“Not an extrovert, but an electric broom!” Characteristics of an irrepressible behavioral type

There is an opinion that this is a rather sociable person, slightly superficial, in most cases talkative, the complete opposite of a thoughtful and not very sociable introvert. But this popular belief is vague and a bit misleading. The founder of the concepts of “extrovert” and “introvert,” Carl Gustav Jung, never described an “extrovert” in this way.

So, an extrovert is a person facing people, aimed at the outside world and communication in it


Extrovert and extroversion: a detailed description

On stage I’m an extrovert, but what I’m like in life is a completely different story.
Freddie Mercury

  • 1. Brief characteristics of an extroverted person
  • 2. Features of an extrovert as a person
  • 3.Main characteristics of an extrovert
  • 4.Features of raising extroverts
  • 5.What are the advantages of an extroverted child?
  • 6. Behavior of an introverted parent with an extroverted child
  • 7.Helping an extroverted child with school homework 7.1.Tips for doing homework
  • 8. We strengthen the positive aspects of an extroverted child and correct the negative aspects
  • 9.8 Main types of extroverts
      9.1.1. Logical-intuitive extrovert “Entrepreneur, Jack London”
  • 9.2.2. Logical-sensory extrovert “Administrator, Stirlitz”
  • 9.3.3. Ethical-intuitive extrovert “Mentor, Hamlet”
  • 9.4.4. Ethical-sensory extrovert “Enthusiast, Hugo”
  • 9.5.5. Intuitive-logical extrovert: “The Seeker, Don Quixote”
  • 9.6.6. Intuitive-ethical extrovert: “Adviser, Huxley”
  • 9.7.7. Sensory-logical extrovert: “Marshal, Zhukov”
  • 9.8.8. Sensory-ethical extrovert: “Politician, Napoleon”
  • 10.Extroverts and relationships
  • 11. The difference between “passionate” and “businesslike” extroverts
  • 12. Frequently asked questions on the topic of extroverts
      12.1.Is it possible to become an extrovert?
  • 12.2.Who is a polygamous extrovert?
  • 13.Why are extroverts so frivolous?
  • 14. Is it possible to turn an extrovert into an introvert?
    • Only introverts can see these hidden images, thanks to their unique powers of observation.
    • Introvert - who is it? The whole truth about introverts
    • "Rorschach stains" or a test for psychopaths
    • Who do you see first? Your answer will show your personality!
    • Psychology of color: How each color characterizes personality

    Brief characteristics of an extroverted person

    So what is an extrovert, you say?
    First of all, this is a person for whom what is happening around her is paramount, rather than internal problems and experiences. The main signs of an extrovert can be noticeable outwardly when you first meet a person. This is directly reflected in his behavior, unprincipled communication, as well as in his attitude towards a particular situation. For an extrovert, the value of primacy is determined by society, and not by his inner world. You can recognize an extrovert by his gaze; it is directed clearly at the interlocutor, while an introvert averts his eyes and looks at other objects during the conversation.

    An extrovert is a person who will not delve into his soul and reflect on his mistakes. He lives for today, for him the main thing is what is happening around him at the moment. For example, extroverted actors completely and completely enter into character at every rehearsal, not to mention the performance itself.

    Is it possible to change from an introvert to an extrovert?

    How to determine your type?

    Carl Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist of the 20th century, developed a theory of temperament. He identified two types of temperament - introversion and extroversion, but said that there is an intermediate link between these categories. The term “ambivert” was introduced by modern psychologists. It characterizes a person who is fueled by external and internal energy.

    Carl Jung described the negative aspects of each type. Extroverts are not self-critical and try too hard to make a favorable impression. Introverts, on the other hand, lack self-confidence and lack communication skills.

    But ambiverts successfully extract the best of both types, achieving great success. They are persistent, but not aggressive, always inspire trust and know how to maintain harmonious communication.

