Features and psychological characteristics of successful people

"Code" of success

To attract success, you should use some rules:

  1. Become a “director of positive scenarios” for your own life. Many events happen a certain way because we program ourselves for a certain outcome. A person who is confident in his strengths, abilities, the support of loved ones and a favorable combination of circumstances is more likely to become successful than a person who doubts and is constantly in fear of possible failures. Therefore, the first step is to neutralize negative assessments regarding one’s own human qualities or actions that led to an undesirable result. Stop blaming yourself and considering yourself a failure.
  2. Learn to filter other people's ratings. Every person is praised or scolded. Of all the assessments that you hear, take into account only those that help you achieve your goal - those expressed by knowledgeable people.
  3. Failures pass, but experience remains. This postulate can be applied to any area of ​​life. If the goal is success in business or career growth, episodes from the past that previously brought success will become assistants. Even a young specialist can make experience work for him. Remember and “scroll” in your head thoughts about previous successes - the environment, people, interior details, clothes. Such thoughts work to attract what you want.
  4. Develop the right reactions. Every reaction to environmental events is accompanied by the production of hormones. The joy of success triggers the production of neuropeptides. You can train the body to consciously produce them as a response to a given influence - a memory, a pleasant meeting. In this way, on a physiological level, you program yourself for business success.
  5. Success is not only material wealth. There are many wealthy people who do not enjoy material wealth. They cannot be called completely successful. And the ability that is important for a successful person to have is the ability to perceive positivity, the love of loved ones, the sympathy of others, the beauty of the world, to enjoy great well-being, to have a broad outlook, to be able to make loved ones happier and more successful.
  6. Similar to similar. If you achieve success, enjoy more than just your own results. Find out more about famous successful people - about their lifestyle, habits, hobbies, character traits.
  7. Don't be afraid of responsibility. Successful promotion accompanies people who know how to make decisions and are ready to take responsibility for them. The well-known formula “I can” is brought to life by making decisions and believing in them.
  8. Learn to tune your brain to solve the problems you need. Making a decision involves thinking about the necessary actions and their consequences. Therefore, this process naturally tunes the consciousness to solving problems on which the outcome of the project depends.
  9. Self-esteem is a necessary companion for a successful person. No one is born with a sense of self-respect. Not everyone gets the experience of developing self-respect at an early age. Therefore, an important task for a person who wants to become successful is to learn to respect and love himself.
  10. Form the right attitude towards others. People nearby in your personal and professional environment are your main helpers; the psychological background of communicating with them must be correct.
  11. Take time to communicate. Some people avoid others for fear that they will find faults and mistakes in their actions. Detachment, self-affirmation, and exaggeration of one’s merits in the eyes of others lead to failure. Build positive communications with colleagues, managers, and learn to enjoy communicating with others.
  12. Rest is an important skill. Success comes to people who know how to properly alternate between rest and work. The ability to regularly devote attention to family and favorite activities should become an obligatory part of life. The chance of successful professional fulfillment depends on the quality of rest
  13. Don't be afraid to raise the bar. The first step to achieving what you want is a correctly set goal - realistic and achievable. But you cannot set the bar at the required minimum.
  14. Expand your range of needs. If your ideas have formed an understanding of the sufficiency of little, the need to limit yourself, on the path to success you will have to reconsider it and adopt a program in which it is possible to use all the conveniences of the modern world.
  15. Don't make self-justifications. People create obstacles to their goals themselves. And one of these obstacles is the habit of justifying failures. This way of thinking implants a scenario in a person's mind that he has no control over. Justification is the opposite of responsibility, shifting it onto another person or “circumstances.”

You don't go after a bear without a gun

To go out to sea, you need at least a boat. To kill a bear, you must first buy a gun and ammunition (and learn how to shoot). Of course, you can hope for luck and that you will be able to scare the animal with a stick...

A successful person always prepares for a project in advance and according to plan, collects resources, and only if they are available enters the game. One of the common reasons why many good endeavors fail is lack of preparation.

