How to motivate yourself to do something every day: 12 powerful tips

Motivation is the driving force behind human actions. Individual needs, ambitions, desires have a strong influence on the direction of our behavior. We satisfy our needs in different ways and strive for success for different reasons, both personal and general. There are various forms of motivation such as extrinsic, intrinsic, physiological and achievement.

Achievement motivation can be defined as the need for improvement with the basis for the triumph of all our aspirations in life. Goals influence how we perform tasks and reflect urges to demonstrate our skills. These basic physiological aspects influence natural human behavior in various conditions.

Motivation can range from biological needs to satisfying creative desires or achieving success in competitive endeavors. That's why it's so important because it affects life every day. All our behavior, actions, thoughts and beliefs are influenced by the internal desire for success, the desire to feel the pleasant weight of a laurel wreath on our head.

Actionable Quotes

The best way of motivation as a path to dizzying success is to become free to choose yourself and your life.
If you said “I want” and felt a surge of strength, it means you are on the right path. It is important to listen to your voice, never be afraid to do what you don’t know how to do, every day you need to do what you didn’t do yesterday and then success will definitely come. Many informational videos, as a means of achieving results, motivate one to succeed, become excellent motivators in difficult times, and teach one to be strong and successful.

Each training includes motivational quotes that can change your peace of mind and direct your energy on the right path. Here are some of them:

  1. Motivation does not last long, and therefore you need to take care of it daily.
  2. You need to believe in success and halfway will be passed.
  3. Is there a tailwind in your sail? No, then take the oars.
  4. One victory does not lead to success.
  5. Sometimes not getting what you want is a great success.
  6. If you can imagine it, then you can achieve it.

Being able to motivate yourself at a certain moment is the skill of millionaires; they know exactly what they want, what consequences await them and what to do to move forward, gaining strength and confidence.

It is important to undergo training, diagnose the results obtained, and look for your own ways to be strong, purposeful and financially prosperous. Trust yourself and your inner instincts, learn to measure the progress of personal actions, be wise and successful

Do you have enough motivation to achieve success and avoid failure? What motivators do you choose, are you satisfied with the personal result? Answer these questions for yourself and start your life from scratch, properly motivating yourself for success and financial well-being.

McGregor's Basic XY Theory

The author of this scientific book and detailed reflections is the famous American psychologist Douglas McGregor. The scientist worked on his work for several years. He studied people's behavior in detail and tried to find the connection between desire and opportunity. McGregor's theory contains two key aspects:

  • authoritarian benefit to employees X;
  • democratic employee benefits Y.

These theories are completely different; each has certain patterns of behavior and motives. Thus, reflections on the X theory suggest that initially the entire population of the country is lazy and weak-willed. They try to avoid mental and physical labor, so they must be under the careful guidance of more active and skillful workers. In this case, we can conclude that a person can be motivated to take action only with the help of incentives and rewards. For example, a person working at a factory is not at all interested in further advancement in the career ladder and improving the quality of work; he likes to be led. Managers need to create conditions that would allow employees to show all their talents and take care of a favorable place to work.

Theory Y motivation principles consist of the idea that all people are initially active and ambitious. They have developed abilities, they are ready to fight difficulties and go to the end. Such employees can take the initiative into their own hands; they understand what responsibility and self-control are. They are not afraid to entrust any task, since they are completely satisfied with their responsibilities and enjoy it. From this we can conclude that the average employee, given favorable conditions, is able to motivate himself to achieve his goal. It is much easier for managers to stimulate the work of employees than in the first case, because employees themselves are ready to show interest in the work being performed.

We should not forget that the main condition for human motivation is free space, the opportunity to be alone with oneself in order to better understand oneself, analyze mistakes and make fateful decisions. The XY theory can be applied by any person; it will motivate you to achieve results, suggest the right path and display possible outcomes.

Concept of achievement motive

Researchers talk not only about motivation in a specific activity, but also about motivation in general, the characteristics of a person. A large psychological dictionary includes the following definition:

The concept of motivation was supplemented by D. McClelland with the concept of “motive of achievement”. He believed that the natural motivator of the achievement motive is the desire to do something better. The achievement motive suggests that “something is done better than the fact itself, because of the internal pleasure of improving one’s own performance.”

