and at first, it was attributed to fatigue, stress, it was her own fault, she asked at the wrong time, etc.

But regardless of when it all started, we need to figure out why this is happening? And of course, the main question is who is to blame?

Let's determine what signs can be used to determine that a husband actually treats his wife with disrespect:

What to do in case of a quarrel?

If a quarrel could not be avoided, take a step towards reconciliation first.
The wife should use the recommendations to eliminate conflicts:

  • Control your emotions: take a breath, hold your breath, count to 20.
  • Speak respectfully, without insults. Be patient and kind.
  • Share your experiences with your partner more often. Use phrases: “I feel...”, “I feel unpleasant...”, etc.
  • Look for compromises.

Advice! If a quarrel cannot be avoided, take the first step towards reconciliation. Show your willingness to give in.

Signs by which you can understand when a husband does not respect his wife:

  1. Indifference, lack of interest.

Deliberate disregard for the interests and affairs of the wife. By all appearances he shows that he is not interested, because she:

  • Stupid or stupid;
  • She won't succeed, and he knows it in advance;
  • She cannot do anything interesting or important;
  1. Constant criticism.

Criticizes for everything possible. At the same time, the criticism is derogatory, with sarcasm, turning into moral teaching about how to do it right.

Criticism applies to everything:

  • Appearance – figure, hair, hairstyle, clothes, etc.
  • Carrying out household duties - cooking, keeping the house clean;
  • Relatives and social circle - parents, girlfriends, friends, all of them are spoken about only in a negative way;
  1. Lack of help.

Helping with cleaning the house, washing the dishes or preparing food is beneath the dignity of a man who does not respect a woman. He believes that there are “women’s affairs” and there are men’s affairs, he has a clear division of responsibilities in the house, and there can be no talk of any gender equality.

Most often, he does not help with buying groceries, and the woman herself drags heavy bags from the store. In fact, such a man does not have an understanding of the fragility of a woman, he perceives her as an equal, and believes that there is no need to help. Criticizes if the wife is tired and needs rest.

  1. Reproaches.

Reproaches, caustic remarks, constant reminders that she “sits” on his neck, he feeds her, she lives in his apartment, etc. The accusations are that she spends a lot of money, and the woman constantly has to account for expenses on food or utility bills. It does not allow you to spend money on yourself and your needs, even if the woman earns it herself.

  1. Mistrust

Total distrust in everything, tries to catch him on some little things, believes that his wife is constantly deceiving him. Pathological jealousy is possible, when every step is checked, a woman’s absence from home is calculated down to the minute, and if she is late, a scandal with a showdown is created. Very similar to mental illness - paranoia.

There are also hidden signs of disrespect for a woman:

The wife is the last to know everything, and most often from friends and relatives. The husband does not consider it necessary to talk about anything, about his plans, for example, about where they will go on vacation with the whole family.

  • Does not allow you to do what you love or hobby. At the same time, he creates fog, and it looks like he cares about his wife.
  • Doesn't keep his promises.
  • Pays attention to other women, compares them with his wife, while the wife is always in a losing position.
  • Doesn't pay attention to his wife's requests, spending time on gadgets.

Needless to say, living with such a man is very difficult, and the question arises - why live with such a man? In the name of what? Love?

But, let's be honest, what kind of love can we talk about if they wipe their feet on you?

I will never believe that you can love a person who mocks you, is rude, rude, calls you names, humiliates you and does all the other things that can happen in such a destructive relationship.

Personally, I think such relationships are psychological violence against a woman.

= = =

You can justify yourself ad infinitum as to why I live with such a man, but life won’t get better from it. Frequent excuses for why I tolerate such treatment almost always sound the same:

  • I love him;
  • I have nowhere to go;
  • I don’t have a job and my child is small;
  • He loves me, he just doesn’t understand what he’s doing;
  • I feel sorry for him, I’ll leave and he’ll disappear.

I suggest you give it one more try to change your relationship. Try to learn to say the right words at the right moment! Download the free checklist “22 phrases that will save your relationship”!

In consultations, women often say that they have no choice, they cannot break off the relationship because they are financially dependent on the man.

