Hypnotic texts: the basics of aerobatics in the art of persuasion


Hypnosis or trance changes a person's consciousness. At this time, one part of the brain is functioning, which is responsible for the emotional state. Conversational hypnosis allows you to put a person into a trance using certain words and trap phrases. Thanks to neurolinguistic programming, good results can be achieved in the treatment of many mental disorders. However, this method can be used for profit.

The essence and scope of conversational hypnosis

Conversational hypnosis involves changing the state of consciousness of one person by another, stronger individual with special skills. Trance language allows you to induce a person to take action and model his behavior in a certain situation. For the human psyche, light conversational hypnosis is completely harmless. A person with conversational trance skills has a sharp mind and special powers of observation. He is a skilled manipulator. We encounter the phenomenon of light trance every day.

Every person has some degree of conversational hypnosis, some can transform this skill, eventually becoming a speaker who is followed by masses of people.

Areas of use of conversational hypnosis:

  • business: influence on partners and subordinates;
  • psychology, psychiatry involves the use of hypnosis as a means of therapy, with the aim of moderating behavior, identifying the true reasons that led to pathological changes in the patient’s thinking and psyche;
  • hypnotic coding for addictions.

Skilled conversational hypnosis can be used by thieves and scammers. This is not a myth.

Areas of application of NLP in everyday life

A striking example of such a manifestation can be considered the gypsy tricks with fortune telling. They do not choose victims spontaneously. Their choice falls on a person who seems distracted, upset about something, preoccupied with his own affairs. This is easily determined by his appearance and facial expression. It is usually not difficult to approach a person and ask a sharp question that unsettles him. The state of slight confusion that a person experiences is a trance, before the victim has time to come to his senses, they begin to skillfully lead her to the necessary actions. Sectarian groups use more serious techniques: gestures, ritual manipulation, suggestion, music, psychotropic substances. The heads of such groups are good speakers and psychologists. They know how to get the crowd going, how to turn their religious preferences to their advantage.

How trap words work in practice

To keep a person's attention, it is impossible to do without diverting his attention. There are several types of such traps. The first of these is called a truism. Let's take management as an example. We need to sell summer T-shirts. They won’t openly ask you to “buy a T-shirt.” First you need to make a distracting maneuver: “Well, it’s hot outside, but we have good inexpensive T-shirts, everyone takes them, there are no such things anywhere else.” The method allows you to show that it is not the seller who needs to sell the thing, but you who need to buy it. And that's a big difference. The client has a natural desire to purchase the item, and it seems to him that he has decided to buy it.

The illusion of choice involves affirming the purchase as an action already completed: they compliment you on your appearance, and tell you how this thing suits you, and then ask which thing you are taking.

The main thing in this technique is the use of phrases without negative prepositions.

This is roughly how teams act in questions. They don't use negatives either. The hypnotist gives a command that seems to the individual to be a natural impulse: “I ask you, close the window.”

The next trap is moral impasse. This technique involves offering to try something. They may tell you: “Try our sweets, it doesn’t oblige you to anything.” Naturally, after tasting you will be asked about the sensation. If the product is really good, you will not be able to give a negative answer, which will give your consent to the purchase in advance. And even if you don’t need sweets, you will buy them.

Conversational hypnosis, such as the Stirlitz Method, is used to activate action by using the characteristics of human memory. Usually a person does not remember the middle of a conversation, he remembers only the beginning and the end. Repeating the necessary phrases at the end of a conversation with deliberate emphasis and intonation allows you to force a person to take certain actions.

The combination “as soon as” suggests some action: “as soon as I count to three and touch your hand, you will become a completely different person.” In street hypnosis, this technique is used by a scammer to gain trust. So often maniacs lure their victims by offering to go with them: “as soon as we go outside, you will immediately understand me.”

Subconsciously, the victim perceives this signal as an agreement with all the actions of the scammer, even if they contradict common sense.

The “Three Stories” technique involves a story consisting of three parts. He does not pronounce the first part completely, and does the same with the second. The third is told in full (it contains urging, encouragement to take necessary actions, instructions). Then he finishes the second and first. A feature of human memory has already been described above: he clearly remembers only the end of the conversation. The third story is perceived as the end of the conversation and remains in the subconscious.

