How to give up your usual way of life and change your lifestyle?

Author of the material:

Igor Lyadsky

Geneticist, writer, business coach, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).

If a person is thinking about how to start leading a correct lifestyle, this means that he is not satisfied with something in the current state of affairs. To understand whether changes are needed, just ask yourself a question: does my lifestyle make me happy, help me develop? If the answer is “no”, but the time has come for change, and simple recommendations will help with this

What it is

Lifestyle can be understood as a list of activities of both one person and a certain social group. Using this concept, you can determine how the society of one country lives, what features it has.

A lifestyle is something that is formed under the influence of the environment. Even if Europeans have the same level of material well-being, social status, and lifestyle, they will be different, because people grow up under the influence of national attitudes.

For example, the Japanese have a strong sense of community. A citizen of the Land of the Rising Sun will first think whether he is disturbing someone with his activity, and only then will he move on to it. This behavior is unusual for Europeans.


What kind of behavior pattern is this? People who find pleasure in being alone should not be considered strange. After all, they simply do not need to communicate with others. This does not mean that they try to withdraw into themselves and not receive any new information from the outside world. For this purpose they have the Internet and books. Such people are not always hermits. They're just introverts. Not all people find pleasure in noisy drinking in nightclubs; some people prefer to spend the evening over a cup of tea, talking with their best friend.

Main components

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The concept of lifestyle is very multifaceted; it includes not only the level of physical activity. It includes the opportunity to purchase material goods, quality of life (availability of medical services, education, etc.).

The style of existence also matters: whether a person is active in social or political activities, whether he is engaged in education, etc. Another important component is the way of life. These include traditions, laws of society, and the level of culture of the population.

Can this behavior be positive?

People with an antisocial personality type are not encouraged in modern society. However, in some religions and religious traditions such behavior may be considered positive.

Asociality is a person’s closeness to God, which he strives for by abandoning ordinary earthly life. Such people are usually called blessed, holy fools.

Asociality is encouraged in Christianity, Catholicism, and Buddhism. It is in the context of closeness to God. These religions teach to help other people and not to turn away from society.

Do you think asociality can serve a person well? Share your opinion in the comments.

An example of asociality among brilliant people in the video. Why are they lonely?


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A person is not born with a certain set of useful life activities. Lifestyle is formed under the influence of different attitudes, for example, national or family.

Parents are the first role models

Much depends on what social group a person belongs to. For example, if it is customary to actively engage in sports, then he adopts this habit. It is impossible to say unequivocally what the formation of a lifestyle may depend on - each individual is influenced by a combination of factors.

Manifestations of asociality at different ages

The appearance of antisocial personality traits can be observed at different ages.


Children with antisocial tendencies are immediately noticeable in a group. They are practically not interested in educational activities, games, clubs, and assignments. Such children display aggressive and sadistic tendencies and may be caught stealing toys and sweets. They also demonstrate a number of other behavioral traits:

  1. Inability to find a common language with peers.
  2. Tendency to conflict behavior.
  3. Increased hysteria, frequent cases of rudeness.
  4. Cruelty to animals and other people.

When antisocial children become school students, they are placed on special records as those who are difficult to educate.


If antisocial behavior in childhood was not corrected, then there is a high probability that it will remain with the child for the rest of his life.

In adolescence, antisocial behavior deepens and becomes decisive. Antisocial teenagers are characterized by:

  1. They often fall into bad company and are burdened by the care of their parents.
  2. An antisocial lifestyle is perceived as something romantic.
  3. They consider themselves to be part of youth subcultures and make corresponding friends.
  4. They commit demonstratively rude, ugly acts, and feel proud about this.
  5. Prove to others that they demonstrate their exclusivity through antisocial behavior.
  6. Refuse to do homework and other school assignments.
  7. They do not recognize the authority of teachers, parents, and other adults.
  8. They engage in promiscuous sexual intercourse.
  9. They leave home and engage in vagrancy.


In adulthood, children's and adolescents' antisocial habits only take root. They can get worse due to bad habits. Adult antisocial behavior is characterized by:

  1. Lack of stable income.
  2. Disrespect for other people.
  3. Lack of permanent residence.
  4. Committing immoral acts.

Often, so-called unrecognized geniuses who stand out from the crowd with their provocative views, ideas, and creations are considered asocial people.

Main types

A person can change his existence scenarios many times during his life. They are different: healthy, bachelor, secular and others. Everyone chooses for themselves what they prefer.


