The main secret of success is an active life position

Last time we started a conversation about why we can’t change our lives and found out that it’s about the person himself and his position in life .
So why do some people succeed while others don’t? What is the secret of success? We are all looking for some kind of technique that will help us cope with problems and achieve success in everything... But the reasons for success or failure are not in the technique, but in our head. If we really want to “live life in such a way that later there will be no excruciating pain for the years spent aimlessly lived” and are going to start a new life, then we first need to “change our heads,” or rather, our position in life as a whole. It is she who plays a decisive role in whether we achieve success in life, and more correctly, whether we are happy and satisfied.

There are only two types of life position: active and passive. All successful and satisfied people have a pro-active (or simply active ) life position. Most of us have a reactive (or passive ) position in life - and this is where the cause of most of our misfortunes lies.

Life position is the base, the foundation of our personality and our attitude to life and to the world. Its primary formation occurs in childhood - under the influence of upbringing and in the image and likeness of our parents, but it is entirely within our power to change it at a conscious age. However, rebuilding the foundation on which a building has already been built is difficult and scary, so few people decide to do it. Here you need to have serious motivation and be ready to overcome difficulties. To begin with, it’s worth answering the question again: “Do I really want to become a successful person and master of my life, or will I make do with what I have, without changing anything or taking risks?”

What it is

The life position is formed thanks to the immediate environment during the first years of life. The features of its development, attitudes, guidelines and needs, as well as ways of responding to situations are transmitted by parents and educators, becoming internalized categories. Subsequently, these embedded parts manifest themselves in all possible sectors of human life, determining both moral life positions and work, personal and even political positions.

However, this does not mean that once formed, a life position remains a static category. It can change under the influence of new knowledge acquired or life experience. In many ways, a person himself can shape its changes through the application of mental and mental efforts, changing his direction and habitual ways of reacting and assessing the situation. By the time psychological maturity is achieved, the basic life position is formed, and if there are no fundamental changes in the personality and external social situation, then it remains key, only slightly adjusted under the influence of situational factors.

There is also a categorization of positions. One of these classifications adheres to the concept that the position itself is formed before the birth of the child, since it is determined by the psychological state of the parents. This does not mean genetic conditioning or actions, but rather the prism of perception. Roughly speaking, a person can evaluate himself as someone good or feel his own inferiority; all external reality is subject to the same basic assessments. Such deeply held beliefs are practically not amenable to subsequent volitional correction. Changes are possible only if conscious efforts are made, often with the help of a psychotherapist, and require more than one year of intense internal work.

Ponzi scheme: one-level financial pyramid

A feature of classic one-level financial pyramids is the factor of attracting new participants through the efforts of the organizer himself. In this case, “investors” act only as “passive wallets”, whose main task is to ensure cash flow.

There are known cases when, in order to build trust, the first payments were made at the expense of the organizer himself, which helped to significantly increase the invested amounts of existing participants and attract new ones due to the “word of mouth” effect.

When a certain number of depositors is reached, the enterprise switches to self-sufficiency, generating payments by depositing new funds. However, this situation persists until the first large outflow of funds, in which the financial institution shows its insolvency, which causes panic among participants, which is expressed in an avalanche-like “closure of deposits.”

The lifespan of a Ponzi scheme is usually between six months and two years. The main promotion strategy is aggressive marketing, using popular media personalities and news makers who act as symbols of “reliability and trust.”

Expected Result:

1. Providing optimal conditions for improving the quality of education.

2. Creating conditions for the development of a socially active personality of a schoolchild in the cultural and educational space of school and family.

3. Providing each student with a differentiated approach and creating conditions for implementing life strategies and finding a life position.

4. Improving the quality of teaching school disciplines.

5. Changes in the level of training and development of students.

6. The student’s readiness to make independent choices regarding life strategy and make decisions regarding life position.

