General psychology is the foundations of psychology as a scientific discipline

The general characteristics of psychology as a science always pay special attention to the structure of this discipline.
Not surprising, because modern psychology is a very ramified science. Differential psychology studies mental differences, age - mental characteristics dictated by age, social - mental traits of representatives of certain social groups... The list of branches can be long. But there are also applied areas - labor psychology, sports, military...

But all this would not have happened without the basis of the foundations, the foundation, the base, the roots of that tree, which then gives life to many branches and twigs - general psychology.

General Psychology: Introduction

Each person has certain personality traits and mental properties. And general psychology studies these properties and qualities. The basic processes of mental states are also studied by science.

The study of human personality is an integral part of fundamental psychology.

General psychology formulates the basic definitions and laws of mental processes and studies methods and techniques of research. General psychology is a theory that serves as the basis for all its branches.

Psychological anthropology

The connection between psychology and anthropology, for example, is established because there is a fundamental branch of psychology - personality psychology.

Psychological anthropology refers to interdisciplinary branches of knowledge. She studies the ethnic characteristics of the people’s psyche, national character, as well as the patterns of formation and functions of national self-awareness.

Psychological anthropology as a term appeared in the 50s of the 20th century in the USA. It was introduced to replace the abstract name “personality and culture” by the Chinese researcher Hsu.

Modern psychological anthropology does not represent a single whole, either in terms of topics or methods. In it, as in other psychological sciences, a number of independent areas can be distinguished:

  • Cross-cultural, comparative studies of ethnic characteristics of psychophysiology, cognitive processes, memory, emotions, speech, which form an integral part of the relevant sections of psychology;
  • Cultural studies related to the sections of ethnography, folklore, art history, etc.;
  • Ethnic consciousness and self-awareness, studied by the relevant sections of social psychology;
  • Ethnic characteristics of the socialization of children, conceptual apparatus and methods close to the sociology of education.

In the world over the past few decades, questions of psychological anthropology have become very popular.

History of psychology from antiquity to the present day

In ancient times, the authors of psychological teachings mainly asked questions about the nature of the mind of an individual.

Ancient authors were very interested in the human soul

Most of the work was occupied by the human soul. Aristotle is rightly called the founder of general psychology.

He became famous in this direction thanks to his treatise “On the Soul,” clearly defining the subject of research in psychological science.

Hippocrates classified the types of temperament, while Plato gave his preference to the study of the structural components of personality from philosophical views.

The main distinguishing feature of medieval psychology is the concentration of science on issues of faith and human reason. The philosophy of religion determines the main directions of research.

Aristotle's ideas are relevant in this period of studying psychology. During this period, Thomas Aquinas became famous thanks to his work in Christian philosophy.

In the modern era, the term “psychology” refers to the science of the soul. And only in the works of Otto Kasman the term acquires modern scientific meaning. The 18th century was the century of astronomical calculations, which took control of the study of psychology.

The 19th century is the most important period for psychological science, in particular for its formation. In 1879, under the leadership of Wilhelm Wund, a psychological research laboratory, the first of its kind, opened and began its work. It is from this moment that psychology stands out as a separate and independent science.

The beginning of the 20th century was a time of rapid development of psychoanalysis. The works of Sigmund Freud are popular. Behaviorism is very actively gaining momentum in its development.

Gestalt psychology begins to develop in Germany. The basics of psychodiagnostics appear—tests to test intelligence.

From 1930 to 1940, Gestalt psychology became the basis for social psychology. During this time period, a special interest in practical technologies and ergonomics appears. The works of K. Levin, B. F. Skinner, J. Piaget, and L. S. Vygotsky gained great fame.

In the 1950-1960s, psychology flourished as a science. Various directions began to actively develop. Most psychological research and psychological experiments are conducted.

Subject of study of general psychology

The subject of general psychology is the laws and mechanisms of the psyche. The development of certain personal qualities is also considered the subject of psychological research.

General psychology studies the laws by which the human psyche works

Psychology developed, and the subject of its study constantly changed depending on what era ruled the worldview of people.

Initially, the soul was the subject of research in general psychology. But in the 18th century the situation changed in favor of human consciousness, or rather its phenomena.

Mental phenomena are what a person observes in relation to himself at the moment.

In the 20th century, due to the rapid development and popularity of such a direction as behaviorism, the subject of study also changed; it became the behavioral characteristics of a person.