There is always a choice! Another thing is that it’s scary. It's always scary to change your life, especially so radically. I remember when I was already an adult and got married, I once asked my mother: “Why don’t you leave your father?”

In response, I heard, I have nowhere to go, I’m no longer a girl to wander around apartments.

By the way, she was only about 45 years old then.

Unfortunately, the fear of change does not allow you to take care of yourself, create normal conditions for life, and perhaps in the future, meet a normal man and create a relationship with him.

There is such a deceptive moment, it seems that if I understand why my husband treats me with disrespect, then I can change the relationship.

Of course, there are certain reasons why things happen. But will knowing the reasons somehow help influence the situation?

Can fortune tellers help solve the problem?

Women often visit sorcerers and healers.

Popular verdicts - evil eye, damage, love spell. The fortune teller has a good understanding of people and analyzes the visitor’s likely difficulties, often associated with men. She programs the visitor with certain information; the woman believes in the well-being of the family.

Advice! Don't go to fortune tellers, don't waste time and money. It is simply stupid to expect that your husband will respect you after the ritual has been performed and the potion has been drunk.

Why a husband does not respect his wife, reasons:

  1. That's how he was brought up.

If in the parental family the father was a tyrant and treated his mother rudely, then the child absorbed from childhood that this is how it should be. Many families have a disrespectful attitude towards women, but not all men become cattle when they grow up.

Why is this happening? No one can answer this question; much depends on what is inherent inside the child by nature. Some become an excellent family man and respect and appreciate their woman, while others completely copy the attitude of their father towards their mother.

Is it possible to somehow change the behavior of an adult man, is it possible to somehow teach him, or even teach him a lesson?

There is an unwritten rule - if a person doesn’t want to, you can’t force him. After all, such a man does not see any problem at all in his relationship with his wife. Everything is normal for him, as it should be. And he doesn’t even understand that he’s mocking a woman.

Rough disrespectful behavior, rudeness, is absorbed with mother's milk, and such men have specific views and beliefs about women, for example,

  • A chicken is not a bird, a woman is not a person.
  • All women are fools.
  • It's a woman's job to cook food and wash the floors.

Why, one wonders, a woman from the very beginning of a relationship cannot discern such a tyrant, a misogynist?

Because he's pretending... maybe he doesn't even know what he'll be like in a relationship yet. After all, he didn’t have his own family, he had nowhere to show these negative qualities.

  1. Complexes and low self-esteem.

One of the reasons when a husband does not respect his wife is complexes and low self-esteem.

When one person humiliates and insults another person, then at such a moment he feels on top, feels superior. And this state of affairs speaks of major internal psychological problems.

He wants to feel confident, to feel self-sufficient, but the complexes that arose in childhood or adolescence do not provide this opportunity.

Complexes can be very different - he does not feel courageous, sexy, does not feel his authority, he has fears, etc.

Unfortunately, with equal or strong personalities, such men do not show their inclinations towards rudeness, because, by and large, they are cowards. But with a woman who is weaker physically and sometimes emotionally, they literally “bloom.”

And after all, they move towards such destructive behavior in small steps, they said something, did something - they assessed it, what was the reaction?

Is it possible to continue to do this? Did you have a ride? She “ate”, remained silent, did not answer, which means that she can continue to slowly become impudent and trample on the dignity of a woman.

I am sure that if you have such a man, then he clearly knows with whom and how he can behave? In such cases, it cannot be said that he acts unconsciously, because he does not understand what he is doing.

He understands everything perfectly and does his dirty work completely consciously.

Can a woman somehow influence and change such a man?

In my opinion, it is unlikely. A change in relationships can only happen if a man decides to undergo a serious internal restructuring, a change in his perception. It is very difficult for such men to accept help, because he will understand how imperfect he is.

  1. Psychological trauma.

One of the reasons why a husband does not respect his wife is psychological trauma.

When we talk about psychological trauma, we mean that there was a traumatic event that changed his worldview, sense of himself, and attitude towards people. Trauma can occur at any age. Of course, most often, childhood trauma has a huge impact on character and attitude towards oneself and the world.

