How to achieve success: in life + in work + in personal life

How to achieve success in life and a certain social and material status? The answer is simple - to achieve what you want, you need to change your thinking and start working on yourself. The path to success is a system that is a cumulative effect, in which the more effort a person expends, the more he will receive in return. Developing talents, working on self-esteem and setting new goals helps you get closer to your goal.

Key Points and Principles

Achieving success is not an easy task that requires effort, diligence and confidence from a person in realizing his plans. In order to achieve this, you need to act every day and actively move towards your goal and gain experience. It is worth understanding that sometimes mistakes will be made, it is important to learn to benefit from them and move on. You should definitely live by these principles:

  1. Be confident in yourself, in the reality of all your desires.
  2. Don't put off until later what you can do now.
  3. Don't wait for better times, act today.
  4. Positive thoughts attract positive events into life.
  5. Comprehensive personal development increases the chances of success.
  6. There is no place for laziness in the life of a successful person.
  7. Strict discipline is a direct path to success, luck and prosperity.
  8. Constantly search for new talents and abilities.
  9. Follow the rules of proper nutrition.
  10. Become the best in your business, do what you do best.

This technique is known in psychology: if you want to become successful, rich or happy, you must behave as if you have already managed to achieve this. This principle has helped many famous people find themselves in life, but psychologists recommend making an individual choice of existing methods.

Eisenhower principle/matrix

The Eisenhower principle, as its name implies, was proposed by the American general and US President Dwight Eisenhower.

Then Eisenhower recommended dividing tasks into 2 categories :

  • Important or unimportant
  • Urgent or non-urgent

To make it all look a little clearer, he recommended - as shown in the image below - using a coordinate system for these categories according to which tasks would be distributed.

The bottom right square is actually nothing more than garbage. These tasks may not be completed. They are neither urgent nor important.

The lower upper square represents unimportant but urgent tasks. These tasks should be delegated.

Tasks that are not urgent but important (bottom left) must be entered into the calendar and later completed step by step.

Remaining tasks in the upper left corner: urgent and important. They must be implemented immediately!

Of course, it would be pointless to develop such a coordinate system for every day. The purpose of this is to internalize this principle so that you can apply it intuitively.

Which method you choose to achieve your goal is your personal choice, the main thing is that it contributes as much as possible to achieving success.

Effective and useful tips

Without the help of specialists, their recommendations and instructions, not everyone can immediately take the right path and confidently move towards high goals. Psychologists give the following advice that will allow you to achieve success in the shortest possible time:

  1. Never stop and don't stray from the path to success. If you are determined to become rich, famous and successful, confidently go towards your goal. You should be prepared for the fact that at the beginning of this path there will be failures and defeats, but they should not become an obstacle and prevent you from achieving what you want. With each new attempt, you will be closer to the desired achievements.
  2. When problems and difficulties arise, do not look for the reasons for their occurrence, but think about how they can be solved as quickly and profitably as possible.
  3. If you think positively and experience exclusively positive emotions, joyful and happy events will occur in a person’s life. Remember: negative thinking entails failure, loss and loss in all areas of a person’s life, and will not allow you to achieve positive changes in life.

What's next?