But to this day, the subject differs in certain branches of science. The concept of the subject of general psychology includes all aspects of psychological development as a whole.

The mental organization of a person is much more complex than the biological organization. By studying another person, an individual gets the opportunity to know himself as a subject and, on the basis of this study, understand the patterns of his own internal actions.

Psychology is the science of man and personality

Psychology is the science of the patterns of emergence, formation, and development of the human psyche in different conditions and stages of life; how it will manifest itself in all humanity and the individual.

In order to collect information, scientists use the following methods :

  1. observation is the simplest method, which consists in describing what is happening at the time of some situation or a long period of life;
  2. experiment - it can be natural (in natural conditions with the introduction of small changes from specialists) and laboratory (occurs in artificially created conditions);
  3. analysis of a person’s creativity - through it the state of the psyche is unconsciously manifested;
  4. tests and assignments of various types;
  5. conversation - open communication between a psychologist and a client;
  6. interview – the specialist asks clearly formed questions.

Scientific developments from the field of psychology are also applied in practice . Methods are being created for diagnosing the client’s emotional state, as well as identifying disorders of memory, attention, thinking, and volitional sphere.

Scientific psychologists think about the correct structure of the consultation in order to obtain the necessary data, and so that the client feels comfortable.

One of the important points of practical psychology is the correction of mental problems , and of humans in particular. And also therapy , if longer sessions are needed to better understand the cause, strong unpleasant sensations.

Like any industry that is related to health care, this science creates a list of conditions for the human psyche that must be adhered to in organizing the educational process and work.

Preventive lectures are conducted and there are individual classes where they tell you how to protect yourself from neuroses, relationship problems, insomnia and other consequences of mental disorders.

We should not forget about human development from childhood. It is psychology that creates and comes up with new recommendations on how to raise a child and improve his speech and thinking.

Over time, teenagers, young men and adults become interested in how to develop certain personality traits. And then science comes to the rescue and provides a large number of books, trainings and one-on-one sessions with a psychologist.

Object of general psychology

The psyche is the object of psychology. This property is characteristic of any highly organized being. Without the psyche, a person or animal will not be able to control their behavior and change it in accordance with the circumstances. The psyche in science is considered the highest form of consciousness of a living being.

Every highly developed creature has a psyche.

Mental assessment parameters:

  • activity;
  • integrity;
  • development;
  • self-regulation;
  • adaptation;
  • communication skills.

Methodology of general psychology

Methods of general psychology are techniques that make it possible to obtain specific data. Subsequently, the obtained materials are used for further study and drawing up recommendations that need to be applied in practice.

The techniques of general psychology are varied. The main techniques and means are identified: observation and experiment. Additional: testing, survey, conversation, biographical method. Let's look at each in more detail:

  1. Observation is the direct recording of the behavior of the object being observed. This technique is the oldest in the history of psychology as a whole. The main types of observation: field - this is observation without creating any special environment, that is, in a familiar environment; laboratory - observation in artificially created conditions.
  2. An experiment implies a special intervention in the life activity of an object to obtain additional research material. The main types of experiment: natural experiment - the experiment is carried out in natural environmental conditions without the intervention of the experimenter; laboratory experiment - carried out in specially created conditions to determine specific data.
  3. Testing. With the help of testing, certain qualities of a person are studied. Required when survey and conversation methods do not provide a complete picture of personality traits. Main types of testing: achievement tests are used when it is necessary to assess the level of mastery of certain skills or knowledge; verbal tests are designed to understand whether a person can describe what is happening around him in words; intelligence tests are used to determine a person's level of intelligence; personality tests help to most accurately study personality traits; Vocational orientation tests are carried out to understand whether a person has certain qualities that predispose him to a particular profession.
  4. Surveying is one of the most common methods in psychology. Applicable not only to one person, but also to a group of people. The basis is the direct interaction between the subject and the researcher. The main types of surveys: written - provides more superficial knowledge in the area being studied; oral - allows you to explore the psychological characteristics of a person in more detail.
  5. Conversation is a method that is used when observation does not provide sufficiently clear and precise data needed for research.
  6. Biographical method. This method is used when it is necessary to diagnose a person’s life path for its subsequent correction.

In simpler terms, methods of studying the psyche are ways of studying the surrounding reality.

Mental properties

Mental properties are the most stable and constantly manifested personality traits, providing a certain level of behavior and activity typical for it. These are mental phenomena that are realized in a certain society.