Atkinson made additions and further developed D. McClelland's concept. He defines the achievement motive as the ability to feel pride in what has been achieved.

Personal differences in the motivational sphere may manifest themselves in the fact that some people strive to get into situations that lead to achievement, while others strive to avoid them if possible. The strength of a person's desire to achieve should depend on the level of the motive for achieving success as a personal disposition. It represents the subjectively assessed probability of achieving goals and their personal meaning for a person.

McClelland's study of need

Achievement theory (or need for achievement) was primarily promoted by American psychologist David McClelland. He spent much of his life developing the idea that three key needs are acquired through learning or experience. They cannot be learned at some seminar, but you can still learn them if you practice for several months or a year. What are these three needs:

  • Need for achievement. Selecting situations where success depends on performance
  • The need to belong. Essentially, being close to someone. Such a person enjoys mutual friendship with others
  • Need for strength. Those who have this need have a great need to control events and things or influence others


  • Accumulation of effort. Slowly, step by step, even sometimes experiencing failures, but still continue moving towards your goal. This method is good because it is possible to gain satisfaction not only from what has been achieved, but also from the process itself, living the joy of every small victory. After all, as the proverb says: “Water wears away stones.”
  • Jerk method. Everyone’s pace is different, and for some it may be easier to make a sudden, full-throttle breakthrough, a breakthrough forward. The results of this method are visible much faster, but there is a risk of exhaustion or emotional overstrain, so calculate your strengths and resources in advance.

Key principles for achieving success. 9 rules

No matter how individual the concept of success may be, it has common basic principles.

First of all, it is important to understand that you are an individual and you independently determine the degree of success of your life. The government, parents or phases of the moon are not to blame for your problems.

The government, parents, or phases of the moon are in no way to blame for your problems.

You take it and do it. We will not be remembered only for our thoughts. Only concrete actions change the situation. The more you think about an idea, the more fears there are and the less desire to move;

Live to the maximum. No one will improve our lives except ourselves. We are the artists of our own destiny. Often, between such a familiar comfort zone and the anticipation of new emotions, it is difficult to choose the latter;

Decide youself. If you always act under the influence of the imposition of other people's values, you can quickly lose your “I”. It is acceptable to take into account the opinions of others, but the final decision is made independently. Clearly and confidently;

Challenge yourself. The meaning of human life is constant development. If we do not strive to know the unknown, we gradually slide down the personal ladder;

Communicate more. Find those who have achieved success in the field that interests you. Sharing experiences will help you get closer to your own success. Just don't envy or compare yourself to others;

Always learn. If you want to succeed, you need to study it. Everyone who has achieved something has not received it ready-made on a silver platter. Only through training and practice;

Take the position of an author in your life. Many people do not consciously notice that they are taking a sacrificial position. Most of our attitudes are hidden in the subconscious and manifest themselves automatically. Sometimes we don't notice that we are complaining, making excuses or blaming others;

Develop the skill of active actions

A person understands that it is important to act actively, but few people delve into the essence of how and what to do for this. Each specific case has its own set of specific principles;

Make friends with your own motivation

It is important to understand that there is motivation, and there is self-motivation. These concepts are not identical. Misunderstanding of the meaning of life, laziness and reluctance to do something often arise due to a lack of understanding of this important principle of success.

American psychologist William James said: “Success is self-esteem multiplied by the level of your own ambitions.”

That is, a successful person moves towards his goal, but in such a way as not to lose respect for himself.

Level up

To level up you need:

  • Think about the successful outcome of the business started;
  • Don't compare yourself;
  • Notice even small results of your own, keep a diary;
  • Read biographies of successful individuals, notice similar difficulties;
  • Limit your social circle, give preference to optimistic people;
  • Study psychology, watch relevant films and videos.
  • Participate in various trainings and webinars. Study the biography of a potential coach, read reviews.

The ability to plan is an important development factor

How to motivate yourself correctly?

