Why you have no luck in your personal life with men - reasons and solutions to the problem of lack of relationships

Good day, my dear readers, Oksana Manoilo is with you and the topic is why you have no luck in your personal life with men? In this article we will talk about exactly this. It’s spring outside, the birds are chirping, and more and more people began to turn to me for help regarding their personal lives. So I decided to tell you something about this today. Provide practices for solving relationship problems.

Unlucky in your personal life?

In this article you will learn:

What are the reasons for such bad luck? I will try to present esoteric knowledge and the wisdom of our ancestors in a very simple form. And of course, I will offer methods for solving problems. So that you can easily start using it today. So that in the next month or two, you really see changes in yourself and in your personal life with men. To finally find your soul mate and be happy to your toes.

I have been deeply involved in esotericism for the last 10 years, but before that I, like everyone else, was rushing around, looking for myself and stuffing my bumps. Therefore, I understand you perfectly. Everything—everything that happens to you—is familiar to me. Today I am a happy mother of three amazing girls, a beloved wife and successful in my business, my calling. So, let's start understanding today's topic.

What if I’m beautiful, smart, free and adequate?

Difficulties in finding a partner can befall even those women who seem ideal. In this case, I advise you to try on a different type. Let me give you a clear example: you quickly find a common language with the guys, you know how to fix a car engine, and what the dollar exchange rate is today. Guys are unlikely to perceive such a woman as a potential companion. Most likely, you will be listed as a good friend, with whom it is pleasant to chat on a Friday evening at the bar after work.

Surprisingly, even caring “homey” girls are not always liked by men. It would seem strange: after a hard day at work, the “mammoth hunter” comes home, where a delicious dinner, well-mannered children, clean floors await him... But the guys themselves admit that they are bored with girls who are fixated on family comfort. Moreover, in a society of caring “mother hens” it is very easy to waste all your masculinity. Read my article “Reasons why a man can degrade” to understand what I’m talking about.

Fortunately, women's failures in relationships will not haunt you for the rest of your life if you understand in time what their cause is and take on a comprehensive solution to the problem. Regarding the topic of intimacy, I recommend that you read the articles in the “Love and Sex” section. And you can work on inner harmony in the online course “Secrets of Women’s Happiness,” hundreds of participants of which have already changed their lives beyond recognition!

Do you agree with the typical reasons for female failures I have given? Or do you think it’s not just about you? I look forward to interesting opinions in the comments!

Why are you unlucky in your personal life with men - the opinion of psychics?

Have you noticed that we are surrounded by a huge number of people, most of whom have problems in their personal lives? And he doesn’t know what to do to solve them. Note that the “other part” does not even know about the existence of such problems. Why? No, not at all because they have no personal life. Simply, they know the secrets of how to improve their personal life. Those. they possess special knowledge and apply it in their lives. Be careful here! Stop for a moment. Again.

There is certain knowledge that allows you to build your personal life and harmonious relationships. These “lucky people” know how to manage the space around them in such a way that bad luck doesn’t even knock on their doors. And those who do not know the intricacies of the universe, do not know how the laws of the universe work, have problems in their personal lives and bad luck after bad luck.

Laws? Secrets? Someone will say: “What nonsense?”, “What are these laws?”

Of course, how could it be otherwise? Everything in the world is subject to some laws. Who knows, he's covered in chocolate! Those who are not, bear their own cross - this is the truth of life. I will list several reasons for bad luck in your personal life with the men you most often date.

Fear of loneliness

There is a type of women who enter into relationships because they are simply afraid to be left alone without a family: a husband and children. They may not feel love for their partner, they live with him because it is necessary, and therefore they do not experience female happiness. This subsequently leads to a breakup, because love is an exchange of mutual feelings.