  1. Be a sociable person. People who are active in communication, open to dialogue and friendly always have more opportunities. They have every chance to prove themselves, show their good side, and make new useful contacts. This is necessary not only for establishing connections in business, but also for internal harmony with yourself.
  2. Exercise regularly. Have you noticed that successful people are usually healthy and physically active individuals? There is a close connection between success and sports, because by doing physical activity, a person strengthens his will to win.
  3. Make an action plan for every day, week and month. If you make a list of daily tasks, you can achieve the desired result faster. This approach to business will not allow you to miss anything important and will allow you to do everything correctly and in a timely manner.
  4. Develop a disciplined person within yourself. Lack of discipline, punctuality and responsibility will never lead to the realization of your life goals. Be strict with yourself, resort to self-punishment for non-compliance with discipline, and encouragement if you are disciplined. Punishments and rewards can be manifested in any way - delicious food, travel, relaxation, meeting with friends, pleasant shopping.
  5. Pay attention to your immediate surroundings. People who are looking for ways to succeed in life should not be surrounded by losers and pessimists. It is important to communicate with cheerful, cheerful, purposeful individuals, because they transmit and charge others with their positive energy.
  6. Listen to your intuition. It happens that common sense tells you to make one decision, but your intuition tells you something else. Sometimes you can listen to your inner feelings, but not overuse it.
  7. Be creative. Non-standard thinking and an approach to problem solving are qualities that not all people possess, but it influences success and allows you to achieve your goals. This skill will allow a person to quickly find a way out of any situation.

Individual performance curve

How to learn to achieve your professional success? It's simple, every person has hours of peak activity and relaxation. Having properly studied your body and the biorhythms in it, you can do much more. These processes are displayed very well on the labor productivity curve. It is divided into three types:

  • the average person;
  • owls;
  • larks.

Decide what type you are and you will succeed.

The curve of an ordinary person

This indicator is suitable for the majority of people. Their concentration of attention reaches a peak in the first quarter of the day (7.30 - 11.30), then decreases and increases again at the end of the day (18.00 - 21.00). In the evening hours, the charge of vivacity that was in the morning is not observed. Therefore, everything important should be planned for the morning.

"Owls" activity

Do you go to bed late at night, and waking up early is a terrible torment? Perhaps you are a night owl. For such people, the productivity schedule is shifted a couple of hours ahead compared to those described above. How then to become successful in life, if you belong to this type, there is no secret, just put maximum emphasis on working during lunch and evening hours.

Features of "Larks"

By 9 pm you are already off your feet, but in the morning you were full of strength and vigor? – You are definitely a morning person. Your peak activity schedule is shifted back one hour. That is, in order to use your potential most efficiently and effectively, you need to:

  • start activities early in the morning;
  • spend time before colleagues arrive on an important part of the work, which is best done in complete silence;
  • Carry out monotonous activities in the afternoon.

Monitor yourself and develop the most optimal work discipline schedule.

The best books about the success of famous people

If you are interested in how to succeed in life , business, or become a rich person, pay attention to these books:

  1. Henry Ford. "My life, my achievements." The author shares his life story, views on business management, and entrepreneurial ideas.
  2. Richard Branson. "Naked Business". Many companies have been using the program developed by the author since the beginning of the 20th century.
  3. Robert Kiyosaki. "Rich dad, poor dad". The author speaks in simple and understandable language about the secrets of getting rich and financial stability.
  4. Ayn Rand. "Atlas Shrugged". For many businessmen, the book became a call to be brave, strong and persistent in achieving their goals.
  5. Maxim Kotov. “And nerds do business.” The book opened a new perspective on business and its fundamentals to millions of readers and encouraged them to start their own business.

These books will help you understand the basics and intricacies of doing business, find yourself, and achieve prosperity. Many of them are worthy of becoming reference books for a modern successful person.

Bad habits

This is what can slow down or stop your progress towards your goal. If you choose to eat cake instead of your planned workout, then your goal will not be achieved. If social networks distract you from calling potential clients, then you should think about getting rid of some bad habits, otherwise they will eat up your time, and the goal will remain only a dream.

Determine what bad habits you have and begin to slowly replace them with useful ones. Bad habits: chatting on the phone idle, sitting on social networks, watching negative movies, studying the news daily, constantly drinking coffee or tea, gossiping, playing computer games, being negative, etc. Remove it from your life and make room for better things. Start drinking water immediately after waking up or jogging in the morning, pay attention to your diet and make it as healthy as possible. Go to bed before 11:00 pm or stop watching TV.