Basic techniques that will help you properly motivate yourself. To ensure unwavering motivation, you should adhere to three points:

  1. Setting a goal. As practice shows, not everyone knows how to set the right goal. It is correct only if it is understandable, attractive and attractive to you.
  2. Rationale. I just want one, it’s not enough. You should think about why you are setting a goal, what its implementation will give you, why this particular goal, etc.
  3. Bottom line. You need to clearly understand what awaits you if you fail to achieve your goal, and what you may lose.

It’s easier to motivate yourself when you have an algorithm at hand.

The starting point of any success is desire.

Quotes from successful, great people about success and achievements


The starting point of any success is desire. Napoleon Hill


Your well-being depends on your own decisions. John Rockefeller


Success is a terrible teacher: it makes smart people think they can't fail. Bill Gates


The longer you walk towards success, the closer it gets. Too many people give up one step before winning. Remember: others will take this step. Napoleon Hill


Successful people ask better questions and get better answers as a result. Anthony Robbins


Success is doing what you want, when you want, where you want, with whom you want, as much as you want. Anthony Robbins


Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn from mistakes. Winners are not afraid to lose. Failure is part of the road to success. Robert Kiyosaki


Most people are deprived of financial success because the fear of losing money is much greater than the joy of wealth. Robert Kiyosaki


Cultivate success from failure. Obstacles and failures are the two surest steps to success. Dale Carnegie


If faith in success and dedication to an idea are unshakable, they cannot be resisted. Pavel Durov


There are many more bullet holes on the body of a successful person than on the body of a loser. Feng Jicai


I don't know what the key to success is, but the key to failure is the desire to please everyone. Bill Cosby


Take the idea. Make it your life - think about it, dream about it, live it. Let your mind, muscles, nerves, every part of your body be filled with this one idea. This is the path to success. Swami Vivekananda


To achieve success, stop chasing money, chase your dreams. Tony Hsieh


There are two types of people who will tell you that you can't achieve something: those who are afraid to try themselves, and those who are afraid that you will succeed. Ray Goforth


Everyone achieves success using their own methods. And they don't talk about them. I often hear: “the main thing is don’t lie.” Those who appeal to the truth have not used it themselves. Those who lied well achieved success. Bein de Bash


I learned to be happy regardless of men. This is quite rare in life. My success made me happy. I don’t really believe that any man could make me happy. Tina Turner


Success is hard food for thought, but once you digest it, the feeling of happiness comes. Bernardo Bertolucci


Don't be afraid to make mistakes, don't be afraid to experiment, don't be afraid to work hard. Perhaps you won’t succeed, perhaps circumstances will be stronger than you, but then, if you don’t try, you will be bitter and offended for not trying. Evgeniy Kaspersky


The secret of success is to know something that no one else knows. A. Onassis

Steve Jobs quotes about success


When creating a company, you should not strive to get rich, but simply do what you believe in. This is the only way to achieve success.


I'm convinced that half of what separates successful entrepreneurs from unsuccessful ones is persistence.


The only thing that kept me from failing was that I loved my job—that was what drove me.


You have to work not 12 hours, but with your head.


Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling soda or do you want to change the world?


There is no such thing as a successful person who has never stumbled or made a mistake. There are only successful people who made mistakes, but then changed their plans based on those same mistakes. I'm just one of those guys.

Henry Ford Quotes about Success


The secret to a successful life is to understand what you are meant to do and do it.


The more we advance, the more we learn the limits of our capabilities. Above all, being prepared is the secret to success.


Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, working together is success.


If it seems to you that everything is stacked against you, then remember that the plane also takes off against the wind.


People give up much more often than they fail.


Try to think about the future, think about how to do more, achieve better. This creates an incredible state of mind in which you no longer see barriers and any desire seems feasible.


Failure should not be a reason to give up everything. You can start all over again, but taking into account the experience gained.


The one who does not do what he is advised and does no more than what he is told will never achieve success.

You always need to be motivated to succeed. Both yourself and others. Watch the video and read quotes from successful people.

Habits of a successful person

According to psychologists, the key to success is a harmonious ratio of the amount of energy spent on achieving a goal to the importance of the task itself. It is quite problematic to find the ideal balance that would allow you to achieve heights and enjoy life. Successful people sooner or later find this very harmony

The lifestyle they get used to leading helps

Successful people sooner or later find this very harmony. The lifestyle they get used to leading helps.

