How to instill your thoughts into another person at a distance without his knowledge, using a photograph: technique, exercises, tips, reviews  

"Call me, call.

Call me for God's sake.

Stretch through time

The voice is quiet and deep..."

- Irina Muravyova’s heroine once sang in the film “Carnival”, trying with the power of thought to “command” the person who once loved her to open his heart to her again. Unfortunately (or perhaps, on the contrary, fortunately), it is impossible to impose love. Lawless Heart. But instilling in a person the idea that you are pleasant to him, that you are comfortable and interesting with you is a completely feasible task, which can be realized with knowledge of psychology, in particular, the techniques of hypnosis used by NLP and other practices.

How to suggest something to a person? Let's try to trace the chain of necessary actions using specific examples and exercises.

How to inspire a person with a thought, an action at a distance: exercises

How to inspire thoughts from a distance?
To instill thoughts at a distance in a person, it is important to constantly practice. There are a few simple recommendations for this. You should start doing all this before you try to instill an idea in someone for the first time.

People often get upset when they fail to influence others. Always remember that experience is important in any business, so train constantly, but in moderation, so as not to overexert yourself.

The best options for training are:

  • Images. Think of any person you know and try to focus on all the details of his appearance, as well as thoughts and feelings. To do this, close your eyes and don’t be distracted by anything. Over time, you can complicate the task and introduce a stranger.
  • Train on your neighbors . Concentrate on the person next to you. Feel it and give the order. For example, order someone to come to you. You can use any phrases, as long as they are short and clear.

These simple exercises will help you learn how to manage people. The main thing is to do them correctly, you must learn to concentrate as much as possible.

There are several recommendations that must also be followed in order to learn suggestion:

Suggestion of thoughts at a distance

  • Choose a quiet and comfortable room for the procedure. The light should be dim
  • Faith is no less important. You must believe that your order will reach the person
  • Breathe deeply and slowly. At the same time, as you exhale, imagine that thoughts leave the 3rd eye and are sent to the right person
  • The best time for the procedure is evening or night. It's harder to train during the day
  • You must exercise every day
  • You should not have any negativity during suggestion; give up dissatisfaction during this time
  • Do yoga in your free time. She teaches proper breathing and concentration
  • Choose the right person to inspire. You shouldn’t hire strong people for training.
  • Play some relaxing music in the background

All recommendations must be followed if you want to get maximum results in a short time. Keep in mind that suggestion requires a lot of energy, so give yourself a rest.


To learn how to inspire thoughts, you need to follow a number of simple rules:

  1. Suggestion is possible under certain conditions. The recipient, that is, the person to whom you want to inspire something, must be in a relaxed state, for example, dozing. The fact is that in this case he will not be able to use logical thinking to get rid of images and thoughts that come “out of nowhere”. Also, the transmission of thoughts is simplified if the person is ready to receive your message and is tuned in to receive it. You can agree with the object of suggestion so that at a certain time he will retire and focus on thoughts about you.
  2. Safety. Suggestion can only be carried out in relation to a person who is well disposed towards you. Otherwise, you may receive negative energy in response and even a curse made on a subconscious level. After all, by connecting with someone else’s consciousness, you open a channel that makes it possible not only to transmit images, but also to direct energy to you, including negative energy.
  3. Believe in yourself. It is important to believe that you will succeed, and not to doubt your own capabilities. Numerous doubts set you up for failure, so you need to get rid of them. After the first training, the results may be modest, but over time the suggestion will become more and more effective.
  4. No bad intentions. You should not try to instill negative attitudes in a person, such as thoughts of divorce or the idea of ​​committing suicide. Such influences have a “boomerang effect”, and sooner or later you will face serious retribution at the energetic level. When transmitting thoughts, one must be guided by the principle “Do no harm” and remember such a phenomenon as karmic laws.
  5. Lots of repetitions. The suggestion should be repeated at least 20 times. Of course, having developed telepathic skills, you can limit yourself to one repetition, but beginners should continue to pronounce the suggested thought to themselves until intuition tells you that you can stop and your message has been conveyed to another person.
  6. Peace of mind. If you want to convey your thoughts purposefully, during the “session” you should calm down, put your thoughts in order and tune in to a positive result. Before transmitting thoughts, it is recommended to devote 10-15 minutes to meditation: thanks to this, you will be able to gather your strength and throw worries and fear out of your head.