Such fear can be formed in childhood, when a daughter looked at her single mother and saw how difficult it was for her. The mother could also instill in the child that it is imperative to find a husband, because raising children on your own is extremely difficult. With such attitudes, a grown-up girl has only one goal in life - not to be left alone, to get married at any cost, and for whom it no longer matters. She will be very lucky if she meets a decent person whom she will love and be loved herself. But more often than not, such women meet the wrong men.

After a breakup, the girl does not draw any conclusions or analyzes, but tries to quickly find a replacement partner and again falls into the same rake. If you come across suitors of only one type of character and behavior, this indicates that the woman is making a mistake in her behavior and attracts bad guys herself.

What other reasons could there be why you have no luck with men ?

  1. Carelessness towards yourself and your partner. Some ladies do not take care of their figure, their everyday life, and do not strive to learn something in order to be an interesting interlocutor for their spouse. They don’t want to pay attention to their husband and children. To establish such a marriage or meet a good man, you must first of all find inner harmony, learn to take care of yourself, your soulmate, take care of the environment around you, for example, regularly clean the house.
  2. Infantility. Girls who feel immature cannot create a strong and serious union, because psychologically they are not ready for this. They cannot take responsibility for their decisions and actions, they run away from problems, and are unable to sort out their own feelings. Only the realization that childhood is over and control over your mind will help you find your love and build harmonious relationships.
  3. Naivety and gullibility. There is a type of girl who is simply not ready for the fact that there is a lot of evil and deception in the world. They believe every word of a stranger, so they easily trust men who simply wipe their feet on them and use them, and then abandon them. If you do not draw the necessary conclusions and learn to understand people, such a woman will simply go in circles and again choose the wrong men.

If you have no luck with guys, then you need to first look for the reason in yourself. After all, a woman chooses a bad partner for herself. If she is interested in this type, this does not mean that she is pathologically unlucky, it means that she has internal problems that need to be solved before entering into a new relationship.

Reason #1 for bad luck - bitter experience of the past and fears

Do you remember the saying: “I get burned on milk, but it blows on water”? Who among us did not fall in love in our youth? Who among us has not suffered from unrequited love? It was then that this stupid confidence took root that “they are all the same.” This is a kind of program written into the subconscious to protect us in the future. Nature takes care of us in this way, protects us. But sometimes this defense mechanism plays a cruel joke.

And every time fate gave us another chance, we, without realizing it, refused it. It would be more correct to say that our fears did this for us.

But they fell in love again! But the weight of previous mistakes hung like a stone around my neck. Not allowing you to forget about the past pain for a second and therefore the failures are repeated.

Me, me, me

If you look at the feed of a dating site for a long time, you can see yellowthroat chicks with gaping beaks. They twist their small heads on thin necks from side to side, shouting: “Me, me!” Give! Want! More!"

In the age of consumption, we only want to take. Only receive: attention, care, understanding. But the other wants the same thing - pleasure for himself.

Meanwhile, love is always about giving. Love is understanding the desires of another. Feel the other. Putting the happiness of others above your own pleasure. Focus on something else.

As long as in a couple relationship everyone wants personal happiness only for themselves, all people will seem unsuitable. Again and again the wrong ones.

Reason #2 - incorrect settings, like dead ballast

Why is it difficult to build relationships? Have you paid attention to who is asking this question? As a rule, these are people over 30, who certainly live with their parents. Or people who have achieved much greater heights than perhaps they themselves planned. These people have one thing in common - in addition to problems in their personal lives - these are their attitudes.

“You should only communicate with people in your circle!” “It’s not appropriate for people in our society to communicate with people like that...” “People like him are no match for you!” “Don’t you dare even think about...” Sounds familiar? And try “disobey”!

The law of opposites attracting rarely fails. It was “thanks to him” that kings fell in love with beggar women, intellectuals with representatives of the middle class, there are a lot of similar examples.

Wrong attitudes imposed by our parents, environment, and sometimes we impose them on ourselves, are one of the reasons why we have no luck in our personal lives with men.

Signs for good luck in love

In mythology, there were androgynes - the first people who combined the characteristics of a man and a woman.

