How to behave with a psychologist: the need for consultation, rules of behavior and communication features

  • September 14, 2018
  • Psychology of communication
  • Marina Pislegina

How to behave with a psychologist if a person comes to see him? The answer to this question interests many citizens. Some people spend a very long time preparing themselves to visit a specialist, and come to see him only when the situation becomes absolutely hopeless. But why does this happen?

A person is simply afraid that the doctor will not be able to understand him. Nevertheless, all fears and concerns should be left in front of the psychologist’s office, and at the appointment you need to be yourself and conduct a dialogue in a way that is convenient for the person himself. Read more about all this below.

The main thing is to decide to go to the reception

In order for a specialist to truly help resolve an existing problem, it is important for the patient to understand how to behave with a psychologist. And first you need to decide to meet him in person. After all, it is impossible to express over the phone what can be explained well in words using eye contact.

Usually, thinking about whether to visit a psychologist can take too much time, which will be irretrievably lost. In this case, the problem may worsen, and it will be much more difficult to solve it for both the doctor and the patient. Experts say that people are often ashamed to talk about it because they are afraid of being misunderstood. However, before visiting a psychologist, you need to get unnecessary thoughts out of your head, otherwise the specialist will not be able to help his client.

There is no need to be afraid to talk about what causes fear and anxiety. Moreover, it must be remembered that severe emotional disorders do not go away on their own.

What to talk about with a specialist

How to behave with a psychologist so that the meeting is most fruitful? Usually, under such circumstances, everything turns upside down in the head, fear, excitement and anxiety overcome. In this case, you just need to calm down.

In addition, every person should remember that a competent psychologist will ask him the right questions. Therefore, you should not go over the dialogue with a specialist in your head in advance.

If, after the first session of communication with a doctor, a person felt that he could not understand him and, moreover, the conversation simply did not work out, then he should seek help from another specialist. Because in practice it often happens that not every psychologist with a higher education diploma is a professional who can help people solve their problems. This must be remembered, and the first failed attempt should in no case stop a person.

Organization of reception

Those who have never visited a psychotherapist are worried about how the appointment goes. First of all, you need to consider your work style. One plays relaxing music for the patient, another uses aroma lamps, the third is no different from an ordinary doctor. Therefore, despite the presence of a general outline for at least the first consultation, there will always be nuances that cannot be predicted.

The first reception goes something like this:

  1. Acquaintance.
  2. A schematic, superficial presentation of the main problem.
  3. Leading questions that allow you to delve into the essence of a psychological problem and understand the reasons for its occurrence.
  4. Diagnosis of physiological condition: pulse, blood pressure, excess weight, complaints of headache or insomnia.
  5. Finding out the patient’s goals, desires and plans (what he expects from the course of treatment).
  6. Initial diagnosis.
  7. Developing a strategy for the future: choosing a direction, basic techniques, techniques, frequency of techniques.
  8. Prescribing medications for treatment, referrals to other specialists.

After the first appointment, the doctor must analyze the collected information, draw appropriate conclusions, and possibly adjust the diagnosis, course of treatment, and selected techniques and methods. All this is agreed upon with the patient at the next visit and therapy begins directly.

If the patient leaves the appointment calmed, peaceful, or at least with the feeling that the ice has been broken, time was well spent. Sometimes there is disappointment - in such cases you should not draw hasty conclusions. Perhaps this is just the first consultation, and a second one is needed to ensure the professionalism of the psychotherapist.

Question answer. How long does the appointment last? Primary - from 50 minutes to 1.5 hours. Subsequent ones - about an hour, in accordance with the chosen direction, form of work and technique. Frequency: 1-3 times a week. The average course of treatment is 10 sessions. Numbers may vary depending on the diagnosis and severity of the condition.

Need to be frank

How to behave with a psychologist so that he can understand the real reason for what is happening to his client? So, you need to answer the specialist’s questions honestly and very frankly. Although this moment is not very pleasant, it is necessary to solve the entire problem, especially on the path of its study by a psychologist.