    Features of an extrovert as a person

    There is an opinion that an extrovert, whose characteristic is a social principle directed outward, is much more successful than an introvert, fixated on his inner world.
    And this is rather a rule for which there are multiple confirmations. And here it doesn’t matter whether you are an extroverted woman or a man, personality traits are the same for any gender.

    The main character traits of an extrovert:

    • An extrovert is a sociable person who easily makes new acquaintances;
    • Very proactive, eagerly takes on any task, although he does not complete everything;
    • Loves attention, speaking in front of an audience;
    • He loves praise, with his deeds and behavior he makes sure that he is singled out more often;
    • An extrovert quickly adapts to any team;
    • Most often he has violent gestures and facial expressions.

    Features of the introvert psychotype

    Work for introverts - what profession is suitable for this type of people

    An introvert is a self-sufficient person who does not depend on his environment, does not need constant company and copes well with loneliness.

    Who is an introvert:

    • He does not avoid communication, the main thing for him is to feel comfortable, so that people are well known to him;
    • He does not seek to enter into dialogue; he can be close to the crowd and feel like part of it. Such interaction with society is enough for an introvert.

    The desire to escape

    There are times when introversion manifests itself too strongly in a person’s behavior. Then long-term communication is a burden for him, he tries to escape from the interlocutor after a few minutes. Such people are characterized by increased anxiety and suspiciousness. Their energy is directed inwards, which is especially evident in stressful situations. Then introverts become isolated, trying to find a solution on their own. They digest the information internally, replaying what happened. For them, the main thing is silence, the only desire is to be left alone. This is very difficult for close introverts.

    Positive sides

    An introvert is a person who, at first glance, seems unsociable and gloomy. He does not immediately adapt to changes, which prevents him from opening up and expressing himself.

    Who is an introvert, characteristics of positive qualities:

    • Acts thoughtfully, carefully planning every step. At the same time, he is distinguished by his sense of purpose and brings the work he starts to the end;
    • Has a rich fantasy and imagination;
    • He is responsible and attentive. Introverts can be trusted with your experiences; they will listen without interrupting. They know how to be friends;
    • Has the ability to cope with monotonous tasks and is diligent. Therefore, such people find it easier to study. This also applies to adulthood, when a person engages in self-education, improving his knowledge and skills;
    • Tends to be overly observant, analyzes events and behavior;
    • Controls emotions, tries to avoid conflicts, and is patient.

    Suitable job

    For introverts, any work from home is suitable, when contact with society is kept to a minimum. They can do accounting and tutoring. Among introverts there are many copywriters, rewriters, bloggers, and representatives of other humanitarian professions. They can work in a team, but solitude leads to productive activity and better results.

    Introvert at work

    The following professions are suitable for introverts:

    • crafts, for example, jeweler, carpenter;
    • technical, which includes a programmer, sound engineer, mathematician, engineer;
    • artistic - a sculptor, painter, restorer.

    Features of communication with introverts

    An introvert is easily caught off guard, so there is no need to rush in unexpectedly and demand an immediate response. It is important for him to be prepared for conversation, and even more so for action. He must think through a plan of action in advance, only then will self-confidence appear.

    Important! It is not easy for an introvert to immediately formulate an answer, as evidenced by long silence during a conversation. This happens due to the difficulty of immediately finding words. Therefore, there is no need to rush him, much less be offended.

    Introvert or introvert who is it:

    • Differs in excessive vulnerability. Even if a person is outwardly calm, a real storm can occur inside him;
    • Not inclined to show emotions;
    • He wants to feel needed, he must understand that his opinion is valued. Therefore, it is better to remind about this once again and inquire about your well-being.

    Main characteristics of an extrovert

    Descriptions of extroverts often come down to superficiality, which makes people think of them as unbridled, restless individuals, without any internal needs and experiences.
    Such judgments are incorrect; everyone cannot be measured by a few sentences about personality type that are read in tests. It even happens that an extrovert gets embarrassed, this is not alien to him either. Many people, behind the external pretense and restlessness of an extrovert, cannot see his deep inner world. Only they delve into themselves extremely rarely; in most cases, this happens in order to obtain a spiritual analysis, which is necessary for carrying out affairs in the outside world.

