How to achieve a goal in life and what you need to do for this

Everyone is interested in how to achieve their goals effectively and quickly. After all, the life of every person is filled with movement, meaning, and values. In the endless race for success, it is not always possible to achieve the desired results.

Only a few manage to independently analyze errors and achieve their goals. Also, the behavior and algorithm of actions are adjusted and filled with incentives by following specific advice. How to achieve your goals in life, set benchmarks and achieve them within the planned time frame - in this article.

Where to begin

In order to choose a direction, following which will lead to new achievements , you should understand the following rules:

  • It is necessary to set only valid goals for yourself. Things that are not achievable in principle will only take up time and energy. Instead, you could spend yourself gaining material possessions. For some ideas, you can stop at conceptualizing or experiencing;
  • In their own desire to achieve what they want, people do not realize that they are going the wrong way and are wasting their energy on fulfilling other people’s desires. This can happen when a person tries to become a media personality or a famous scientist. In fact, this is an incorrectly set goal, since the result is focused on rising in the eyes of parents, acquaintances or social environment;
  • Do not forget that happiness is a moment that is not experienced very often in life . In overestimating one's own potential, the end result itself may not bring as much joy and euphoria as it seems at first glance.

Knowing how to quickly achieve his goals, a person begins to think through every step , in search of a reasonable and rational solution. The ability to achieve the desired result often comes with age. In practice, there is a category of people who spend 1-2 months searching for a solution.

Why achieve your goals

Achieving your goal is something that is guaranteed to increase your self-confidence. Personal success can not only increase self-esteem, but also strengthen character, because completing a difficult task means overcoming difficulties, developing resilience and finding innovative solutions.

Also, the obtained result pleases the person. When the goal is achieved, everyone feels relief and true pleasure from how much has been done.

Achieving some goals or one goal may seem like a fairly simple action. It all depends on how the plan was built to carry them out. Achieving the final result is often a rather long journey that requires compliance with certain rules.

The first thing to think about is the incentive. Without it, the result will not be so desirable and pleasant. This could be financial encouragement, gratitude from another person, promotion and much more.

Important! Many psychologists recommend putting your own plan on paper when it comes to achieving a goal. This will make it easier to find weak points and correct the situation.

Barriers to desires

Applying a scientific approach to how to correctly achieve your goals, psychologists have identified a list of factors that prevent a person from achieving their intended results. These are specific types of obstacles that take time to overcome:

Insufficient level of education

Lack of awareness leads to the failure of your own business, since running a business requires special knowledge and skills. To overcome this problem, you can set yourself up for higher education or enroll in specialized courses. If mastering the chosen direction is impossible due to lack of time or finances, they turn to open sources of information published on the Internet.

This problem becomes easily solved with a comprehensive study of the details of the idea and the development of a concept for implementation.

Fear of failure

This purely psychological phenomenon has haunted a person since childhood. The barrier is that a person is not so much worried about the final result as about the degree of seriousness of the actions performed. In practice, the level of involvement in the process increases as the end of the task . For this reason, on the way to their own dreams, people often give up or slow down greatly.

The temptation to give up will be strong shortly before victory...Chinese wisdom.

It has been proven that the presence of such a psychological barrier extends from childhood. Excessive criticism of a child or constant reproaches form in the minds of the future personality a fear of committing serious and sometimes even ordinary actions. It’s not that such people don’t know how to achieve the goals they set for themselves . They lack the desire to act due to the fear of running into criticism. In the future, this phenomenon will undergo serious adjustment with the help of professional psychologists.

Dispersion of attention

Next on the list of barriers that prevent you from climbing the career ladder or making a woman fall in love with you is unfocused attention. By focusing on dozens of things at once, instead of concentrating on just one, the hero does not achieve his goal.

If you chase two hares, you won’t catch either one...Russian wisdom (from the collections of A.P. Chekhov)

In the course of striving, a person simply burns out. Overcoming the barrier is seen in changing the mood, decomposing one task into five or ten independent processes.

A journey of a thousand leagues begins with one step...French wisdom.

Unfair comparison

Comparison remains an acceptable maneuver in self-assessment, analysis of what is happening and subsequent criticism of wrong actions. In the case when a person who knows how to learn how to achieve his goals immediately begins to try on the results of successful individuals, this can cause, at a minimum, dissonance.

Planning life goals and how to prioritize

So you have a million things you want to accomplish. We don't need statistics to understand why writing adds some organization to everything, but active planning can also increase our motivation.

