Communication barriers - classification, methods and examples of overcoming


  • Difficulties and types of communication barriers
  • Semantic barrier
  • Logical barrier
  • Phonetic barrier
  • Modality barrier
  • Personal barrier
  • Motivational barrier
  • Barrier of incompetence
  • Ethical barrier
  • Communication style barrier
  • Aesthetic barrier
  • Social barrier
  • Barrier of negative emotions
  • Installation barrier
  • Double barrier
  • Barrier to Rudeness
  • Barrier of inability to hear and listen to the interlocutor

Communication is such a familiar category of people’s existence in society that we simply stop noticing it. Without communication, a person, and not only a person (any living creature living in a particular society) cannot imagine himself. People communicate at home, on the street, in transport, at work, etc. We are accustomed to hearing speech and understanding it, and if we don’t understand it, then we learn the language and understand the interlocutor. However, it is not so much language barriers that become an obstacle to communication between people; there are psychological barriers to communication. You can “cross” them yourself, you just need to know how to do it right.

Difficulties and types of communication barriers

Have you ever talked to someone who clearly doesn't want to talk to you? It’s not clear why, there is an invisible wall between you and him, through which not only no information comes from him, but, as it seems to you, he understands little of your speech. It is this invisible barrier that is called a barrier to communication in psychology. There are many sources for this reason:

Person's character; Upbringing; The level of education; Age; Status in society; The current situation and more.

It should be noted with confidence that every person living on planet Earth has encountered this problem.

In the process of communication, the reasons that put a barrier between people can be conscious or unconscious. Conscious reasons are those that a person can explain to himself and his interlocutor. Unconscious, when people cannot understand and explain the origins of communication disorders. It is especially difficult to establish contact if both partners have communication difficulties.

So, what types of barriers does psychology divide communication into?

Ways to overcome

  1. You should learn to understand yourself (feel at what exact moment a barrier begins to build) and others (see their behavior and recognize other people’s barriers).
  2. Try to create a comfortable atmosphere during communication. If you notice that a particular topic causes a clash of characters and opinions, it is better to switch to something more optimistic, light and relaxed.
  3. Active use of a sense of humor always helps to relax and promotes fun dialogue.
  4. Overly impulsive individuals should exercise some control over their loud speech and active gestures.
  5. Attending social and psychological trainings.

Semantic barrier

A similar barrier arises from different interpretations of words and concepts with which the interlocutor operates. This is the most common barrier, because for all people the same things are interpreted differently. For one man, the best wife is a housewife, the mother of his children, smart and beautiful, and for the second, she is the one who does not contradict him and silently sits at home with the children, without the right to vote. Therefore, the statement from men that all women are the same sounds differently. They say the same phrase, but it sounds different for everyone. Realizing that they have not found a common direction in the conversation, the interlocutors face a barrier on the path to mutual understanding and agreement. To overcome this particular barrier, the interlocutors must have an idea of ​​the world and life in which the opponent lives. You need to know the interlocutor’s turns of speech, his manner of expressing thoughts, so that there are no discrepancies in the spoken phrases. If you see that your interlocutor is confused, trying to decipher the thought that you put into this or that phrase, take your time, stop your monologue, and explain to your partner what you meant. Decipher the words and concepts that most people use in order to convey the idea to your interlocutor as clearly as possible.

Your psychologist. The work of a psychologist at school.

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Page 2 of 9

5. Communication barriers. Communication barriers are psychological speech, cultural and social obstacles to the adequate transmission and receipt of information between communication partners 1) Barriers of “misunderstanding” (we don’t hear, we don’t see, we don’t understand). There are 4 barriers of misunderstanding (phonetic, semantic, stylistic, logical)

  • Phonetic misunderstanding - occurs due to errors in pronunciation, swallowing the ends of words, monotonous, inexpressive speech (tongue twister speech, a large number of parasite words)
  • Acoustic barriers - intonation not adequate to the situation, timbre, volume, sound, speech pauses. Speech in a foreign language. Accent, slurred speech.
  • The semantic barrier of misunderstanding is when the language is phonetically “ours”, but in terms of the conveyed meaning it is “foreign”. slang words are used, secret languages ​​are used, images often used in any group, examples
  • A stylistic barrier of misunderstanding occurs when there is a discrepancy between form and content, a stylistic barrier arises. There are two basic rules for structuring information in communication: the rule of the frame (G. Ebbinghaus - the beginning and end of any information series, is retained in human memory better than the middle) and the rule of the chain ( based on the fact that the content must be structured)
  • A logical barrier occurs when the logic of reasoning is either too difficult to understand or seems incorrect or contradictory.


