Is my child a gamer? How to identify and cope with gambling addiction

While the global community of psychologists and psychotherapists is arguing about whether computer addiction in children is a mental disorder or a social problem, in Finland young men with such a diagnosis are not taken into the army.

This topic can be debated endlessly, but the fact remains: uncontrolled passion for games and social networks has a negative impact on children’s mental and physical well-being. This means that neither parents, nor teachers, nor other professionals working with children have the right to ignore this problem. It needs to be resolved - and as soon as possible, so as not to lead to irreversible consequences.


  • Gambling addiction - what is it?
  • Gaming addiction in children and adolescents Games can be useful!
  • All harm comes from abuse
  • At-risk groups
  • Myths about computer games
  • Is my child addicted or not? How to Know When to Worry
  • Stages of addiction development
  • Is it possible to divide games into dangerous and non-dangerous?
  • Treatment of gambling addiction
      Online helpers to combat gaming addiction
  • Prevention
  • Doctors about Internet addiction

    Doctors believe that Internet addiction is a serious psychological disorder that leads to complications. That is why parents should not ignore the appearance of the first signs of a pathological condition. Experts say that to ensure the effectiveness of Internet addiction therapy, it must be carried out in a specialized clinic. It employs highly qualified specialists who can correctly diagnose, determine the severity of disorders and prescribe effective treatment.

    Doctors in Germany have admitted that Internet addiction is a new drug. They claim that the number of patients is constantly increasing. Experts say that the symptoms of the pathology are similar to those of alcohol or heroin addiction. When deprived of access to the Internet, the patient has big problems, since he cannot fully live without the virtual world. Psychotherapists say that Internet addiction is most often diagnosed in children who often experience stressful situations and nervous strain. Children over 14 years of age are at risk. Therefore, parents should carefully monitor their psychological health.

    Gambling addiction - what is it?

    People who love to gamble can often be accused of gambling addiction. However, not all players are truly sick.

    Gaming addiction is a purported form of psychological addiction that involves compulsive involvement with video games and computer games.

    The American Psychiatric Association identifies the following symptoms of addiction to computer (and other online) games:

    • the appearance of obsessive thoughts about the game, even during other activities;
    • restless, irritable, sometimes unreasonably sad state of the player when trying to reduce the playing time or abandon it;
    • the need to increase the time in the game and use a more powerful gadget;
    • loss of control over the situation: inability to exit the game on your own, stop thinking about the game;
    • perception of other entertainment (communication with friends, hobbies) as interference;
    • inability to stop, even with awareness of all the negative consequences (or manifestations of some of them): poor health, problems with studies, financial expenses, conflicts with loved ones;
    • the need to lie to yourself and loved ones about the amount of time spent in the game.

    Currently, according to various studies, from 12 to 25% of people around the world suffer from gambling addiction. Since the problem is becoming more obvious every year, in January 2022, gambling addiction will be included in the ICD-11 reference book on the recommendation of the World Health Organization.

    Internet addiction is a problem in modern society

    Over the past decade, more and more people have been using the Internet. Modern residents of our country access the World Wide Web every day to find information, work, and communicate. The Internet contains a huge amount of information on various topics, so it is used for work and business. Leisure activities are planned and carried out using it. Here you can meet new people and keep in touch with friends and family. With the help of the World Wide Web, it is possible to facilitate the selection and purchase of certain services and goods.

    But the Internet can be harmful to a teenager if it is used irrationally. Internet addiction is a mental disorder in which behavioral disturbances are observed. In a pathological condition, a person is not able to leave the network in a timely manner. He has a constant obsessive desire to constantly log into the network.

    Gambling addiction in children and adolescents

    Modern people get acquainted with the world of computer games (including applications on the phone) quite early. According to sociological studies, 88% of children already have such experience by the time they start school. According to media reports, a symptom of computer gaming addiction is found in 10-14% of Russian teenagers.

    Games can be useful!

    It cannot be said unequivocally that computer games are harmful to the psyche and health of a child, but excessive passion for them can undoubtedly have great consequences. In small doses, games allow you to relieve stress, practice various skills, and can teach foreign languages ​​through communication with other players.

    For example, puzzle games allow a child to develop spatial and logical thinking, teach them to look for a creative solution and a non-standard approach. Students who play computer games online overcome the language barrier faster and learn English more easily.

