Psychology of color: how it affects a person’s mental state

Polls say

Currently, the favorite color of Europeans is blue (40 percent of residents prefer it). The “rating” of green is 17 percent, red is 12 percent, yellow is 6 percent, orange is 5 percent. The remaining percentages come from shades of these colors, as well as white and gray.

Like long echoes that mix in the distance and there merge into a dark, deep unity, spacious as night and like light - like long echoes, fragrances, colors, and sounds answer one another. Charles Baudelaire

Symbolism of black color

Black represents the absence of all light and all color. It symbolizes: firmness of conviction, as well as elegance and sophistication. It gives a person moderation, exclusivity and mystery. Black is often associated with negative or dubious values ​​(dark humor, black hole...).

It would be unfair to reduce it only to them, but we must admit that the color black means a lack of imagination and joy. Black is a symbol of mourning, anxiety, depression. It drowns you in the crowd and can push others away - it often indicates an impenetrable character, a desire to dominate, and rigidity. If it is worn too often, it can mean persistent anxiety or fear of leaving adolescence.

To see a situation in black terms means to exaggerate its negative aspects. Indulging in black thoughts means experiencing deep sadness... In many religions, black means death. The Romans marked “fateful” days with black stones, and the expression “for a rainy day” has survived the centuries. English schoolchildren call the first Monday after the Christmas holidays “Black Monday”.

In which rooms is it most often used?

Burgundy color is ideal for kitchen decoration.

There is an opinion that shades of burgundy have a positive effect on stimulating appetite and improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

A small kitchen will become more elegant if the accents are chosen correctly using burgundy color. A few bright colors against the background of white walls and window frames will make the kitchen cozy and conducive to long family evenings.

Owners of spacious kitchens can use burgundy as the main tone. Its shades will make the room a little smaller visually, but will give it elegance and good quality.

Exquisite burgundy in the living room fills the room with positive energy and emphasizes the status of its owner.

A bright combination of burgundy and gold will help create a special holiday atmosphere in the living room.

But this color scheme is recommended for decorating spacious rooms. Small living rooms, decorated in gold and burgundy, look ridiculous and give the impression of a lack of good taste on the part of the owners.

When decorating a bedroom in burgundy, you need to be careful.

An excess of bright colors can lead to the fact that the bedroom is no longer perceived as a place of solitude and peace. In this room, a person will develop a feeling of aggression and tension.

The use of burgundy as details and textile decorations will emphasize the passionate nature of the owners of the room.

Symbolism of white color

Color-border, “non-color” (nothing or something before any beginning), daylight. White is the sum of all light. In the atmosphere it is the sum of colors, and its decomposition produces a rainbow. White is a symbol of purity, innocence, and naturalness. It emphasizes the idealism of character and the desire for perfection. This is the color of eternity and deities. Sufis (Islamic ascetics) associate the color white with the secret of inner light.

If you are dressed in all white from head to toe, then be careful not to look too “hospital” or create the impression of emptiness and infinity. White is often associated with absence, with something non-existent (“white crow”, “white spots”, “white ticket”...). It seems to symbolize anticipation: wedding, baptism, and so on. Reluctance to give up white in clothing may indicate a fear of leaving adolescence.


Brown is the color of strength, solidity, stability, practicality. Brown symbols: soil, tree, earth, autumn. It has abstract symbols - hard work, endurance, conservatism. Brown, along with black and navy blue, often dominates the clothing of rich and confident people, which emphasizes their sense of self-worth. Brown is the color of coffee and aromatic spices; it is exquisitely used in the interior design of coffee shops and restaurants. People who prefer this color desire physical relaxation, peace, and concentration, so it can be used in office themes.

Possible negative associations: Brown color may seem boring, even depressing, and may cause associations with tobacco, smoking, and unpleasant odors.

Symbolism of gray

A moderate color, between black and white, everything and nothing. Gray matter is the brain. “Exercise your gray matter” in colloquial language means to think. “Gray life” is a life without bright events. The color embodies passivity. It is a symbol of respect, indifference, modesty, indecisiveness and neutrality.

In professional life, it reflects seriousness and efficiency when combined with the other. If you wear only gray, it will evoke sadness, fear, the approach of death, cold, monotony, and make you think about worse times. A person wearing gray is, as it were, erased in his own shadow: gray and shadow are identified.


The color silver comes out of the gray, expresses the desire for freedom and an attempt to overcome all restrictions. Embodies nobility, safety, strength. Association words: lighting, reflection, penetration, impartiality, smoothness. Silver is a fairly cool color; it is used in small quantities on packaging; it is “more modest” than gold and, with its cold shine, adds a proud aristocracy to objects. Most often, this color is used by manufacturers of cars and equipment; thanks to its direct association with metal, silver seems stronger and more reliable.

