How to tame the guy you like: the basics of effective pickup for advanced girls

Russia is being conquered by pick-up - the art of seducing young ladies using special rules and techniques. These rules are so simple and the techniques are so effective that it’s scary: in the hands of an experienced pick-up artist, they become real weapons of mass destruction.

Sex after the first date? Easily. 32 seduced girls in a month? Like there's nothing to do. 100 new acquaintances and 100 phone numbers in a day? This is basically a kindergarten, a task for beginners who must go through it in order to earn the right to be called a pick-up artist.

Female representatives have no choice: sooner or later, each of them will have to give in to a pick-up artist. Young people, familiar only with the classic methods of courtship, also have no choice: either sit around nothing, or become pick-up artists themselves.

The meaning of the word pickup

Pickup is the whole science of seducing women. If you pay attention to the literal meaning, you will find out that in translation from English, pick up means “to pick up” or “to remove.”

In general, if you want to learn how to meet girls and make a great impression on them, then pickup practices will help you with this. By the way, experienced pick-up artists manage to seduce the most spectacular beauties only with the help of their charm, without using additional resources in the form of expensive gifts and other things.

However, this characteristic of many pick-up artists seems rather generalized, because they try to succeed not only in seducing women, but also constantly develop themselves in different directions, working hard and hard on themselves. As you know, we move to a new level as a result of personal changes - the more work we do on ourselves, the more successful a man will be. We are talking about girls, and about authority in the company of friends, and about qualities for achieving career goals.

Men interested in a pickup truck have different goals. Thus, someone is really trying to find their love, someone wants to gain a reputation as a ladies' man or increase their self-esteem, and there are also those who want to regain a lost relationship with the help of a pickup truck. Of course, there is a common goal - to learn how to attract the attention of any girl and make her like you.

Sober assessment of yourself

I have already repeatedly spoken in my articles and other materials about the psychological maturity of an individual. I mention this aspect here because the success of any acquaintance lies in a competent assessment of oneself. It is clear that everyone sometimes wants to grab a star from the sky and turn to a very beautiful and clearly successful girl... But you yourself perfectly understand the probability of success based on the principle of matching you with her.

Now the world is moving towards sports, and, in particular, this concerns our Russian reality. This is where a lot of guys try to figure out how to pick up chicks in gyms. Obviously, getting intimate with a fit girl is much more pleasant compared to an ordinary, already partially “sagging” lady. But don’t be surprised later that the size of your dignity will be less important in comparison with the dimensions of your biceps. Therefore, if you are ready to meet this set of interests, no problem. Go for it!

But the answer to the question of how to learn to pick up lies within you. After all, any man or guy is capable of hooking girls, girls, women... Inner charisma, which can be developed, will become a fundamental factor here. This includes a certain level of self-confidence without unnecessary imposition and self-deprecation, a simple and basic ability to talk on simple topics, as well as a sense of humor without vulgarity.

You must remember that people still meet each other based on their clothes. That is, your appearance already partially reflects your inner essence, and sometimes your intentions. Therefore, a protruding belly or dirty hair will not help you when meeting any girl. No amount of charisma will work that way.

Even before approaching the object you like, assess your chances. In the absence of obvious attractive external data and a minimum wage level, you should not contact chicks who are intended for cohabitation as kept women. Well, only if for the sake of one unsuccessful time and putting a tick in your own notebook. I assure you that you will not be satisfied with the result and will come to zero self-esteem at the end of the communication.

And look, about the appearance. There is absolutely no need to choose expensive clothes. You can just be stylish. I recommend choosing natural rather than synthetic materials. And this way it will be easier for you to pick up girls. You yourself probably already understand that the smell of chemicals from clothes and the appearance of excessive sweating in such clothes prevails over their cost.

Who is a pickup master

A pickup artist or pick-up artist is a guy or man who masters the art of seducing the opposite sex by practicing dating women and girls.

Its features

There is a stereotype that pick-up artists are notorious scoundrels who simply use girls and get sex from them. However, this is not always the case. The initial goal of such a man (most of them) is not sex at all. Often he simply wants to hone his communication skills and overcome certain complexes.

Are pickup artists and pickup artists the same thing?

It is important to note that there are still some differences between a pickup artist and a pickup artist. In the second case, we are talking about a man who managed to achieve great heights in the skills of seducing women, setting an example for other novice seducers. A master can easily make acquaintance with any representative of the opposite sex, and communication with her will not cause him any embarrassment or internal panic - he gets the desired result without particularly straining.

Seduction process

Seduction is the path from meeting a girl to sexual intercourse. Some young men say they want to seduce a chick. This sounds quite rude and turns women off. After all, to seduce them you need to be gentle.