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Includes the concept of proper nutrition, level of physical activity, and preventive measures. With this lifestyle, a person gives up bad habits; it is important for him to direct his energy correctly. When maintaining a healthy lifestyle, the thought of harm to the body is unacceptable for an individual.

Important! Everyone has their own concept of a healthy existence, but you shouldn’t go to extremes: raw food diet, dry fasting, etc.


In this case, it is not necessary to strive to belong to the upper strata of society. It is enough to actively attend social events, expose your life on social networks, and adhere to fashion in clothing. This category of people is very attached to communications; they need to constantly get to know each other, communicate, and spend time together.


This lifestyle is characterized by avoidance of marriage. At the same time, a person does not refuse to date someone, but a serious relationship is not for him. For an individual, his personal boundaries are of particular value.


For this category of people, the most important thing is marriage, maintaining family relationships, and being in the thick of things.

With this way of life, a person knows how to make compromises, takes into account the opinions of all participants

As a reasonable motivation, the individual chooses the opportunity to improve the well-being of the family.


Sometimes people think it's okay to be alone. Such individuals do not need noisy companies; it is normal for them to be without the support of others. Simple examples of typical pastimes are reading books, the Internet, watching a movie. Such a lifestyle cannot be considered pathological.


Is at the peak of popularity. It includes travel, sports, etc. any change in the usual environment. They take into account all types of activity that exist in a person’s life, for example, going to the gym or boxing section.


With this lifestyle, a person strives for a luxurious existence. He not only attends official social events, but also tries to dress expensively and wear elegant jewelry made of precious metals.

Such people make up their lives not only from entertainment events. They actively go to the gym, have a flexible schedule, and are engaged in an atypical business. It is impossible to say unequivocally which way of life is the most correct. Each person makes his own choice.


Rich people and their children can afford the best. What lifestyle is considered aristocratic? People who can afford to fly abroad for the weekend or go on a cruise ship fit this definition. But today many factory workers have the opportunity to travel. The difference between them and aristocrats is that an ordinary person will save money for a vacation all year, and a wealthy entrepreneur can arrange a trip for himself as a reward for a successful deal. What does an aristocratic lifestyle include, besides expensive entertainment events? A relaxed daily routine, great food, gym sessions, beauty treatments and challenging business activities.

Alternative views

With a strict lifestyle, a person strives to show only the behavior that is approved by society. He wants to please everyone and demonstrate his trustworthiness.

Important! The individual places very high demands on others that are difficult to meet.

In psychology, such behavior is viewed as excessive perfectionism, which leads to bad consequences.

The individual does not always adhere to a healthy existence. Someone goes into a riotous lifestyle. Such a person strives to have fun, he puts his desires above all else. May be prone to bad habits.

An individual may have different lifestyles, for example, a combination of a healthy lifestyle and an active lifestyle. During his existence, he will change his habits more than once.

What other lifestyles are there?

We talked about the most famous and popular models of human existence. What other ways of life are there? Here is a list of some of them:

  • night;
  • west;
  • Soviet;
  • unhealthy;
  • wandering;
  • luxurious;
  • free;
  • respectable;
  • stag;
  • wasteful;
  • Spartan;
  • reclusive.

This list can be continued for a long time. Lifestyle and health are directly related in almost all of these points. After all, only a person who is not susceptible to disease can exist in harmony with his body and mind. Psychological illnesses rarely affect a person who is healthy in body and spirit.

Children's lifestyle

Due to his age, the child is dependent on his parents. They decide what he will eat, how he will behave, where he will go (school, kindergarten, private educational institutions, etc.).

Sometimes a child grows physically, but his thinking remains just as immature. It’s easier for him when decisions are made for him; he shifts responsibility for his life to another adult.

Such behavior is called infantilism. This word has many definitions, the main meaning being mental immaturity. With this way of life, a person is dependent on another. He can easily become a victim of scammers, manipulators and other dangerous individuals.

Causes of antisocial behavior with examples

An antisocial personality does not become such just like that; this is preceded by a number of different reasons.

Social reasons.Medical reasons.Pedagogical reasons.
Parents or a partner showed antisociality, tried to assert themselves or achieve their own at the expense of the person.Deviations in the psychosomatic sphere (diseases caused by a negative emotional state).Parents and other relatives made excessive demands on the child that were not appropriate for his age.
The person was in a situation of social or material inequality.Infantile behavior.The baby grew up in an atmosphere of excessive love and was never denied anything.
The cause of antisocial behavior was subcultures, religious sects, and other public organizations.Development of hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder in childhood.The child did not have a positive role model or support.
Living in a dysfunctional family.Violation of the intrauterine development of the child, the presence of infections.The child was often punished, it was done unfairly and undeservedly, and physical force was used.
Severe experiences of physical, sexual or emotional abuse.Diagnosed with schizotypal personality disorder, schizophrenia.Parents ignored the child's needs.
Bullying (bullying, evil ridicule, persecution).Trauma or infection of the brain.The baby was not taken care of enough or, conversely, was overprotected.
Impaired communication with peers and classmates.The family did not have an atmosphere of love, trust, or warmth.
The presence of dependencies with the further formation of deviant (deviant) behavior.The child did not have an aesthetic education; adults did not instill a sense of beauty.