    Particularly interested children begin to look for loopholes and cheat codes, which greatly develops their computer literacy. Regular achievements in the game allow the child to increase his self-esteem. Professors at Trent University and Stanford University have found that people who play good characters behave the same way when interacting with people in real life.

    All harm comes from abuse

    We must always remember that the virtual world should not replace the real one. And children often have quite a lot of problems in the real world that cannot be solved by restarting the application. If you look at the guys immersed in the world of games, you will notice several patterns: as a rule, they have no other hobbies and no clear daily routine . The child is left to his own devices and enjoys himself in the simplest and most accessible way - through a gadget.

    In addition, computer game developers often use a cyclical reward system. By forcing the player to complete more and more levels, for which he receives a virtual reward, which in turn activates the production of dopamine, the “pleasure hormone.” All children like to be praised and given gifts, and a computer game is an ideal environment where, with minimal effort, you can get a delicious feeling of victory.

    Thus, when a child does not have sufficient support from adults and peers and he has no other hobbies in life, virtual fantasies will easily absorb him.

    At-risk groups

    Most often, insecure and anxious teenagers fall into the trap. They are dissatisfied with the surrounding reality, they are afraid to express themselves, to be rejected. In the virtual world you can be anyone - strong, successful, beautiful. The longer such a child plays, the more he plunges into the world of fantasy and changes his worldview. The desire to return to reality decreases. As a rule, the environment begins to put even more pressure - conflicts and scandals are a common occurrence in the family of a gambling addict, which leads to an even greater desire to go virtual.

    Myths about computer games

    There are a number of prejudices associated with computer games. We suggest that you consider them right away so that they do not interfere with us in the future talking about games in a calm manner.

    Aggressiveness and Columbine

    There is an opinion that games make children more aggressive and mentally unstable. This hypothesis is causing heated debate in both the scientific and gaming communities. However, in all known cases of cruelty on the part of teenagers (Columbine, Kerch), which were initially attributed to games, ultimately there were deep intrapersonal problems in the child .

    Moreover, any person who plays the game for a long time gradually gets tired. The child's psyche simply cannot withstand such a long-term load and emotions begin to go off scale. To avoid this, firstly, follow a rest regime, and secondly, review the game in advance before allowing your child to play it.

    Features of Internet addiction

    Internet addiction comes in various forms. Psychologists define 5 main types of addiction:

    • Visiting social networks, forums, blogs. Dependence arises when a child needs continuous communication. Children who have no or poorly developed communication skills are at risk. Socialization of patients occurs through new acquaintances. The pathological condition is most often diagnosed in adolescence during hormonal changes. During this period, problems with real communication may arise, so teenagers prefer the virtual world.
    • Information dependence. Pathology develops in people who need a continuous flow of information. A person constantly visits databases, websites and reads notes, articles and comments. The search for information has no specific purpose. The consequences of this dependence are loss of productivity and information overload.
    • Gaming addiction. Most often it occurs in children who do not know what to do with themselves in their spare time. Excitement makes teenagers play games regularly, especially if they manage to win. This pathological process is observed in children with low self-esteem who cannot achieve success in real life.
    • Game for money. If a person plays and gets money for it, then this leads to aggravation of the situation. The teenager strives to get a prize for the game and sits online for hours. This form of addiction leads to serious consequences.
    • Cabersexual attraction. This type of addiction appears during hormonal changes in adolescents. They watch porn movies and have cybersex. At the same time, there is an emotional gap with real people. Pathology in adolescents arises from interest and lack of communication.

    When Internet addiction appears, it is imperative to determine its type, which will allow us to develop an effective treatment regimen.

    Is my child addicted or not? How to Know When to Worry

    Sometimes it can be difficult to determine whether a child is just playing enthusiastically or is already addicted and cannot stop. In this case, you need to watch him for some time.

    It is important to pay attention to the following points:


    A child with addiction is often irritable, angry, and has poor control over his emotions, especially when it comes to computer games. However, he quickly calms down when given the opportunity to play. Here it is important to clarify that anger at a mother who snatched a gadget out of her hands is a natural reaction for a healthy teenager . The immature psyche works slowly, therefore, in order to avoid conflict and prepare the child for the end of the game, warn him in advance that time is coming to an end (“5 minutes left”). If after this time the child parted with the toy calmly enough, there is no problem.