On a date, you need to touch a woman. An important rule is to gradually increase the depth of touch. At the end of the first date, you should try to kiss the girl on the lips. If you can do it, great. She already views you as a sexual partner. Now your task is not to miss your chance. If you have a girlfriend - very good. Find out from her how to take advantage of this chance.

If a guy initially made a bad first impression of himself, finding a way to a lady's heart will be much more difficult. Sexual attraction is based precisely on the first impression of a person.

How to recognize a pick-up artist

1. Spectacular start

When meeting a girl, such a man is unlikely to use standard phrases like: “Can I meet you?” No, he wants to be remembered, to impress, and for this he needs to come up with something more interesting. For example, he may come up at a metro stop and say: “I’m late for a meeting, and it’s your fault.” The girl begins to be perplexed, and then he continues: “I simply cannot go further until I find out what your name is.” The subsequent conversation leads to obtaining a phone number. There can be a lot of options - it all depends on the imagination and experience of the pickup artist. If the girl does not respond to such calls, then the pick-up artist looks for other ways to interest her.

2. Self-confidence

Women know that if a man is truly in love, then most often he is timid and embarrassed in front of her, fearing to say something unnecessary or out of place. Of course, a pick-up artist usually behaves completely differently - he calmly and confidently looks into the girl’s eyes, and soon after meeting, he will begin to initiate tactile contact, which occupies a special place in the list of means of seduction in the pick-up artist’s usual repertoire. We can talk about hugging, holding hands, removing hair from the face, and the like. When communicating with a pick-up artist, a girl will certainly feel that he has no doubts about himself and his attractiveness.

3. Lots of questions

Having started communicating with a girl, the pick-up artist does not try to tell more about himself in order to impress her. He is more interested in learning information about his interlocutor. The more he knows about it, the better for him - subsequently he can use this data to his advantage.

4. A memorable date

A pick-up artist will not spend a lot of time on a girl in order to get sex from her. As a rule, the situation is limited to three dates, and the acquaintance will be considered the first of them. However, it is worth recognizing that such a guy is ready to show imagination to achieve his goal. Note that, despite the effectiveness of a date, it rarely involves serious financial expenses.

To increase his chances, the pick-up artist must act unconventionally - he needs to surprise or discourage his potential partner. He can organize a date on the roof, in some extraordinary place. He also often “plays” on the girl’s possible phobias – fear of heights, closed spaces, and so on. It is important for him that the girl experiences a whole storm of different emotions when meeting him.

5. An intriguing disappearance

The pick-up artist usually effectively announces himself, after which he takes a pause in order to make the woman think about him and fear that such an unusual gentleman has lost interest in her. When the “victim” begins to be at a loss and nervous, the “loss”, as a rule, appears again. After silence for several days (usually this happens if the guy was unable to “persuad” the girl into sex after the first meeting or immediately after he took the phone number), the pick-up artist appears and offers a meeting. Most often, a girl, tired of waiting, or intrigued by such behavior, turns out to be very accommodating.

This pattern is typical for a pick-up artist, but, of course, some young people may adhere to it unconsciously.


A characteristic feature of their behavior is persistence. The more persistent a guy is, the more likely it is that he is a pick-up artist. But it is important to clarify that this will not continue indefinitely - he will not call the girl every day. If she doesn't answer the phone, he'll wait a few days. If the date does not go as he planned, he will give himself “one more chance,” and in the event of another fiasco, he will most likely disappear - forever or for a very long time.

When it's bad

When a guy masters only the superficial basics of pickup, and subsequently uses this to seduce many girls, doing it illiterately and in a stereotyped manner.

What does such a pick-up artist look like and what emotions does the girl experience next to him:

  • He is often silent or creates the appearance of a very distracted person. However, these pauses are so inappropriate that they do not look intriguing (as the “pick-up artist” wanted), but are stressful, causing a desire to quickly end the conversation, which creates obvious discomfort.
  • He tries to act self-confident, but you can see with the naked eye that this is just an attempt. Despite pretentious phrases and the like, it is clear that the guy is unsure of himself - usually this is revealed by his gaze and gestures. His insincerity is felt and repels him.
  • His only goal is to assert himself in the eyes of other people. The main problem is that it is enough for him to “seem” to be a confident person, but not to be one. The only thing he wants to get from a girl is sex, and if his clumsy methods do not lead to this, he often begins to behave inappropriately.

When it's good

When a guy really benefited from the knowledge that he received, and it really facilitates communication with the opposite sex and helps him achieve tangible success on other fronts.