How to influence a person’s subconscious and instill thoughts in him at a distance without his knowledge?

So, in order to instill thoughts at a distance, it is important not only to learn how to do it correctly, but also to master the technique:

Thought suggestion technique

  • First, prepare the room. The conditions should be comfortable for you. The environment should help you relax.
  • Prepare yourself. Take a comfortable position, turn off everything that may distract you. Focus on your breathing - inhale for 4 counts and exhale for 8 counts.
  • Tune in to the person . Imagine it - how it looks, moves, feel it. To make it easier, look at his photo.
  • Only when you have tuned in to a person and it seems to you that he is nearby, then begin telepathic influence . Send him a clear request. Confidently, firmly, as if you won’t accept refusal, make a request. It's better to do it out loud. You must not just say, but feel what needs to be done. Allow 3-4 minutes for this stage, but no more.
  • Now get out of your state. This is important to consider because you have to come back to yourself. Give yourself a hug or a pinch. Look around at familiar objects.

After completing the procedure, it would be nice to rest. To do this, take a walk, drink tea, in general, do something that feels good to you.

Features of self-hypnosis

Self-hypnosis is the independent immersion of a person using his own suggestion and special techniques into a hypnotic state (trance). In the process, a person detaches himself from the hustle and bustle and gets rid of mental stress. It is safe for the body and effective for self-knowledge and achieving goals. After all, our knowledge is a power that is hidden deep inside. With its help, we can control the body and control emotions at the level of consciousness and for the benefit of our lives.

Read our article “A rosary made of 108 beads: symbolism and practical application.”

Part of self-hypnosis should be the technique of your own suggestion.

Using self-hypnosis and self-hypnosis, people are capable of programming their own reality, the fulfillment of desires, the excellent functioning of all body systems, and attracting useful things and phenomena into their lives.

To master and use self-hypnosis for your own benefit, you need to use your subconscious.

Method of unobtrusive influence at a distance without orders: features

How to inspire thoughts in a person?
In fact, it is quite difficult to instill thoughts at a distance, but everything can be learned. Often people want to learn to act gently, and not in an orderly manner, as if injecting their thoughts so that the person thinks that these are his decisions,

In this case, the technique itself is the same as the previous one. The only thing that is different is your phrases. They should not be commanding, but softer. You should kind of plant thoughts in your head, for example, “I should like to eat something,” “Maybe I should call Natasha?” and so on.


It is important for both beginners and experienced operators of mental practices to develop and improve their skills. Like any art, it requires not only practice, but also the acquisition of important skills, their consolidation and training. Effective exercises will help you quickly master your strength and significantly increase it.

Effective exercises will help you quickly master your strength and significantly increase it.

Exercise No. 1

The first and most important training is for imagination. Without this skill it will be difficult to use mental energy. To develop and awaken your imagination, you need to take a comfortable position and protect yourself from any intrusions. In general, you should feel comfortable and calm. Relaxing with your eyes closed, you should clear your mind of all the husks and imagine the image of your loved one.

It is important to visualize his appearance carefully and in detail. As soon as the image becomes clear, you can stop the exercise.

Exercise No. 2

It is equally important to train your powers of observation and memory. To do this, under the conditions described in the first exercise, it is necessary to layer its characteristics on the appearance of the object. Habits, characteristic features and movements, gestures - all this will help achieve maximum integrity of the image of the object

Habits, characteristic features and movements, gestures - all this will help achieve maximum integrity of the image of the object.

Exercise #3

After working with the image of your loved one, you should train the energetic connection. You can attract a complete “picture” to yourself by imagining the flow of your energy as a rope. You can direct energy in a subtle stream or trickle to your chosen one, tuning in to your partner. In the beginning, I ran into a problem where my energy would just flow around the image of the guy. It was only possible to solve it with training. With this exercise, we tune in to the exchange of energies with another person.

Exercise #4

You should practice exchanging “bodies” with your loved one. This type of training improves ongoing relationships to the next level and helps increase skill. It is better not to practice the exercise while next to a guy, as the effect of the technique is very strong. First of all, oddly enough, you need to relax, but in this case, even more likely, dissolve in space. You need to abstract yourself from reality as much as possible, imagining yourself as a bundle of energy. Remembering the image of your partner from the previous exercise (in the form of an energy essence, biofield), place him next to you.