Possible negative associations: Like grey, silver can be considered a color of indifference, and due to its metallic sheen it is colder and more unapproachable. Other associations: deceit, duplicity, illusoryness.

A little about the psychology of color combinations

Psychologists have found that the number of colors used directly affects the effectiveness of the advertising message. If the efficiency of perception of a black and white image is taken as 100%, then the efficiency of a two-color image increases by 20%, and a multicolor image by 40%. For advertising purposes, it is generally not customary to use more than two different colors, but they can be varied by using similar shades, as this creates a sense of color consistency and is not irritating to the eye.

When creating a new product, it is very important to consider that in the future it becomes more successful if the color scheme is used correctly, which over time becomes a corporate color scheme. You must also take into account the fact that colors tend to appear one within the other. This means that adjacent colors can enhance or cancel each other out. Thus, cigarettes in a brown and white pack, due to their white color, seem weaker than those in a brown one. When they are brown-blue or brown-gold, they acquire not only a strong, but also a somewhat aristocratic taste.

Sometimes several colors located nearby give a completely unexpected effect. For example, red represents energy, movement, danger, rage, and black – mystery, sadness, sadness, but the combination of red and black immediately transforms into something extravagant, piquant, alluring. But the combination of red with another, bright and emotionally rich color can look tasteless and irritate the eye. Therefore, all colors should be in harmony with each other, balance, but not suppress. The color that should carry the main psychological and emotional message should be the main and dominant one.

Symbolism of chestnut color

There are beautiful people and ugly people. As for skin color, these are just quirks of nature, that's all. Daniel Pennac, "The Little Prose Trader"

A symbol of earth, wood, simplicity, a return to traditions of vital energy. It invigorates and facilitates communication. But be careful: if you wear too much chestnut, you risk creating an impression of despondency, apathy, and banality (the color can be associated with peasant work, army camouflage). Therefore, it is better to combine it with a different shade - for the sake of more liveliness of your image.

Symbolism of pink

Pink is a very positive color, symbolizing seduction, purity, and devotion. This is a symbol of femininity and love.

This color also has an aspect indicating relaxation and can symbolize the joy of life, a period of success. See life in pink: be joyful, look optimistically into the future. Pink color is romanticism, modesty, timidity, gentleness. It is an emblem of the divine, associated with Venus. This is a symbol of tenderness and delicacy.

Pink color expresses sympathy, responsiveness, but also the search for safety, affection, protection. Writer Barbara Cartland preferred to wear pink clothes, put on pink makeup, use pink objects in everyday life, and so on. Pink was her thing! She achieved success in literature, but was also known for her eccentric gait. She always wore airy pastel pink and caramel pink suits.

Color looks brilliant only in a certain environment, just as eyes only smile on a face. Ludwig Wittgenstein, philosopher


Blue is the color of peace and universal harmony. This color is associated with intelligence and the ability to pacify with words. Associated with honesty, sincerity, purity, silence, coolness, but the strongest associations are the globe, water, sky, peace, ice. This is a comfortable color that evokes a feeling of well-being, security, and trust. The blue color is not as cold as blue, so being in the same range, it is more comfortable, the freshness and coolness of blue is completely different from the frostiness of blue. Perfume and cosmetics companies, as well as manufacturers of various hygiene products, actively take advantage of this psychological feature of color, using it on the packaging of their products.

People who prefer this color are friendly, they know how to listen, are not irritable, and wise. Blue color tunes in to the area of ​​feelings, but more sublime, more platonic than mundane. Blue is the color of peace and universal harmony. It makes it possible to feel an invisible connection with the Universe, and is able to give the subject a holistic appearance, and the issue/case – globality and a favorable outcome. Toys and clothes intended for boys are traditionally blue.

Possible negative associations: Depending on the place of use, blue color may be considered not serious, sentimental. Sometimes it can be difficult to concentrate when looking at blue things; looking at a blue sky or looking at a blue object are two different things. Blue, like pink, is somewhat banal and stereotypical.

Symbolism of red

Submission, competition, seduction, efficiency, reliability - this is what this color is associated with. Red neutralizes fatigue, stimulates, tones; is the color of vital energy. Red coloring is a symbol of ardent beauty, impulsive strength, youth and health. A lush (mature) red color with a note of violet (purple) is a sign of power.