Androgynes are people endowed with external characteristics of both sexes.

Source Wikipedia

Like the Titans, they were very strong and encroached on the power of the gods. Zeus decided to cut them in half to halve their strength and scatter them throughout the world. Since then, people are doomed to search for their soulmate.

Every person dreams of finding his partner, with whom he will find spiritual and physical harmony, with whom he will feel comfortable and to whom he can entrust his innermost dreams.

Many people pass by their love or have simply lost faith that they can find their soul mate.

To prevent this from happening, you should pay attention to folk signs, belief in which will help attract love:

  • Unlucky in little things, lucky in love;
  • If a woman has changed her image, then she subconsciously prepares for a meeting with her betrothed;
  • A precious piece of jewelry lost by a woman at home is interpreted by occultists as an offering to the god of love. A lost ring means that a loved one is on the threshold, an earring means a wedding is coming;
  • The appearance of a dove on the windowsill means an imminent marriage.

Signs for luck can be used by romantic and impressionable people for decisive action.

Reason #3 - your thoughts

All our thoughts have an addressee. Space, the universe reads all our thoughts and answers us. Think about how many positive thoughts are born in your head every day? “Where can I get money”, “Credit...”, “She’s sick again...”, “Yes, this job...”, etc., etc.

And only in the evening, after a shower, until sleep finds you, lonely and broken, in a chair in front of the TV with a glass of something... for some reason one single thought gets stuck in your throat: “Why am I so unlucky in my personal life with men?!”

Yes, because you are not doing it seriously and systematically! We were taught to look for work. They taught me how to get a job, but they didn’t teach me how to look for or manage my personal life. It is believed that it should somehow grow together by itself. Well, isn't it funny?

Women misinterpret the word "decency"

Most mothers who raise their daughters in the spirit of decency instill the wrong values ​​in their heads. They do everything so that they grow up to be overly modest, educated, well-read, and always with a sense of duty and guilt.

The girl finds confirmation of her mother’s science in fairy tales and cartoons, the basis of which revolves around the fact that princes always find good and docile girls, quickly marry them and give them a heavenly life. Yes, there are princes, but the heavenly life does not shine for everyone. Often it all ends with these same Cinderellas sitting and yearning, realizing that the fairy tale ended immediately after the wedding, and the prince turned into... you know who.

Lolita admitted that before her debut in the play “Marriage” she took sedatives. Decorate the mirror with your own hands. The method is simple and economical: take note Filming on TikTok will soon become available on Samsung smart TVs

But my friend, who from an early age did not think much about decency and lived the way she wanted, has settled down much better - she continues to enjoy everything that happens.

Reason #4 - life is unfair!

“Why am I having no luck in my personal life with men, help!” - What is this - a cry for help, or banal self-deception? Many complain that “life is unfair to them” and “that there are no “normal” men on their way.” For some reason, women in this area are more likely to complain. Men also have enough problems, but somehow they carry more and more of them within themselves.

Why isn't life fair? It is not always so. Often, we ourselves are not ready to let strangers into our lives, even those chosen by our hearts. Because by this moment life for 99% of those “complaining” had already somehow developed and settled down.

There is a crazy fear of losing freedom. The need to wash and cook (not only for yourself, your loved one!). Understanding that you will have to give up: carefree bachelor get-togethers with friends. From watching football matches in favor of the series and vice versa. From ingrained habits, etc. “It is much more profitable and convenient to love at a distance,” your subconscious, or your “ego” dictates to you...


Low self-esteem is a big hindrance on the love front. It prevents you from feeling like a person who deserves attention, care, tenderness and affection. It will be difficult for a normal man with a healthy psyche to enter into a relationship with such a girl, because she will refuse attention and gifts, constantly talk about shortcomings in her appearance and character, which will get on her nerves.