    Time in game

    Gamers often simply cannot limit themselves to this pleasure. They are ready to give up food in favor of playing, go to bed poorly, and skip classes to sit at the computer or gadget. It happens that parents themselves provoke such a situation, initially denying their child the right to play. If the daily schedule has a clear time allotted for entertainment, the child is less worried about the game, he knows for sure that he will get what he wants on time and no one will punish him.

    Financial expenses

    The child begins to insist on the need to invest money in the game, in improving the technical characteristics of the phone or computer. He doesn't have enough pocket money. Theft from home is possible.

    Communication with peers

    The interests of a dependent child are greatly narrowed. With friends, all conversations ultimately come down to games. The gambler begins to reduce the number of walks with friends, under various pretexts being left alone with the game.

    If your child is easily distracted from the game, calmly parts with the gadget, leads an active social life, and has no problems sleeping - everything is fine. Games are entertainment, one of thousands of possible ones. And it is unreasonable to scold a child for wanting to entertain himself.

    Stages of addiction development

    Children do not immediately become avid gamers. The process of addiction formation is very long. First, the child gets acquainted with the game, its rules, the fictional world, tries on new roles, sees whether it suits him or not.

    Stage of interest

    It can last a very long time, and many teenagers remain on it, trying more and more new applications. There is no manic desire to play here yet, so there is no danger as such. If your child plays for a limited time and easily gives up the gadget in favor of other activities, then you should not worry or argue with him about this. Support him in other hobbies, and you won't be afraid of gaming addiction.

    Infatuation Stage

    The first call for parents. The world of fantasy interests the teenager more and more; he wants to play a little longer, “five more minutes.” The child is still able to refuse to play, but the desire to return there again arises more and more often. He spends several hours a day playing the game, and his performance declines. It’s good if the application gets boring and disappoints the player at this stage. Or parents will gently intervene in the child’s life and direct his energy in a different direction.

    It is important to understand that a ban on the game will only cause greater protest, and the desire to play will intensify. If you miss time at this stage, the addiction will quickly develop into the next stage.

    Dependency stage

    School, friends, food and sleep interfere with the game. Constant conflicts with family, all thoughts are only about how to improve your results when passing the next test. Here you can observe a full-fledged syndrome, when the game becomes inaccessible to the child.

    Aggression, apathy, depressive and suicidal thoughts. All this signals the beginning of serious problems for a teenager. It is no longer possible to turn a blind eye to addiction.

    Unfortunately, few parents will be able to cope with the situation on their own, therefore, for the benefit of the whole family, it is necessary to turn to specialists who will help bring the child out of gambling addiction and improve relations with the world so that a relapse does not occur.

    Stage of clinical dependence

    The child is no longer able to control himself and can sit at the computer or gadget for a day without sleep. Appetite decreases, emotional inhibition is observed, at the same time hysteria and impulsiveness increase. Psychosomatic disorders begin - headaches, stomach upsets, intestinal colic. Some children experience auditory and visual hallucinations. If urgent measures are not taken and specialists are not involved in saving the child, irreversible changes in the brain may begin.


    Many parents, justifying their own mistakes in parenting, like to repeat that computer addiction is better than alcohol or drug addiction. They are only partly right, and only because they do not imagine all the consequences that it is fraught with.

    Firstly, it forms much faster than all other types of dependencies. Secondly, only in 20% of cases children “outgrow” it on their own (consciously lose interest in computers and gadgets). Thirdly, it is extremely dangerous for physical health and can provoke:

    • visual impairment;
    • insomnia;
    • curvature of the spine, problems with the musculoskeletal system;
    • decreased immunity;
    • headache;
    • muscle atrophy;
    • rapid and increased fatigue;
    • obesity;
    • back pain;
    • tunnel syndrome (pain in the wrist).

    Fourthly, computer addiction literally transforms the psyche of a child who:

    • outside of his computer reality he feels “squeezed out and empty”;
    • becomes lethargic, apathetic, irritable, nervous;
    • sleeps poorly;
    • is either undernourished or overnourished;
    • ceases to really evaluate the surrounding reality, including himself in it;
    • socially disoriented, losing interpersonal contacts and connections.

