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Moral values ​​and their role in modern society
Types of values ​​It is not so easy to classify all the variety of ideas about correct behavior. Highest moral
Verbal logical or verbal thinking - what is it?
Thinking and speech are what distinguishes a person from an animal. Verbal logical thinking
Social groups and their classification. Types and characteristics of social groups
A social group is one of the main components of social structure. People in a social group
The concept of "person"
Who is an individual: signs, behavior, difference from personality
Who is a person - definition A person is a biosocial being that manifests itself in interaction with
Research project on current issues of psychology and social pedagogy “Mass consciousness. Crowd behavior" 10th grade
Crowd structure: core, band and periphery Any crowd - in transport, at a concert or
“Good sleep!” How to get rid of nightmares in children and adults?
Every year a healthy lifestyle becomes more and more popular. On social networks, mass media and
Anger management: how to deal with aggression and temper?
Other people's anger inevitably makes us feel uncomfortable. It doesn’t matter if we start getting angry in response
Yakimov Vladislav - business card
Basic properties of human consciousness in psychology and philosophy
Is human consciousness in psychology? Consciousness and the brain in brief! Properties of personality consciousness! Self-awareness, local
Learned helplessness syndrome
Learned helplessness syndrome: down with “I can’t” and “I don’t want”!
Remember Pavlov's series of experiments to study conditioned reflex reactions associated with the functioning of the digestive system? Ivan
9 causes of irritability and ways to cope with them
Irritation is one of the most common human emotions. And she's completely normal. So it gives
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