Important! Insecure women attract partners whose psyches are crippled. These are people with addictions (gamblers, alcoholics, drug addicts), pathological liars, cheaters, criminals, men who will verbally finish off their beloved’s self-esteem (for example, with the phrases “who needs you but me,” “look at you,” “you can’t do anything) "and reasons). You need to get rid of such relationships urgently; they will not bring anything good to your personal life.

Women with low self-esteem are not ready to accept that someone can love them; they perceive confessions as bullying and suffer because of this. They also expect constant trouble in relationships.

Low self-esteem hinders not only in love, but also in other areas of life. Finding a good and well-paid job will not be achieved by internal complexes that will convince you that a person does not deserve this position, that he cannot cope with anything. In a family sense, this is a bad example for your children, who will later try on the role of a mother or father, and therefore will also become pathological losers.

Reason #5 - sacrifice, low self-esteem

One of the good reasons for breaking up a relationship, if one suddenly appears, is excessive sacrifice! “I am everything to him... and he?...” Or “What was he missing? I left my friends for him, and...” - sound familiar? Have you already heard it somewhere?

Or maybe it wasn’t worth sacrificing yourself on the sacrificial altar of love at all? Maybe you shouldn’t “do everything for him) and nothing for yourself?

One of the reasons that “there is no change on the personal front” is that as soon as people begin to develop more or less normal relationships and everything gets better for them, one of the partners will definitely begin to try on the mask of a sacrificial doe. For what??? You are loved for who you are! And this happiness must be cherished like the apple of your eye. Remember - low self-esteem is the enemy of a happy personal life.

Loneliness, lack of personal life, depression, feeling trapped - all these are links in the same chain. Agree, it is unlikely that if a person has a full personal life, he will feel lonely. Often depression is a consequence of a breakup.

Failed past relationships

If a person gets burned on something once, next time he will be extremely careful. One might even say overly picky and distrustful. All people are different, if a man deceived you in a past relationship, this does not mean that the second or subsequent partner will do the same to you.

It’s a very big mistake to constantly compare your soulmate with your past boyfriend. It is extremely wrong to do this out loud - to express all your dissatisfaction with your lover. Saying that he also throws socks around or leaves a dirty plate on the table, like the ex did. No one enjoys being constantly compared to someone else, whether in a positive or negative way. Each person is individual. Stop doing this even in your own thoughts. Constant comparisons poison you from the inside and kill your feelings for your partner. Start all relationships from scratch, as if nothing had happened before. This will save a lot of time and effort.

Someone will object and say, but it was an experience, now it’s easy to just take it and forget it. It is impossible to forget a negative experience. But you need to change your attitude towards this experience. Stop constantly looking for a catch in the behavior of your loved one, expecting betrayal or abnormal behavior from him.

This is how human psychology works, so as not to feel pain again, a woman simply puts a block in her head. She cannot relax in relationships and enjoy them. Moreover, the girl begins to beat herself up and exaggerate the severity of some action of her loved one. Sooner or later this will lead to a break, because in this case both parties suffer. It will not be clear to the partner what he did to deserve distrust and constant nagging.

It is worth understanding that in this case, ’s personal life is hampered by the woman’s fear of reliving past negative experiences and low self-esteem. Some people have the attitude that relationships only bring pain. All these aspects should be dealt with after a failed union before embarking on a new one.

Methods for dealing with bad luck in your personal life

Now I want to give advice that is a dime a dozen on the Internet. The most interesting thing is that they are distributed right and left by those who themselves do not have a family, who do not have children, but they “understand a lot” about why they have no luck in their personal lives with men)))

When I read their recommendations, I clutch my head because someone will read this. Will take and follow these tips. Do you know what will happen?

You will be like a squirrel in a wheel spinning from one partner to another! From one relationship to another. And at this time the cats will scratch your soul. And there will still be no light in life.

This is what “smart” and “advanced egoists” without a family advise.

How to become happy

In fact, life is wonderful. Look around you, because happiness is always nearby. And it is in simple things - the bright sun, the blue cloudless sky, the happy eyes of children.