Personal strategic planning

According to Brian Tracy, moving from A to B is personal strategic planning. Simply put, his proposed approach takes the principles of organizational management and applies them to the personal sphere.

Rather than seeking to maximize return on investment (ROI), as we would in a corporate setting, we instead seek to increase our efficiency by reducing the physical, mental, and emotional energy that we might otherwise waste.

If traveling to every EU country is not your life goal, wouldn't it be more efficient to fly? Or could you take a few extra days on your next business trip? Two very logistical examples, but hopefully they illustrate the premise of personal strategic planning.

Priority of life goals

Prioritization is about identifying the most important life goals that you have developed and written down.

  1. Once you've formalized them by writing them down, rate them on a scale of 1 to 5 or 1 to 10. As long as you systematically apply the same ranking system to all of them, the most important ones should stand out.
  2. An alternative would be to divide them first into the areas that suit them best and then rank them within each category. What is your most important goal?
  3. Is it advisable to focus on five main goals? Or are three more important? Choose the ones that are most worthy of your energy - what will make you happier? What is most important to you personally in terms of your values?
  4. Planning. What subgoals have you identified? What resources will you need for each stage and when will you need them?
  5. Find a good, but not necessarily the best, time to start, as the best may never come. Then use a planner to work it all out.

How to achieve your goals - ways

Even performing the tasks of others, for example, your employer, is always fraught with difficulties. The same thing happens when a person begins to achieve his own victories, gradually moving towards the level of his intended capabilities.

It is the goal that remains the main guideline, the starting point, relative to which a certain algorithm of actions is built

Setting goals

Forming a goal for yourself is a difficult process to understand and implement. Among the components of the applied concept, it is necessary to use not only the complete layout of the problem, but also to form a visual representation. Once you have a picture, sketch or template of the expected result in your head, the negative influence will be removed and the goal will become more or less real. This technique shows itself well in practice, when a person can escape from illusions, plunge into harsh everyday life, and get closer to those things that are achievable. In this case, voicing a dream in the form of the phrase “I want to earn a million rubles” is nothing more than a clear goal, task or further development of events that is understandable to the hero and those around him.

When studying the concept of how to achieve your real goal , you can and should pay attention to ready-made techniques. Because most of the techniques are based on the practices of successful people and are actively used all over the world. Of course, in this case, you need to understand that there are no ideal and universal recipes for happiness, so you should look for your own path in life and formulate your own plan of action.

Setting SMART goals

It is not always possible to set the right goal. When tasks are vague, it leaves us confused : how to complete them, how to measure progress.

Your goals must be precise and specific . Setting SMART goals involves being specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.

By being able to set goals using a smart framework, you immediately get the details and context you need. Setting smart goals is not difficult. You just need to go through each letter of the abbreviation and adjust the wording of the goal.

Specificity means that the goal should not be achieved in general, but only at a specific point.

For example, you want to read a lot of books by 2030.

But setting a goal as “Read 26 books a year” will become specific and ensure that every book read is aimed at achieving that goal.

We get a ready-made action plan to achieve the goal: read two books a month.

Achievability refers to your abilities. To set realistic goals for yourself, you need to study your capabilities well.

Let's return to the example of books.

To read 2 books a month, you need to read about 25 pages a day. It takes 30 minutes.

But in reality, you only have the time and energy to read 15 pages. Question: can you achieve your goal? Not quite, unless you adjust the goal itself or the required resources.

Measurability refers to the quantification of progress. If your goal is to write 1000 posts on Instagram in 5 years to get a huge audience, then you need to calculate how many posts you need to publish per day (every 2 days).

And you definitely need to monitor the progress and the result - new subscribers. The only way you will see results is if you keep up with your plan.

Existing techniques, exercises, techniques

To gain confidence as a strong motivational stimulus, you can use established practices.

Today, such techniques are used under the guidance of experienced psychologists, who select techniques based on personality characteristics and the properties of the final goal.

How to eat a whole elephant

Mastering a large amount of information or the desire to embrace the immensity becomes an impossible task even for professionals in their field. But dividing a task into several stages, stages or elements allows you to focus on the final result through sequential execution of actions or an algorithm that has been proven over the years.

In an attempt to jump over one's head, a person often slows down, which is why indecision and uncertainty appear in one's current activities. But when there is an understanding that the hero will have to participate in a chain of events - components of a single thing, then the picture will form by itself. Behind you will be completed stages that bring you closer to the completion of the ideological plan.