If a person, due to the presence of internal blocks, cannot be frank with a specialist, then he needs to honestly admit this to the latter. All your worries and anxieties need to be worked through together with a psychologist.

There are situations when the doctor himself will recommend that the client contact one of his colleagues.

Psychological schools

The direction determines the specialist’s methodology. Among the popular schools:

  • psychoanalysis;
  • existential analysis;
  • cognitive behavioral psychotherapy;
  • Jungian analysis;
  • Gestalt therapy;
  • person-centered approach.

Regardless of the school chosen, each client must be guaranteed confidentiality. This can be discussed either verbally or enshrined in an agreement. There are exception situations in which a doctor may violate confidentiality: a threat to suicide or the life of someone, a confession of a crime. If a psychotherapist behaves illegally without good reason, he will be forced to bear responsibility for his actions.

Human behavior

Even those people who agree to go for a consultation with a specialist may stop only because they do not know how to communicate with a psychologist. Here it is important to tune in so that the doctor behaves as freely and comfortably as possible. You can talk about yourself standing or sitting down. Sometimes psychologists even suggest lying on the sofa in their office and relaxing.

The most important thing is that you should not be embarrassed to tell a specialist what you want, what seems very important and exciting. You need to be yourself.

In certain situations, a person can even remain silent if it is easier for him, or directly say that he does not know where to start his story. Usually, in this case, the psychologist himself begins to ask him questions to which he would like to receive answers. This helps to find the key to solving a complex problem.

Priorities for initial consultation

There are many approaches to psychotherapy - Gestalt therapy, bodily, behavioral, family, psychoanalysis. The methods are different, but the initial consultation is usually the same. To be precise, its algorithm is similar. The first session is a meeting of two strangers with the goal of shedding light on the problem and strengthening hope for getting rid of it.

Three key tasks:

  • interpersonal – establish trusting contact;
  • diagnostic – formulate a hypothesis about the problem;
  • therapeutic – to outline ways and methods of solving the problem.

What can you expect? Perhaps you will feel better and you will no longer consider your situation hopeless. Perhaps there will be a willingness to take some action or you will understand yourself better. However, 20 minutes, which is how long the first free session lasts, is too little to change your life.

Be active, attentive and responsive. Be prepared to engage in dialogue initiated by the psychologist. For example, here are the questions a psychologist can ask a patient at the first meeting: “What did you come with?”, “What problem is bothering you?”, “How can I help you?” These can be clarifying questions (“Did I understand correctly?”) or questions about feelings (“How do you feel about this?”).

Answer it like it is. And ask counter questions – organizational ones, about the consultant’s education, about the methods used. By the way, often the client’s question “how to get rid of it” is key in the first session - it is he who determines the request and tactics for further work. If you want to get rid of something, let me know.

How a psychologist conducts an appointment

In order to get specialist advice, you must first make an appointment. This can be done over the phone or in person. There is no need to be afraid of anyone. A psychologist is the same person who helps people solve their problems and issues of concern. For example, a woman can no longer live with an unloved husband or work in an enterprise where she does not like, but does not know what to do and what to do. Everyone has their own problems and people are all different, but there is a way out of any situation.

How does an appointment in a psychologist’s office go? Everything is very ordinary. Two people are just talking in a calm atmosphere. One helps the other to express and realize their feelings, thoughts, and overcome internal fears. Of course, if the problem is too complex, then it will take more than one session to solve it. But at the first meeting, the psychologist is simply obliged to understand the essence of the current situation and the reason why the man or woman turned to him. It is very important.

Protection from deceivers

At the first appointment, the psychotherapist always proposes a work plan. Long thoughts, asking the two of you to think about it, or scheduling another meeting indicate unprofessionalism. You should be wary if a specialist says things like “everyone has these problems” or “don’t worry, everyone lives with it.” Unfortunately, a diploma, licenses and certificates do not guarantee that cooperation will be with a professional. Positive reviews on the Internet and recommendations from friends are more reliable in this regard.