How to decide on your life position

When the time comes to decide on their point of view, many begin to rush around and do not understand what is best for them. When choosing your personal attitude to various situations, psychologists advise adhering to the following considerations:

Set priorities. The individual must decide on the most important aspects for her and realize which actions will bring her more comfort. Rely on experience. Throughout life, actions can be both right and wrong. The most important thing is to be able to admit that you are wrong and strive not to commit any more actions that entail the discomfort of existence. Behavior

To determine one’s life position, it is very important to understand which actions are most consistent with the character of an individual. There are principles that, by crossing which a person drives himself into conscious depression, it is therefore recommended to avoid actions that contradict one’s own views on life. Finding a group of people with the same values

An individual must enlist the support of people who have similar views on life. In this case, he will not doubt the correctness of his choice of actions.

There are 4 types of life positions:

  1. I'm good, you're good. The philosophy of these people is to do good deeds without demanding anything in return, simply because they consider the other person to be a good person. Most often these are volunteers.
  2. I'm good, you're bad. Control over one's emotions is the main characteristic of a person with such a life position.
  3. I'm bad, you're good. These individuals are not inclined to share, but want to get the most from other people.
  4. I'm bad, you're bad. The emotional basis of people with such beliefs is anger, anger, negativity, and aggression.

Positional type: I'm bad, you're good

Social passivity

The dynamics of transformations occurring in society and the world force people to have a different attitude towards existence, to rethink various aspects of existence in a new way. Of the mass of problems posed by historical development, the most pressing today is the problem aimed at overcoming social inertia.

Social passivity means the absence of socially proactive behavior, unwillingness to care about others, indifference to nature and society.

Now there is an obvious contradiction between passivity, indifference, ideological indifference, political immaturity of many citizens and the need of society for the active participation of the entire working population and each individual in social reorganizations.

The passivity of society as a polysemantic concept outlines certain social connections, the character of people and their way of life, an altered social psychology, and a specific worldview.

Social passivity is a qualitative characteristic of an individual’s position, which is characterized by: lack of aspiration, inertia, immaturity, detachment, stagnation, lack of need to perform socially significant actions, avoidance of realizing knowledge and abilities.

The danger of social inaction and passivity lies in the fettering of activity, initiative, and independence.

The nature of the described phenomenon lies in the disharmony of the existing situation with the needs, the detachment of the individual from society, gaps in economic ties, non-compliance with social justice, limitation of personal interest, lack of formed political institutions, bureaucratization of power structures, weakness of democratic customs. From the spiritual and practical side, the causes of social inertia are considered to be: a low degree of culture, lack of spirituality, irresponsibility, selfishness, and mental laziness. The following negative phenomena contribute to maintaining the stability of the passivity of individuals: deformation of the way of life, harmful and outdated customs, backward habits, excessive religiosity, dependency, consumerism.

Types of active life position of the individual

There are two types of active social position:

  • positive, holding views such as “Good always triumphs over evil,” and committed to observing generally accepted moral rules;
  • negative, having goals that run counter to public ones and cause harm to the latter.

For example, proof of a negative ALP can be the position of Adolf Hitler, who started a war on all continents and wanted to enslave the whole world.

AWP is necessary to improve the world around us through personal qualities and participation in public projects. The main thing is that it be positive.

What are the life positions of a person?

Life positions in psychology are divided into 2 types:

  1. Active;
  2. Passive.

Active life position (positive and negative)

People with an active position often have leadership qualities. Synonyms for this concept are optimism, enthusiasm, and sometimes altruism. Such individuals are good speakers, capable of infecting many people with their attitude to different situations. Recently, even when applying for a job, you need to include the item “active life position” in your resume. Psychologists divide active life position into 2 types:

  1. Positive;
  2. Negative.

A positive active life position is aimed at eradicating evil, both in a global sense and in an individual sense. Only optimists have a positive point of view - people who, even in a barrel of ointment, are able to see a spoonful of honey. Such individuals have high morality.