You cannot immediately gather significant resources to start a serious project. Do you have plans, do you have attractive goals? Make a plan right now, where to get it and what resources are needed to implement them? Start small. Is there an opportunity to lay the first stone in the foundation of success right now? Get started!

In our work, we are guided by the principle of the famous British businessman and billionaire Richard Branson: “To hell with everything, go ahead and do it!” Branson is the owner of the diversified corporation “Virgin”, which does everything: even space flights. Richard even has his own island, and he achieved all this himself. Branson was born into an ordinary lawyer’s family, and Fate intended him to have a quiet and typical life as a British lawyer. Branson refused this fate, and one can only envy his super-busy life.

Characteristics of a successful person

There are a number of distinctive characteristics of a person who controls luck:

  • sees opportunities, is not prone to excuses and does not invent all kinds of obstacles;
  • does not stop there, does not strive for stability, but wants more;
  • acts without delay;
  • knows how to motivate himself independently, without expecting help from others;
  • in pursuit of a goal, he is not afraid of failure;
  • is not content with individual small results, but builds a path to a big dream;
  • believes in his own strength;
  • knows how to be patient;
  • knows how to take reasonable risks;
  • not afraid of falls.


One of the signs of the psychology of modern people is their desire for success. The word “success” is written on the banner of many endeavors and is present in commercials of a wide variety of firms and companies. A large amount of literature is published on this topic, business trainings are conducted to help people move towards success. Success is the slogan of our time.

Success is most often understood as a person’s achievements in the outside world, as material success. Today's time is called the esoteric teachings of Kali Yuga, the Iron Age, and is characterized by a massive desire of people for material values. No matter who they declare themselves to be, atheists or religious people, their real behavior is the behavior of materialists who view the external world as an arena for the manifestation of their own ambitions, and in fact profess the psychology of “we live only once.” Hence the cult of external success, the desire to own a lot of money, achieve high positions, and receive various pleasures. One of the signs of the modern world is the dominance of quantity over quality. The French esoteric philosopher Rene Guenon called one of his books “The Kingdom of Quantity and the Signs of the Times.” Nowadays, quantity is recognized as the measure of success. However, the amount of material wealth on earth is limited, so competition, battles and fights arise, sometimes taking rough and sometimes sophisticated forms.

Despite their desire, despite a large number of benefits and trainings, a huge number of people do not achieve success. Someone comes to external achievements, but does not experience even a small amount of the expected satisfaction.

Mass culture has led to a certain shift in people's consciousness in understanding what success is, and this is clearly expressed in modern literature on this topic. There are purely esoteric books that talk about inner growth and inner success. I have been involved in esoteric teachings for twenty-five years, and therefore I see how focusing only on these areas affects people’s lives. Quite often this turns into an attitude towards recluse, non-participation in the world and its affairs, which makes followers of this way of thinking unsuitable for life in society. Most people who take this path experience a feeling of inferiority when they see others overtaking them in worldly affairs. A good half of esoteric and religious books do not provide knowledge on how to combine external and internal success, being hostile or indifferent to the topic of external success.

Vulgar esoteric books are full of advice to meditate on the image of money. Calls of this level, as a rule, do not work, and I have been convinced of this many times. Books of this kind are graceless; they lack the proper energy saturation and correct understanding of the problems. Primitive psychological books focus a person on wealth at any cost, however, often to the detriment of his inner world, spiritual growth and inner depth.

From my point of view, there is a very serious shortage of books that present a balanced theory of life, aimed at achieving a balance between inner and outer life, helping to understand and build it. The problem of success is the problem of a person’s realization on a difficult life path.

As a practicing psychologist, I met a variety of people, among them there were many interesting and happy people who were realized on the external plane. At some point, I began to specifically study the lives of successful people who set big external goals and achieved them. I was interested in the patterns that unite dissimilar stories. Of course, it is impossible to copy someone’s life, and a person learns all serious truths on his own, opening his inner experience. Everyone has their own unique path to success. However, many methods and correct approaches can be learned: that’s why knowledge transfer systems exist.

