Neurolinguistic programming (NLP) - the key to people's souls or blind manipulation?

Currently, psychologists offer many techniques for improving one’s abilities, finding inner harmony and choosing a special path to happiness. Neurobics, art therapy, coaching, mnemonics, Hellinger constellations, socionics and many other areas. One of these, incredibly popular and at the same time controversial, is NLP - neurolinguistic programming (not to be confused with neurolinguistics).

On the one hand, his techniques are actively used in almost all spheres of modern life. On the other hand, it is harshly criticized, considered an ordinary guide to manipulating people. So what is it really?

What it is

NLP is a direction in psychotherapy and practical psychology that uses verbal and non-verbal behavior of a person in order to achieve the desired result from him. For example, with the help of neurolinguistic programming, parents can teach their child order or punctuality, teachers can improve the learning efficiency of pupils and students, managers can force the buyer to purchase a product. In this case, forms of speech, eye movements, body postures, and memory are used.

NLP was developed back in the mid-twentieth century by J. Grinder and R. Bandler, but it has gained maximum popularity in our days. Officially, this direction is recognized as parascientific, since the effectiveness of the techniques, firstly, has not been proven, and secondly, is not always ethical from a moral point of view.

Many scientists believe that NLP is nothing more than the art of manipulating people through their own behavior.

What is NLP

Neurolinguistic programming is the approach of Lyubimov A. “Communication Mastery” to communication, self-improvement and psychotherapy. In a broader sense, it is the belief that we can transform our own and others’ beliefs, change behavior, and heal psychological trauma using special techniques and exercises.

The concept of NLP is based on the idea of ​​Neuro-Linguistic Programming Therapy. Psychology Today. that there is a connection between neurological processes, language and behavioral patterns. These three components are reflected in the term:

  • "neuro" - nervous system and brain;
  • “linguistic” - language and speech;
  • “programming” - patterns of behavior.

From the name it is clear that NLP borrows elements from various sciences: psychology, linguistics, programming, cybernetics. Also, Chimarov S. Yu. “Neurolinguistic programming: history and tools” had a great influence on him, the philosophical concepts of constructivism and structuralism. In a simplified way, they can be described as follows: a person is not a passive observer, but a creator of this world, and it needs to be studied as a complex mechanism.

The main tool of NLP is modeling Lyubimov A. “Mastery of communication” - copying the lifestyle of successful people whom you consider an example for yourself, down to gestures, gait, clothing and voice. Basically, if you want to make money like Elon Musk, you have to act like Elon Musk, dress like Elon Musk, talk, smoke weed, and tweet like Elon Musk.

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