D. Niven, author of the book “One Hundred Simple Secrets of Successful People,” identifies a number of important rules for the daily routine of a successful person.

Successful people wake up early to get everything done. They consider it an unaffordable luxury to waste precious minutes on a long “buildup”. It's time to get up and get down to business!

Try to wake up so that you have time to plan things before the “work madness” begins, when important tasks begin to accumulate like a snowball. Then you will definitely have enough time for everything that was noted in the diary.

The morning of a successful person is not looking at the news feed on a social network. There are many things ahead that require determination and self-confidence. And for this, a positive attitude is extremely important, which would give a sense of control over the situation, firmness and good spirits. Authors of books on time management advise creating a morning ritual - an action that energizes and gives strength. For some, it's a cup of coffee and a cool shower. Some people need energetic exercise. Others cannot do without 10 minutes of silence to get involved in active work.

What do many people do when they sit down at their office desk? They become immersed in dozens of unread emails and light conversations with colleagues for a long time, leaving the really important work at the end of the day. This is a fatal mistake.

Research shows that the first 2.5-4 hours after waking up is the peak period of brain function and the time when a person is most disciplined. It is an unforgivable mistake to waste your morning on meaningless activities. It is better to devote it to important work tasks. Successful people do just that.

A successful person knows the value of proper rest. It is useless to do anything important when tired

It is important to take a break to gain strength for new achievements - have a light snack, take a walk in the fresh air, etc. This “reboot” will help you work more productively

This “reboot” will help you work more productively.

In the afternoon, productivity decreases slightly. It is better to devote this time to routine matters - work calls, meetings and appointments.

A successful person spends a lot of time solving business problems. But evening for them is the period when they can relax and unwind. With proper time management, by 18.00 all tasks have been successfully completed, all that remains is to make a schedule for tomorrow. Are you constantly running out of time and have to work until late at night? It’s worth reconsidering your daily routine - perhaps you have taken on overwhelming tasks or are wasting precious time on trifles.

An evening for a successful person is time that can be devoted to family or a favorite hobby. He prefers active rest to passive rest. A successful person relieves accumulated stress in the gym, reading or listening to pleasant music.

Getting a good night's sleep is the key to a productive day, which in turn gives you the greatest chance of success. If you constantly live in a frantic rhythm with sleep for 4-5 hours a day, you will not have enough energy even to complete the simplest tasks.


One of the components on the path to success is motivation.

The psychophysiological process influences the subconscious, prompting it to action, manifestation of activity and firmness. Motivation can be defined as a goal that a person passionately desires to achieve.

The main types of motives that encourage action:

  1. External - independent of the main field of activity: the desire to receive an award, the approval of friends, superiors;
  2. Internal – related to the type of activity: the desire to earn a certain amount of money;
  3. Self-affirmation – the desire to become the best in one’s profession, sports, studies, business;
  4. Imitating a successful person is the desire to repeat someone else’s success;
  5. Thirst for power – career growth;
  6. Fear of losing something - for example, material reward, if you do a bad job.

Motivation can be considered as a powerful tool for inducing action. Therefore, you can try out the following methods of motivation:

Types of motivations and their reflection in the psyche

It will be almost impossible to name a certain number of species. Anyone can find something new, something that will radically change their ideas and life. Types of motivation in psychology have always been actively discussed among specialists. Numerous theories of philosophers have been published in many textbooks. What are the motivations?

External motivation - does not depend on human desire, occurs with the participation of outsiders or phenomena, and is difficult to control.

Internal motivation is a spiritual desire to achieve a result with a clear understanding of what is needed for this and what means will be needed.

Sustainable motivation is directly related to the biological needs of a person, for example, the desire to find water or food, arrange housing, start a family.

Unstable motivation - requires constant control from another person. This may be an incentive to lead a healthy lifestyle, quit smoking and drinking.

Individual correct motivation affects a specific person, and can also influence the immediate environment. For example, thirst, maintaining a favorable body temperature.