Pandemic as a cause of antisociality, see the video below.

How to change

At a certain point in life, a person thinks that his lifestyle is abnormal and unhealthy. In this case, he will have to radically change his worldview, but this is very difficult to do.

You need to start by listing what you are not happy with at the moment. It is advisable to understand each irritating factor in detail. For example, if the job is unpleasant, maybe it’s the salary or the colleagues?

You can write down a list of desired changes, this will allow you to tune in to changes

There is no need to try to fix everything instantly. It is better to draw up a short action plan that will help you achieve your goals. Difficulties and unforeseen obstacles may arise, this is normal.

When changing lifestyle, a person experiences severe discomfort. His ideas about the world and people change, he acquires new moral principles. Such a departure from the comfort zone is always unpleasant.

Don't stop halfway. A trained spirit allows you to easily solve any difficulties. Gradually, the individual gets used to new types of activity, and they stop making him nervous.

If a person’s goal is “to acquire new social connections,” then he should constantly look for new acquaintances. This way he will develop communication skills and it will be easy for him to communicate. One goal can be achieved in different ways. Therefore, you should not get upset and despair after the first mistake.

Why do people lead immoral lives?

The question is quite trivial. After all, a person’s fate is directly influenced by his upbringing. Of course, class and lifestyle are related. But this vicious circle can be broken. The son of a worker and a cook can become a businessman, and the daughter of a millionaire can easily squander the entire family fortune. Although such cases are still exceptions. Usually people do not go beyond their social circle given to them from birth. Why do some individuals not only not try to develop, but also aggravate an already deplorable situation? Bad habits, weak willpower and apathy are the main reasons for the reluctance to change anything. And when you add the thought that life is bad and it will never get better, no matter how hard you try, then the person completely disappears. Such people are capable of committing immoral acts, and it is very difficult to change them. No matter how much a psychologist assures a person that everything can be changed, until the person believes in himself, change cannot be expected.

Origins of immorality

Lifestyle can also be negative. This category includes drug addicts, alcoholics, lumpen people and other individuals who lead an unapproved existence. Such people may be defined as socially disadvantaged.

People from bad families are not always marginalized

Most often, immoral behavior is formed in childhood. When a person does not receive punishment for bad deeds, he gets used to the fact that he can behave as he pleases. Public reproach is not always welcomed in culture, so the emergence of marginalized people is natural.

Another reason is mental illness. With some diseases, a person lacks empathy, self-criticism and other important personality traits. The difference between this condition and lifestyle is in organic disorders. Mental illnesses can be easily identified by a doctor of the appropriate profile.

In official medical practice, you can find different cases. Some people manage to overcome marginal behavior and return to society. Others prefer to stay where they live.

As preventative measures, it is necessary to provide an immoral person with useful activities and help him develop spiritual ideas. He is taught to maintain social connections and is helped to strengthen relationships with his family.

Each person leads a certain way of life. It includes a set of different activities. They can be both useful and dangerous.


With the development of social networks, many people wanted to gain easy fame. At the same time, naturally, they simply need to lead a public lifestyle. Today, almost all young people are puzzled by how to gain new subscribers on Instagram. It may seem strange, but some people go to extreme measures. They keep their lives open. Any person can find out what his neighbor eats, where he hangs out and who his neighbor sleeps with. All you have to do is open his profile. Why is this necessary? So that people can see how great a person is doing. The world of modern popularity is built on envy. But is this good? Of course not. What else, besides daily updated social networks, does a public lifestyle mean? Attending all kinds of social events and organizing them yourself. Popular people are obliged to lead their fans, tell them something and teach them something.

Prevention of antisocial behavior

To prevent a child from developing antisocial behavior, it is necessary to engage in prevention. Psychologists have developed a number of recommendations.

