This conversation is in psychology
Conversation is a research method in psychology. Types, advantages and disadvantages of the method
A common diagnostic survey method in psychology is a conversation that allows you to obtain information about
Diabetic polyneuropathy
Neuropathy of the lower extremities: symptoms, causes
Persistent and long-term diabetes leads to damage to almost all vital human organs,
reflection in pedagogy
Pedagogical reflection is... Definition, characteristics, development, methods and application in pedagogy
Since development and learning are internal processes, they can be managed by external means, for example,
ASSOCIATION - what is it in simple words. Types of associations in psychology
Association. The famous Italian writer Gianni Rodari compared the spoken word to a stone thrown into a pond.
What is a psychological attitude
Psychological attitude - what is it in psychology, examples
“Why are you setting yourself up for bad things?” - everyone has heard this phrase at least once when
compensation of sensations in psychology
Compensation in psychology - what is it? Types of compensation in psychology
Overcompensation is one of the types of compensation in psychology, when a person tries to unconsciously develop
Dignity: what is it, definition of the concept, examples
Important principles of civil society and any democratic state include the protection of rights and interests
Signs of vascular brain damage
Perinatal lesions in premature infants (IVH, PVL): causes and diagnosis. Transcript of the live broadcast with Doctor of Medical Sciences Marina Viktorovna Narogan.
Pathological processes affecting the central nervous system (CNS) affect the performance of the entire organism. Morphological changes
Do you know why you don't like to be photographed? Psychologists explain the reason
October 12, 2018 Personality psychology Ksenga In the age of Instagram, people from
What is thinking: divergent, clip, and why do we need deduction?
Updated July 20, 2021 514 Author: Dmitry Petrov Hello, dear readers of the blog. We
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