What it looks like from the outside:

  • Such a pickup artist does a lot of work on himself and improves himself, taking huge steps in terms of internal transformation.
  • When communicating with girls, he does not always pursue the goal of ultimately having sex with her. They are often driven by a desire to develop their social skills.
  • One of the main goals of such a guy is to become a truly attractive person and learn not to be a slave to external factors. With the right approach to the situation, he “takes” people with his inner state, and his interlocutors begin to be drawn to him.
  • He knows how to develop a conversation practically “out of nothing,” instantly finding common topics with different people.
  • He doesn't have to pursue sex in such a way that his motives become immediately obvious - his method of seduction allows you to come to it naturally.
  • The acquired skills allow him to feel free and relaxed in any company, which has a positive effect on his life in society.

An interesting feature: emphasizing my uniqueness

The guy got burned on a larger scale. It was this jamb of his that led my brain activity to analyze his personality, the conclusion from which you see in the title. Otherwise, I would have continued to think what a delightful man I got, it happens.

And it was like this. We are sitting in another restaurant. By the way, I only took a cocktail, but he took 2 meat dishes, a salad and also a cocktail. In short, I didn’t ruin him.

So, we’re sitting, having a nice conversation, and he starts showing me his Instagram. To be honest, it's not interesting at all. Well, I looked at the first 5-6 photos, and then it became downright boring.

And when I asked him to put the phone away, he suddenly “remembered”:

“Oh, remember, you sent me a song? Well..this..”

And opens WatsApp and our conversation. He practically pokes the phone in my face, so that it’s impossible not to notice that I’m “ Tanyusha ”.

Tanyusha. I only have my brother named in my phone. The rest are all “Igor Univer”, “Ilya Rocking”, “Andrey Internet”. In general, somehow identified.

And this “Tanyusha” was shown to my face solely so that I would understand that I was the only one for him, unique .

And now about the mistake. After some time (passions are growing, communication is getting closer and more intimate), there was some kind of glitch in the messenger and the messages began to go below the answers to them, he decided to show me this joke and sent me a screenshot. Forgetting all precautions against the stupidity of the situation. And there I was... “Tanya from the site.”

It's funny. Dust in the eyes. Identification did happen.

What does it mean to pick up a girl or woman?

Picking up means seducing, making acquaintances for a specific purpose. As a rule, this does not happen spontaneously, although it does happen. But still, the pickup artist usually goes “into the field” to add to his list of victories. Most often, the goal of such a guy is sex, but if he is just at the beginning of his journey in this science, then he may well limit himself to getting a phone number. “Picking up” the girl, the young man tries to put the received theory into practice and determine which schemes are the most effective for him.

Pickup courses nervously smoke on the sidelines! Here are only really working tips.

Still from the film “The Other Boleyn Girl”

Do you want to be able to seduce girls? Do you dream of learning how to please a stranger so much that she wants to continue?

We are ready to tell you the whole truth. And a car with money won't help you.

But we warn you:

It will not be easy to implement these points. Be patient, you will have to break your ideas about what is “right” and “wrong” and abandon a whole bunch of traditional cultural values ​​that are very outdated.

But it's not so scary! We promise you will succeed.

Basic terminology of pickup artists


Typical frustrated loser. We can talk about a man who is almost always unlucky in one way or another with the opposite sex, despite the fact that he is a rather positive character. As a rule, his attempts to seduce a girl lead to nothing. He can be characterized by very predictable and monotonous behavior towards the girl. Usually he overestimates its significance, thereby reducing his chances.


- young man.


To go out into the “field” in the language of a pick-up artist means to be in a place where there is a crowd of girls. It could be a nightclub, metro station, shopping center, cafe, park, embankment. The purpose of going out into the field is to make new acquaintances. When a pickup artist is just beginning to learn the basics of seducing women, he regularly goes out into the field to hone his skills. Usually there are instructors present who monitor the process and subsequently give their assessment of what happened.


(Long Term Relationship) - a long-term relationship with a girl. That is, we are not talking about several dates, but relationships that last more than one month. It can also be cohabitation.


For a pickup artist, this is a kind of intermediate and uninteresting stage - we are talking about templates for topics for communicating with the opposite sex. As a rule, in this dialogue, the interlocutor’s reaction is obvious and predictable for the pick-up artist, and her answers do not play a big role.


Fuck ten girls. Typically, this tactic is used by guys who have recently gotten out of a serious relationship and are very worried about it. Experienced pick-up artists advise using T10D to quickly forget an ex or to increase self-esteem.


(Closer and further). At first, the guy shows maximum interest in the girl, and this is obvious to her, then he suddenly pauses and pays practically no attention to her, does not initiate communication. Then the pickup artist again demonstrates interest. Thus, he gives the girl an emotional buildup.