How to become successful in business: 10 practical tips

Wealth and prosperity are the result of business success. 10 useful tips from experts in starting a business will help you create a clear strategy for confidently moving forward:

  1. Define goals and set priorities. Every aspiring businessman who strives for success is faced with the task of deciding on the goals and priority areas of his activity.
  2. Manage your time correctly and rationally. Learn to control your time and allocate the necessary amount to solve important matters. Priority should be given to matters and issues that can affect the advancement of the business.
  3. Update your wardrobe. For those people who are looking for ways to achieve success in business, first of all, experts recommend reviewing their wardrobe and, if necessary, updating it. The appearance should create the impression of a successful, businesslike and reliable person. A businessman's wardrobe is dominated by business suits.
  4. Bring your body and health back to normal. Appearance is very important in running a successful business. The future of the company largely depends on the impression you make on business partners. You won't be able to achieve the desired effect even from the most expensive suit if it hides a big belly. A fit, athletic figure indicates responsibility and discipline, which is important in running any business.
  5. Don't be afraid of responsibility. Don’t give up on tasks that seem difficult and overwhelming to you. The main thing is to take the initiative, and in case of defeat, take into account your mistakes and avoid them in the future. Even failure will become a positive experience in business.

What's next?

  1. Don't take on everything at once. Remember that it is impossible to take on everything at once and achieve success . Even if you have knowledge and skills in various fields, it is better to choose one direction and confidently move towards your goal.
  2. Be punctual. Lack of punctuality is a quality that can alienate a person, despite his high professionalism. Lack of punctuality usually accompanies a person from school age. The bad habit of being late needs to be eradicated, since business and unpunctuality are incompatible things.
  3. Become a charming and attractive person. We are talking not only about external attractiveness and grooming, but also about inner purity, humanity and kindness. Wear expensive perfume, take care of your hair and manicure, develop manners to skillfully conduct dialogue and business negotiations.
  4. Improve your professionalism. Learn new things every day, learn, improve your existing skills and abilities. A high level of professionalism will allow you to successfully run a business and earn a good income.
  5. Be a diligent and hardworking person. Wealth and success will not come to lazy people. To achieve high goals, you will have to work hard and have less fun. Not all people are naturally lucky; most people have to achieve everything through perseverance and hard work.

Psychologists recommend developing a business in the area that a person likes most. According to them, you can reach the top only if you love your job and work hard in your chosen field.

The art of small steps

The path to the goal may be long, difficult and unclear, but it consists of daily small steps. Any difficult task can be divided into a chain of simple actions. You need to determine what daily actions will lead to achieving your goal and take a step towards it every day. Even on those days when it’s difficult and you don’t want to do anything, take at least a small step that will bring you closer to your goal. And never stop this movement.

Soon you will feel that not only are you moving towards your goal, but it is also approaching you.

Getting rich is easy: learn the basic techniques

Anyone can become a rich person; all you need to do is acquire good habits. Experts give the following advice on how to achieve wealth on your own, maintain and increase it:

  1. Solve any problem immediately, without putting it off until later. It is known that the sooner you start dealing with a certain issue, the easier it is to find the right way out of the situation.
  2. Don't be afraid to turn ideas into reality. Develop the habit of implementing the ideas that are born in your head, because they appear there for a reason. To become rich and have great wealth, you need to work harder than others. This is the main rule on how to achieve success and become rich without the help of others.
  3. Work for yourself, not for someone else. It is unlikely that you will be able to get rich while working as an employee. Start working for yourself and for your own benefit, then you can increase your income.
  4. Work with interest. You shouldn’t waste your time and life doing things that are completely uninteresting to you. If an activity is not interesting, it does not bring pleasure, then it is unworthy of you.
  5. Set your goals as high as possible. Don't be shy about your desires. If you want to earn 500,000 rubles a month, don’t set the bar lower. The higher it is, the faster you will reach heights.
  6. Develop your communication skills. Without mastering this skill, it is almost impossible to increase your wealth and improve your financial situation. The fact is that every person gets money from other people. According to psychologists, closed, gloomy and angry people are least likely to get rich.

