Features of communication in the modern world. Levels of Communication

Features of communication in the modern world. Levels of Communication

This level of communication is directly related to a sense of humor; it is very important for any informal relationship. For example, family relationships are unlikely to be sufficiently harmonious and constantly renewed without mutual play and humor.

It happens that people with a certain type of character and temperament use the game level in conversations that require a completely different level of communication. This does not mean at all that these people are not capable of serious action, it is simply a consequence of a certain mentality. Such people belong to the hyperthymic psychotype (cheerful, energetic people). By the way, if we are overly irritated by such optimists, maybe we should think about whether we take life too seriously?


The name shows that this level of communication is characterized by the greatest degree of disclosure of one’s personality and immersion in the personality of the interlocutor. This level sometimes requires considerable internal effort, which not everyone is capable of. The spiritual level of communication is used by some especially close relatives and friends. Confessing to a priest, a sincere story about yourself, will certainly require a particularly deep spiritual level of communication. A special feature of the spiritual level of communication is the unhurried pace of speech, the reason for which is a special trusting attitude towards the interlocutor, towards communication with him.

Situation: She shows Him a notebook of her school poems, and He, instead of showing interest, makes the remark: “I thought you were talking about something serious.” This pattern of behavior is fundamentally wrong. She offers Him communication on a spiritual level, but He perceives it on a primitive business level. “Hmm, you made some pretty good sonnets,” he should say, even if it’s not entirely true.

Mask level

Everyone can count many masks. The interlocutor inevitably puts on a mask of friendliness, seriousness, and politeness, since sometimes it is simply psychologically impossible to invest all your mental resources and charm into communication. You should also take into account not only verbal contacts - no less often we encounter someone simply by looking at them, silently shaking someone’s hand, this also takes energy, and we protect ourselves with the help of masks (MirSovetov talked about this in more detail in the material “Nonverbal means of communication"). Note that when you give a less-than-sincere compliment, you put on a mask so as not to get hurt by your own insincerity. The concept of lying is directly related to the mask system. The level of masks also includes the concepts of “Formal level”, “Level of maintaining contact”, “Level of standard conversation” (according to Byudzhental). The formal level is characterized by maintaining a certain impression of oneself and maintaining a certain distance. The level of maintaining contact is communication between people in a more relaxed manner, communication at the level of facts and opinions. The standard conversation level is an everyday dialogue between loved ones and acquaintances.

Differentiation of modern etiquette

Rules of behavior and generally accepted norms will be different for areas of communication. The rules of behavior in age groups and professional groups may also differ. Based on the principle of scope, modern etiquette is differentiated into the following areas:

Rules of conduct in various public places:

  • etiquette for visiting the theater, cinema, library, museum, and other public places;
  • behavior at a disco, dance party or nightclub;
  • rules of behavior in transport;
  • social norms of behavior at school, at work, at lectures;
  • holiday behavior;
  • rules of behavior at work - business etiquette.

Remember the unspoken rule: in the restroom it is not customary to shake or shake hands.

There are also various rules of polite communication:

  • Conversation etiquette - in a meeting, on the phone and on social networks;
  • business negotiations;
  • dating;
  • rules of behavior with neighbors on the street, entrance or house;
  • etiquette of behavior and communication when visiting and receiving guests at home.

There are also more local rules:

  • etiquette of congratulations and gifts;
  • rules for eating in a restaurant, cafe, canteen;
  • greeting etiquette;
  • correct, appropriate clothing;
  • standards for smoking and drinking alcohol.

Modern etiquette differs from the previous, “Soviet” one, which was accepted in our society. Modern people are individual, free from authority. And this is reflected in business communication.

Principles of modern business etiquette

Modern business etiquette is focused on European standards. The usual rules of a neat appearance, hairstyle, and clothing remained in it. And the rules of business communication at work, the relationship between boss and subordinate, or colleague and colleague, have changed a little.

Let us give examples of how modern business communication differs from the previously accepted “Soviet” rules of behavior.

  • Work issues are discussed during working hours. Contacting an employee or boss with questions about work before 9 am and after 6 pm (if the working day is designated as 9-18 hours) is today considered bad manners. This postulate applies to both verbal communication, telephone conversations, and messages on social networks, social pages, and instant messengers.

Note: if you do receive a question regarding work in the evening, you can ignore it until the morning. Unless, of course, the conversation is about saving a person’s life or your own safety.

  • It is not encouraged and considered bad manners to work outside of working hours without appropriate monetary compensation. If production conditions require your presence outside of working hours, or an emergency situation arises, a partner falls ill, or other reasons arise for your going to work, the time and results must be paid.

Note: it would not be bad manners to demand monetary compensation for additional hours of work. But silence and excessive “modesty” in modern life do not decorate a person.

  • Corporate also sets requirements for behavior: arrive on time and limit conversations on personal topics. At corporate events there is a minimum of personal information. Conversations are conducted on general topics that are interesting to everyone.

Note: corporate events are often held outside working hours. In this case, it is not customary to demand monetary compensation for wasted personal time.

  • Division of responsibility is one of the “tricks” of modern business communication. According to today's standards, it is not customary to do the work of another person, to take on his responsibility. It is also not customary to shift your responsibility and work to someone else.

Example: cleaning your desk is the norm. And cleaning the room after work is a relic of “Soviet” times. Cleaning is the function of a cleaner or a specially hired person.

Tolkien's previously unpublished books are being published in Russian for the first time

Published: January 20, 2021
J. R. R. Tolkien’s works “The Lost Road” and “The Death of Gondolin”, previously unpublished in Russian, are being published in Russia for the first time, the press service of the AST publishing house told RIA Novosti.