Attitude to life is formed from childhood

A negative attitude is aimed at destruction. As a rule, such people are not able to rejoice in the successes of others; in order to find their own spiritual comfort, they need to cause trouble to society. Individuals with a negative life position often create an environment of people who have low moral qualities. It is normal for them to impose their thoughts, opinions, goals, etc. A striking example of individuals with a negative position are the leaders of gangs.

Passive life position

Passive - also divided into several types:

  • Lack of initiative;
  • Infancy;
  • Destructiveness;
  • Pulse.

Submission, as a type of passive attitude towards life, defines a person who is incapable of making any decisions. He will never take the first step, but will take a waiting position. The situation will still be resolved sooner or later, but without the active participation of the individual in it.

Infantile people are not able to think about what action could bring them more comfort and positive emotions. They will choose the easiest path that someone else has already taken, and will follow the basic rules for resolving circumstances, without thinking about how rational they are, without noticing their inconsistency.

Infantility - lack of ability to make decisions

Destructive personalities create a lot of noise around their ideas and impose their opinions on other people without drawing up a clear plan of action. That is, they promote an idea to society, but not its solution. Excessive fuss does not lead to constructiveness and solutions, so their ideas remain just ideas, discussing which they spent a lot of effort and energy. They tend to deny the obvious.

The last category includes choleric pessimists. These impulsive individuals are characterized by the fact that they transfer their emotional stress to close people or complete strangers. They blame everyone around them for their problems, but not themselves, while they are very aggressive, not prone to reasoning and introspection.

Note! It is very difficult to have such a person in your environment, since negativity constantly spills out from him. For people with a fine mental organization, this is fraught with constant depression and a tendency to psychological self-flagellation.

Passivity in relationships

The phenomenon under consideration as a personal trait is a tendency to an inactive existence, indifference and lack of initiative in relation to a partner, and environmental demands. This is the inability to show one’s own will, the inability to show independence in family relationships.

Passivity is the inability of an individual to become the creator of his own destiny and relationships. This is a voluntary renunciation of initiative and choice. Such a person deliberately chooses the position of a follower. His direction of behavior is always obvious and predictable, manifested in “doing nothing.” A passive individual in a relationship always plays only a secondary role that suits him.

The consequences of passivity in relationships often lead to breakups. Because the partner gets tired of carrying the entire burden of living together on his own shoulders, when the second participant in the relationship prefers a lifestyle that consists of detachment from everyday problems, family troubles, and a variety of relationships.

Passivity in a relationship is an adaptation of a partner in a love affair that is limited by established boundaries, and therefore does not require additional effort from him. However, the environment is dynamic, the environment is changeable. Its stability is only temporary and unstable, since reality is either destroyed or develops, but does not remain unchanged. That is why inertia in any spheres of existence is destructive. An individual who chooses a path without growth and improvement risks finding himself outside the environment in which he previously felt confident.

Often, an individual is made passive by authoritarian parental upbringing, in which initiative is intolerantly suppressed, enthusiasm is not held in high esteem, and any activity is suppressed and not welcomed.

What is a life position

Life position is an expression of the attitude of a certain individual to specific moments that happen in a given reality. With this expression, a person shows his caring attitude towards the events that happen in his life. A certain point of view on many circumstances greatly facilitates the flow of life and reduces the time spent on solving many problems.

A person who has not decided on his views also spends his potential on searching for a course of action. In addition, such uncertainty is fraught with the fact that the resolution of some situations is delayed for years, and the individual simply cannot reach a new stage without overcoming the previous one. A life position is not always an established attitude. It may change over time, but its essence, as a rule, remains unchanged.

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Sources used:


When and how is it formed?

The foundation of a life position is laid in early childhood. And as the child grows up, its walls either strengthen or weaken. The construction of this framework will depend on the parents and close environment in which the individual grew up. Namely: from heredity, upbringing, family traditions and other things.

But this does not mean that if a bad life experience has been received, the person will not have any or a passive life position, not at all, it can be consciously changed, just like character. So, let’s be clear: the formation of a life position begins from birth. Look at yourself from the outside, if you are not satisfied with life, rethink it, perhaps you are doing something wrong. Try to change yourself.