Group strong motivation - unites people into a group that strives to achieve one goal: find a job, get married.

Cognitive achievement motivation - manifests itself in research activities, when a person, with the help of his own knowledge, seeks to study a new object.

There is also unconscious motivation; the types of motivation differ from the standard ones. Thus, a person has an inexplicable desire to achieve his goal, but he cannot name the reason that caused such an emotion.

The classification of motivation methods is individual for each theory. It is recommended to study this topic with the help of the works of American researchers in the field of psychosomatics.

The concept and types of motivation were derived based on human behavior, while taking into account his individual qualities.

Let's act

Many people never achieve success through inaction, unwilling to change established habits and destroy their comfort zone.

It is worth understanding that no matter what plan a person makes, it cannot be achieved in practice if there is no desire to change. By putting off important things, an unsuccessful person does nothing to implement his plans. The person imagines that he still has a lot of time ahead, and he will definitely return to bringing the idea to life, but this does not happen.

The only way to improve the situation is to change your own habits. Start following the rule - if a goal appears, the initial steps to implement it must be taken in the first 4 days. It is during the 72 hours that enthusiasm persists and must be backed up by action. If the first steps towards the implementation of the plan have not been taken, there is a high probability that this will never happen.

To change yourself, start doing things that are unusual for you. It is impossible to change instantly; this requires long-term and systematic work. To make the task easier, follow the recommendations on how to learn how to act:

  1. Take the first step, don’t put off important things, otherwise your dreams will remain just dreams.
  2. Act according to your plan, concentrating on your immediate goals.
  3. Set a date for completing a task to train yourself to complete your plans on time.
  4. Set clear goals for yourself.
  5. No need to wait for inspiration, just do and love your work.
  6. Stick to the developed strategy and don’t step aside.
  7. Give yourself the inner attitude: “I can do anything!”

If something doesn’t work out right away, you don’t need to think about your worthlessness. Make it a rule to make as many attempts as necessary to achieve results. With persistence, success is guaranteed.

Finding goals and self-motivation

What motivates people? Everyone knows that in order to stimulate and motivate, a specific goal must be set. It should be clear and precise, without the slightest pitfalls. But often finding this very goal is not so easy, and even more difficult to describe and characterize it. How to create motivation? What should you do for this?

In order to try to find that very task, you will need to perform several sets of exercises every day aimed at developing the individual’s inner world and revealing his creative potential.

Psychologists recommend conducting monthly training sessions for company employees, trying to attract them to a specific goal. This could be improving the quality of work, increasing the number of goods produced, or improving the skills of workers. Motivation tools: bonuses, praise, vacation, awards.

Schools and kindergartens often conduct interactive classes aimed at encouraging children to successfully complete their homework and strive to receive praise and good grades.

How to stay motivated? In everyday life, a person himself can perform a set of motivating exercises; he just needs to find free time and a cozy place for reflection. This could be a beautiful park with luxurious spruce and pine trees, or maybe some quiet and peaceful place in the apartment itself.

There is also such a thing as achievement motivation - this is a type of motivation associated with the desire to achieve success and overcome obstacles. This definition was first derived in the 1930s by the scientist G. Murray. Now achievement motivation is associated with receiving some positive emotions. This could be success at school or a promotion at work, a successful purchase or the arrival of relatives.

Fighting monsters

Somehow I was thinking to find out the reason for the temporary “real estate”. I came to the conclusion that fear often gets in the way. Especially before a new or big business.

Fear - what is it? This is our anxiety about the future, we paint pictures in our imagination that are worse than each other. Our limiting beliefs (a whole list separately, and how to deal with them). Do they have any real basis? Most often not.

Is there anyone among us who is brave and daring and who would not be afraid of anything?! Aren’t we always afraid of something, either real dangers or imaginary ones? And fears, as luck would have it, can be very different, starting from the fear of taking the first step to get out of a dead end, continuing with the fear: “What will they say or think about me?”

Finish with all sorts of phobias that you have lived side by side with all your life. More details on how to deal with fears are written in a separate article, because the topic is so vast. Try, first, to take the tiniest first step forward.