Bad attitude, cruelty, lack of love and attention in childhood, all this creates a “shell” in relation to other people. During falling in love, when a man receives a lot of love and recognition, then love “melts” this “ice fortress”. But the views and character traits acquired earlier, over time, take over.

In my practice, there have been many cases where men who passed through hot spots received serious psychological trauma. Any war, participation in hostilities breaks the human psyche.

Unfortunately, it is not customary in our country for men to undergo rehabilitation after hot spots, no matter how seriously their psyche was damaged.

Such men show disrespect for women at times, often this happens during moments of alcoholic intoxication, when all the brakes are released and internal demons come to light.

Two of my friends, their husbands, went through hot spots and neither of them went through rehabilitation or ever visited a psychologist, although such a service can be obtained completely free of charge.

What was going on in their families?

When sober, they are white and fluffy, I love it, I’ll buy a tram, but if a drop of alcohol gets into my mouth, then all hell breaks loose.

Thank God that both friends were able to realize what was happening and ran away in time.

What advice and recommendations can you give if your husband treats you with disrespect?

Honestly and with all my heart, I advise you to leave such a man. If you feel that disrespect is ossified, ingrained in his flesh, that he will not be different - leave!

Take your children and run, take care of your children, so that they grow up in a normal emotional atmosphere, so that they do not grow up with severe psychological trauma.

If a girl is brought up in a family where her mother is constantly disrespected, then she will believe that this is how it should be. That it’s a woman’s lot to endure humiliation and suffer. Do you want such a fate for your daughter? I think not.

Boys completely adopt the behavior of their father and bring the same principles to their family. They, just like their father, will abuse their women. Do you want your son to grow up to be a moral monster? I'm sure you don't want this for your son.

There is a stupid opinion in our society that children must have a father. I'm sorry, but did someone ask the children what they want and how they want it?

You should always remember that your husband is an adult, and this means that he soberly evaluates everything that happens and understands what he is doing? And if he doesn’t understand, doesn’t realize, then why live with an imbecile?

Imagine for a moment that you are transported 10 years into your future...

What did you see there?

Most likely, in 10 years, nothing will change, your husband treats you the same way, the children have grown up, and you are left alone with a tyrant who takes pleasure in mocking you.

And you think with sadness that you should have left him 10 years ago... and you realize with bitterness that time is running out, and life has passed you by, and you were in emotional slavery...

Maybe it’s time now to free yourself from disrespect, from insults and humiliation of your dignity?

Yes... scary... really scary to take responsibility for your life, completely and unconditionally.

But if you decide, you will definitely find a solution to all the problems that arise when you decide to leave your husband.

And in conclusion, I would like to draw your attention to one point... Perhaps, after reading all of the above, you have not found these signs in your relationship, but you still feel that your husband does not respect you.

You probably have high expectations and demands of how a man should treat a woman.

I’ll decipher my thought..., for example, are you sure that when a woman enters a room, a man must stand up if he is sitting and greet.

Or, a man must definitely open the door for you, or hand you outerwear, or pull out a chair in a restaurant.

A man should entertain you if you are sad.

Such actions towards a woman speak of education, not disrespect. And these are two big differences.

If your husband is from a simple family, then it is quite possible that he simply was not instilled with the rules of good manners in relations with a woman. And if he also read few books, then he had no way to know how to communicate with a woman?

I’ll end here, and I hope that you received a detailed answer - why does a husband not respect his wife?

And finally, I would like to give a little advice - as soon as you understand your own uniqueness, self-worth, two things will happen:

1 thing - your husband will change his attitude towards you.

2nd thing - you realize your worth, and if everything is bad, then without a twinge of conscience, leave this man.

Be loved and happy!

Sincerely, family psychologist Natalia Gnezdilova.

IMPORTANT! Don't forget to download the free checklist “22 phrases that will save your relationship”

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Important tip

If you are convinced that your man does not love you, do not waste your precious time. There are many good men in the world. And you can become the woman who delights and attracts those who are worthy, and not those for whom you “well, I’ll live with this one until I find someone better...”.

But for this you need to upgrade yourself in the topic of relationships. In this sense, I highly recommend reading our blog and watching our daily free webinars on relationships. I am sure that everyone will learn something useful from these lessons.

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