Reasons for passivity

A decrease in interest in the outside world can be caused by many reasons. Below are the most significant of them:

– the impact of stressors such as: conflicts in family relationships, confrontations in a team, loss of a loved one;

– abuse of alcohol-containing liquids or intoxicants;

– taking contraceptive drugs that affect the production of hormones, or pharmacopoeial drugs that lower blood pressure;

– a side effect of using sleeping pills, steroids or antibiotics;

– vitamin deficiency;

– lack of sunlight;

– professional activity that provoked emotional burnout;

– physical stress.

In addition, among the probable causes of passivity, a number of ailments should be noted, namely paralysis, cancer, diabetes, brain damage, abnormalities in the functioning of the endocrine system, schizophrenia, and chronic somatic ailments.

Passivity in behavior among representatives of the fair half is often a harbinger of the onset of premenstrual syndrome. It is also observed in people who remain under emotional stress for a long time, without rest or relief.

Often indifference and detachment are due to heredity. Passivity can also be provoked by a lack of motivation directly related to the needs of the individual and his interests.

The presence of several opposing stimuli that force an individual to make a choice can often give rise to a passive attitude.

In addition to the above factors, a general weakening of the body due to prolonged serious illness or fatigue also leads to indifference to what is happening.

Passivity is sometimes a consciously chosen path in life or unintentional, being a function of protection due to exposure to stressors.

Part 1.

1.What are the psychological approaches to revealing the concept of personality?

2.What is the relationship between the concepts of “person”, “individual”, “personality”, “individuality”?

3.What psychological factors do you know that prevent you from correctly perceiving and evaluating people?

4. Describe the personality potentials you know

5.What is included in the structure of a person’s mental properties?

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Now you have to read twelve unfinished statements. For each statement, choose one of the three options provided. Place the letter of your choice next to the statement number on your answer form. Take your time with your answer. Think carefully about the meaning of what is written. Provide some typical real-life examples.

The person whose behavioral characteristics you are to evaluate: _______________________ (fill in as necessary)



1. Abulkhanova K. A. Life strategy / K.A. Abulkhanov.- M.: Mysl, 1991. - 240 p.

2. Bozhovich L. I. Problems of personality formation: selected psychological works / Ed. D. I. Feldshtein. / L.I. Bozovic. - Moscow; Voronezh: Institute of Practical Psychology, 1995. - 200 p.

3. Varlamova E. P. Psychology of human creative uniqueness / E. P. Varlamova, S. Yu. Stepanov. - M. Publishing house: IPRAN, 1998. - 204 p.

4. Mdivani M.O. Methodology for studying personal life strategies / M.O. Mdivani, P.B. Kodess // Questions of psychology. - 2006.- No. 4.- P. 146 - 150.

5. Naumova N.F. Life strategy of a person in a transitional society / N. F. Naumova // Sociological Journal. - 1995. - No. 2. - P. 5 - 22.

6. Nemov R.S. General psychology: Textbook. for students education Institutions of secondary prof. education./ R.S. Nemov. — M.: Humanite. ed. VLADOS center, 2003. - 400 p.

7. Pehunen R. Development tasks and life strategies // Personality psychology and lifestyle / R. Pehunen. — Ed. E. V. Shorokhova. M., 1987. - 100 p.

8. Reznik Yu. M. Personal life strategies (experience of complex analysis) / Yu.M. Reznik, E.A. Smirnov. - M.: Institute of Man of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Independent Institute of Civil Society, 2002. - 200 p.

9. Sozontov A.E. Life strategies of modern student youth of a big city / A. E. Sozontov // Journal of practical psychology. - 2007. - No. 5. - P. 129 - 146.

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10. Shcherbatykh Yu. V. General psychology. / Yu.V. Shcherbatykh. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2008 - 272 p.