You must understand that your life depends on you, only you can manage it as you see fit. Therefore, you need to live today, think about the present, because these moments will soon pass and remain in the past. But you can’t change the past, just as we can’t control the future.

It is very important to realize that you need to be happy now, and not put off this moment for later.

If you think that you have no one to love right now, this is not true at all. Love yourself, your surroundings, the world around you. And then life will return this love to you. Remember that everything you give will come back to you many times over. Maintain good relationships with the people around you.

Every person needs communication, and communication can make a person happy or, on the contrary, unhappy. These are family, neighbors, colleagues, friends. Communicate only with those people who give you positivity.

Smile more often and you will feel much better.

Thank God and the Universe for everything you have now. This way you open yourself up to something new that needs to happen in your life.

Why are you unlucky in your personal life with men and what to do?

The answer is on the surface - trust fate, do not limit yourself to communicating with people exclusively from your circle. Open up to the world and it will open up to you.

Acknowledge the fact that there is a problem. Allow yourself to be weak and accept outside help... You need to make a choice, leave one comfort zone in order to enter another...

Start taking care of yourself. Learn to listen and hear your body - start pampering yourself with all kinds of salons. Visiting the fitness center should become an integral part of your life. A well-groomed woman cannot help but attract the attention of men!

Going to the theater, restaurant or visiting an exhibition once a week is not a luxury. But rather, it is a necessity for you. Love yourself, value yourself and soon you will feel how your life is changing.

What can I tell you, in modern realities there are quite a lot of well-groomed, beautiful, attractive, earning, but VERY LONELY women. Who cry into their pillow at night and turn to me for help.

It’s not all about the external, whatever one may say. The most important thing is what is inside a person. I am now talking about the spiritual component, the spiritual component. Nowadays consumption has become the norm. And many, without noticing, in relationships only demand, demand and demand. But with the sensual line, with truly feminine energies, there is a problem.

Tell me honestly, do you know women around who are “ugly”, plump, seemingly unsightly, but they have a family, a full cup in the house and comfort?

Unfortunately, now they don’t teach us to be gentle, they don’t teach us to be open. And this is precisely what a modern woman lacks. I believe that when there are problems in your personal life, you need to work on yourself, start with yourself.

Three global problems of decent women

As practice shows, women who strictly follow all the dogmas of decency are divided into three types. Depending on this, they build pre-losing models of behavior with men.

  1. Accessible and selfless. We are talking about a woman who is ready to give everything without asking for anything in return. Such people come running at the first call and silently forgive any male tricks.
  2. The Snow Queen. These girls are cold and unapproachable. They do not know how to express their emotions and cannot convey their desires to their partner. The reason is simple - the girl does not understand how a harmonious relationship between a man and a woman should be built. She is the same Snow Queen whose heart needs to be melted. Only a rare man will decide to do this.
  3. Overprotective. The desire to please everyone around is another women's problem that deprives the right to personal happiness. When a person forgets about his interests and begins to live to please other people, those around him quickly cease to appreciate him. This principle also works in relationships between a woman and a man.

The whole problem is that it is rare that a man will appreciate and respect such women. They have a happy marriage very rarely.

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Methods from Oksana Manoilo on how to get rid of the reasons why you have no luck in your personal life with men

  • We need to restore inner peace.
  • Get your nerves in order.

  • To restore and pump up the sensual line - these are the chakras Zarod, Percy, Lada, Lelya.
  • Clear the corridor of the past.
  • Break energetic ties with former partners, because this is how energy flows out of you.
  • Increase feminine energies so that men sense a Woman in you, with a capital W - as a mother, as a successor of the Family, as a keeper of the family hearth. Those. so that you don’t have to build relationships with one person today, and with another tomorrow. And to build alone, but harmonious, durable, loving.

Yes, you may not have been taught this anywhere, but it’s never too late. In the “Online Esotericism Education” course we learn and do all this. And students change right before our eyes.