The trainings that I have been conducting for many years do not so much teach people success in the purely external, philistine sense of the word, but are designed to help them discover their inner path, their as yet unrecognized road on which they would be happy and fulfilled. Nevertheless, many, having gone through training, also achieve external success.

People who want to become successful, both poor and rich, often came to me for consultations. The poor, as a rule, were interested in their external situation, the rich wanted either to strengthen themselves even more materially, or were looking for solutions to internal problems. The very fact that they come suggests that these people cannot successfully solve problems on their own. As a rule, behind every problem that cannot be solved independently, there is an incorrect attitude towards life in general. The solution to one particular problem in such cases is ineffective: the stigma of failure will be placed on the person’s subsequent actions until he understands the underlying reasons for his failure and begins to educate himself as a new, successful person.

Here is another book in the “Key to Awakening” series, dedicated to the secrets of success in life. I approached the coverage of this very important topic for our time after in the book “Invisible Armor,” which was published first, we examined in detail the issues of human security at different levels, in the second book, “Master of Life,” we examined what concerns mastery in everyday behavior, and in the third book - “The Path to Yourself” - we focused on the problems of man’s spiritual quest.

Indeed, only a secure person who strives to become a master of life and is a spiritual seeker can be truly successful. Many people have suffered a fiasco in life precisely because either they turned out to be very weak, and life penetrated their personal defenses, or they did not know how to live well, work and communicate with other people, or they went against spiritual laws and were far from the sphere of the spirit.

I have always really wanted to help people become more successful, able to choose the right goals, achieve them and experience happiness at the same time. In order to master the secret science of life success, which is not taught in schools and universities, I had to study many areas of knowledge - Western and Eastern religions, philosophical doctrines, the latest psychological systems, world history, biographies of famous people who had major achievements both in terms of external life, so in spiritual improvement, finally, ancient and modern esoteric teachings.

The question may arise: how can religions and esoteric teachings, which much more often speak not about worldly, but about spiritual matters, help people in the area of ​​success in life? However, this is only true at first glance, if we understand success only in the external sense of the word. Upon careful examination, you can see that true success, which unites both the external and internal aspects of life, is a deeply sacred concept, involving the use of hidden forces and resources. In addition, many esoteric teachings of the twentieth century, which orient a person not towards monastery-ashram methods of work, but towards serving the truth in the world and life’s struggles, contain invaluable advice and practical knowledge that helps to achieve just such external-internal success.

Everything that I was able to extract from this treasury of esoteric teachings - both ancient and modern, I tried to present in the book, using the language and concepts of today. The book also draws on the experience of my many years of psychological consultations and training seminars, through which thousands of people interested in improving their lives have passed. I am convinced that the most serious systems that help a person achieve good heights must synthesize ancient and new knowledge about man and the world.

The book includes chapters, each of which highlights one facet of success. It contains not only discussions about success in various types of human activity, but also direct advice, stories, examples, exercises, psychological techniques and methods of various traditions. I would recommend reading the book carefully, thinking and listening to yourself. Look with your inner vision at the impulse in your heart that is born in you when reading its pages - it is quite possible that the awakened energy will help you achieve what you dream of in the depths of your own heart. Try not just to read this book and be inspired by its sentiments, but also to apply what you read in relation to your own life, observing the principle of environmental friendliness in relation to your nature and selecting, first of all, what is in tune with you.

This book should not be considered as a kind of textbook containing rigid schemes and algorithms for life success that you just need to learn and mechanically implement into your life. Alas, success cannot be taught as some set of techniques and prescribed operations. Just like the miracle of life, born from nothingness in a mysterious and incomprehensible way, success contains mysterious and inexplicable moments. His achievement is always associated with creativity and the discovery of a new combination of life experiences, a new view of the world. Achieving success means not so much learning something from the outside, but rather discovering something new within yourself. Training presupposes mastery of practical methods leading to such a discovery.

