11 Tips on How to Motivate Yourself to Workout at Home

At a certain stage, many may face a dilemma on how to force themselves to play sports. We may understand the need for physical activity, but at the same time we lack the desire or motivation for a new healthy habit. To force yourself to play sports, you need to clearly understand all the benefits we get from it.

Set yourself specific and realistic goals

People fail in their attempts to lose weight or improve athletic performance, in part because they set unrealistic goals. The difference is whether you promise yourself to lose 2 or 20 kg in a month. There is also a difference between choosing to workout three times a week for 30 minutes and choosing to workout 6 times a week for 120 minutes. If your unattainable goals are not achieved, you will be demotivated , and failure will negatively affect your desire to continue . Therefore, set specific goals that you can achieve physically and mentally . Also, try to only plan for the short term, especially if you're just starting out. Start slowly with home workouts and gradually increase your requirements. [2] [3]

Start small if big doesn't work

If you are serious about it, but suddenly change your mind, try to come to an agreement with yourself. Commit to doing just one exercise or shortening your workout to 10 minutes. If after them you get involved and continue to study, great; if not, then at least you tried. Maybe next time 10 minutes will stretch to 15, then to 20, eventually you will get into the rhythm and want to train longer.

Photo: istockphoto.com

Create your training plan

Whether you work out at home or at the gym, without a workout plan it will be much more difficult to achieve your goals. If you want to lose weight, gain muscle mass or strength , you should create a workout and exercise schedule for the week. Thanks to this, you will know what exactly awaits you and can prepare for it in advance. This way, when you see in your diary that Wednesday evening is dedicated to working out, your motivation will become even stronger. [1]

To get the most benefit from your training plan, you must follow these 7 steps:

  1. set a measurable goal
  2. choose your training structure
  3. select the appropriate exercises for specific workouts
  4. select the number of repetitions and sets
  5. create combinations of exercises
  6. Based on these points, create a training plan
  7. plan the distribution and frequency of training

For more information on these steps and how to create a proper workout plan, read our article How to Create a Quality Home Workout Plan?

Find your motivation

Key point: before you buy another gym membership or plan to run on Monday, think and honestly answer the question: “Why do I need this?”

Why do you need this “extra effort”, why do you sweat and go beyond your usual horizontal comfort zone?

The answer may be deeper than it seems at first glance: not only a beautiful body, but also additional energy, time for yourself, a new level of contact with your own body, flexibility, productivity...

And remember: it is important to understand what sports will give you. If you plan to exercise only to please your husband, to be like a friend, or to keep up with trends, alas, the fuse will not last long again.

Set up a home workout space

Not everyone has the opportunity to go to the gym , and some people don't like it when people look at them while working out. In this case, home workouts are the ideal choice. But in order to find some motivation within yourself, you also have to adapt your environment. Research has shown that motivation to exercise at home increases if you equip your home with at least basic fitness accessories . Please note: [2]

  • Training mat – thanks to this accessory, training will be much more convenient, and in addition, the mat will help prevent injuries and unpleasant bruises.
  • Gymnastic roller - will help to use all muscle groups during training. It is mainly used for abdominal training.
  • Fitball - helps strengthen the entire body, improve tone, flexibility, balance and posture.
  • Rubber loops and expanders - used to strengthen the muscles of the chest, buttocks, abs, legs and back. Also suitable for a full body workout.
  • Jumping rope – jumping rope has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, improves physical condition, and also strengthens the muscular system.
  • Massage Roller – In addition to massaging tight muscles, you can use it to train your buttocks, back, or do planks and squats.
  • Dumbbells and kettlebells – these can be used for many types of exercises and will help strengthen your biceps, triceps, shoulders and back. They can also be replaced with water bottles.

What are the benefits of playing sports?

Regular physical activity is considered the basis of a healthy lifestyle. It has also been noted that people who once decided to go in for sports and maintain this habit are less likely to get sick in adulthood. Exercise can prevent many diseases, because it provides a stronger immune system that can more effectively fight viruses and other diseases. Sports lovers are less likely to suffer from excess weight and cope with stress more productively.

Once you decide to exercise, you will soon experience the benefits of the release of endorphins that occur during exercise. They have a positive effect not only on mood, but also on the nervous and cardiovascular systems. The overall endurance of the body becomes higher, the percentage of cholesterol in the blood decreases. The risk of developing pulmonary disease is reduced, because the lungs of athletes are much more resilient than those of people who completely avoid physical activity.

Sport helps prevent various diseases, disciplines and develops fortitude. By going in for sports, we naturally get rid of many negative habits and acquire positive ones.

The benefits of training are obvious, but before you start exercising, please note that the above truths apply to people who exercise at an amateur level. If an unprepared person engages in professionally demanding sports, this will most likely undermine his health.

Provide yourself with privacy and silence

We need silence while working , and in the same way we should ensure a calm environment during training .

This is time that you dedicate to yourself, and your mental and physical state must be ready for it. When you provide privacy and silence, your motivation to exercise will become stronger, and the workout itself will become much more effective, since you will be focused only on doing the exercises , and not on any distracting elements . Also be sure to move your phone out of sight. Make sure no one disturbs you and you don't interrupt your workout by running to your phone . [ 3] [4]

Don't expect quick results

Soon the fairy tale is told, but not soon the deed is done. You are inspired and ready to start a new life, and pictures of a new toned body, doubled energy and great well-being are already being drawn in your head. Postpone expectations until better times, because progress will not appear immediately. During this period, you need to be patient and realize that it’s easy to quit what you started halfway, but this will only mean that you wasted your time and energy. Hold on until the first results, they will give you a powerful boost of motivation.

Wear sports clothes

Sportswear performs several functions . In addition to its stylish appearance , it will also help:

  • prevent injuries – many sports injuries are caused by improper equipment or sports clothing. Whether you're at the gym, at home, or working out outdoors, you need to have the right clothing. You need to protect yourself from shock, overheating or hypothermia. In addition, you should not exercise at home barefoot; your shoes should be strong enough.
  • Boost your confidence - It definitely makes a difference whether you're working out in a stretchy T-shirt and sweatpants, or leggings and a sports top. Sportswear is distinguished by a high-quality cut and material that is adapted to effectively wick away sweat and strengthen muscles. In addition, you will feel like you are in the gym, which will motivate you to be more active in your workouts. Simply put, if you see in the mirror how good you look in a workout suit, your desire to exercise will be stronger. [3] [4]

Write down your plan for the next day and share it with your family.

I don’t know about you, but if I don’t set myself up the night before, the chance that I’ll be lazy the next day increases exponentially. Make a fitness plan the night before and share it with your family. Give a plus every time you complete a task. By fitness plan I mean a set of micro-sports steps: walk to the stop, climb the stairs to the 3rd floor, do 10 squats, etc.

17. “Punish” yourself for the benefit of the family budget

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