Next, you need to gradually get closer to your lover until the two images are completely transformed into one. Feel how comfortable you are with being one. Then you should slowly separate, exchanging all types of energy, knowledge, habits. Divided bodies already consist of opposite characteristics. The vital forces of your chosen one predominate in yours, and yours in his. The most important aspect of this exercise is analyzing the energy received from the guy. He gave you much more than he himself would have wanted. Feel all the subtleties of his desires, anxieties, and possibilities.

The last exercise is very labor-intensive and energy-consuming. It would be better to divide it into several stages:

  • visualization of oneself;
  • partner image;
  • Union;
  • disconnection;
  • analysis.

The practice of such training helps not only in love relationships, but also, for example, in working with a difficult boss, in troubles with parents or friends.

Methods of inducing thoughts at a distance: methods

There are several ways to instill thoughts at a distance. Let's talk about the simplest ones.

  • Using photos. This method is ideal for those who still have difficulty visualizing images or concentrating. To communicate, use a photo of the person you want to inspire thoughts with. Then you don’t need to close your eyes, but look at the photo all the time. Imagine how an invisible thread appears between your 3rd eye and the desired person. Start saying the thought you want to suggest. With each repetition the beam should become brighter.
  • Transmission of thoughts over short distances. This method is also ideal for training. Ask someone to help. Go in different directions and ask the person to tune in to you. Concentrate and try to convey your thoughts. For example, the image of an animal. Don't expect it to work out right away. This requires time, at least 15-20 minutes a day for 3 months will be enough.
  • Quick message. Sometimes you want to convey a message quickly. It's possible, but it requires a lot of energy. This method can only be done by people with experience. To convey, vividly imagine the person and briefly formulate the thought and present it. Send the message sharply with a deep, short exhalation. At this moment, imagine an energy ball and direct it towards the object.

What is telepathy

Telepathy is the process of transmitting thoughts at a distance. Esotericists and parapsychologists believe that with the help of telepathy it is possible to exchange feelings and thoughts, as well as give a person certain settings, that is, manipulate his consciousness.

This exchange can be two-way, that is, people capable of telepathy can not only suggest their own thoughts, but also read those of others.

Scientists have been studying telepathy for many years: since the middle of the century before last. At this time, numerous magic salons appeared in Europe, in which unique people gifted with superpowers demonstrated their skills and even taught them to everyone.

Of course, many explain “telepathy” by ordinary hypnosis, but there is evidence that thoughts can indeed be transmitted without coming into contact with the recipient, that is, provided that hypnotic influence is impossible.

Interestingly, the transmission of thoughts works best if the person is in an altered state of consciousness, for example, in a trance, or is experiencing severe stress. For this reason, people often feel that their loved ones are in trouble when they are several kilometers away from them.

It is also considered a proven fact that it is easiest for people who are in family, friendship or love relationships to exchange thoughts. Surely everyone has experienced a situation when, immediately after the desire to communicate with a loved one, the phone rings.

Parapsychologists believe that this is explained by the transmission of thoughts at a distance: a person feels your desire and dials your number, even if he has no good reason to do so. Even skeptics are forced to admit that such cases occur quite often, and it is not possible to explain them from the point of view of official science.

How to inspire your thoughts about love at a distance to your loved one?

How to make your loved one think about you?
Keep in mind that you can inspire thoughts about love at a distance, but you won’t be able to fall in love with a man this way. You can simply make a person think about you, inspire interest and win them over.

Perform the ritual when you have a lot of strength and are healthy. If you are sick, it is better to postpone the ritual until you recover, because otherwise you will not get the result.

Go to bed around the time your loved one gets ready. Relax as much as possible and get unnecessary thoughts out of your head. It’s worth turning on some nice music. Mentally imagine your man, connect with him and penetrate his consciousness.

Then say short phrases - “miss you”, “remember” and always add your name. If you make a quality suggestion, the man will definitely think about you.

Speech Strategies

Journalists were using speech strategies long before NLP emerged as a separate field. However, they are good for live communication and work in conjunction with adjustments.


Truisms are platitudes that do not evoke the desire to argue. They migrated to NLP from philosophy, their effectiveness has not been proven. A person with critical thinking will easily challenge any truism. I'm sure you will do this with almost every statement below:

  • good things cannot be cheap;
  • there are things that cannot be bought;
  • everyone has the right to make mistakes;
  • not all yoghurts are equally healthy;
  • tastes could not be discussed.