    There are 10 myths about extroverts that are shattered to smithereens if you take a closer look at this type of person. It is believed that extroverts lack emotional vulnerability and depth - this is not so. They fully express their emotions and will not hide their feelings; on the contrary, if the situation requires it, they will tell the whole world about them.

    These, at first glance, superficial people understand others well, but at the same time they cannot always understand themselves. Often, personal emotions and feelings remain a secret to themselves, while the actions of others are completely open to them.

    So who is this extrovert really? This is someone who will not find out why they look at him askance and what the environment is not happy with in his behavior. No hints or secret gestures will force an extrovert to change his manners.

    For him, specificity and directness are important, without any omissions. And this can be called a big plus in the characteristics of an extrovert, because life is much easier for him than for an introvert who spends hours analyzing situations and the behavior of other people. The ability to understand others and personal sociability leads to the fact that our described ones always have many friends and acquaintances, in principle, which is what extroverts love.

    My child is an introvert

    Extraversion and temperament.

    Phlegmatic and melancholic people are extremely rare among extroverts. And if they do come across it, it’s probably mixed with a sanguine or choleric type of temperament. Moreover, the latter clearly predominate.

    Sanguine extroverts.

    These are the most good-natured people, selfless philanthropists and altruists. They intuitively feel when they should be close to a loved one and cheer him up, make him smile. A few more typical features:

    • unwavering optimism;
    • curiosity, passion;
    • naivety, gullibility;
    • the ability to forgive, sacrifice;
    • compromise, reliability.

    However, you should not think that a sanguine extrovert is a harmless Bambi, whom anyone can hurt. He is quite capable of standing up for himself and fighting back. However, it will take a lot of effort to anger him. The sanguine person will try to settle everything peacefully until the last moment.

    Choleric extroverts.

    An extroverted choleric person is a bull in the arena. And anyone who disagrees with him, reproaches or insults him is a red rag. He is easily excitable and can make a scene even over the smallest thing. However, he also openly and vividly knows how to express joy, gratitude, and respect. In addition, he:

    • jealous, stubborn, self-willed, proud;
    • ready to take responsibility and be responsible for others;
    • knows how to motivate, inspire, tends to dominate and protect;
    • does not tolerate competitors and always tries to be the best;
    • ready to help relatives at any time.

    These are the most passionate individuals who require a lot of attention to themselves. As a rule, their goals are grandiose and ambitious. If they decide that their friends' hats are not warm enough, they will buy them new ones. And not only hats, but also gloves, scarves, socks, and at the same time thermal underwear.

    Features of raising extroverts

    What to do if you were told that your child is an extrovert?
    There is nothing terrible here, it’s even for the better, the main thing is to raise the child correctly so as not to break his personality. First of all, make sure you determine your child's type correctly. Already in early childhood, the mental states of extroverts are determined by increased excitability. Among their peers, this is the leader and the soul of the company; such children show leadership positions from an early age. Little extroverts are superior to their introverted peers in everything, they shout louder, play more actively, and are always the center of attention.

    Many parents are scared that their child is an extrovert, but they don’t fully know what it is. You shouldn’t get hysterical, because this type has many positive aspects, but there are also negative aspects. To smooth out the corners and grow your personality, you must listen to the rules for raising extroverts.

    Ambivert: between introvert and extrovert

    What is extraversion in psychology?

    Let's start with the main thing. Extraversion is an outward movement in psychology. This type of person constantly seeks contact with the universe around him, which includes colleagues, relatives, friends, strangers and random people. This kind of behavior is dictated by the physiological characteristics of extroverts. If earlier the motives for their behavior remained a mystery, then with the development of technology, scientists have figured out why some need privacy, while others require constant contact.