Dissipation of attention. It uses different techniques: changing intonation, pauses, highlighting phrases, a confidential touch on the hand, direct gaze into the eyes, attempts to concentrate the individual’s attention on certain things. All this allows you to completely subordinate the consciousness of the individual. Well-known speakers act this way. A person pronounces a speech with certain emotions, raising or lowering intonation. Changes the timbre of the voice, lowering the tone almost to a whisper, which inspires confidence on the part of the hypnotized person. At the same moment, the hypnotist performs active actions, touches the shoulder, strokes the arm. A written method of concentration involves highlighting text in a different font, increasing the size of letters, and moving to a new line.

Chapter 2. Stop! Do this first

How do you currently write your sales proposal, email, advertisement or website template?

You already have a writing strategy. In order for this book to be of maximum benefit to you, you need to know what level of mastery you currently have achieved. Define your current way of writing texts. Based on this, you will more easily master what you intend to master.

Below, briefly describe your writing process. Explain how you

you do it. What do you do before you start writing? What do you do while writing a letter? What do you do after you're done? Record your answers here.

No one can teach a person anything; he can only be helped to find it within himself.


Types of NLP

People tend to fantasize a lot about things they don’t know about, so the state of hypnosis seems to them to be something like a complete zombie. With direct influence, the doctor uses hypnosis in therapeutic treatment. The victim completely submits to the hypnotist, having no ability or desire to resist.

There are 3 hypnosis techniques:

  1. Inconspicuous. Trap words used in the context of ordinary communication. Typically, most people who know how to quickly find company in any society have such programming. They are talkative and know how to present information so that others will listen to them. They often act unconsciously.
  2. Magnetism. A bit similar to the previous technique, but such a manipulator knows how to motivate the crowd and convince them.
  3. Direct impact. Using different techniques in combination or in turn. The manipulator purposefully uses the weaknesses of the interlocutor, his fears, desires, etc.

Chapter 5. The beginning of the beginning

My main goal is to write about what I see and feel as best and as simply as possible.

Ernest Hemingway

Make yourself comfortable and let's get started

I am considered the founder of hypnosis marketing. Since this is true and I was the first to write a book on this topic (okay, and the next seven e-books too), I must admit that I learned to write “hypnotically” from two unusual “sources”.

I read Jack London, Mark Twain, Shirley Jackson and Ernest Hemingway and admired their ability to weave a narrative thread in a way that made me laugh, fear and cry.

How did they do it? We all know the alphabet, we have a considerable vocabulary, just like the masters of words, but they wrote works that have become classics, but we write nonsense.

What's the matter?

I read the sales pitches of Robert Collier, Bruce Barton and John Cupples and marveled at how they used the same language to motivate people to fork out and spend their hard-earned money - often in economically difficult times. How did famous copy writers manage to do this? How should you write to persuade?

My intrigue led me to begin studying both the first and second types of texts. I studied literature

Stages of trance

The effectiveness of consciousness manipulation depends on two factors:

  • experience and skills of a hypnotist;
  • predisposition of the hypnotized person to influences.

Not every person is put into a trance. There are individuals who skillfully resist any external influences. There are two stages of trance, which are closely interrelated:

  • Introduction to trance.
  • Motivation and instructions and action.

In neurolinguistic programming technology, the interlocutor’s willingness to listen, concentrate on the conversation and maintain a dialogue is a sign of a light trance. The perception of information by the hypnotized person will depend on the degree of his concentration on the topic of conversation.

The sentences spoken by the speaker contain a hidden meaning that is perceived by the interlocutor on a subconscious level. The effect of phrases usually has a short-term effect, but with the skillful combination of different techniques, certain anchor words are laid deep in the subconscious and cause the necessary reaction every time.

Chapter 4. Disclaimer

I've been writing for 40 years now. I've been teaching how to write for over 30 years. I've read thousands of books on how to write, and I've written more than ten myself. taught and talked about how to write for several decades. However, I don’t know everything about it either. I can't cram everything you need to know into one book, even if it's a book I've worked on day and night for months: it's based on the experiences of my entire life up to this day.

