Save the article: The article describes: The essence of Maslow’s concept of needs Maslow’s principles characterizing nature
Functions of communication Have you met at least one person who could do without communication?
The founder of Gestalt therapy, Frederick Perls, believed that there was no need to delve into memories and look for the reasons for today's
A child’s entry into school leads to a change in his social role and leading type of activity.
07/18/2018 · Pro Psychosomatics · Comments: · Sometimes women come to us for consultations
Cognition Cognition (from Latin cognitio) is “a generic term used to designate all processes
In 1986, an experiment was conducted at the University of Texas. Professor and Head of Department, Faculty of Psychology
Depression is one of the most common diseases. In terms of prevalence, it is second only to cardiovascular diseases. AND
What is it: definition Important. SQ is a set of abilities that influence the success of social
"Call me, call. Call me for God's sake. After a while, stretch out a quiet and deep voice..."