Movement is life

Stopping on the way to the desired goal is the main enemy of progress. The introduction of regularity in everyday practice ensures the permanent achievement of the main goal. Simply put, small efforts add up to a result that brings you closer to completing the main task. The rule of not making stops is based on the above methods of spontaneous decomposition and eating an elephant. The difference is that the problems are decomposed into minimum, maximum and optimal tasks.

For example, step-by-step instructions for achieving a language learning goal can include the following steps:

  • Minimum – learn and pronounce 5 phrases;
  • The best is to master a few rules;
  • The maximum is to watch the pitch in your chosen language and understand it.

As they say, wishing is not harmful, but not wishing is harmful. Setting clear and achievable goals determines future results. While gradually carrying out the minimum and optimum programs, you should remember about the maximum deal with your conscience. This must be done every day. If for some reason there is a gap, you should plan to increase the load for a future period. If postponing tasks until tomorrow becomes systematic, you should responsibly review your schedule.

Successful aura

Luck and first results always inspire motivated people. This is true, because it is a positive attitude that motivates you to take even greater steps and reach new heights. Particularly successful people always stand out from the gray mass of people who do not have mobility. And they are not able to make key decisions in their lives. The tactic of meeting successful people helps a lot. Which, during discussions, can lead to new desires. But soon they will become like-minded people.

A successful aura is precisely the environment in which new ideas are born and new skills emerge. This is the place and environment in which the hero becomes comfortable, where he can complete tasks on the way to the intended result. To understand how to achieve your main goals, you must first take care of a successful aura.

Top 100 main goals in a person's life

As an example, we can cite the following goals in life, from the list of which every person will find what he wants:

Personal goals

  1. Find your place and purpose in the world.
  2. Achieve some success in your activities.
  3. Stop drinking alcohol; smoke cigarettes.
  4. Expand your circle of acquaintances around the world; make friends.
  5. Master several foreign languages ​​perfectly.
  6. Stop eating meat and meat products. Read about the dangers of meat in our article
  7. Wake up at 6 am every day.
  8. Read at least one book a month.
  9. Go on a trip around the world.
  10. To write a book.

Family goals

  1. Create a family.
  2. Make your soulmate happy.
  3. Have children and raise them properly.
  4. Provide children with a good education.
  5. Celebrate your copper, silver and gold wedding with your spouse.
  6. See grandchildren.
  7. Organize holidays for the whole family.

Material goals

  1. Do not borrow money; on credit.
  2. Provide passive income.
  3. Open a bank deposit.
  4. Increase your savings annually.
  5. Put your savings into a piggy bank.
  6. Provide children with a substantial inheritance.
  7. To buy a car.
  8. Build your dream home.

Sports goals

  1. Take up a certain sport.
  2. Visit the gym.
  3. Take part in a marathon.
  4. Do the splits.
  5. Jump with a parachute.
  6. Conquer the top of the mountain.
  7. Learn to ride a horse.

Spiritual Goals

  1. Work on strengthening your will.
  2. Study books on world literature.
  3. Study books on personal development.
  4. Take a psychology course.
  5. Volunteer.
  6. Enjoy every day you live.
  7. Express sincere gratitude.
  8. Realize all your goals.
  9. Strengthen your faith.
  10. Help others for free.

Creative goals

  1. Learn to play the guitar.
  2. Publish a book.
  3. Draw a picture.
  4. Keep a blog or personal diary.
  5. Create something with your own hands.
  6. Open the site.
  7. Overcome stage and audience fear. How to cry out in public - more details here.
  8. Learn to dance.
  9. Take cooking courses.

Other goals

  1. Organize a trip for parents abroad.
  2. Meet your idol in person.
  3. Seize the day.
  4. Organize a flash mob.
  5. Get additional education.
  6. Forgive everyone for any offense ever caused.
  7. Visit sacred land.
  8. Expand your circle of friends.
  9. Give up the Internet for a month.
  10. See the northern lights.
  11. Conquer your fear.
  12. Instill new healthy habits in yourself.

It doesn’t matter at all whether you choose goals from those already proposed or come up with your own. The main thing is to act and not retreat from anything.

As the famous German poet I.V. said. Goethe:

Acquiring useful skills

Even if something doesn’t work out in life, there is a desire for it, there is a result. On the way to the object of desire, a person invariably acquires new skills. Learns and remembers useful information, masters useful techniques of successful people.