  • phonetic barrier: intelligible, legible and loud enough speech, without tongue twister;
  • To overcome the semantic barrier it is necessary to: speak as simply as possible; agree in advance on the same understanding of some key words, concepts, terms, if you need to clarify them at the beginning of the conversation. stylistic barrier: correctly structure the transmitted information
  • logical barrier: compliance with conditions: taking into account the logic and life position of the interlocutor, correct argumentation.

2) Psychological barriers – these include distrust and non-acceptance of partners in the exchange of information

  • barrier of “personal censorship” - a person receives and transmits information through himself
  • emotional barriers - strong emotions (fear, anxiety) do not contribute to an attentive attitude to the dialogue.

Let's look at some of the barriers that arise when engaging strong emotions. — The barrier of suffering - reduces the level of contact and sociability of a person experiencing suffering; reduces the level of communication of those who come into contact with the sufferer. — The barrier of anger, rage is born in response to unexpected obstacles, insults, etc. Anger literally doubles physical and mental energy. And the stronger it is, the more actively a person expresses it in verbal or aggressive actions. — The barrier of disgust and disgust arises as a result of someone’s violation of basic ethical standards or as a result of “hygienic rejection” of another person — The barrier of contempt , immoral acts; unacceptable character traits (cowardice, stinginess); prejudices, etc. - The barrier of fear - it can minimize contact with the one who is its source. - barrier of guilt and shame - m.b. for flattery, out of fear of being caught in the crime. 3) Psychological incompatibility when there is a sharp rejection of partners for their differences in characters, temperaments, social attitudes and other individual differences. this can become the cause of interpersonal conflicts 4) Socio-cultural barriers are social, political, religious, cultural, professional and other differences that lead to different interpretations of certain concepts, events, situations in the process of communication. The barrier system is a kind of automated security - when a security alarm is triggered, approaches to a person are automatically blocked. Otherwise, the human brain and psyche simply could not withstand the collapse of information. However, sometimes barriers also play a negative role. Let's look at some of the barriers that arise when engaging strong emotions. — The barrier of suffering - reduces the level of contact and sociability of a person experiencing suffering; reduces the level of communication of those who come into contact with the sufferer. — The barrier of anger, rage is born in response to unexpected obstacles, insults, etc. Anger literally doubles physical and mental energy. And the stronger it is, the more actively a person expresses it in verbal or aggressive actions. — The barrier of disgust and disgust arises as a result of someone’s violation of basic ethical standards or as a result of “hygienic rejection” of another person — The barrier of contempt , immoral acts; unacceptable character traits (cowardice, stinginess); prejudices, etc. - The barrier of fear - it can minimize contact with the one who is its source. - barrier of guilt and shame - m.b. for flattery, out of fear of being caught in the crime. 3) Psychological incompatibility when there is a sharp rejection of partners for their differences in characters, temperaments, social attitudes and other individual differences. this can become the cause of interpersonal conflicts 4) Socio-cultural barriers are social, political, religious, cultural, professional and other differences that lead to different interpretations of certain concepts, events, situations in the process of communication. The barrier system is a kind of automated security - when a security alarm is triggered, approaches to a person are automatically blocked. Otherwise, the human brain and psyche simply could not withstand the collapse of information. However, sometimes barriers also play a negative role. For example, difficultly presented but necessary information is not perceived or is perceived with distortions and incompletely. A person who knows the solution but lacks authority may not be heard. This contradiction can be resolved by knowledge of the socio-psychological characteristics of the listed barriers and ways to overcome them. 5) Communication barriers (psychology of communication) There is a classification of communication barriers: 1) social:

  • Educational
  • Cultural, intercultural
  • Professional

2) psychological:

  • Semantic
  • Phonetic barrier (incorrect pronunciation) inexpressive fast or slow speech, patter speech, accent, speech with a large number of parasitic sounds, etc.;
  • Stylistic (when the meaning of the sentence is not clear, the logic is not clear)
  • Authority