It happens that there is no emotional compatibility. For example, body-focused therapy is a poor choice for those who are touch averse. During the first conversation, it is important to determine whether the person can trust the therapist. Any discomfort is a reason to look for another specialist. And also the doctor himself can refuse to work and recommend a colleague.

In addition

How should a psychologist behave so that the person who contacts her wants to come to her again? To begin with, the specialist must calmly listen to her client. She should not interrupt a person if he begins to tell her something.

The professionalism of a psychologist lies in the fact that he must competently bring his patient into a frank dialogue, even if the latter flatly refuses to tell him the whole truth about his life. At the same time, the specialist is obliged to do this as if his client independently began to tell him about his feelings.

There should be no rudeness in the speech of a psychologist. If the latter begins to talk to the client in a raised tone, then there is no point in continuing the conversation with him. In such a situation, it would be best to contact another specialist.


How to behave correctly with a psychologist? This is the question that many people ask when they want to seek help from the specified specialist.

There is no need to come up with any model of behavior for yourself. You should behave with a psychologist in the same way as in ordinary life with other people. If it is convenient to answer his questions while standing, then you need to do it that way, and not while sitting in a chair. A competent psychologist knows how to build a conversation. Using professional techniques, he will invite the person to relax and openly talk about an exciting problem. The client may need to undergo psychological tests. There is no need to be afraid of this.

In order to behave at ease during an appointment with a psychologist, you should prepare yourself mentally. You need to collect your thoughts, make a conversation plan in your head, you can even write it down on a piece of paper. Immediately before the appointment, repeat the sequence of your speech and simply go into the office. The psychologist will not say anything bad, much less do anything. This specialist, in the specifics of his profession, should help people, and not try to aggravate the problem that worries them. Therefore, you need to answer the latter’s questions as they really are. There is no need to lie or invent something unnecessary.

Verbal communication

Psychotherapy, regardless of methods or directions, is all built on verbal communication between the client, that is, you, and the psychotherapist. In simple words, this is just a conversation that is structured competently, and, as a result, brings you to awareness, understanding of the reasons, current circumstances, and a clear understanding of your inner mental state. All this is necessary in order to choose the right methods and ways to get out of a personal crisis or resolve the situation.


Some people are interested in the question of how to conduct a consultation with a psychologist if the client who turns to him refuses to talk about himself and simply remains silent? The answer to this question is known only by the specialist himself, who met the person who came to him.

Perhaps the client is simply afraid of being judged by the psychologist, so internal fear does not allow him to fully open up and talk about painful things. For example, in the practice of these specialists, there are situations when people turn to them who do not know which partner to choose. On the one hand, it’s a shame to talk about this, but on the other hand, you need to make up your mind and get out of the love triangle. Therefore, when a client refuses to talk about his problem on his own, psychologists offer to come to them another time or begin to ask certain questions that will reveal the essence of the situation that has arisen. There's nothing wrong with that. All people are different, each person has their own character and certain difficulties.

Additional Research

Often the information collected at the first appointment is not enough to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment. In such cases, the patient is referred for additional studies, which you should not be afraid of:

  • pathopsychological examination (confirms or refutes the presence of disorders of memory, thinking, attention, will, perception, emotions; carried out by a clinical psychologist);
  • blood and urine tests;
  • hardware examination methods: ECG, EEG, MRI, CT scan of the brain;
  • consultations with specialized doctors: neurologist, narcologist, cardiologist, nutritionist, gastroenterologist.

Based on the data obtained, a more accurate diagnosis is made and complex therapy is prescribed. If medications are prescribed, the psychotherapist is obliged to constantly monitor the patient’s condition throughout the entire course of treatment and adjust the dosage.

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