But often such a set begins to supply a person with the most important product - the ability to do something. For example, mastery of negotiation techniques was not useful in finding a job. But it will definitely be needed in sales. Because this is one of the main skills in the field.

You should also remember that any problem can be solved in several ways. But it is quite possible that on the path of trial and error a person will find a shorter path to his own goal. Because you never know where the solution might find you.

What you can learn while achieving your goal:

  • Fighting uncertainty and fears. Because it is important to achieve any goal;
  • Overcoming fears of non-existent risks, fear of change. Because internal blocks should not interfere with us;
  • Rational distribution of time budget, for work and free time. Because our effectiveness depends on it;
  • Identifying character strengths and applying them in practice. Because without this it is impossible to work one hundred percent;
  • Determining the benefits gained from mastering new skills and approaches to completing a task.

As soon as the business is considered to have begun, the thinking of the person himself changes. Even if something doesn’t work out the first time, it can work out on the second or third try. You can also apply various methods and techniques to one of the small tasks. But in some situations, you can brainstorm and enter the moderate risk zone. The most important thing is to remain optimistic and believe in achieving results. And be prepared for the changes that will happen in life very soon. Because they will definitely happen.

The structure of personal self-realization

Each person has his own priority direction in which his further life self-realization will occur. Some people are given the ability to express creativity as a talent, others have special skills in communicating with children, which makes them an ideal parent.

The most important thing is to have the freedom of self-realization, to get involved in it for real, and not at the insistence of third parties. In addition, there are special strategies, goals and mechanisms of personal self-realization, which I would like to talk about in a little more detail.

If we consider the self-realization of the individual in some aspects, then we can say that it is:

  • activities that are inherent in each person;
  • a special process of knowing yourself, in order to recognize and reveal your own abilities and talents;
  • implementation of the most important personal qualities, the purpose of which is to achieve certain goals.

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Be that as it may, the process of self-development and self-improvement is the main component of self-realization as a whole. Don’t think that this process will go quickly and unnoticed. The path to self-realization is not easy, by no means easy, and success at one stage or another will help determine a set of structural indicators, for example:

  • manifestation of initiative aimed at planning one’s own activities, its regulation, careful control and mandatory focus;
  • signs of autonomous (independent) behavior, when you can make a competent, important decision, and are also able to independently regulate your interaction with other subjects;
  • references to creativity that can help bring creativity into your work.

As already mentioned, the potential takes quite a long time to be realized, and therefore goals can change depending on the stage of life in the present.

How to achieve your goals - Bottom line

The final result will depend on the goal. Increase your income level, become successful, famous or desired. But in conclusion, it should be noted that you should often focus on solving internal problems, which are mostly related to psychological motivation or working on oneself. Because performing external tasks is associated with a routine that is within the control of every person.

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What is the difference between a goal and a destination and a dream?

A dream is a cloud of thoughts, it is something vague. Erema lies on the stove, scratches his belly, and thinks, “It would be nice to eat some fish soup.” A dream is a substance without weight and time; you can be a great dreamer, with a rich inner world, but a deeply unhappy person.

Destination is a long journey. What you came into this world for. This is a global concept that brings moral satisfaction. For example, helping people or animals.

Actors, for example, may have a purpose - to make this world a little happier, more smiling, more emotional. Purpose is embedded in us. It is within us, from birth. You can find your purpose by reaching an agreement with your subconscious.

And a goal is a specific, measurable object or action located from the outside - this is a SMART goal (detailed description with examples here). And the task is even smaller. This is a specific action that will lead us to the goal.

It turns out to be such a funnel: a dream is vast, without clear boundaries, a destination is a path that is comfortable to follow. A goal is the end result, while a task is a step towards the goal.

If you don’t want anything, apathy, your soul is turning you back, start by defining your purpose. You may not realize that you are not moving on your own path. You can work with machines, mechanisms, papers (inanimate objects) for a long time and feel sick.

But it turns out that your purpose is to work with people. They changed their field of activity, and that’s it - other emotions began to appear, the sun began to shine brighter. It may be exactly the opposite: a person has been with people all his life, but he is comfortable with mechanisms.

Of course, it would be good to decide on this issue before leaving school, and not go where your parents want or by “inheritance” - your great-grandfather was a doctor, he was a doctor, your father is a doctor and you are heading into medicine. Listen to yourself, your heart. Maybe with cars my soul will open up more.

But if laziness has overcome you and you don’t know how to cope with it, read a separate article.

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