Here's what my client recently wrote:

Little time has passed…

And the fairy felt free, secure and beautiful. Her life began free, serene, and abundant. She flew through the western forests, looked at the world with blue eyes, bought herself bright outfits, branded and famous things. And she would have lived happily ever after, but the money began to run out, and, alas, I didn’t want to work. And the fairy decided that the time had come to look for a new and wealthy husband!

The fairy began to take a closer look at her surroundings. And think who would be a good husband for her? So that he would be rich, and idolize her, and would not let her work, and he himself would remain silent more. The fairy had many suitors, but for some reason they didn’t ask her to marry her! Maybe the reason was that the fairy became older and her face noticeably aged? Or maybe because the young fairies overshadowed her with their competition? Every day she had less and less money, but she still couldn’t get married. And then she had to look for a new patron. The choice fell on the blind mole Petrovich.

“Yes, he may be old, but he’s rich,” the fairy said to herself judiciously, “and he won’t force me to work, but then maybe I’ll find something better.”

The fairy began to live with the mole, in a dark hole underground. There was money, there was food, but there was no happiness. It was hard for her to live underground, in the dark, and with a blind mole! He didn’t speak words of love to her, he didn’t admire her beauty either, and he couldn’t, because he was blind.

His relatives and friends often visited them. Accordingly, no one paid attention to her. Because no one recognized her. And they considered it exclusively a decorative decoration for a dark mink.

The fairy felt sad, and she began to take her anger out on the mole, saying that he did not appreciate her and that he did not love her. But a mole is not a dung beetle. He couldn’t stand it, so he took her and threw her out into the street.

And again the fairy had to look for a patron, but only there were fewer and fewer patrons. The fairy's gloss was already frayed, her eyes were dull, and there were more and more young and beautiful competitors.

We need to lower the bar - the fairy stubbornly decided! Maybe not looking for a very rich person, but a wealthy one, and maybe even with some kind of disadvantage: missing an arm, a leg, or with a child. Once a fairy went to visit a friend and met a ferret with a baby there. The ferret's mother died under tragic circumstances, and the ferret raised her son himself.

They liked each other. Everyone reasoned, but in their own way, the fairy realized that she could calmly breathe and not work, and the ferret hoped that he had found his son a stepmother. They began to live well and make good money. At the beginning everything went well, but then it started...

The fairy began to notice that the baby ferret was starting to irritate her! She did not feel loved, because she wanted to be in first place with the ferret, and he paid all his attention to the child. Jealousy and anger awoke in the fairy, because she had vague guesses that the ferret only needed her as a nanny for the child. But she wanted love, admiration, and, of course, more money. And she began to grumble at the ferret that he didn’t love her, didn’t put her first, and that his cub was not well-mannered! And in general, let him hire a nanny for his son, while he pays attention to her and admires her unearthly beauty. The ferret looked at the fairy and eventually left with the child.

And now specific actions and practices

  • You need to learn to think positively and be filled with the energy of happiness. When you have happiness inside, you will be able to radiate it and give it to others. As you know, everyone is drawn to positive people, but why? Remember, someone comes, the life of the party, and a crowd immediately surrounds him - he radiates energy that everyone wants to partake of. It doesn’t matter who it is, a man or a woman, everyone wants to communicate with him at least a little. Because how you can profit from this very energy. Become such a person, a Sunshine person.

I am a practical person in life, I don’t like to talk a lot, I like to take things and do them. Therefore, from words to deeds. Below is a short video practice. Do it right now, it's easy.

  • Learn to interact with nature. To start, just spend more time in nature. Mother Nature will always help restore internal imbalance.

We remember why we have no luck in our personal lives with men. Because something inside us, some kind of program does not allow us to do this. Accordingly, there is an internal imbalance, and it needs to be eliminated.

