Symbolism of black color
Psychology of color: how it affects a person’s mental state
Polls say Europeans' favorite color is blue (40 percent say
What is conflict
What is conflict and what strategies exist for dealing with conflict?
When going to define this concept, many mean by it aggression, disputes and squabbles, but
MRI for epidural hematoma
Subdural, epidural, retrochorial hematoma
Pathanatomical characteristics Epidural hematoma is a lens-shaped area of ​​blood in the epidural space (arrowheads
How to learn to control yourself and start living the life you dream of
There are a huge number of self-improvement methods, weight loss programs, ways to improve performance and others.
10 psychological tricks for manipulating people
1. Get interested Every person seeks personal gain. Therefore, when explaining your position, do not forget to tell
Tetanus: causative agent, symptoms, treatment, prevention
Doctors often forget to provide tetanus prophylaxis to patients, which then serves as a reason for litigation. Rules
Ultrasound examination of the brain of newborn children (normal anatomy)
The brain is the most complex organ in the human body, where one of the tools of communication
Inflated self-esteem: correction methods and strategies for communicating with such people
“The crown on his head is pressing”, “It is dangerous to underestimate a person who overestimates himself”, “The more a person
Psychology of color: How each color characterizes personality
Every day, color surrounds every person everywhere, evoking unique feelings and emotions. Selecting Items
victimization is
Topic 2. Victimization and victimization: concept and main characteristics.
Victimization is a person’s predisposition to be a victim. At the same time, social predisposition differs, where the probability
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