The color of fire and blood, red is considered the main symbol of life. It speaks of passion, energy, sexuality... power, courage, optimism, ambition. Red neutralizes fatigue and stimulates. Tones; is the color of vital energy. In China and Japan, red is considered an auspicious color, it gives life and protects against evil spirits, so it can be seen on the gates of Shinto shrines, on the entrance doors of houses and on the palanquins of newlyweds.

A red ribbon around the wrist brings good luck and protects against evil spirits. Stones: ruby, garnet. This is the color of the 1st chakra, associated with our roots, our attraction to the Earth.

Symbolism of orange

Orange symbolizes the point of creation and sexuality. It is halfway between red and yellow, that is, between reason and temperament. Orange color accumulates energy and allows you to achieve your goal. Active, tonic, it awakens the senses, symbolizing vitality, enthusiasm, hospitality, sociability, dynamism, joy and carelessness.

It also symbolizes devotion, the art of adaptability, and creative energy. Orange color enlivens the senses and evokes a feeling of comfort and good mood; symbolizes the manifestation of universal Love. Stones: carnelian, amber. This is the color of the 2nd chakra, associated with creative power, inspiration, a sense of beauty, knowledge.

Symbolism of yellow

Yellow is the color of positive energy. It stimulates the ability to concentrate, enhances the gift of communication, and gives a feeling of lightness. This is the color of the sun, soothing warmth. Symbolizes spiritual light, knowledge, science, dynamism, hopes of youthful forces, as well as intellectual qualities, insight, cheerful disposition and freedom.

In Egyptian mythology, the heat and rays of the sun were considered the golden seed of the god Ra. In Islam, yellow is the color of betrayal and disappointment. Gold is the metal of Christianity. The color yellow is present on the Vatican City flag. Stones: sunstone (heliolite), tiger's eye. This is the color of the 3rd chakra: a symbol of self-respect, self-confidence, power, authority.

Оттенки Р±РѕСЂРґРѕРІРѕРіРѕ S†РІРµС‚Р° РІ онтерьере

РџРѕРєР° РЅРеРєРѕРјСѓ РЅРµ удалось РґРѕ РєРѕРхца разгадать тайРхСѓ загад RѕS‡РЅРѕРіРѕ Р±РѕСЂРґРѕ. Зато Сѓ дизайнеров получилось выделить несколько РѕС ‚тенков цвета. Р' таблице РІС‹ найдете основные варРеации.

Название оттенкаХарактеристика
МарсалаR“ранатовый оттеноRє SЃ SЏРІРЅС‹Рј RєРѕСЂРёС‡РЅРµРІС‹Рј RїРѕРґС‚РѕРЅРѕР ј
R'ургундиГлубокий красно-бордовый
RљР°СЂРјРёРЅРќР°СЃС‹С‰РµРЅРЅС‹Р№ темно-красный СЃ коричневыми Рхотамми
МерлоТон, максРемально R±Р»РёР·РєРёР№ Рє RєРѕСЂРёС‡РЅРµРІРѕРјСѓ
Р'урыйПриглушенный оттенок СЃ преобладанием RєРѕСЂРёС‡РЅРµРІРѕРіР *
СангрияЯрко-бордовый с выраженными красными нотамми
КардиналОттенок СЃ лидирующими SЏSЂРєРѕ-красными тонами
RўРµСЂСЂР°РєРѕС‚Р°RњСЏРіРєРёР№ тон СЃ выраженной рыжинкой

Однако РЅР° выборе оттенка дело РЅРµ R·Р°РєР°РЅС‡РёРІР°РµС‚СЃСЏ. Следующий этап РЅР° пути Rє SЃРѕР·РґР°РЅРёСЋ SЃС‚ильного дизайн-РїS ЂРѕРµРєС‚Р° — рассмотрение вариа S†РёР№ РёР· спектра SЃРІРµС‚лых Рё темных тонов.

RЎРѕРІРµС‚! РќРµ стоит сочетать РІ интерьере RѕРґРЅРѕР№ комнаты боле Рµ РґРІСѓС… оттенков цвета. Р'ажно, чтобы тона соотносились RјРµР¶РґСѓ СЃРѕР±РѕР№, создава R»Рё РёРіСЂСГ, дополняли РґСЂСѓРі РґСЂСѓРіР°.

Symbolism of green

Too much green is boring and predictable. The grass is always greener in the next meadow... unless the colorblind see it. The green cross is a symbol of pharmacies and environmentalists. Green is a natural color. It is associated with water and young plants. It is a “feminine” color, reflecting beauty, youth, vigor and vitality. Green is the color of the rebirth of nature, as well as spiritual rebirth in the hope of immortality. Green is the color of warmth and friendliness, a symbol of good luck, superstition, and longevity.