Recommendation.How to implement.
Give praise when it is appropriate.Unreasonable praise leads to the development of egoism, permissiveness and difficulties in interacting with the team. You need to praise a child when he really deserves it (helped, did a good deed, coped with something on his own).
Build trusting communication.The child should develop the attitude that his parents will always help him and will never judge him. In order to build trust, problems that arise should be resolved in a calm environment.
Correct negative behavior traits.If parents notice incorrect behavior in a child, then there is no need to yell at him, punish him or do nothing. It is better to calmly explain why such behavior is unacceptable and give several examples.
Lead by example.It is important to maintain a friendly atmosphere, care and mutual respect in the home, otherwise the child will have nowhere to learn this.
Spend time together more often.Children really value family time. This helps them grow sociable, outgoing, and friendly. It’s worth organizing family evenings more often, getting out of town, inventing joint entertainment (role-playing, board games, home master classes and competitions, associative games).

The human psyche is formed precisely in society, in the circle of communication, from infancy to old age. We cannot turn away from society; development, if not stopped, is greatly slowed down.

How much does a healthy lifestyle cost?

One of the common myths that prevents people from switching to a healthy lifestyle and sticking to it throughout their lives is the seeming high cost of a healthy lifestyle. In fact, maintaining it does not require high costs:

  • a balanced diet does not imply replacing some products with more expensive ones (for example, purchased in eco-markets or farmers' markets). It is enough to reduce the consumption of red meat (can be replaced with chicken, turkey), add more vegetables, fruits, and herbs to the diet. Chocolate and sweets can be replaced with dried fruits and honey (in small quantities if there are no allergies). It is also recommended to avoid flour (including white bread), smoked and fatty breads. As a result, the cost of purchased products will not increase, and the diet will become healthier and more balanced;
  • Moderate physical activity does not have to be associated with visiting a fitness center. If you don’t have the opportunity to work out in the gym, you can do a set of exercises at home, walk more, do Nordic walking, or start running. Gymnastics, yoga, small warm-ups during work breaks will help avoid physical inactivity;
  • reducing stress levels. You can reduce psycho-emotional stress not only by working with a psychologist or attending special trainings. It is enough to develop a normal daily routine that involves 8 hours of sleep, spend more time in nature, and communicate more with pleasant people (friends, relatives).

The transition to a healthy lifestyle will not require an increase in expenses - a healthy lifestyle is determined not by the amount of money invested in health, but by the ability to develop and implement correct and healthy habits into your life.

Mineral water

An important concept in nutritional science is acid-base balance. Unfortunately, the modern nutrition system, which is dominated by heat-processed products, leads to excessive acidity of the internal environment of the body. According to a number of scientists, this is one of the key factors in the growth of parasitic, chronic and other diseases.

Therefore, to maintain health and solve problems in the gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended to drink alkaline water before meals.

Beneficial properties of alkaline water

Water of this class replenishes the body's alkaline reserve. It helps reduce the number of hydrogen ions and normalizes the activity of the stomach.

Benefits of drinking alkaline mineral water:

  • removal of mucus from the intestines and stomach,
  • elimination of heartburn, belching,
  • getting rid of the feeling of heaviness that occurs “in the pit of the stomach”,
  • removal of slags.

On average, this norm is 3 ml/kg of weight. Or 600 ml per day.

General rules for drinking alkaline mineral water:

For prevention purposes, drink water half an hour before meals. For ulcers or gastritis, it is useful to take it after meals. If there is excessive secretion of gastric juice - during eating. Gastritis with low acidity requires drinking water 1-1.5 hours before. before eating.

The use of alkaline water in the treatment of hyperacid gastritis requires the mandatory removal of carbon dioxide (alkaline water without gas). This is due to the effect it has on the gastric mucosa.

About the optimal temperature. For stomach diseases, the water should be slightly warmed. In other situations, the water can be at room temperature.

For better absorption of nutrients, drink water slowly and in small sips.

Using acid water

Mineral waters are divided into acidic and alkaline mineral waters. Alkaline mineral waters treat internal digestive organs, and acidic mineral waters treat external diseases, since the acidic environment destroys bacteria and increases blood acidity.

It is known that to reduce the fever of a sick person, his body should be rubbed with a solution of vinegar. Therefore, depending on the desired effect, either acidic or alkaline mineral waters should be used.


Self-massage is one of the most common types of massage. Its action is aimed at overall health of the body and improvement of well-being, normalization of blood supply and circulation, improvement of lymph flow and tissue nutrition. In addition, self-massage has long established itself as one of the most effective ways to prevent and treat colds.

Judging by the surviving written monuments, the basic techniques of self-massage were known back in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. Scientists such as Hippocrates and Heradikos encouraged their patients to periodically perform self-massage techniques in order to get rid of a particular disease.


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