Functions of communication in psychology and their brief description

Updated July 22, 2021 865 Author: Dmitry Petrov
Hello, dear readers of the blog. It is difficult to imagine a person’s day without at least some type of communication.

After all, this is not only necessary to resolve issues and achieve goals, but also to satisfy the needs of man as a rational being.

But what is communication: a simple exchange of words, or a more complex aspect in our lives? Is conversational skill a talent that some people have, or can it be developed? How important is it to talk to people, or can you do without it? Let's figure it out.

Communication is...

Communication is a connection between people, during which psychological contact appears. It manifests itself in mutual influence, -understanding, -experience, and in the exchange of information, thoughts, ideas, emotions.

In the modern world, the scale of data that needs to be urgently transferred to someone has increased significantly. Therefore, the intensity and importance of communication increases, and along with this, the methods for implementation (messengers, video calls, etc.).

Communication in psychology is 3 important aspects that are intertwined:

  1. The purpose is the reason for which contact and information transfer occur.
    Animals that also communicate can transmit an alarm signal to warn that danger is nearby. Or for the primitive attraction of a sexual partner. Thus, they satisfy their biological needs. As for a person, communications can be cultural, social, aesthetic, creative, cognitive - for the growth and development of the individual.
  2. Content - This is the data that is transmitted during communication. In the animal world, this is, for example, information that there is food nearby.

    For people, the object of conversation can be very different. May include a skill or experience, feelings that are conveyed to each other.

  3. Media is a way of transmitting information.
    Because communication is not only words and the use of language (what is it?), writing. Signals can also be transmitted using smells, a visual component, or by touching another person.

How to develop eloquence

Anyone, if desired, can learn to express their thoughts competently and beautifully, present information in an engaging manner, and speak in front of a large audience without fear. In order to develop eloquence, you need to use the methods of rhetoric:

  1. A speech in front of a large audience is thought out in advance. You need to make a short outline of the story, practice several times in front of the mirror;
  2. Any opinion put forward by the speaker (storyteller) must be confirmed with the help of logical arguments (they also need to be thought out in advance) or examples from life;
  3. You need to present your thoughts sequentially, leaving listeners a little time to think about the content of what was said;
  4. To attract the attention of the audience, you need to use different intonations, highlight important thoughts in a special voice;
  5. A voice that is too loud quickly tires and distracts attention, while a quiet voice does not allow listeners to concentrate;
  6. It is better to avoid monotonous speech and too abstruse, long phrases; they “lull” the audience’s attention.

Communication functions

Although we understand the importance of relationships with other people, it is not always possible to grasp all the functions of communication. Psychologist V.N. Panferov identified 6 main points:

  1. communicative – interaction of people at different levels – from individual to social;
  2. cognitive – understanding of the transmitted information;
  3. informational – exchange of data between each other;
  4. creative – the formation of new connections between people, their development;
  5. conative – leadership and fulfillment of roles in relation to each other;
  6. emotive – emotional contact between people.

In other sources you can see a classification into 4 functions:

  1. syndicative – an association of people;
  2. instrumental – transmission of information, a way of managing society;
  3. translational - transfer of judgments, assessments, methods of activity;
  4. self-expression is an opportunity to show and present oneself to others, for mutual understanding.

Or a more concise and generalized division:

  1. socialization – education of interaction skills in society (what is this?); mastering rules and regulations;
  2. control of society - organization of people's behavior and work;
  3. expressive function – understanding the emotions, feelings, experiences of others.


Successful interaction with society depends on the development of communication skills and experience. A high position in society requires a person to be able to express his thoughts beautifully. Many politicians, public figures, and business leaders were able to achieve heights of success thanks to their eloquence and fruitful communication with people. It is difficult to imagine a general, diplomat, or president who cannot speak competently.

Rhetoric is a science that teaches the art of beautiful and correct speech. It originated in the period of Antiquity and was very popular among the ancient Greeks and Romans. All male representatives of noble origin were taught the art of oratory so that in the future they could become successful politicians, orators, and military leaders.

Today, the ability to persuade, prove one’s point of view, and speak in front of large audiences is necessary for representatives of any public professions: journalists, teachers, TV presenters. Even without a natural talent for eloquence, you can learn this thanks to the methods of the science of rhetoric.

Forms of communication

Characterizing communication, forms are its important feature and description. They depend on the purpose and content of communication. You can identify a large number of forms that complement each other and intertwine with each other.

But there are more typical and common options:

  1. Functional-role communication is communication during which people occupy specific social roles (what is this?). For example: driver – passenger, teacher – student, manager – subordinate.
  2. Informal communication is communication between people in an informal atmosphere. The simplest example is communication between relatives, friends, couples or spouses, and neighbors. It can also happen between work colleagues when they go out to lunch together and talk freely about various topics.
  3. Anonymous – exchange of information between people who enter into casual communication. At the same time, I do not identify myself, or provide a small amount of data (name, profession). These strangers could meet and talk in public transport, at an art exhibition, in an elevator, in a cinema, in an anti-cafe.

    They enter into a dialogue that was formed randomly - faceless in front of each other. And then the short relationship is broken.

Today, functional and anonymous communication is more common. The reason is the constant movement of people to new cities; large-scale development of service sectors; holding various lectures, webinars (what is this?), festivals.