What's next?

  1. Communicate with the successful and rich. If there are winners and great people around you, you will become one of them. The poor drag us down and become an obstacle to achieving high goals.
  2. Develop responsibility. Irresponsibility can be a synonym for poverty. A person who sees himself rich in the near future must learn to take responsibility and not shirk it.
  3. Create passive income. One of the effective ways to achieve wealth is to have passive income. With its help you will have a constant stable income. You shouldn’t build your business in such a way that you have to personally decide everything, including the smallest matters. Let hired workers do them.
  4. Invest your money. Investments are a good way to get rich without much effort and effort. In order for the money invested to bring profit, it is necessary to carefully study the information each time, calculate all possible options, and take into account the pros and cons. The risk must be justified, and the income from such investments must exceed the expense.

What's the result?

  1. Study the behavior and habits of rich and successful people. Find out how famous wealthy people started earning money, where they started and where they have come to now. Read the biographies of the most prominent people who became millionaires, their methods, and perhaps put them into practice.
  2. Dream. Dreams are considered the most powerful engine. Psychologists say that as soon as a person stops dreaming, he stops developing.
  3. Help others. Develop the habit of helping people in need. Do it not for money, but just because. Help should be provided not only to your family and friends, but also to strangers. But you shouldn’t do this without the desire to help.
  4. Never give up. Wealth does not come just like that; it comes along a long road of difficulties and trials. Despite setbacks and failures, never give up and never lose faith in victory. It’s better to analyze the situation, draw conclusions about what caused the failure and look for other methods to achieve your goals.

Every day put into practice the advice of psychologists on how to achieve wealth , and it will come to you. Following simple recommendations is the key to business success.

Practical part

Friends, as you already understand, one of the most important principles of success is the ability to set goals and achieve them. And the main thing is that this can be learned. If you want to learn how to set goals correctly and achieve them as quickly as possible, I recommend the “Goal Setting” course from Vikium.

This course will teach you:

  • Achieve your goals
  • Don't waste energy
  • Realize your plans
  • Reach new heights in development
  • Make your dreams come true

What does the course consist of:

  • 6 lessons
  • Practical exercises and recommendations
  • Video materials
  • Graphic diagrams and tasks

Remember, friends: the most valuable investment is an investment in yourself!

Secrets of success at work

Career growth, consistently high income, recognition, respect - this is what most of us expect from work. If you do not have such privileges, do not rush to look for a new job, learn the secrets of how to succeed at work, become a professional and a valuable employee. These simple rules will strengthen your professionalism and allow you to achieve success in your chosen profession:

  1. Work only in an area in which you are well versed. You should not choose a profession just because it is now the most prestigious and highly paid. It is much more important that you be a professional in your chosen field of activity; this is the only way you can establish yourself well and build a career.
  2. Don’t engage in self-promotion, rather improve your level of professionalism. Many company employees demand from management a salary increase or career advancement, saying that they are experienced and qualified workers. This is an ineffective method, such a person will never be promoted; it is better to prove your professionalism in practice. Offer the company a new interesting project, non-standard ideas or a profitable solution to a complex problem.
  3. Win the favor of others. It's hard to please everyone, but to achieve success in the workplace, you should try to make others like you. To do this, it is enough to be an honest, sociable, friendly and open person. The absence of conflicts will allow you to earn a good reputation.

Determine your motivation

What will get you out of bed and make you move? Answer yourself the question - why am I doing all this? What is the most important motive that motivates you to move forward? This is what you will remember in the most difficult times, something for which you can leave your comfort zone. What will make you most happy when you achieve your goal.

Now let’s move on to the list of TOP 10 working tips for achieving success:

Luck and success in your personal life: how to achieve it?