You are probably familiar with the feeling of complete harmony, happiness, and euphoria after relaxing in the forest. Remember that feeling of inner fullness when, just sitting for an hour by the river, you looked at the water, and you felt warm and good. Sometimes a half-hour walk in the park will bring many times more benefits than going to a psychologist. We are children of nature, and it helps us. You need to notice it, appreciate it and use it to your advantage. Interact correctly with nature, learn to feel yourself, hear yourself, your true desires.

Get rid of the past, practice!

For those who are ready to act, and not just read about this topic and sigh, I give you another highly effective practice. In it we will work through the corridor of the past and get rid of the burden of the past. You need to break these ties that are weighing you down. And also drive fears out of yourself.

Fear is most often the subpersonality of the hare, which is registered in you. Once you get rid of the hare, you will stop being afraid. Finally, take a deep breath and look to the future with confidence. I wrote about subpersonalities in one of my articles, here

Cleaning the corridor of the past

Why are you unlucky in your personal life with men? How can I get rid of this problem right now?

You need to mentally, right now, imagine the most painful, most unpleasant relationship. Clearly remember this relationship, scroll through the painful scenes. Imagine your partner, here he is in front of you.

Most likely you feel uncomfortable right now, this is normal and exactly how it should be. Through pain, through tears, we will now get rid of these ballasts forever.

So. You need 5-7 minutes to remember all the pain that this relationship brought you. All the most difficult, unpleasant moments. All the phrases, words that were said to each other. You need to remember all this as deeply as possible. To get completely angry and reach the boiling point now. This is for a good cause. You can cry at this stage, but just complete the practice. Honestly, honestly, reveal everything within yourself. All the pain and resentment that lurks within you. What you have hidden deep down - bring it out.

Now, imagine that in front of you is a deep abyss, an abyss. And now you need to take together everything, everything that you have just been turning around in yourself, in your head. All this needs to be put in a bag. Perhaps the bag will be huge, it doesn’t matter. Everyone was shoved in there, including the partner, his image. And the bag was thrown into the abyss. Huh!

My soul felt a little better, but that’s not all. You need to do the practice several times. To such a state that when you even want to imagine your relationship, you want to get angry, but that’s it! Nothing seems to be happening anymore. No images. No emotions.

This is an incredibly effective practice. She works wonders.

It would seem that only 5-7 minutes need to be spent on doing it in order to get rid of the pain of the past. And sometimes we can’t get out of problems for years. In the course “Teaching Esoterics Online” we do similar practices using my videos, it’s much simpler, more effective and clearer. Watch the course introductory video for FREE. And after it you will notice the first results, changes in your life.

I won’t overburden you with my methods))) For those interested, subscribe to site updates or come to the full training course.

Tips on how to become loved

A woman needs to feel needed, and this is the main thing for which she lives. And she feels needed only when a loved one appears in her life.

As a rule, the one who loves and appreciates herself becomes happy. This is what makes it unique and special. She is not looking for a relationship just so as not to be left alone. She knows her own worth, does not try to change people to suit her interests, but perceives them as they really are.

Such a woman knows that any man will be happy next to her. And she has her own point of view on relationships with the opposite sex: will she be happy with her chosen one, will he not suppress her personality, will she still have the opportunity for personal growth.

She has her own interests and passions in life. She knows what she wants and will be able to fight for her happiness. If a relationship with a man causes only negative emotions, she will break off this relationship without an ounce of doubt.

She understands that strong, stable relationships can only exist between people who have similar views on life, goals, aspirations and life values. She is sure that she will definitely be lucky in love.

Sexuality and romance according to modern psychologist Nikki Goldstein

It's no secret that love is directly related to sexuality and, accordingly, to orientation. In 1948, Alfred Kinsey first created a method for determining sexual orientation: hetero, homo and bisexual with varying degrees of expression. But today this scale does not in any way accommodate the orientations that have emerged over the past decades. Modern sexuality is a mix of limitless possibilities and various combinations.