Types and levels of communication

If we characterize the forms more precisely, we will get such a concept as “ types of communication .” This classification describes the relationship, giving it bright and specific features:

  1. Primitive - when people look at the interlocutor as an object on whom they label “can be used / not needed.” And in accordance with this, they try to improve relationships, or they leave the dialogue, avoid it.
  2. Formal-role – when the method of communication, its essence and content is established. The social function of a person in a particular group plays an important role.
  3. Contact of masks ” - the usual hypocrisy (what is this?), insincerity or simply politeness is used without the desire to understand the interlocutor. The connection is formed exclusively on a superficial and formal level.
  4. Business - during a conversation, they focus on the matter, the issue. But at the same time, they can pay attention to some of the partner’s traits and take into account their character. Everything in order to achieve your goal.
  5. Manipulative - different methods are used to get benefits from the interlocutor (ostentatious indifference, false haste, assertion of authority).
  6. Secular - people do not express their real point of view, but simply talk about nothing. As a rule, the purpose of such chatter is to meet profitable people and to show off oneself to others.
  7. Spiritual – when the interlocutors know each other’s personalities well. When communicating, they take into account interests, preferences, and can suggest reactions to words.

Types provide a more diverse description of communication. Levels describe the attitude of people within the framework of communication. Researcher V.N. Sagatovsky highlights:

  1. The level of manipulation is the attitude and treatment of people as an object to achieve a goal.
  2. The level of “ reflexive play ” - a person in a dialogue understands that both have plans for each other. But they are trying to show that they just have normal communication without pitfalls.
  3. Level of legal communication - the behavior of the interlocutors is coordinated, taking into account specific rules and norms.
  4. Level of moral communication - the relationship arises on the basis of the unity of internal qualities.


Classification of communication depending on the goals of interaction and its level:

  1. Primitive. The interlocutor is considered as a means to achieve a goal and is assessed on a “needed – not needed” scale. This direct and simple attitude is not hidden.
  2. Manipulative – interaction for the purpose of obtaining one’s own benefit. Unlike primitive contact, manipulation is a subtle game, using many techniques and techniques (lies, flattery, and so on).
  3. Formal-role – completely regulated interaction. People interact with each other from the perspective of social roles. For example, boss and subordinate, teacher and student, doctor and patient, and so on.
  4. “Mask contact” is a dry, formal interaction in which standard, memorized phrases and gestures are used. It is designed to hide any emotions and true thoughts behind a mask of polite courtesy or indifferent calm. Also, some people use modesty, ostentatious caring and other techniques as a social mask. The participants in the interaction do not strive to understand each other.
  5. Business. The purpose of such social contact is to find a common solution on an issue of interest. The personality of the interlocutor is certainly taken into account, despite the fact that there are special rules and principles of business communication.
  6. Secular. Subjects do not express their thoughts, but say what should and is accepted in a particular situation. Small talk is, as a rule, “talk about nothing”, empty and aimless gossip.
  7. Spiritual. Such interaction is possible in close, trusting relationships. The interlocutors know each other well, respect beliefs, interests and views, are able to predict each other’s reactions, and communicate at the “Personality – Personality” level.

In addition, when determining the level of human interaction, they use a three-stage structure:

  • The micro level is a single act of verbal or nonverbal contact that carries information and meaning. For example, nodding your head as a sign of agreement, shaking your hand as a sign of greeting, and the like.
  • Mesa level - conversation and actions within the same topic, occurring once or repeated.
  • The macro level is the established preferential strategy of interaction, chosen and developed by a person in the process of life, corresponding to the requirements of society, traditions and customs.

The following types of communication are also known:

  1. Direct. It is carried out using the vocal cords, eyes, ears, hands and other organs of the human body.
  2. Indirect. Interaction using specially manufactured devices and means of information exchange (by correspondence, by telephone, through Internet resources, and so on).
  3. Direct. Personal contact and direct perception of the interlocutor.
  4. Indirect. Interaction through intermediaries or representatives who transmit and reproduce the necessary information.
  5. Verbal – interaction through oral speech.
  6. Nonverbal - interaction without words, but with the help of facial expressions, gestures, postures, touches, and so on. Nonverbal body signals influence the perception of words and are processed unconsciously, while speech is conscious and consciously analyzed.

Words can be chosen and arranged into sentences; gestures and facial expressions are difficult to control; they are spontaneous, which is why they are more likely to express a person’s true thoughts and intentions.

The art of communication

It seems to many that having a competent conversation is a difficult task that only a few can master. Some may feel shy about other people, or don't know how to continue a conversation.

But if you want to improve communication, psychology will help improve your skills (what is it?).


The ability to sense the emotional state of your interlocutor is very important when talking. Not only developed empathy (what is it?), but also constant observation and study of people can help with this.


Separately, it is worth highlighting the perception of a person with his behavior, facial expressions, and position in life. This will give us an idea of ​​what style to talk in so that communication is pleasant for both parties.


If we remember most of what a person told us, then we can refer to it and mention it in the next conversation. In this way we show that we are interested in him - this brings us much closer together.

Broad outlook

When your interlocutor talks about a topic that you are completely far from, you can listen and learn something new. Instead of stopping him and showing your lack of interest.

In addition, it is worth studying different areas in order to be able to carry on conversations with people from different backgrounds.

How to communicate with impossible people

Difficult people require a special approach during conversation. If you need to contact an unpleasant person, you can minimize the receipt of negative emotions using 5 basic rules:

  1. You should not take your opponent’s criticism or advice that you haven’t asked for personally.
  2. If your interlocutor likes to interrupt, you should not allow him to do so. This requires politely explaining to the person that his arguments will not be heard until the speech is finished.
  3. If the interlocutor does not want to talk, but you need to get an answer from him, in this case the best communication is to briefly state the essence of the question.
  4. We should not forget about the ability to listen to your opponent. Thanks to an attentive attitude towards the interlocutor, respect for his words and thoughts will be visible.
  5. There is no need to teach a person to communicate if he does it somehow wrong. Each individual has his own way of speaking. Therefore, an evaluative conversation will only irritate.

Communication is the key to the whole world. Careful study of the operating instructions and proper use will make it easier to achieve your goals.

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