A few more words about life positions

A person may not be aware of his ideas about others or himself, consider himself this way from birth and without a chance of change. It's not enough to tell him, "Hey, value yourself, you're just as important and valuable a person in this world as anyone else" or "The other person is just as important and valuable, so treat him with respect." The roots of this or that choice go deep into childhood. And you can know what life positions are, and repeat to yourself how it should be or how best to do it. But in reality, everything will be completely different if there is still faith and belief to the contrary.

In each situation with different people, the same person may manifest different life positions if they are not realized. For example, the same woman can build a healthy relationship (I + You +) with her husband, but at work have problems with her colleagues, considering herself better than them (I + You -) or, on the contrary, considering herself unworthy (I - You + ) this position.

The following types of communication are distinguished:

1. “Mask contact” - formal communication, when there is no desire to understand and take into account the personality characteristics of the interlocutor, standard phrases, familiar masks of politeness, masks of inaccessibility are used. 2. Primitive communication, when they evaluate another person as a necessary or interfering object: if necessary, then they actively come into contact, if it interferes, they will push away or aggressive rude remarks will follow. 3. Formal-role communication, for example, when communicating between a doctor and a patient, both the content and means of communication are regulated, and instead of knowing the personality of the interlocutor, each of them makes do with knowledge of the social role of the interlocutor. 4. Business communication, when the personality, character, age, and mood of the interlocutor are taken into account, but the interests of the business are more significant than possible personal differences. 5. Spiritual, interpersonal communication (for example, a friendly conversation), when you can touch on any topic and do not necessarily resort to words, a friend will understand you by facial expression, movements, intonation. Such communication is possible when each participant has an image of the interlocutor, knows his personality, and can anticipate his reactions, interests, beliefs, and attitudes. When starting a conversation, you clarify your “model” of your interlocutor, make the necessary adjustments to it, but at the same time you give your interlocutor information about yourself so that he can “model” you correctly. When communicating, you unconsciously (or consciously) emphasize certain aspects of your personality (“self-presentation”) so that your interlocutor has a certain image of you. 6. Manipulative communication is aimed at extracting benefits from the interlocutor, using various techniques (flattery, intimidation, “showing off”, deception, demonstrations of kindness, etc.), depending on the personality characteristics of the interlocutor. 7. Secular communication - the essence of secular communication is its non-objectivity, i.e. people say not what they think, but what is supposed to be said in such cases; This communication is closed, therefore people’s points of view on this or that issue have no meaning and do not determine the nature of communications. Code of secular communication: 1) politeness, tact - “respect the interests of the other”; 2) approval, agreement - “do not blame the other,” “avoid objections”; 3) sympathy - “be friendly, friendly.”

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Intellectual passivity

Intellectual inertia is usually understood as a decrease in the level of mental activity, which is primarily due to the characteristics of upbringing. It manifests itself in insufficient development of intellectual skills, a negative attitude towards mental activity, and the use of roundabout ways when solving intellectual tasks.

Human intellectual passivity manifests itself differently. It can be hidden, or can be characterized by pronounced manifestations. Early signs of the phenomenon in question can be observed in the preschool period. Intellectual indifference manifests itself more clearly in younger schoolchildren in the form of the inability to assimilate knowledge to the required extent.

Analyzing the phenomenon under consideration, scientists have suggested that intellectual inertia comes in two variations. The first one arises as a result of deviations in the operational and technical apparatus of intellectual activity. The second is a manifestation of a negative tendency in the formation of the motivational-need sphere.

Based on the breadth of manifestations, a distinction is made between selective and general intellectual indifference. The first is found in a selective attitude towards objects and types of activity.

The occurrence of the described feature is often due to the cognitive level of the family, since the child spends most of his time with his family. A distinctive feature of the cognitive level of a family is considered to be: the basic level of knowledge of relatives, the prevailing climate in family relationships, spending free time together, interests, hobbies. Also here we should take into account the emergence of the following “useful” qualities in children: initiative, independence, awareness of their own actions and deeds.

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