V. Shepel identifies 6 barriers: 1) discomfort of the physical environment in which the message is perceived; 2) inertia of inclusion, i.e. the listener's concerns about other problems; 3) antipathy to other people’s thoughts, stereotyping of consciousness, ambition; 4) language barrier - a significant difference in the vocabulary of the communicator and the communicant; 5) professional rejection - incompetent intrusion of the communicator into the professional sphere of the communicant; 6) rejection of the image of a communicator According to Yu.S. Krizhanskaya and V.P. Tretyakov (1998), in the process of business communication, at least three communication barriers and their various modifications may arise: the “authority”, “avoidance” and “misunderstanding” barriers. The first two provide protection from the source of information, the last barrier provides protection from the message itself. .BARRIER “AUTHORITY”. Having divided all people into authoritative and non-authoritative, a person trusts only the former and refuses to trust others. Thus, trust and distrust are, as it were, personified and depend not on the characteristics of the information being transmitted, but on who is speaking. For example, older people do not listen well to the advice of young people. BARRIER "AVOIDANCE". A person avoids sources of influence, avoids contact with the interlocutor. If it is impossible to evade, then he makes every effort not to perceive the message (inattentive, does not listen, does not look at the interlocutor, uses any excuse to end the conversation). Sometimes they avoid not only sources of information, but also certain situations (for example, the desire to close their eyes when watching “scary places” from horror films). There are barriers caused by environmental factors that create uncomfortable conditions for the transmission and perception of information:

  • acoustic interference - noise in the room or outside the window, repair work, slamming doors, telephone ringing, etc.;
  • distracting surroundings - bright sun or, conversely, dim light, the color of the walls in the room, the landscape outside the window, paintings, portraits, i.e. everything that can distract the attention of interlocutors;
  • temperature conditions - too cold or too hot in the room; weather conditions - rain, wind, high or low pressure

Each of these factors can affect the effectiveness of communication due to its influence on the individual psychophysiological characteristics of communicants

6. Speech skills as a necessary element of successful communication (oratory skills). To be able to speak is an art. Listening is a culture. D.S. Likhachev In whatever form business communication is carried out, it includes monologues and dialogues of participants, small and large public speeches. Public speaking is a means to achieve business goals. It must meet a number of requirements: be convincing, demonstrative, logical, thoughtful, and even simply beautiful. Literacy, logic and emotional coloring of speech today are mandatory conditions for any business communication. Business people must master the technique of direct contact and be able to use words. It would seem that what could be simpler than the ability to speak - and what is more difficult than the art of “saying a smart word”, mastering the language? And to make a public speech, it is not enough to know what to say, you also need to know how to say it. In other words, you need to know the basics of rhetoric for successful communication. Mastering the art of speech also serves as an excellent means of education. Rhetoric is the doctrine of speech education of an individual, the purpose of which is the acquisition of skills and abilities of speech behavior corresponding to the communication situation. Rhetoric has been taught since ancient times. The teachers of Ancient Greece and Rome clearly understood that all education begins with speech. Rhetoric training involved individual lessons with a rhetoric teacher in composing and delivering speeches. Rhetoric studies became preparation for a government career. Everyone knows the orators of Ancient Greece: Socrates and Plato, Demosthenes and Aristotle. Aristotle substantiated and proved that public speech consists of 3 elements : the personality of the speaker himself; the subject he is talking about; and the person he is addressing. Practical mastery of public speaking skills requires training and practice. Speaking skills can be developed, and therefore assessed, in the following main areas: the ability to speak competently and creatively, the ability to briefly, accurately, and clearly express one’s thoughts. A brilliant Roman orator was Marcus Tullius Cicero, and it was to him that the famous words belong: “Poets are born, orators are made.” In his treatises, he set three tasks for the speaker: 1) to demonstrate the truth of the facts presented; 2) provide aesthetic pleasure; 3) influence the will and behavior of people, encourage active activity. Leonardo da Vinci paid serious attention to manners and gestures. Mastering the art of rhetoric is a long process that requires constant work on oneself and a lot of speaking practice. One becomes a speaker only in real practice. A.V. Mirtov, a classic of the theory of oratory art of the 20th century, writes: “Courage, determination, perseverance in speeches, thinking about these speeches, preparing for them, observing other people’s speeches - this is the best school of oratory.”