While working on the book, I wanted to help people who want to become more successful, teach them how to build their lives more harmoniously. While dealing with this problem, I tried to combine the approaches of esotericism and the most modern psychological concepts, technologies and methods. As a result, I managed to create a practical system that makes it easier for a person to get closer to his desired goal. Over the years, many people have gone through it, some of whom later admitted to me that the resulting attitudes, energy charge and psychological techniques radically changed their lives. I would like to introduce the reader to the general provisions of this system in this book.

The concept of success is deeply connected with karma. If karma does not allow, a person can do anything and fight like a fish against ice, but still not achieve his plans. Therefore, it is important to learn how to work with your karma, as they say in the East, to work it off. The book contains several chapters devoted to the influence of karma on the success of human endeavors, as well as the topic of specific methods of a person’s work to improve his karma.

Striving for success, we must not forget that success is a fusion of many aspects, a balance between external and internal, between the ability to accept oneself and the mindset for comprehensive self-improvement.

Success brings, first of all, the ability to maintain a positive attitude in life in a variety of situations: in routine, in extreme situations, in a state of fatigue or overflowing with vitality. A successful life attitude helps in various areas of life: when studying, when applying for a job, when building relationships with colleagues, subordinates and superiors, when getting a promotion, when changing jobs. Everywhere we are faced with the problems of competent goal setting and following our intentions, with the problems of preserving and accumulating energy. To achieve success, it is very important to act correctly in situations of opposition to your goals: to respond correctly to obstacles, failures and misfortunes. Success in family life requires the ability to build plans and relationships, the ability to determine your priorities, and focus on harmony. Success implies a certain way of life that does not interfere with the realization of our goals, but works for them and brings us the greatest satisfaction. Success in communication lies in the ability to attract the people you need and distance yourself from those whose influence you perceive as harmful. All this is included in the complex of success. These topics will be covered in our book, accompanied by examples and exercises. I hope that the advice and exercises I have given will help those who need it in overcoming negative karma and creating positive karma that contributes to success.

“Success is a matter of pure chance.

Any loser will tell you that."

(Earl Wilson)

Success Factors

Successful individuals love change because it develops and gives new opportunities to achieve their desired goal. If you are going to become a successful person, get ready for the fact that your lifestyle will need changes:

  1. Plan your time. This does not mean that it is necessary to schedule actions minute by minute. Some people are comfortable with a detailed plan, while others prefer a general schedule, which allows them to devote a little more time to something than expected for the sake of efficiency.
  2. Set high goals. Any goal is achievable if a person believes in himself. But it’s not enough to say “I can”—you need to put in the effort and create the conditions to achieve it.
  3. Constantly learn new things. Professional self-development is definitely necessary, but, in addition to it, create the habit of devoting time to personal interests every day - reading books, studying foreign languages, sports, hobbies. Train yourself to manage your time correctly.
  4. Leave bad habits behind. Bad habits include not only drinking alcohol or tobacco products and playing computer games, but also consuming too much sweets, watching TV for many hours, surfing on social networks and talking on the phone for long periods of time. Imagine how much important and valuable you can do in this time.
  5. Look back at successful people. When creating your own successful life, look for similarities in your qualities with people who have achieved certain heights.
  6. Make new acquaintances. Communication skills are a hallmark of successful individuals. Learn to enjoy communication, show interest in new people.
  7. Surround yourself with people and things that bring good luck. Failure is contagious. Protect yourself from pessimists and losers.
  8. Treat failures correctly.

How to set goals and achieve them? Goal Achievement Plan

To achieve a goal, you need to have an action plan , imagine specific steps. The plan could be like this:

  1. We clearly formulate the goal. This means specifying a goal and time to achieve it. For example: “I want to learn English and have a conversational level in 6 months, communicate easily with English people and understand what they say.”
  2. We take into account possible difficulties and costs on the way to the goal. For example:
  • Need money to pay for English courses
  • It is necessary to devote a lot of time to learning a foreign language, watching English-language videos, films, reading books, doing homework
  • You need to motivate yourself to exercise constantly, every day, not once a week.
  • Coping with laziness and reluctance to learn
  • Strive to find people (perhaps friends and acquaintances) with whom you can communicate in English, etc.
  1. We weigh all the pros and cons and make a decision.
  2. We visualize that we have achieved the goal. This is necessary in order to feel in the state when we got what we wanted. Positive emotions will help you reach your goal when things get difficult. For example: “I already know English wonderfully and speak it fluently. I can watch English-language films without translation, and also read books by great writers. I plan to visit London, see its sights and communicate with the British.”
  3. Write down how long it will take to achieve your goal and outline specific steps. For example:
  • Find good English courses (1 week)
  • Start training, which lasts 6 months (September-February)
  • Periodically check your level of knowledge using testing (once a month)
  • Watch an English-language film (once every 1-2 weeks)
  • Read books in English (a little every day), etc.

Also think about how you will act in the event of difficulties and unusual situations. What will help you cope with the problem? For example: I can’t learn one of the topics in English; Possible solutions: ask a teacher for help, try to figure it out on your own, ask a friend, watch training videos...

People who have achieved success are guided in their lives by simple and understandable truths, and also create a specific plan for their actions. At the same time, there is something else that distinguishes purposeful people from others. They know how to dream. Yes, it is important! When we dream, we visualize our desires, build an image of the future we want to see. Also, a strong dream motivates us to go towards it from idea to implementation, overcoming all obstacles. It becomes the engine of our actions and contributes to the generation of ideas on how to achieve what we want.

People who go towards their goal have a very strong dream. It can be completely different: learn to play the piano, see Paris with your own eyes, write a scientific book, buy your own house, open your own business... How many people, so many desires. And only those who are true to their dreams become successful and inspire others by their example.

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What makes a person rich?

The rules that we have outlined are universal for any goal, be it successful education, sports achievements, health, success in your personal life or career. However, most trainings on the psychology of success are still developed for those who want to achieve material wealth.

The algorithm is the same, the main thing is to concentrate on goals that will lead to the desired heights.

  • set achievable goals;
  • break them down into tasks needed to achieve them;
  • plan your time;
  • keep a calendar of achievements;
  • When you reach a new goal, move the bar higher.

Habits of rich people

Psychology is a complicated thing. Try to understand why one easily donates thousands and tens of thousands to good causes, while the other, also not the least beggar, by the way, trembles over every penny. It all depends on the way of thinking. Truly wealthy people are generous. If you take an excursion into history, you can see that most millionaires are philanthropists, philanthropists, and people who do charity work. Among them are such businessmen as Carlos Slim, Bill Gates, Andrew Carnegie, John Rockefeller. What do you need to know about the habits and psychology of a rich person? These are the following facts:

1. Rich people are purposeful. Any successful person always has clear goals, which are a kind of pointer that tells you what, when and how best to do. If he doesn't have a goal, he won't achieve anything. It is important to remember that you cannot accumulate capital by chance.

2. The psychology of rich people is unique. From the outside it may seem that they are spending money left and right, making thoughtless purchases, and wasting money. You might be surprised, but they spend less than they earn. This is perhaps one of the most important rules of life for the rich. Ordinary people increase their expenses in parallel with rising incomes. If your salary has become higher, it means you can buy more expensive things, food, buy a car, or simply take out a loan. In the end, all this leads to the same result. As for rich people, they regularly save part of their earnings. They do not spend all their money at once, but rather accumulate it. And then they invest, live on interest and have passive income.

3. Successful and rich people are hardworking. People who have achieved financial success on their own work tirelessly and are not lazy. A person who works for hire simply works out his working hours, without showing much enthusiasm or interest in the work, because he knows that at the end of the month he will receive a salary. But a major businessman or investor conducts his business energetically, with a sparkle in his eyes. This is the main difference in the psychology of a poor and a rich person.

4. They prefer risk. Many ordinary people fail before achieving victory because they are afraid to put everything on the line in some business. However, successful people take reasonable risks. So be brave if you want to become rich. But remember: courage and recklessness are different concepts.