    If no measures are taken to eliminate children's computer addiction, it will become a stable pattern of behavior. Children grow up withdrawn and completely socially unadapted. They cannot adapt to the realities of the modern world, living and realizing themselves only in the fictional, virtual. As they grow older, they have problems entering educational institutions and finding employment. Most of them become completely “wild”, do not leave their room for days, do not communicate with anyone, continue to live on their parents’ necks, spend any money on games or buying technical innovations (processor, monitor, telephone).

    Is it possible to divide games into dangerous and non-dangerous?

    In fact, it is impossible to name specific game genres that are 100% addictive. Any game made with sufficient quality, thought out, and color can attract a child’s attention and make him return to the screen again and again.

    Unfortunately, game developers are forced to create attractive worlds with secret levels, interesting plots, and bonus systems, otherwise people will stop buying their products. And not all players become addicted.

    If you consider the applications individually, you can find for each a set of key skills necessary for successful completion.

    At the moment there are many classifications of games. We will consider one of the simplest, directly related to psychological aspects. Games are divided into six genres:


    Aimed at the player's physical skills, success depends on reaction speed, good coordination of vision and motor skills. For these games, the characteristics of the computer or phone on which they are installed are very important, since human actions depend on the quality of drawing details.

    A typical task for a player in this genre is to collect all the necessary items, defeat all the “monsters,” and find a way out of the location. Some games involve active teamwork. All this develops the ability to quickly make decisions, think strategically, calculate moves in advance, and also allows you to shed excess aggression. However, at the same time, action games are easily addictive and cause rapid fatigue of the nervous system. It is advisable to limit the time spent in such games in order to give the psyche a chance to rest and the body to stretch not only its fingers.


    An excellent opportunity for a child to try himself in different situations. For example, there you can manage an airplane or your own restaurant. The main thing to remember here is that the simulator does not provide a 100% representation of reality, but only shows part of life.


    Games that require high-quality thought processes. As a rule, the player is offered the role of the leader of a state, company or group, and a certain goal to which he must lead the people entrusted to him.

    Periodic fascination with this genre develops strategic thinking, the ability to see a situation broadly and from different points of view, make ambiguous decisions, and think for the future. Here breaks are necessary to give the brain a break, otherwise the likelihood of making a mistake increases.

    Role-playing games

    They give the teenager the opportunity to become someone else. Not “the humble boy Petya,” but “the last descendant of the king of the elves,” for example. A very popular genre among children, especially those who are unsure of themselves.

    These games, by the way, are found not only in the virtual world, but also in the real one. People dress up as their favorite characters and gather at various games and festivals to live a more colorful and unusual life.

    If you notice that your child has begun to become heavily immersed in role-playing games, look at how eventful his real life is. Perhaps he lacks strong positive impressions. Since each character in the game has a different set of special characteristics, pay attention to what features your child chooses. Help him develop these qualities in real life.

    Adventures (quest)

    A light genre where the player, in the form of a character, goes through a certain journey, overcomes obstacles, and solves problems. Very often, such games are based on the plots of books and films. Reaction speed and strategic thinking are not important here - observation and logic are much more important. The player is offered puzzles, solving which he gets the opportunity to move on. These games can be played by the whole family. They are fun and useful. The main thing is to take a break on time.


    Games without a special plot. The levels are built on the same rules and consist of solving logical problems with a gradual increase in complexity. The player requires concentration, logical thinking, a little strategy and intuition. In moderate doses, puzzles help develop a child's mental abilities.

    Thus, there are no absolutely bad or absolutely good games - everything is good in moderation and on time. The main rule for both children and adults is to play for fun and at a strictly designated time. The risk of addiction is greatly reduced if a person leads an active, busy life, and the game acts as a pleasant seasoning to it.

    Treatment of gambling addiction

    Treatment for gambling addiction usually does not include taking medications, with the exception of some concomitant diseases (anxiety disorders, depression, fears). Parents, first of all, need to contact a child or family psychologist. The specialist will help to competently establish relationships within the family so that communication between parents and child proceeds in a calm atmosphere. When there is a trusting relationship in the family, children do not need to “escape” into virtual reality.