7. Types of influence (persuasion, infection, suggestion). Contagion is an unconscious, involuntary exposure of a person to certain mental states - through the transmission of a certain emotional state or mental state. The higher the level of personality development, the more critical is its attitude to the impact, the weaker the effect of the “contagion” mechanism. Persuasion is an intellectual influence on the consciousness of a person (on reason, logic) of a person through an appeal to her own critical judgment (built on using logical justification to achieve consent from the person receiving the information). Suggestion is a purposeful emotional-volitional influence of one person on another. With suggestion, the process of transferring information occurs. based on her uncritical perception.

8. Manipulation in communication. At the heart of any business interaction is communication. Unlike personal communication, business communication is not an end in itself and, in addition to obtaining satisfaction from it itself, acts as one of the means of joint activity of people, its instrument. Effective use of business communication mechanisms (techniques) can significantly improve the quality of interaction and achieve business success. But like any tool, communication can be used for different purposes. 1. Manipulations in communication. Their neutralization The use of communication techniques (techniques), the true purpose of which does not coincide with that declared to the communication partner and causes obvious or hidden damage to him, is called manipulation. Manipulation as a way to exert a hidden psychological influence on an interlocutor in order to achieve beneficial behavior is constantly used in business. Various tricks and tricks (techniques) allow you to conclude more profitable contracts and push your partner or client to the right decision. Let's consider the basic techniques of psychological manipulation in business communication, which are based on the use of the properties of the human psyche. Among the main manipulation techniques, the purpose of which is to directly force the interlocutor to make an erroneous decision that is unfavorable for his position, there are: “irritating the interlocutor” - removing him from a state of psychological balance with ridicule, accusations, reproaches or irony, which makes him nervous and, as a result, , make rash decisions; · “stunned by the pace” - the use of a fast pace of speech, the requirement to make a decision “here and now” under the threat of losing a “unique opportunity” (for example, discounts, “last product in stock”, “special offer”, etc.); · transferring the discussion into the realm of speculation - transferring the polemic into the direction of denunciation in order to force the interlocutor to either justify himself or talk about something that has nothing to do with the essence of the matter, thereby wasting time and effort; · reference to “higher interests” - a hint that the interlocutor’s position affects the interests of those whom it is extremely undesirable to upset (Do you understand what you are encroaching on when you don’t agree with this?) · “Carthage must be destroyed” – unsubstantiated repetition the same thought so often that the interlocutor “gets used to it” and accepts it as obvious (method of the orator of the Roman Senate consul Cato the Elder); · “understatement due to special motives” - a hint that complete information cannot be announced due to certain “special motives” that cannot be communicated directly; · “false shame” - the use of a false argument with which the opponent does not argue after statements such as “You, of course, know that science has established ...”, “You, of course, read about ...”, “All business people know , that…”, fearing to publicly admit his own incompetence; · “using obscure words in communication” - similar to the previous one, the technique is based on the opponent’s reluctance to admit that he is not familiar with this term; · “demonstration of resentment” - avoiding responding to an unwanted argument or disruption or argument by depicting resentment at the interlocutor’s behavior (“Who do you take us for here?”); · “imaginary inattention” - loss of necessary documents, omission of arguments or dangerous arguments of an opponent; · “imaginary misunderstanding” - repeating the interlocutor’s arguments “in your own words” with deliberate distortion of the information received (“In other words, you think...”); · “multiple questions” - inclusion in one question of several questions that are not compatible with each other, followed by accusations of either “not understanding the essence of the problem” or of avoiding answering one of the questions asked; · “What do you have against it?” - a requirement for the opponent to provide critical arguments followed by a discussion of his arguments instead of arguing the proposed thesis; · “compulsion to an unambiguous answer” - pressure on the opponent in order to obtain a strictly unambiguous answer “yes” or “no”, and immediately (“Tell me straight...”); · “rabulism” - a deliberate distortion of the meaning of an opponent’s statements, presenting them as funny and strange (“Your colleague has agreed to the point that...”); “reducing a fact to a personal opinion” - reducing an opponent’s fact-based argument to his personal position (“It’s just your personal opinion”); “apparent support” - imaginary support for the opponent’s arguments, aimed at reassuring him with agreement, diverting attention, and then presenting a powerful counterargument, creating the impression of very thorough familiarity with the thesis, which allows one to see its inconsistency (“Yes, but...”) . There are three main methods of neutralizing these and other techniques of psychological manipulation in business communication. "Over the ears." The method involves avoiding the discussion, avoiding direct questions, or changing the topic of conversation. You might drop something, be distracted by an imaginary phone call, or get a speck of dust in your eye. The purpose of the method is to gain time and dodge manipulation. "Dot the i's." A direct statement that your opponent is trying to manipulate you, indicating his true motive. “Tell me directly what you want? For me to get angry and give up my demands? Countermanipulation. Using manipulation techniques to repel an opponent’s attack and force him to make a decision that is unfavorable for himself. This situation is fraught with a sharp aggravation of relations and the emergence of conflicts. In a situation of open confrontation, the one who will certainly win is the one who is armed not only with knowledge, but also with the ability to put it into practice.