The Lost Way is part of the 12-volume History of Middle-earth series. The author began working on the book in the second half of the 20s. The novel tells the story of two time travelers who are trying to get to the ancient elven land of Numenor. The book is scheduled for release in February.

The Fall of Gondolin is Tolkien's first work about Middle-earth, written in 1917 in the hospital where he was recovering from an illness. The book was inspired by the bloody Battle of the Somme. The author tells of the fall of the Elven fortress of Gondolin, taken by the forces of Morgoth in the First Age, many thousands of years before the events of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. The book comes out in May.

What characterizes communication?

To begin with, it is worth highlighting the content of communication. It could be:

  • transfer of knowledge or experience;
  • perception of the interlocutor;
  • mutual assessment of each other by interlocutors;
  • mutual influence;
  • interaction;
  • action management.

These are the main points that explain the role of communication in human life.

Now it’s worth moving on to the functions of communication that are recognized in world science:

  1. Instrumental. Dialogue is required in order to take a certain action, and it is also necessary to manage and transmit information.
  2. Syndicate. Dialogue is a means of unification.
  3. Self-expression. Dialogue is used for mutual understanding.
  4. Broadcasting. Dialogue is necessary to convey certain ways of doing things or evaluating things.

Secondary functions are also highlighted:

  • expressive - emotional states and experiences are mutually understood by the interlocutors;
  • social control - determining the algorithm of behavior and actions;
  • socialization - instilling skills in interacting with society according to generally accepted rules.

If one of the previously mentioned functions is broken or completely absent, then establishing contact will be very difficult.

The role of communication in human life: philosophy and psychology

Philosophy views the process of communication as a way through which the internal evolution of society and small groups occurs. This is accomplished through the dialectical interaction of the individual with society.

In psychology, the approach is somewhat different. Here, communication is considered as a process of interaction that is necessary in order to realize other types of human activities.

Communication is one of the main factors in the self-formation of personality, which is confirmed by the findings of psychologists.

Communication difficulties: what reasons and factors prevent easy communication with people? (2 photos)

1. Excessive absorption in oneself and one’s problems. This is a fairly common situation. It is logical that no one will want to communicate with an interlocutor who constantly, as they say, pulls the blanket over himself and talks only about his own affairs, achievements, successes, problems.

2. Categorical. Excessive rigidity and unwillingness to accept the interlocutor’s point of view are possible. But only in certain important cases. Otherwise, arguing for the sake of arguing is a road to nowhere.

3. Uncertainty. Even the most confident people can have complexes. Excessive shyness, limited vocabulary, problems with diction and other factors can cause difficulties when communicating with unfamiliar and strangers.

4. Misunderstanding. Lack of desire to understand the reason for the conversation, its essence, the problem is one of the most common factors that impede dialogue. At the same time, interlocutors more often ignore the problem than try to solve it. A language barrier, rejection of hierarchical relationships, unwillingness or inability to understand verbal signs - body language, gestures, facial expressions - can lead to conflict.

5. Fear. If a person was once interrupted during a dialogue, he may consciously or subconsciously fear a repetition of the situation and experience difficulties in communication because of this.

6. Rejection. It also happens that a person, in fact, does not have any problems, complexes or blocks. It’s just that the interlocutor causes disgust because of his appearance, behavioral characteristics or established reputation.

7. Lack of interest. As well as its excess, it can pose a serious obstacle to conversation. Excessive interest in a person may cause him to suspect that they want to use him. And the lack of interest will lead to its mutual attenuation on the other side.

8. Self-esteem problems. The causes of both high and low self-esteem should be sought in childhood. People with low self-esteem lack a clear understanding of their own self-image, strengths and weaknesses. This gives rise to a lot of contradictions and self-doubts. This interferes with defending your opinion and protecting your interests. Even when aiming for success, people with low self-esteem are obviously prepared for failure and expect it. In an attempt to protect themselves, they try to be invisible, often missing out on a lot of opportunities and prospects. The second side of the coin is inflated self-esteem. Such people consider themselves the center of the universe, an ideal, a standard. And when communicating with others, they show disdain. They seem to tell the interlocutor and the world that if something does not suit someone, then everyone can be free, he will not strain himself. Individuals with high self-esteem, when communicating, exalt their own merits in every possible way and belittle the merits of others. And this also creates difficulties when interacting with society.

What are means of human communication

Mutual communication occupies a huge part of human life. It helps to express thoughts, feelings, intentions. The most common types of information exchange are through words and gestures. Psychology distinguishes two types of communication:

  • verbal (speech, intonation);
  • non-verbal (facial expressions, gestures, posture).

For example, speech can be internal, when a person thinks mentally, external, conversational, etc., as well as posture, open and closed.

Rowling's "Bad Blood" became the most popular New Year's book

Published: January 20, 2021
At the same time, during the holidays, Russians more actively read and listened to books on self-development, psychology, personal growth and effectiveness.

The new exciting detective story “Bad Blood” by the British writer JK Rowling, writing under the pseudonym Robert Galbraith, became the most popular e-book of the past New Year holidays among Russians. The rating of the most read books was compiled by the liters service.

The leaders are also Mike Ohmer's bestseller "Inside the Killer", Daniel Kahneman's motivational book "Think Slowly... Decide Fast", a universal guide to overcoming existential crises "Expand Your Consciousness Legally" by Vladislav Gaidukevich and Fredrik Backman's new hit "Anxious People".

Difference in communication structure

There is a certain structure of communication, usually the following sides of the dialogue are distinguished:

  1. Communicative. This is the exchange of information between interlocutors.
  2. Interactive. Sharing both knowledge and actions.
  3. Perceptual. The process of perceiving each other during a conversation. Assessment of appearance, character and other traits.

The main means of communication remains language, but dialogue can also involve gestures, various signs and other ways to convey your thoughts to the interlocutor.

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