    If for some reason you cannot contact a psychologist, you should review your relationship with the child. Often parents unknowingly provoke their child to “escape.” For example, excessive control and increased criticism create an insecure person who finds it easier to solve problems in a game, where you can save and start over, than in real life, where any wrong step will result in punishment. Families where the child’s feelings and desires are respected, where one can express one’s opinion and express oneself, are less likely to encounter the problem of addiction to anything.

    Learn more about raising healthy and happy children using the positive parenting system!

    Check your requirements for the child - are they all justified and understandable to the child, does he agree with them? How often do you say “last” and is it always justified? Children whose independence is encouraged and initiative is supported are more active and self-confident. They don't need to go into a fantasy world to succeed.

    In parallel with establishing relationships with the child, you need to gradually return him to the daily routine. There is no need to drastically reduce the time he spends in the game. However, it is necessary to gradually reduce it and replace the game with other active entertainment. Simply taking a gadget away from a child without offering an alternative will not solve the problem.

    To implement new rules:

    1. Talk to your child, do not blame or insult him, share your concerns with him, tell him that you are upset by his addiction to games.
    2. Be sure to talk about why it is so important to temporarily limit games (“to maintain health”, “to improve your studies”).
    3. Create a daily routine with your child and give him the opportunity to choose his own time to play.
    4. Five minutes before the end of the game time, remind them that it is coming to an end. Do not be fooled by persuasion and threats, do not enter into negotiations and bargaining.
    5. To be able to remotely track the amount of time spent in the game, you can use a special application. But without the child’s consent, it should not be installed. This can lead to a loss of trust.
    6. Don't shout, be calm even if a conflict breaks out. Be restrained and consistent in your actions.
    7. Fill the time freed up from games with new hobbies; don’t be afraid to ask what your child wants and help him in his endeavors.

    Online helpers to combat gaming addiction

    There are a number of programs on the market for parental control applications that allow you to track children’s activity on gadgets - time spent online and in games, search queries and content viewed.

    For example, with the child’s consent, you can install the “Where are my kids” application, which will allow, in addition to viewing application usage statistics, to check the child’s real location.

    We also recommend trying the Kids360 app, from the creators of “Where are my kids.” The service not only has the function of limiting work with the gadget by time (screen time), but also filters unwanted content that a child can read. Thanks to the application tracker, parents will always be aware of how much time the child spends on the smartphone. In addition, you can create a schedule (at what time and what applications the child can access or play) and control access to applications.

    The use of such programs will help not only track the success of rehabilitation of an addicted gambler, but also prevent the onset of gambling addiction in the early stages in healthy children.

    How to get rid of computer addiction?

    The main method of treating computer addiction is working with a psychologist. The specialist's responsibilities include:

    • Help the recovering person recognize that there is a problem. Like most addicts, gambling addicts refuse to admit they are addicted. They are happy in their virtual world and do not want to leave it. They feel like they are in complete control of the situation. Attempts by relatives and friends to influence the situation usually end in scandals and do not lead to the result: awareness of computer addiction. The best solution would be to consult a psychologist. A specialist will help the patient look at the situation from a different point of view and see what consequences an excessive passion for gadgets leads to.
    • Motivate to take a rehabilitation course. Treatment for computer addiction takes several months. Throughout the entire period, the person in recovery must be motivated to succeed.
    • Search for the reasons that led to the emergence of addiction. Computer addiction is the unwillingness (or inability) to solve a specific problem facing the recovering person. This could be low self-esteem, traumatic past experiences, or inability to interact with peers. The psychologist will identify the causes of computer addiction and help the client successfully resolve them.

    In the process of getting rid of computer addiction, various psychocorrectional techniques are used: individual conversations and group classes, body-oriented and art therapy. After the first conversation with the recovering person, the specialist will decide how to get rid of computer addiction in a particular case, taking into account the patient’s personal characteristics.


    However, the best way to deal with any addiction is not to take things to extremes. So it is with gaming addictions. If a child is actively developing, full of creative energy, participates in sports events, communicates a lot with peers, feels support from loved ones, he simply has no time and no need to hide in the world of games. Therefore, support your children, talk to them, help them fill their lives with meaning, cultivate self-confidence in them, because parents are the main people in the life of any child.

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