    The concepts of extraversion and introversion were introduced into psychology by the founder of scientific psychology, C. Jung. But modern science increasingly correlates this term with the personality of G. Eysenck and his theory of psychotypes.

    Eysenck, Hans Jurgen (more on Wikipedia)
    In his opinion, extroverts need additional stimulation of the cerebral cortex due to the characteristics of physiological development. These features of division into psychotypes are laid down even before birth.

    Extroversion is the need to develop with the help of external stimuli. This effect can only be achieved by coming into contact with other people. Research shows that extroverts have more blood flowing to the parts of the brain that deal with sensory and emotional experiences, and less blood to the parts that control planning and decision-making.

    If you still don’t understand the difference, here’s a clear example. In a state of extroversion, a person is more assertive and talkative.

    Why did I say able?

    Because this trait is inherent not only to pure extroverts, but also to ambiverts, who are a borderline variety of people. This is another type of psyche.

    Let's return to “pure”, pronounced extroverts. They are excellent at interacting with a group, enjoy the time they spend in a large company and sometimes suffer from loneliness. We can say that they are excited and tense around someone and they need this stimulus for the fullness of life. Being in forced solitude, such a person will suffer from boredom.

    What are the advantages of an extroverted child?

    The main advantage of an extrovert is his innate adaptability to communication, which is what we will call the external need of such children.
    While an introvert should be introduced to society and taught how to behave correctly in a group, an extrovert is fully adapted to this. Without any training, the baby enters any society and within a couple of minutes communicates as equals, this is the first advantage of this personality type. If we consider what an extrovert means to his parents, it is worth saying that this is better than an introvert.

    Advantages of an extroverted child:

    • Quick adaptation in kindergarten, school;
    • Childlike developed communication skills, able to communicate with both children and adults;
    • Asks interesting questions without hesitation;
    • Shows dissatisfaction with people or situations;
    • Quickly gets involved in a new game, even if the children on the playground are already playing it;
    • He is not afraid of attention and publicity; on the contrary, he tries to put himself on display;
    • An extroverted child is open to everything new and unknown.

    An extrovert does not need to be taught all of the above; this frees parents from the lion's share of work with such children.
    But there are pitfalls here too. In particular, if you yourself are an introvert, and your child is an extrovert, then it will not be easy. Introversion in psychology - what is it?

    Chances of success in society

    As we have already found out, ambiversion is an organic combination of the best characteristics of other psychotypes.
    Therefore, when choosing a path in life, such a person always considers the possibility of separating career and personal space, which will help in the future to avoid stressful situations at home and at work. After all, where it is difficult for an introvert and an extrovert to find a common language, an ambivert will certainly help out, who perfectly understands everyone on a subconscious level and knows how to smooth out conflicts that arise in a team. Positive and negative qualities are inherent in absolutely everyone. However, those who often communicate with ambiverts are sincerely surprised at the ability of people of this type to withstand any ups and downs of life. Pleasant interlocutors who know how to not only defend their point of view, but also listen to the opposite opinion, they easily move from a state of internal contemplation to active action or, conversely, after an exciting discussion they calmly move into the rank of an outside observer, which makes it possible to replenish wasted energy.

    Public people - politicians, actors, singers, world-famous inventors usually appear before us in a good mood to maintain their image. I wonder which of them consider themselves ambiverts?

    Tsygvintseva Anastasia · Feb 16, 2021

    Behavior of an introverted parent with an extroverted child

    What an extroverted child means to an introverted parent is the exact opposite.
    Coming home from work, such fathers and mothers want to relax and be in silence, but that’s not the case, they are put under pressure by an extroverted child. Here you should radically change your behavior and under no circumstances push the baby away. To raise a full-fledged personality, you should not lead such children to hysterics, and only after them pay attention to your child. Hysterics and crying will immediately take root and become normal, the baby will know that only with them he can achieve the desired attention of his parents. During a street walk, a home game or a simple dinner, talk to your child, listen to his opinion, express your vision. Adults often don’t do this, leaving such important moments in the upbringing of an extrovert to chance.