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Logical barrier

A logical obstacle in a conversation is the inability to formulate phrases and then express them through verbal communication. These are people who cannot find the words to express a certain situation or are unable to cope with the flow of thoughts and emotions flying through their brain. The reasons for such manifestations may be the following factors:

Lack of education; Stiffness and shyness.

When faced with such a person, be patient, listen to him with Olympian calm, and ask. Only in this case will you be able to wait for the “rational grain” of everything you hear. If you are such a person yourself, follow these rules:

Listen carefully to those people who know how to speak beautifully. Surely, among your friends there are such people; Buy educational literature. This could be a textbook on logic or a master class on the art of public speaking; Take a public speaking course.

Ask your friends to help you overcome the logic barrier through “feedback” and their recommendations.

Tips for Improving Communication

Five tips that will be useful to you if you want to improve the quality of communication:

  1. Create the structure of your speech, plan the points that you need to cover and convey to the listener.
  2. Explain the meaning of those words that may be ambiguous; it is better to spend a little time on this, but the information will definitely be accepted correctly.
  3. Try to control your gestures. Make sure that gestures help words, and not vice versa, misleading with the opposite meaning.
  4. Be empathic – be open and friendly. Be attentive to your listener or author - pay attention to his behavior and emotions. Try to support him if he is worried.
  5. Do everything to get feedback, communication should take place in a constant connection between two people, it should not be a one-way action.

Phonetic barrier

This expression of one’s thoughts is not accurate and is not clear to the opponent. This makes it very difficult to perceive the information you convey. If you suspect that your speaking technique is not professional enough, but you need to keep the attention of your interlocutor at all costs, there are several recommendations:

Barriers in business communication can be overcome in the following way: listen to your interlocutor and adapt to his manner of expressing thoughts and speaking. It will be especially kind of you to ask questions about the topic of the conversation; It is easier to overcome barriers in informal communication - you explain to your interlocutor that you do not understand him, and together you look for a way out of the situation. You just need to do this very gently and tactfully so as not to offend the person.


  1. Izmailova M.A. Business communication: Textbook / M.A. Izmailova. – M.: Publishing and Trade, 2009. – 252 p.
  2. Igebaeva F.A. The role of communications in the management system. In the collection: social technologies in human resource management: Russian and foreign experience. Collection of materials of the I International Scientific and Practical Conference. 2004. pp. 116 – 119.
  3. Igebaeva F.A. Business communications in the formation of communicative competence of a modern agricultural university specialist. //Replication of the culture of society in the context of professional education. Book 2. Collective monograph. – Georgievsk: Georgievsk Technical Institute, 2013. – P.78 –113.
  4. Igebaeva F.A. Modern head of the agro-industrial complex: what he should be (using the example of the Republic of Bashkortostan) // Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals. All-Russian Scientific Agrarian Journal, 2014, No. 6 (124), P.105 – 108.
  5. Igebaeva F.A. Business communications: workshop. – Ufa: Bashkir State Agrarian University, 2013. – 176 p.
  6. Igebaeva F.A., Shakirov I.R. Speech as a means of forming professionally oriented communication. In the collection: Socio-economic aspects of the development of a modern state. Materials of the international scientific and practical conference. 2014. pp. 96 – 98.
  7. Igebaeva F.A. Management style is the main characteristic of a manager’s activity // Science today: theoretical aspects and practice of application: collection of articles. articles. International scientific and practical conference in 9 parts. Part 8. – Tambov: Publishing house TROO “Business-Science-Society”, 2011. – 344 p.
  8. Igebaeva F.A. On the issue of increasing the efficiency of management activities at agricultural enterprises // Socio-political sciences. International interuniversity scientific peer-reviewed journal. Moscow, Publishing House “Yur-VAK”, 2013, No. 3 – P.13 – 15.
  9. Igebaeva F.A. “Business communications” in the formation of professional competencies of a modern graduate of an agricultural university // Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals. All-Russian Scientific Agrarian Journal, 2013, No. 11 (117), P.60 – 62.
  10. Kamardina G.G. Psychological difficulties of communication: basics of psychotechnology: Textbook / G.G.Kamardina. – Ulyanovsk, 2000. – 52 p.
  11. Igebaeva F.A. Business communication: workshop. – Ufa: “Bashkir State Agrarian University”, 2010. – 112 p.