Despite the desire for wealth, a beloved and highly paid job, or your own business, it is important to meet a loved one and build a happy relationship with him. you how to achieve success in life in the sphere of love and family:

  1. The most important rule is to love yourself! This does not mean that you can put yourself above other people, neglecting their desires and views. It follows from this rule that you just need to be yourself, love yourself as you are, without pretending or impersonating another person. Don't try to be perfect, there are no such people.
  2. Accept the person for who he is. Do not try to re-educate your loved one, he is already a formed personality, no one has the right to re-educate him except his parents. Consider all its shortcomings even before starting a family.
  3. Respect your partner's freedom. No matter what stage your relationship is at - dating or married, your partner should always have the right to choose. He must independently choose his friends, profession, films and books for leisure.
  4. Maintain passion and love. Long-term relationships have one feature - passion and love gradually fades away between people. To create a happy family and achieve success in love, it must be constantly developed and nourished emotionally.
  5. Respect and support are the main components of strong and happy unions. Respect each other's tastes, preferences, ideas, decisions, outlook on life, support each other in difficult times, rejoice in moments of happiness.

Follow simple tips on how to succeed in life to be a wealthy, authoritative, happy, loved and loving person.

Magic of the morning

Hal Elrod, in his book Morning Magic, talks about the importance of waking up early. Morning is the most favorable time for self-development. Take this time for yourself. Don't do anything urgent - this is not the time to finish any loose ends. Meditation, visualization, affirmations, reading, planning, physical activity - all this is best done in the early morning. Then your day will start in the best possible way and you will be able to have a productive day.

This is a kind of morning ritual that has already changed the lives of many people. Just start getting up earlier and dedicating this time to yourself. This doesn’t even require a lot of time - one hour is enough for you, the main thing is to fill it correctly. Do during these hours what you have long wanted to do, but never found the time for. By practicing this for one month, you will already notice changes in your life. This is the time to replenish energy, time that will significantly save your time during the day.

But waking up early is not an easy task for many. There are a couple of secrets that help me. To get up earlier, you need to go to bed earlier. Start your morning with a glass of warm water, and then it will be easier to wake up.

Say NO to obstacles

The main rule of how to achieve success, regardless of the sphere of a person’s life, is the ability to overcome obstacles and difficulties that will arise at different stages of life. These include the fear that you won’t be able to implement your plans, that you won’t have enough experience and perseverance. It is important to learn to reduce such doubts and self-doubt to a minimum.

A powerful tool that will allow you to achieve success is motivating yourself. A person must understand what he strives for and why he overcomes difficulties. Without self-confidence it is impossible to achieve heights.

It would seem that all these rules and principles of a successful, rich and happy life have been known for a long time. Unfortunately, very few people use them in practice, so psychologists strongly recommend that everyone reconsider their behavior, attitude towards themselves, their loved ones and others, work, money, and develop the habit of following these rules.

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Let's act

Many people never achieve success through inaction, unwilling to change established habits and destroy their comfort zone.

It is worth understanding that no matter what plan a person makes, it cannot be achieved in practice if there is no desire to change. By putting off important things, an unsuccessful person does nothing to implement his plans. The person imagines that he still has a lot of time ahead, and he will definitely return to bringing the idea to life, but this does not happen.

The only way to improve the situation is to change your own habits. Start following the rule - if a goal appears, the initial steps to implement it must be taken in the first 4 days. It is during the 72 hours that enthusiasm persists and must be backed up by action. If the first steps towards the implementation of the plan have not been taken, there is a high probability that this will never happen.

To change yourself, start doing things that are unusual for you. It is impossible to change instantly; this requires long-term and systematic work. To make the task easier, follow the recommendations on how to learn how to act:

  1. Take the first step, don’t put off important things, otherwise your dreams will remain just dreams.
  2. Act according to your plan, concentrating on your immediate goals.
  3. Set a date for completing a task to train yourself to complete your plans on time.
  4. Set clear goals for yourself.
  5. No need to wait for inspiration, just do and love your work.
  6. Stick to the developed strategy and don’t step aside.
  7. Give yourself the inner attitude: “I can do anything!”