Mental properties include:

  1. Temperament;
  2. Character;
  3. Capabilities;
  4. Directionality.

When talking about the mental properties of a personality, we are talking about its essential, more or less stable, permanent features. These are the characteristics that distinguish each person. Their totality determines a person’s individuality, because it is impossible to meet 2 people with exactly the same mental properties.

You should not confuse some isolated cases of manifestation of any traits with mental properties. After all, each of us has happened to forget something, but “forgetfulness” is not a characteristic feature for everyone. Everyone has been in an irritable state at some point, but “irritability” is characteristic only of some. Thus, a mental property can only be a stable and permanent feature of a person, which is developed and formed during life.

Structural elements of fundamental psychology

Psychology has its own structure

General psychology contains the following structural elements:

  1. Mental processes: perception, memory, thinking, imagination, thinking, speech, emotions, sensations, will, ideas.
  2. Mental properties: abilities, character, temperament, motivation.
  3. Mental states.

Based on the definitions of general psychology, areas are created that study certain aspects of human life in more detail.

The most significant branches in psychology

  1. Educational psychology is one of the branches of general psychology that studies issues of the educational process and teaching new skills. The main task of this direction is to find techniques and methods for building the most effective educational process through an individual approach.
  2. Developmental psychology identifies the stages through which human development occurs and studies the patterns of each stage.
  3. Differential psychology studies the characteristics of the psyche of groups and individuals separately, namely: their distinctive features and similarities.
  4. Political psychology studies the lives of people involved in politics from a psychological perspective.
  5. The psychology of art explores the psychological aspects of the influence of art on humans and society.
  6. Labor psychology studies the types of human activities in the labor process as a separate psychological element: determines the necessary personal qualities for a particular activity; explores ways to increase labor productivity, team relationships, issues of professional suitability and motivation.
  7. Legal psychology examines the psychological characteristics of the relationship between defendants and law enforcement officials. Also studies illegal activities and ways to prevent them.
  8. Practical psychology is one of the largest areas of general psychology, which is built on all major branches and deals with diagnostic issues.

General psychology is a concept that encompasses the foundations for the development of its structural elements, specializing in research in a narrow focus.

Psychology is formed hand in hand with various scientific disciplines. Nature-based research is based on basic biology.

The history of society is closely connected with psychological science. The development of higher mental functions directly depended on tools and activities aimed at their production.

Thanks to sociology, general psychology has more detailed materials for studying man as a biosocial being. General psychology retains an independent subject of its research, despite its close contact with other sciences.

The progenitor of psychology is called philosophy. Philosophical teachings contributed to the emergence of psychological works. In the study of personality, general psychology relied on the conclusions of philosophers about human activity, the nature of consciousness and the specifics of existence.

In this video you will learn about the basics of general psychology:

Why does she

The course “Introduction to General Psychology” is required to be taken by students of all specialties directly or indirectly related to psychological science. After all, it is this fundamental section that provides information without which an in-depth study of any branch of psychology will be impossible, if we are talking about future specialists in a specific branch of science.

What if we are talking about some related specialty that is indirectly related to psychology, for example, social work? In this case, guided by the basic, general knowledge that they received in this course, future social workers will be able to build their relationships with clients much more effectively.

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And this will bring double benefits: firstly, specialists will save themselves from unnecessary worries, and secondly, they will delve deeper into the problem of the person who contacted them. Psychology in general is extremely important for those who have chosen professions that involve close communication with people, especially with “difficult” groups that require a special approach (for example, very young children or, conversely, older people, people with developmental disabilities).

“Okay,” one of the readers will say. “Specialists, of course, need to know all this. Why do ordinary people need it?” Ordinary people may not need to delve deeply, but in general, general psychology, at least two or three books on it, will be useful to everyone, regardless of their profession and education. Yes, a specialist and a non-specialist will absorb information in such literature at different levels, but both will be able to learn something valuable for themselves.

Why do people act this way or that way? What does the interlocutor really feel, what is the loved one silent about? What exactly attracts or repels in a certain person? Agree, we ask ourselves these or similar questions almost every day. The answers to them are contained in books on psychology. A little time - and behind all the, at first glance, extremely complex and confusing theory of psychology, an understanding of the way people think and act will gradually emerge.

And maybe, starting with popular or adapted editions, you will be so carried away that Rubinstein’s “Fundamentals of General Psychology” will seem like the most interesting book in the world. Author: Evgenia Bessonova

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