I am talking about this so that you read other books on this topic. Several classic editions are listed at the end of this book. You will find many of my articles on my main web page, wz0W.mrfire.com. Searching for books on the topic of writing on wwwAmasxm.com will take you years because you will end up with a huge number of pages.

If you just want to know what hypnotic writing is, read this book/I've made it as easy to understand as possible. And I tried to present the art of writing hypnotic texts as something accessible to understanding and application.

Everything else is up to you.

Are you ready to start?

The key to the effectiveness of hypnosis in the pressopository

The main tool of the hypnotist is the conversational pressopository. These are basic sentences, words, and their combinations. The human consciousness can perceive real and unreal stories in the same way. Accordingly, it is possible to influence a person's actions in the future by programming a reaction to a certain event that has not yet occurred.

Scheme for building an effective defense against conversational hypnosis

Features of the human psyche that should be taken into account during neurolinguistic programming:

  • subjective understanding of reality can predetermine human behavior; trance is not something supernatural for the human psyche - it is a contact between the objective and subjective sides;
  • for the most part, people perform actions unconsciously, having once received experience that predetermines behavior;
  • a person is attracted to what he is not able to realize, understand, unnatural for his understanding;
  • a person always strives to bring any unfinished actions to their logical conclusion;
  • the unconscious reaction is based on images.

All people, without exception, live in two parallel realities. Physical reality always has its beginning.

An individual has his own past, present, and future. Subjective reality is the inner world of the individual. It can become a motivator for action. The point of contact between these realities is trance. A person can enter such a state independently. A striking example is all kinds of practices that involve achieving nirvana (trance) in order to strengthen one’s spirit.


during college and for many years after college. I studied English, its American version, literature. I fell in love with the work of Nathaniel Hawthorne, Herman Melville, Jack London, Mark Twain, William Saroyan and other writers.

I wrote prose, plays, and poetry, trying to apply what I was learning, and it turned out pretty well. Much of what was written was published. I saw a play I wrote, Interview with Robert Bivens, performed on stage in Houston in 1979. I received an award at the first Houston Playwrights Festival.

A few years later, I started studying copywriting. I read everything I could get my hands on on the subject, from published marketing books to out-of-print collectibles. Donald Moya and Kenneth Lloyd's The Robert Collier Letter Book changed my life. John Cupples' work opened my eyes.

I practiced researching and writing business proposals that sometimes failed, but increasingly broke records—some of them truly miraculous. My writing for Thoughtline, an old DOS program, is still talked about to this day. (You will find the letter mentioned later in this book.)

The result of this work on two fronts was the creation of what I later called the hypnotic style (or text).

Of course, this didn't happen overnight. This had been brewing in me for about 20 years before the “recipe” finally took shape. The final chord was the book “Unlimited Selling Power” by Donald Moyne and Kenneth Lloyd. And only after reading this book all the notes fell into place in their rows on the staff.

That's when I wrote the book that started the concept of creating hypnotic texts. I sold it in the back of the room where I gave a talk in Houston, this was in the 1990s. It became my first e-book. Today, tens of thousands of online versions have been sold. It's called "".

Generally speaking, hypnotic text is any text that attracts attention. Hypnotists call this an "illusory trance" (I'll explain what that is in a minute). John Barton, in his groundbreaking book Hypnotic Language, writes: “All types of communication “immerse” the recipient of information in a hypnotic trance.”

Notice he says “immerse” the person in the ladder. You can start writing and bore your readers. But it’s unlikely that you want to immerse readers in this state.

You can start talking to someone and also invite him to go into a trance, but if you are boring, his consciousness will not stay with you.

. This is my definition of hypnotic style.

The hypnotic style is the conscious use of words to put people into a focused mental state in which they are inclined to purchase your product or service.

The writing style in my business as a copywriter and marketing consultant usually indicates that I write to sell. Therefore, hypnotic text is any kind of text that holds attention long enough to get the money.

I don't want you to take my words as rudeness. I'm just results-oriented. I think you want to know how to write so you can sell too, otherwise you wouldn't be reading this book.

So let's be honest with each other. You want to know what words to use to motivate people to buy your product or service. You are not going to start selling a panacea for all ills and a cure for all evils. You believe in your product or service. You want to help people and you want to make money. Right? Me too.

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