    Sanguine: type of temperament and its characteristics


    How do you know if you are an extrovert? You can independently take the test of the German-British psychologist Hans Eysenck.


    1. Read the statement carefully.
    2. Imagine the situation described.
    3. Ask yourself how you would act in it.
    4. Write down the first answer that comes to mind.
    5. If you agree with a statement, put a “+” sign next to it.
    6. If you do not agree, use the “-” sign.



    Interpretation of answers:

    Using the Eysenck questionnaire, you can also determine the type of temperament:

    • an emotionally stable extrovert is a sanguine person;
    • emotionally stable introvert - phlegmatic;
    • emotionally unstable extrovert - choleric;
    • emotionally unstable introvert - melancholic.

    This is the simplest and at the same time accurate and detailed test for an extrovert or introvert.

    Helping an extroverted child with school homework

    Remember that an extrovert is a person who spreads his attention if it concerns him personally.
    This behavior also transfers to studies, if you don’t engage with the baby, don’t explain to him and don’t let him think about the situation, you won’t see any success in successfully completing the school curriculum. These children themselves are very smart, but their lack of perseverance and reluctance to show interest in learning prevents them from independently acquiring knowledge.

    Homework Tips

    • Before doing homework, you need to get your extroverted child ready for work. A simple 15-minute conversation, discussion of a movie or some situation will help with this;
    • Before letting your child complete a task on his own, review it verbally and make sure your child knows how to do it. Successful completion of the work independently will encourage him to further successful work;
    • Written essays will be better presented if your child first records them on a voice recorder, and then from it he will formulate the correct sentences and enter them into a notebook.

    Who to work with?

    Ambiverts do well in organizational professions. Organize a festival or meeting? Exhibition or concert? It will obviously not be difficult for them.

    Ready for long-term contacts with clients - can work well in the service sector. Positions such as recruiting manager and deal negotiator will be suitable. They often become good leaders.

    Ambiverts achieve much greater success in business than extroverts and introverts.

    Strengthening the positive aspects of an extroverted child and correcting the negative aspects

    First of all, in order to form a worthy person who will subsequently prove himself as an individual, parents should take into account the recommendations for raising an extroverted child.
    Most of all, such children love communication, give it to them. If you yourself cannot communicate at the moment, take your baby outside, be sure to enroll him in kindergarten, take him to grandma’s, or take him to the circus. Try to ensure that your baby receives as much nourishment as possible in the form of communication; under no circumstances lock him alone in the room

    , even as punishment.

    An excellent solution would be to assign an extroverted child to various sports sections. Here you should choose active activities so that the child gives physical energy, and also communicates with peers and coaches. With success, such children can also attend creative classes; a theater group is perfect here, where they can throw out all their emotional fervor, talk to the point of not wanting to, and also dance. Be sure to praise your child after each lesson, he really needs it, without praise, extroverts wither.

    Extroverts and relationships

    Considering a pair of extrovert and extrovert, the compatibility of these two identical types, it is difficult to say unequivocally what should be expected from such a relationship.
    In order to accurately determine and correctly draw a conclusion, it is necessary to divide all extroverts into two types: passionate and businesslike. Passionate:

    • Hugo;
    • Hamlet;
    • Napoleon;
    • Huxley.


    • Don Quixote;
    • Zhukov;
    • Jack London;
    • Stirlitz.

    Now consider an extroverted man and an extroverted woman, taking into account the proposed divisions.

    The difference between “passionate” and “businesslike” extroverts

    Passionate people prefer to act, actively entering into the search for a soul mate, while business people wait, dreaming of finding their happiness between their affairs.
    For “passionate” people, communication is perceived as an exchange of emotions, they get married early and get divorced quickly. For “business” people, feelings and relationships are more profound; they are not scattered left and right. In general, if “passionate with business”, “passionate with passionate” or “business with business” meet in a marriage, this does not lead to anything good. It’s not for nothing that there are introverts who are the complete opposite of emotional extroverts; in these unions, complete balancing is achieved (introvert and extrovert).