It represents flora, growth, fertility. It is calm and pacifying, encourages tolerance, evokes feelings of harmony, hope, balance, self-confidence, and sharpens insight. The light green shade is calming and relaxing. Dark green means trust, solidity, seriousness. In the Muslim paradise, the saints are dressed in green, like the prophet himself, because they have Knowledge.

In India, green water in ancient times gave life, and Vishnu, who upheld the world, is depicted as a turtle with a green face. The goddess of primal matter, who is born in the sea of ​​milk, has a green body. Green expresses the back and front, good and bad luck, destiny and fate. Stones: jade, heliotrope. This is the color of the 4th chakra: a symbol of balance, renewal, Love, acceptance, compassion, harmony.

Not everything is as simple as it seems

So does color choice matter in neurography? Colors help us connect the quality of emotional life in our minds. But different events happen in our lives, different emotions happen, we make different plans.

But be careful! Using only fire-colors, we risk burning out, getting overwhelmed, and forgetting about peace and relaxation. Accordingly, the conclusion suggests itself - there must be harmony in everything!

One color always flows into another, our actions generate results. If we want to start the process of our transformation, the result will be our inner freedom. And this is peace and tranquility.

If we want to work hard and earn money, then we probably have an idea in our heads of why we are doing this. Or maybe deep down in your heart you dream of a vacation and a trip to the blue sea with green shores.

Symbolism of blue

Deep, cold, intangible color, the color of truth: symbolizes water that cleanses, nourishes and refreshes. The color blue also symbolizes inner life, femininity, kindness, a sense of duty, devotion, stability, and the pursuit of ideals. This is the color of a personality that is trustworthy, constant, collected, calm.

It corresponds to divine truth, faith, loyalty. Dreams associated with this color provide a sense of self-absorption. This is the color of cold, azure, sky and paradise. It sets the mood for relaxation, because it does not push the gaze away, but allows it to get lost in itself. Blue imparts rigor and dignity; it conceals originality and exactingness.

  • Dark blue color is order, inflexibility, power, instigation, respect, prudence, intuition, giftedness.
  • Light blue: creativity, dreaminess, sensitivity, tenderness, sense of duty.
  • Lavender: a symbol of emphasized femininity and sophistication. This is a noble, even arrogant color, which speaks of a subtle, charming, sociable, artistic personality.
  • Purple: Spirituality, respect, divine power, power, spiritual authority, the mystery of life, truth, wisdom, serenity, depth, freshness, modesty.
  • Turquoise: symbol of beauty, tranquility, trust, devotion, idealism. This color protects against bad thoughts. It emphasizes strength of character, wisdom of body and spirit. Speaks of a sensitive, sophisticated, intelligent, stable, persistent, but somewhat detached from the outside world personality.

For a long time, no importance was attached to the blue color of different shades. Only from the 12th century did it acquire noble properties thanks to the progress of the dyeing craft and for a more symbolic reason - thanks to the cult of the Virgin Mary. It became the color of kings, and the Virgin Mary was traditionally depicted wearing a cloak and cape of an azure hue.

Stones: turquoise, hematite. 5th chakra color: blue. A symbol of the mind, the desire for purity and infinity. It represents the power of thought, faith, acuity of perception, consciousness, depth of being, devotion. 6th chakra color: dark blue. A symbol of communication, self-expression, creativity, tranquility. Stones: blue agate, tourmaline (indigolite).


The golden color symbolizes luxury, radiance, sun, impeccability. Represents the desire for power and demonstration of one's superiority. Gold is the color of work, career growth and wealth; as a rule, it is used in combination with other colors to give them greater significance and shine. Gold is one of the most dangerous colors; using it in large quantities can turn elegant luxury into bad taste. People like to use it on packages of coffee, tea, and cigarettes; psychologically it makes the taste “rich.”

Possible negative associations: Gold can be perceived in completely different ways, causing associations of wastefulness, excessive idleness, and bad taste.

Symbolism of purple

Stimulates intuition and inspiration, boundless self-confidence, relieves stress, imparts elegance. Purple is a symbol of spirituality. In Christianity, it means the merging of man with the Holy Spirit in Jesus. It is the color of moderation, calm, coolness, superiority, nobility, diplomacy, intuition, peace of mind, transformation and self-improvement.

Purple is mysterious, connecting deliberate action and enlightenment. There is a balance between heaven and earth, mind and spirit, passion and wisdom. There should not be too much of it in your image, as this may suggest thoughts of mourning. Stones: amethyst, cinnabar. Color of the 7th chakra: symbol of spirituality, connection with the spiritual Father, power.

The language of flowers, the meaning and symbolism of different types of flowers - What is your favorite color?

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