Modality barrier

A person is able to perceive the world around him using five senses:

Vision; Hearing; Smell; Touch; Taste.

However, for each person there is a priority organ, based on the perception of which we draw our own picture of the world. This is called modality. A person with an auditory modality perceives visual or tactile information with a lesser degree of intelligibility. To determine the modality of your interlocutor, show him photographs, graphs, turn on audio recordings or videos, touch. Reinforce each action with appropriate verbs: see, hear, feel, etc.

Personal barrier

A personal barrier is placed between people if one of the interlocutors, for a certain reason, does not like the other. However, some people are more tolerant of the shortcomings of others, so it is easier for them to overcome their feelings of hostility. Otherwise, communication between people becomes impossible. This comes from the lack of self-control of someone who cannot stop in their feelings of discomfort or has those shortcomings that irritate the interlocutor: slowness, bad manners, fussiness, etc. Do not hesitate to be considered an ignoramus; tell your interlocutor what irritates you so much in his behavior. However, do not forget that we are all not without shortcomings, so control yourself.


Lack of mutual understanding between interlocutors can arise for many reasons. These include:

  • level of intelligence;
  • unequal knowledge of the topic or subject of conversation;
  • differences in the lexicon and thesaurus (a set of concepts corresponding to any field of knowledge);
  • lack of understanding by partners of the communication situation;
  • different worldviews based on differences of social, cultural, political, religious, professional, national character.

Barriers between interlocutors often manifest themselves as individual characteristics of a psychological nature. Examples of communication barriers of this kind:

  • excessive frankness of one person and isolation of another;
  • resentment, mistrust, suspicion and other negative feelings directed at the partner;
  • intelligence versus assertiveness;
  • intuitive rejection of someone else's personality.

These filters can act in such a way that true information is perceived as erroneous, and false information becomes acceptable.

Motivational barrier

This barrier occurs in cases where people have different motives for entering into a conversation. For example, you want to talk with your husband about going on vacation, and he wants to discuss with you the problem of buying a new car. In this case, people will not only not understand each other, it can lead to conflict in the family. In order to avoid troubles, before starting a conversation, voice the topic you want to talk about.

Barrier of incompetence

This barrier often occurs between employees. The interlocutor is annoyed by the incompetence of the other, due to this, feelings such as:

Anger; Annoyance; Feeling of wasted time, etc.

There are two ways out of this situation:

Unobtrusively explain to a person that he is incompetent in this matter and help him achieve perfection; End the conversation and do not bring it up again on this topic with this interlocutor.

The choice can be made based on your goals.

Communication style barrier

All people have their own communication style, which depends on the following factors:

Character; Impulsivity; Education; Professional features, etc.

A person’s communication style is formed over the years, and changing it, if not impossible, is extremely difficult. The motivators of the communication style of people in society are:

Self-affirmation in society; Support; Desire to communicate; Attitude towards others; Attitude towards oneself; Manner of influence on others, etc.

As a rule, an interlocutor pursuing a certain goal has to accept the communication style of another person.

Barrier of inability to hear and listen to the interlocutor

This barrier is caused by a person’s inattention to other people’s problems, bad manners or lack of interest in the topic of conversation. More often, people who are fixated on their own “I” and their problems suffer from the inability to listen to their interlocutor. If you need this communication, speak in such a way that the person becomes interested in listening to you. Change the topic of conversation, but as a result return to the idea that you are trying to convey to him. In this case, communication through gestures, facial expressions, and changes in intonation helps.

The following categories of people are most likely to encounter communication barriers:

Unconfident; Ill-mannered; Whose level of education is below average; Distrustful and suspicious; Self-centered; Prone to manipulating other people; Trying to benefit from everything that happens around them; Dissatisfied with themselves, their life and position in society.

This list is endless. The main thing is that if you feel that in any development of events, a barrier in communication arises between you and your interlocutor, look for the true reasons for its appearance, work on yourself, but do not stop communicating.

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