Differences between successful people and unsuccessful people

Any way of thinking works for success or failure. By choosing your attitude, you choose the result. Differences between successful people and losers:

Successful manJonah
Radiates positivityTends to be negative
Not afraid of mistakesPerceives a mistake as a disaster
Believes in himselfNot confident in my abilities
Looking for opportunitiesLooks for excuses for inaction
Really evaluates himself and circumstancesProne to self-deception
Constantly moving forwardNot moving anywhere
Prone to flexible approaches and creative solutionsStubborn
Works with the present and thinks about the futureObsessed with the past
Able to form his own opinionTend to agree with the majority

The Great Power of Deed

The secret of successful people is that they do Actions. With a capital “A,” Action is an action that should change the situation radically and involves other people, material resources, and ideas into its orbit. A common example of an Action is “starting life again.” Let's say, change your profession and place of residence. “Water does not flow under a lying stone,” our ancestors said, and they were absolutely right.

Often the Action itself is very simple and does not even require strong energy expenditure. And the effect of it can be truly enormous, when everything turns upside down and the balance of power on the “battlefield” changes dramatically.

Here we repeat that the probability of failure must be taken into account. It is the fear of failure that often blocks a person’s desire to take action. First: psychologically prepare for the worst case scenario. Second: “spread straws” for this worst option. Third: Having prepared for the worst, hope for the best.

The technology of the Deed is reminiscent of the preparation and conduct of combat operations. A good officer always remembers the possibility of failure of the operation and loss of personnel. But a good officer prepares for battle in such a way that, ideally, he preserves all the people and equipment, and calculates the options for defense and retreat.

Thus, Peter the Great, when founding St. Petersburg, decided to build the most modern fortress at that time for defense against the enemy. The fact is that the city was founded in a very dangerous place, and a Swedish attack was very likely. As a result, Petropavlovka never took part in hostilities, but in the event of aggression the enemy would be in great trouble.

The life of the first Russian emperor can be considered a model of how one should perform actions, defeat enemies and achieve success.

Ways to make failure work for you

Failures are an inevitable part of any movement. But any failure can be used to serve your success. To do this, you need to learn how to treat failures correctly:

  1. Make smart mistakes. “Stupid mistake” - made through carelessness. “Smart” mistakes are the mistakes of people moving towards their goal, but making a mistake in a risky step or experiment.
  2. Learn from situations. One of the successful business coaches often repeats: “all situations are divided into pleasant and useful.” Mistakes and failures enrich you with invaluable experience. The main thing is to draw the right conclusions and take them into account in subsequent steps. Every situation, be it unpleasant or sad, can teach a lesson, it is only important to see it.
  3. Don't blame others. People tend to look for someone to blame because they find it difficult to admit they are wrong. This trait is inherent in losers. Evaluate only your own actions.
  4. Don't blame yourself. Decisions involve responsibility, but if they turn out to be wrong, feelings of guilt are unacceptable. Feelings of guilt will make the situation worse because it will knock you out of the right frame of mind. Evaluate actions with reasonable criticism and only from a constructive position.
  5. Use other people's experience. Many mistakes have already been made. Take them on board and learn from them, without repeating the experience of other people's failures.

The psychology of success is the ability to achieve what you want. Success in psychology is a “winning scenario” implemented in life, prosperity, healthy self-esteem. How to set yourself up for success, wealth and prosperity? How to get what you want and be successful? Answers in the video clip:

Some more practical tips

Those who know how to count money become rich. If you cannot say how much money you currently have in your pocket, correct yourself and learn to count everything down to the last penny. Money does not appear by magic. If you don’t count money, it means it’s a sin to think that it falls into your wallet from the sky. This position is good only in one case: if you are the son of an oligarch, and your dad will always “warm up” you with any amount, no matter what you want. But in this case, the real rich man is the oligarch dad, and not his son, who, in fact, spends other people’s money.

Financial control is the most important management function. The accounting department of a good enterprise works from morning to night on reporting, in which, as a result, a mosquito will not undermine its nose. Personal finance is no different from corporate finance (except quantitatively). A person who is unable to manage his own money is unable to manage anything in his life. Conversely, if someone manages his personal money well, he can, if he wants to, become a wealthy person (and most likely he is).