    • The union of “ passionate and businesslike
      ” will lead to constant scandals, the pursuit of championship, these are two rivals, both in the family and outside it;
    • The union of “ business and business
      ” expresses the impact on each other with equal force. Moreover, each of them does not succumb to this influx, which leads to conflicts. There may be a variant of such a relationship if their actions are coordinated and simultaneously directed outward (joint business);
    • The union of “ passionate and passionate
      ” will be endowed with constant reproaches due to intransigence to each other. They will not even be able to unite to repel an external enemy; each will act alone. There will be no long-term unity in such relationships.

    In friends company

    An extrovert has excellent communication skills - this is their innate characteristic. In company they are open, courteous, friendly, and have many friends. They are the epicenter of all events in their environment. You won’t get bored with them, because they are always active and ready to come up with something interesting and adventurous. Sometimes, due to their emotionality, extroverts can say too much. But at the same time, thanks to their friendliness, they quickly establish contact. At the party, they will try to communicate with as many people as possible. They strive for strong, vivid impressions, are prone to risk, and often act impulsively. They prefer to act rather than reason, sometimes prone to aggressive behavior and can be unrestrained.

    In a group of friends, an introvert will not communicate his thoughts and emotions to everyone. Therefore, any idea he publicly voices is of great importance to him. They are reserved, get close only to a few, and therefore have few friends, but are devoted to them. The ultimate dream of an introvert is to sit down with a book in a quiet room while another person silently goes about their business. The strength of feeling for him is expressed in the ability to remain silent. In a company, they tend to look closely for a long time and take a pause before starting any contact. An introvert will think first and then move on to dialogue. Sometimes they tend to retire even during parties, but this does not mean that they are not interested in the company of people. You just need to digest the impressions. Much more than noisy groups, introverts love deep, thoughtful one-on-one conversations. At the same time, what is important is that socially adapted introverts can easily behave in a company in the same way as extroverts.

    Frequently asked questions about extroverts

    Is it possible to become an extrovert?

    People are often interested in the question of whether it is possible to become an extrovert or whether this is given to a person from birth.
    Previously it was believed that no, today there is a different opinion on this matter. An extrovert can become an introvert if he begins to behave like the opposite personality type. Over time, this behavior will become a habit, and we will have a happy new extrovert. Some say that there are extrovert pills that make a person talkative, but this is a myth. So how to become an extrovert? Yes, only independent daily work and purposefulness will help an introvert transform into a completely opposite personality.

    What is a polygamous extrovert?

    A polygamous extrovert is a person who does not become attached to one member of the opposite sex; multiple connections and frequent hobbies are much more important to him.
    In the modern world, this can be polygamy or polyandry (official) or frequent short-term relationships and quick separations. Also, a polygamous extrovert can have an affair or several affairs on the side while being married.

    Extroverts are often hated for this reason, lumping them with the same brush. And they also often speak in their direction with ridicule, you are a polygamous extrovert with an air of assimilation, etc.


    Recommended professions for extroverts that involve frequent communication with people:

    • actor/entertainer/singer/comedian;
    • teacher / pedagogue / teacher / educator;
    • manager/administrator;
    • shop assistant;
    • tourism instructor/guide-translator;
    • care worker/social worker;
    • correspondent/journalist;
    • trainer/fitness instructor;
    • office manager / personal assistant to the manager / secretary;
    • military officer/policeman;
    • presenter / toastmaster / party organizer / animator;
    • diplomat / politician / deputy;
    • lawyer/lawyer;
    • doctor;
    • recruiter / HR specialist / personnel officer;
    • as well as all management positions: director, head of department, etc.

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