Today's well-known sex psychologist Nikki Goldstein explains this by saying that today's youth are closer to themselves, recognize themselves better and are not squeezed by social stereotypes, like previous generations. Sexual and romantic attraction (and they are closely related) can be oriented in different ways:

  1. Pansexuals are individuals who do not pay attention to their partner’s gender. They are attracted to a person by his personality, uniqueness, talent, and not anatomy. Therefore, they can experience love for both genders and for non-binary individuals (they do not identify as either gender).
  2. Demisexuals are those people for whom communication, mutual understanding and friendship come to the fore, which over time develops into romance. Sex on the first date is unacceptable for them, and on the second and third. It is possible only after an indefinite period of time, when it is time to build a stable relationship.
  3. Lithromantics are originals who “love to love,” but do not want to receive reciprocal feelings. They choose an object of adoration and burn with passion until he reciprocates. If this happens, lithromantics immediately lose interest.
  4. Aromantics avoid confessions and other expressions of feelings. Aromantic is the name given to a person who, a priori, does not feel love for anyone. He simply does not know how to love, although he is constantly in search, because he believes that he simply has not yet found the right person. Here I would like to recall Alexander Poleev, who spoke about the excessive criticality of individual people and their inability to idealize someone, without which love is impossible.
  5. Recipsexuals are capable of inflaming with love only in response. They are not in danger of suffering from non-reciprocal feelings.
  6. Asexuals are people who deny sex, some out of conviction, others because of low libido. Often asexuals do not advertise their peculiarity, because they are afraid of being labeled “impotent”, “old maid” or similar. Accordingly, they shy away from love for the same reasons.
  7. Graysexuals are not opposed to sex, but experience attraction occasionally. Their problems with starting romantic relationships have the same roots as asexuals.
  8. Sapiosexuals are those who fall in love and are attracted only to people with a high level of intelligence. It can be difficult for them to find their person.
  9. Cupiosexuals – it’s generally unclear with these. They love to have sex, but only with those they are not attracted to.
  10. Digitalsexuals are fans of building relationships on the Internet who do not want to transfer them into reality.

If you noticed, the opinions of psychologists overlap. They point to similar reasons for individuals' inability to experience romantic love. The main thing in all of this is: does anything need to be done to correct the situation? If a person is comfortable living without love, then why change anything, rape the psyche just because “you have to fall in love.” If a person suffers, is looking for romance, dreams of falling in love, but nothing works out, then the problem needs to be solved. First of all, it is important to find out the cause, and only then move on to finding a solution. You can deal with this faster and easier by using the help of a psychologist. That's all I wanted to say. Goodbye.

General advice from psychologists, real examples that work

To start building a romance correctly, psychologists recommend following recommendations that allow each partner to feel comfortable:

  1. People need to be given freedom. Constant calls and control over the situation exhausts both of them and leads to separation.
  2. The ability to give thanks is important. Your other half will want to do something nice. Even if you didn’t like your beloved’s dinner or your boyfriend’s gift, you can’t say this: this is how a person loses the desire to do things for his chosen one or chosen one.
  3. You can't be monotonous. It is important to change your image, your date place, anything, so as not to make your partner feel bored and look for something new!

Often men are lonely because of the prevailing stereotypes that before starting a family, you need to be successful. With this behavior they provoke women to be materialistic.

Millions of families work, make money together and are happy at the same time, because they have an incentive, grow, and develop. In pursuit of material values, people risk missing out on love and being left with acquired wealth without happiness.

Hypopituitarism is a disease that prevents you from falling in love

Have you ever heard the term hypopituitarism? No? Consider yourself lucky, because hypopituitarism is a serious endocrine disease associated with the inability of the anterior pituitary gland to produce hormones. Other depressing consequences of the disease include the inability to love. The scary thing is that hypopituitarism has no cure. And although the condition can be controlled with hormone replacement therapy, not every person will be capable of such a feat as throwing tons of pills into the body every day, putting up with the side effects just to get a ghostly chance of loving someone. But let's not go into details and move on to less sad reasons.

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