Do we need fear? Yes, it is necessary, within a reasonable norm: after all, if we are not afraid of getting burned, we can injure ourselves. Thus, fear is a safety valve, but we must not allow the small valve to become a blanket covering our eyes and ears!

So let's make our imagination work for our benefit, and not to our detriment. Remember a jug from which you first need to pour out the rotten water, and then you can pour new key water. As soon as scary pictures overcome you, turn them into flowers or rain. After all, this is one and the same our imagination!!! Well, or, in the end, just say affirmations (there are many examples for different occasions - separately).

You can read how to change your life for the better here, where it is written in detail how to make friends with your imagination.

And if laziness interferes, then you can read separately how to deal with it.

Oddly enough, fear can be a powerful motivator. Against all odds, but I will do it! Remember, 90% of our fears are about things that will never happen.

How to become successful

How to believe in success and become successful - these are the main questions that the psychology of success reveals. In people's minds, the psychology of success forms an image of a person based on the following characteristics: sociability, decisiveness in action, positive attitude, optimism, slightly inflated self-esteem, motivation to achieve the most unearthly heights.

Why don't all people believe in success? All people are different and not every person can tune in and accept the image described above, so many subconsciously consider themselves losers, even without doing anything to achieve success.

Western information about success factors is so firmly driven into people’s minds that other criteria do not even hypothetically fall under the success formula and it is difficult for a person to believe that he will succeed.

Being a broad concept, success means, for example, scientific discoveries, the creation of a transnational corporation, holding a high government position, winning the Olympics, the birth of a long-awaited child, moving up the career ladder, recovery from a serious illness, getting a long-awaited job, happiness in your personal life, etc. . Every person in the course of life achieves personal success in various areas, and is there really a universal template for a successful person who effectively achieves everything? Of course not.

Psychology identifies only psychological factors of success that can help bring it closer faster.

What to do if you can't become successful? Be yourself. One can name many specific areas of life where the qualities that the psychology of success attributes to a successful individual play against a person.

It is no secret that many strong individual qualities of a person allow one to achieve no less success in certain situations. And even what psychology classifies as weaknesses can turn out to be strengths. For example, a person’s low self-esteem is a good driver in achieving real success, in comparison with inflated self-esteem, which is inherent in a self-sufficient person.

Closedness, unsociability, absorption in one’s thoughts and ideas can be used to focus on one’s goals, and as a result, this is a mandatory achievement of success in life. But a lack of concentration on one’s goals is an obstacle to quick success, but can serve as the basis for a calm and harmonious life.

Being similar to the ideal of a successful person, an individual loses his individuality as a whole. Passion for positive attitudes, communication training, and motivation can “erase” what is simple, living, and real that exists in every person. Friends, boss, business partners, and loved ones can feel this.

How to become successful and not fall into the trap that the psychology of success sets? You need to think, compare, try on any advice from books, trainings or blogs.

In any case, the choice remains with the person: whether to remain an individual or follow the psychology of success

You can take on any business in this life, but only those who understand it will succeed, and it doesn’t matter whether they know the psychology of success or not. Each individual decides for himself: does he need fame, recognition or does he prefer to remain unknown?

And this does not mean that a person is good or bad, just that all people are different.

Maslow's Hierarchy Theory

How to find motivation? You need to have certain knowledge to answer this question. In order to bring together many ideas about innate needs, the American psychologist had to carry out a thorough analysis of a person’s character, its changes depending on a change in goal, and study the types of motivation. The main provisions of this concept are:

  • a person always has a need for something, it does not depend on gender and age;
  • strongly expressed needs that an individual experiences in certain situations can be combined into groups;
  • the arrangement of these groups is built on a hierarchical principle;
  • a person takes actions due to unmet needs;
  • after some time, the person becomes dissatisfied again, he wants to get more;
  • in a normal state, an individual feels several needs, they can be interconnected;
  • first, the desires at the base of Maslow’s pyramid are satisfied, then the upper needs begin to influence;
  • a person is able to find a greater number of ways to satisfy high needs than low ones.