What is the first thought that comes to mind when you suddenly receive a significant amount (or expect to receive it). Are we talking about a win, a lucky break, or a bonus at work? Yes, that’s right, we think: “I’ll finally buy myself...” Then you can plug anything into the equation, from a new smartphone to jewelry or a car. Spontaneous purchases are, of course, acceptable, but you can’t deny yourself pleasures. But the core of the problem is that some people are prone to spontaneous spending, which they commit constantly. Thus, having received a significant amount, a person quickly gets rid of it, as if it “burns his hands,” instead of investing part of it in liquid assets.

Of course, good household appliances, a modern computer, and fashionable clothes should have a place. But a person who manages money competently buys all this as planned when he understands that he will not “run out of money.” By the way, many truly rich people (at least in Europe and the USA) are modest and do not hesitate to attend sales, purchasing clothes and other things at discounted prices.

Such was, for example, the brilliant manager, the famous manager of the Ford Corporation, and then Lido Anthony Iacocca. He is known throughout the world for his book “Manager’s Career,” which we recommend reading to anyone who wants to learn how to manage finances and their own lives in general.

Forget about problems! No, really forget about problems, since there is no such thing. At least for someone who thinks like a successful person. For a successful person in life there are no problems, but only tasks. Do you feel the difference? It’s all very simple: you need to be more calm and thorough in many matters, and not let your feelings take precedence over your reason. A problem is a task loaded with negative emotions, psychologists say, and this is absolutely true.

What is the difference between drivers who have many years of accident-free experience? First of all, calmness behind the wheel and unhurried driving style. The basis of their philosophy is the famous “three Ds”, that is, “give way to the fool.” Let him fly towards an accident. In principle, you can get to know a person very quickly: just watch how he drives a car in difficult road conditions. And it’s true that life is often compared to the road. For a successful person, his path is a winding multi-lane highway filled with a variety of cars. Here you need to be able to calmly maneuver in order to get to your goal healthy and mentally balanced.


The word success is of Russian origin, but the concept itself in our society bears a touch of Western worldview.

The attitude towards success and successful people in our country and in the West is very different. If in the West there are entire schools of development of success and success is cultivated as a certain style of behavior and life, then our attitude to this topic is more complex. In Soviet times, successful people were called upstarts and careerists; the ideal was modest heroes without silver. Today, rich and successful people are often the targets of all sorts of attacks - although in our country they often deserve such treatment. There is no cult of success in our society and never has been. This goes back to the Christian tradition, which condemned earthly prosperity and believed that it interfered with spiritual growth and advancement. The more you humiliate yourself in the earthly world, the higher you rise in spirit - such a cause-and-effect relationship was recognized as obvious. The transfer of religious concepts to worldly life has largely become part of the flesh and blood of our people. We do not have a developed harmonious theory of success, but we have natural complexes and an almost archetypal rejection of it, there is no culture of success. Our country and nation have not come to a consensus on what success in life is. For some, these are only spiritual aspirations and the denial of the worldly; for others, the worldly is also important, but they are unsuccessful, and this is the source of their protest against success as such. Still others have achieved success, but through unjust means (as Ostap Bender said, “all modern large fortunes were acquired dishonestly”), but they do not think at all about others and, out of habit, are busy demonstrating their own wealth. They play success with absolutely no rules, sometimes frightening with their barbaric worldview and behavior. These three classes of people cannot agree among themselves: they do not have common criteria for life. The large gap between rich and poor people - and in our country it is tens of times greater than in the West - does not contribute to the success of the country as a whole. Russia's crises largely stem from the lack of common ideals of success. What is success, where and how to look for it, the question of the combination of spiritual and worldly principles - there are no general socially accepted criteria for answering these questions, which gives rise to conflicts in society. Trying to define these concepts without calling for copying the Western worldview, but focusing on the Russian mentality is the author’s goal. I hope that this book will help you properly manage your psychological, mental and spiritual capital, and not waste it.

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