Parapsychology - what is it, areas of study and research methods
Parapsychology is a pseudo-scientific field that deals with the study and detection of various supernatural, magical manifestations, such as
Motives of activity, their types and characteristics. The concept of motivation in psychology
What is motivation and why is it needed? In simple terms, the motive is
life after father's death
How to cope with the death of your beloved father and help your loved ones cope
It is no secret to everyone that the final outcome of life is death. You seem to understand
Right-brain thinking: meaning and exercises for development
The brain is the main organ of the central nervous system, which consists of a huge number of nerve cells and
Prefrontal cortex: functions. prefrontal cortex dysfunction
Functions of the Prefrontal The prefrontal cortex is an area of ​​great importance for our survival in the environment
How to live further? Stages of grief
Five stages of experiencing loss (grief), or the path to acceptance. Kübler-Ross model
Life is not all positivity, joy and achievement. Often we have to face and
Traps of love: a metropolitan psychologist told how emotional dependence is formed
Traps of love: a metropolitan psychologist told how emotional dependence is formed. What is love? The most beautiful of
The underdog athlete fell before reaching the finish line
Who is the Outsider? (Characteristics, Why It's Bad)
Updated July 23, 2021 215 Author: Dmitry Petrov “Attempts to explain defeats solely by unfair refereeing,
How to choose your life position
The main secret of success is an active life position
Last time we started talking about why we can’t change our lives and
stages of conflict
Conflict. Stages of conflict. Stages of conflict development and resolution
Hi all! What stages of conflict development exist, what is their sequence and how
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