(delirium generator). A young man who has mastered this technique is able to talk on any topic with any girl. There are no pauses in his conversations; he will always find something to fill them with. Sometimes this skill is present naturally, but more often it needs to be developed.

Roof blower.

An unexpected gift, an extraordinary pastime, can be called a mind blower. Overall, this is a very powerful weapon in the hands of an experienced pickup artist.


Female persons. This is what pick-up artists often briefly call girls and women.

Gaining trust and favorability

he sends me various screenshots:

— your playlist;

- new compositions that he recommends for me to listen to.

All this is skillfully mixed with short stories about yourself and photographs of the cat “right now.” A cat is undoubtedly a win-win option, although I’m generally indifferent to animals.

The next step is an invitation to a date. He found out where I worked and named the cafe himself (near my place of work).

Five stages of pickup

1- Find the desired goal

First, the pick-up artist determines the goal on which he will practice the skills acquired during training or self-study. He can choose girls of the same type, but to achieve the best effect it is better to “try his hand” in seducing different women.

2 - Draw her attention to you

Here you can use your imagination. Each man himself determines how to interest a girl - with non-standard behavior, an unexpected phrase, a gaze, and so on.

3 - Attract and get to know each other

After he has attracted the girl’s attention, the pick-up artist proceeds directly to making acquaintances and getting a phone number.

4 - Get close to the object of your adoration without giving yourself away

To win over a girl even more, you need to get closer to her. To do this, the guy tries to find out as much information about her as possible so that he can then use it for his own purposes. In some cases, a roof-raiser is arranged.

5 - Intimacy

This is usually the end goal for most pickup artists. But if a guy was initially interested in a serious relationship with a girl, and was looking for someone who would completely suit him, then after intimacy he starts a relationship. Otherwise, it all ends with sex.

The principle of remaining yourself

Don’t try to break yourself and your character. Not only that, sooner or later you will still have to show yourself in your true light. You must understand that no one should influence such moments, that is, the characteristics of your character. Women love grit. Gentleness is interesting only at the beginning of a relationship, and then not for long and without exceeding this property. You should not follow the lead of hysterical and impudent girls, since both of these traits are characteristic of them. This is the only way you will acquire the skill of how to pick up girls successfully.

But also indulge in fantasy. Be who you are. You yourself understand that not only does everything secret sooner or later become clear, in addition, such male behavior looks pathetic from the outside. It turns out that a man behaves in such a way that if only someone would give him something. Hence the conclusion that masks are in no way necessary or interesting, and often turn into a mutual waste of a lot of time. And this is definitely not what you need.

Do you want to change your life for the better? Visit my seduction trainings. On them you will learn all the ways to get closer to any girl. Follow the link and order ->

Working pickup phrases and schemes for tackles

Each pick-up artist tries to find his own scheme according to which he tries to attract this or that girl. However, we will highlight two main ones.


Derived from the English word “fast”. As is probably clear from the definition, with this scheme the guy tries to get the girl into intimacy as quickly as possible. The ideal option for him is sex on the day you meet. If this option does not work, then the maximum that a follower of this scheme adheres to is sex after the first date. Fast operates most successfully in nightclubs.

Three date

A classic scheme, and its name speaks for itself. It is worth noting that many girls are quite loyal to such a scheme if they are really interested in a young man.

So, the first step is an unusual acquaintance, during which the guy becomes the owner of the treasured phone number. A few days later (5 on average) he calls the “potential victim” and, without much conversation, offers to meet.

The third date involves "roof-blowing". Having received vivid emotions, the girl becomes more open and more available for sex. After this, events for the pick-up artist can develop in different ways - serious relationships (this is the least common), periodic meetings for intimacy, complete disappearance from the life of the conquered girl.

What phrases can you use to impress a girl, start an acquaintance and put her in the right mood:

  • Are you a fashion model?
  • If we met in a restaurant, the waiter would bring you a bottle of wine from me.
  • It seems to me that you are stalking me.
  • You have incredible eyes, it’s like the whole cosmos is in them!


I went on a dating site. I’m scrolling through the photos of those the system offers me, and here on one is a gorgeous cat. The eyes - two huge orange saucers, the touching nose, the ears - I just fell in love. Naturally, I like the photo and write a comment: “What an incredibly beautiful cat!” and I forget.

Soon the answer arrives, everything is in the best traditions, and we start a conversation. In the same photo was the owner, in an embrace. I didn't even pay attention to him. What were you thinking?

We chatted nicely and switched to WhatsApp. By the way, guys, note the phrase how he did it:

“I’m here very rarely.”

I give my number either to particularly charismatic guys or to handsome guys.

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