If something doesn’t work out right away, you don’t need to think about your worthlessness. Make it a rule to make as many attempts as necessary to achieve results. With persistence, success is guaranteed.

  • Nikolai

    02/03/2020 at 12:31

    If you sit at home and wait for some positive turns in life, then nothing will come of it. To achieve success, you need to be able, at a minimum, to communicate with people, to competently convey your ideas to those on whom decisions depend. It is necessary to engage in self-education all the time; having deep knowledge will definitely attract the attention of the right people.


  • Alexei


    02/03/2020 at 13:32

    The article is useful, even despite its large volume. I adhere to the same rules, but the main ones are not to procrastinate, read educational and motivating literature, and work tirelessly. Of course, you also need to relax, but not in bars and clubs, but by spending time in the gym, with your family, and in the fresh air. Thanks for the article, I learned a little something new!


  • Alexander


    02/03/2020 at 16:59

    Motivating tips. It seems to me that the most important success in life is happiness! But what makes all people happy is not the same thing. Some people are happy to be rich, but for others it is enough to do what they love or just live an ordinary life with their children. Everyone chooses their own path and if you are truly happy, then we can say that this is real success in life!


  • Victor Stepanov


    02/03/2020 at 20:59

    During a difficult period in my life, when I wanted to climb the wall out of weakness and hopelessness, I told myself enough was enough. So gradually, through trial and error, I began to climb out of the pit of failure. The article describes many methods and tips, but only your sincere desire and persistence will help you. Most, having read them, will forget after a while and then begin to complain about their ineffectiveness. However, everyone is the creator of their own destiny.


  • Igor


    06/03/2020 at 14:11

    I believe that success in life can only be achieved through hard work. Unless you have rich and indulgent parents, you will have to really work hard. Of course, there are people who are simply lucky; There are those who move forward at any cost, but to achieve true success you need to move towards your goal and not forget about moral values.


  • Elena


    06/03/2020 at 19:42

    There is a lot of good advice, but it’s quite difficult to follow them all. More precisely, start doing all this at the same time and from the first day. Therefore, it is better to make a list: goals for the day, week, month. Gradually, a routine, sports, reading, communicating with friends, positive thinking, caring for a partner, etc. develops into a habit. And then the usual way of life. Although it is also important when your environment supports you in these aspirations.


ABC analysis (principle)

This principle states that tasks should be organized in order of importance.
A – means very important and urgent (immediate action)

B – means important and not urgent (can be done later or delegated)

C – means urgent and unimportant (delegate or not do at all).

So it's a pretty simple method.

First of all, the tasks of group A as soon as possible.


Complete all Group A at a time when you will not be disturbed and when you are most effective.

B tasks are best delegated. If this is not possible, try to solve them effectively later.

the tasks of group C when you have free time. You can delegate them or not do them at all.

Time is the most valuable resource

The ability to manage time correctly will help you achieve haste much faster. Invest time in yourself - in your development, health and relaxation. Invest time in your loved ones - these are the people with whom relationships will stimulate you to develop.

Introduce rituals into your life - simple actions that will be repeated every day. There are such rituals: making the bed immediately after getting up, clearing the table after finishing work, preparing clothes for tomorrow in the evening, taking a walk after dinner, etc. This is something that will help you save significant time, because it will be performed automatically. That is why rituals will not allow you to get unsettled even in stressful situations.

Another good way to free up time is to write down everything you do for several days, hourly and minute by minute. Analyzing these records will allow you to understand where most of your time is spent. You will be surprised how much time is taken up by completely unimportant and sometimes even unnecessary things. Having understood this, it will be possible to adjust your day and plan it as efficiently as possible.

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