Later, American psychologist Abraham Maslow added several more important components of the pyramid. In his work “Toward the Psychology of Being,” the author identified growth needs that turned out to be difficult to describe. This book includes such interesting qualities as perfection, the desire to be above others, justice, responsibility, beauty, friendliness, completeness. The author described in detail the forms of motivation.

Maslow believes that in many cases, growth needs are the most powerful motivator for achieving goals. Each person can check the authenticity of these words for himself. It is enough to write down the most significant needs, arrange them according to a hierarchical principle: at the bottom is what is satisfied first, at the top is what you have to work hard for.

According to Maslow, only 2% of the population reaches the stage of self-realization, while others are forced to constantly strive for perfection. For many people, motivation to act appears only in critical situations.

People who have achieved success from scratch

There are quite a lot of bright positive examples, and some books just shout their names from the bookstore shelves “100 people who achieved success”, “50 successful geniuses”, while many books are dedicated to people who still received worldwide recognition, despite physical features, including Ludwig Van Beethoven, Frida Kahlo, John Nash, Nick Vujicic. I propose to focus on the brightest personalities, so that everyone can believe that everything will work out for them in the best possible way. Jan Koum, a native of Ukraine, who, thanks to the success and subsequent sale of the start-up WhatsApp, carried out a revolution in communications.

How can one not remember Henry Ford and his automobile breakthrough, as well as Colonel Sanders, who after long service in the army and years of self-discovery created the KFC brand, Roman Abramovich and his colossal business empire in Russia and abroad. And the inventor of the ordinary incandescent light bulb, Thomas Edison, also started from scratch, just like the world-famous and today rich writer Joan Rowling. There are many examples - both in the field of production, creativity and modern technical projects. And such bright personalities literally tell us: “If I could, why don’t you at least just try?” But indeed, maybe not everything is so complicated and success is much closer than it seems.


Motivation and the desire to achieve a goal are considered one of the basic needs that each of us needs to satisfy. And it is important to remember that understanding the various principles of achievement motivation will help explain and predict behavior (both your own and those of others) without creating a complex psychological profile.

We also recommend reading:

  • Storytelling
  • The need-information theory of P. V. Simonov
  • Abraham Maslow "Motivation and Personality" - summary
  • How does motivation work?
  • Spheres of personality
  • Cattell's personality model
  • Forms of social behavior of people
  • How to understand what you want
  • Two Ways of Thinking by Carol Dweck
  • Psychology of Advertising
  • Situationism in psychology and human behavior

Key words:1Self-knowledge

Part 2

  • Visualization. Anti - collage. In terms of detail and brightness, it should not be inferior to a dream collage. It works like this: the pictures printed and pasted on it should disgust you and encourage you not to end up at the very bottom. These can be any images, something that you are afraid of. For example, your goal is to get rich, then the board should be filled with pictures of homeless people, and even better if your face is there. This perspective will not allow you to give up; motivation will be modeled automatically.
  • Friends. Not all people, even those you call friends, can share the idea of ​​a particular goal with you. If you are confident in a friend, consult him; a close friend’s sincere faith in you will help you not to break down on the way to your goal.
  • Meditation. This method needs to be learned. But nothing is impossible. By the way, looking inside yourself in search of an answer is the most effective way.
  • Self-hypnosis. Have you heard about the placebo effect? This is from the same series.
  • Stories. True stories of great people who achieved their goals.
  • Films, etc. Documentary films, books, audiobooks that talk about success and proper goal setting will help you motivate yourself.

Now let's look at three steps to achieve your goal.

Striving to achieve a goal

Sometimes motivation alone is not enough. If the goal is not achieved, it disappears. Successful people say that setting goals and achieving them is a habit. To do this, goals must be clearly defined and correctly formulated. Otherwise they will become abstract.

The second rule is that goals must be achievable. There is no need to set yourself something that is currently impossible to accomplish due to lack of experience, skills, knowledge, and funds. This kind of action is demotivating.

Regular action is important. Even difficult goals are achievable if you constantly work. Visualize the final result regularly. Think about what emotions you will experience later.

If the goal is global, break it down into small tasks. You can divide them into periods. Often serious goals frighten a person and remain unfulfilled.

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