In sales, scripts for handling objections are built on truisms. To the phrase “These shoes are too expensive” you can answer “The stingy one pays twice” and sow doubt inside the client. Truisms are rarely used to identify needs in a live conversation: platitudes standardize the client in his eyes and discourage the desire to continue the conversation. But in advertising posters the truism works well: it allows a person to feel part of society and gives positive emotions. No correct experiments have been conducted on this topic, and successful experiences have local subjective successes.

At first glance there is nothing to argue with. But if you think about it: what will strength give? For whom is it priceless? Why feel it?


The strategy includes several techniques to create smoothness and expressiveness of speech and an illusory connection between sentences. For example, the use of conjunctions “and” and “but”. Compare offers:

  • Your hair is beautiful, but short.
  • Your hair is nice and short.

The first sentence has a negative connotation, the second balances the statements and is positive. Substituting alliances changes the mood of the interlocutor and has a positive effect on him. Of course, there are no facts supporting this. But it actually sounds better.

The second technique is to use the conjunction “and” to connect speech. When I started learning English, I recorded myself on a voice recorder. I listened and was horrified by the pauses and the illogicality of the presentation. To refine my self-image, I used the connective and (“and”) between sentences. So a set of heterogeneous phrases turned into a monologue suitable for listening.

It's the same in Russian. Enter the conjunction “and” and the speech will sparkle with new colors: “And so beautiful is the night. And the stars are shining in the sky. And time flows endlessly."

The following technique is good for written text. Its meaning is to indicate the cause-and-effect relationship between statements:

  • the less we love a woman, the more she likes us;
  • the more you want to develop, the more you think about buying a new course;
  • after you buy noodles, you can buy rolls at a discount;
  • I won't go to Mars because I don't have that much money.

The basic rule of babbling came from Ericksonian hypnosis - talk a lot, jump from question to question, actively sprinkle speech with prepositions and conjunctions. End the speech with a request. According to NLP legend, a person simply cannot refuse you. It is difficult for me to assess the effectiveness of this method, since I always listen carefully to people and notice outright nonsense.

Sorry for the quality of the video, but it would be a shame not to share it. NLP as it is)


Presuppositions are speech tricks in which the suggested fact is spoken of as a matter of course. There are many types of presuppositions, so for convenience I have provided a diagram.

All about presupposition in one diagram

Technique of instilling thoughts at a distance to attract a loved one: features

There is another way to instill thoughts at a distance, but only at a short distance. For this method, the man must be in the same room with you. Mentally connect with him and send signals, for example, “You are in love with me,” “You want to date me.”

When you send a thought, imagine that a ray comes out of your forehead and penetrates the forehead of your loved one. This is a special energy channel and all thoughts are transmitted through it. Do it confidently so that everything works out.

How to make a guy think about you?

You can understand that the method works by the heat during the procedure. Well, a feeling of burning or unpleasant warmth indicates that you have received an answer. This means that the man will call you soon. In this way you can make a man think about you constantly.

The role of suggestion in education

In pedagogy and the educational sphere, the role of suggestion is most clearly manifested. To better understand what types of influence are used, let's look at a few examples.

A teacher is a significant figure who plays a key role in the educational process. If a mentor is respected by students, then he can easily convey his knowledge to them and can instill important ideas that should help children feel confident and make the right decisions for them.

A student at school is the person to whom suggestion is directed. He adopts knowledge from teachers through critical analysis of the material, as well as under the influence of suggestion.

The value of suggestion

Suggestion is a tool that facilitates the assimilation of knowledge, the formation of a person’s worldview and moral position. Suggestion helps to instill in children the habit of caring for health, loved ones, nature, and to develop their interest in creativity and science.

Material tools of suggestion

The environment determines consciousness - this phrase is ideal to explain the influence of the conditions in which children are raised on their attitudes and vision of the world. Beautiful classrooms and comfortable desks are material tools for instilling the idea that a person deserves comfortable conditions.

Textbooks are a source of authoritative suggestion. Stands with biographies of scientists and historical figures give an understanding that a person can influence the course of history and achieve success in his business.

Using Suggestion Tools

To cultivate in children the ability for self-analysis, critical thinking, and leadership qualities, it is necessary to correctly select and use different methods of indoctrination in doses. Positive suggestion and self-hypnosis, authoritative and collective influence work effectively. Teachers should avoid negative suggestions and opposition.

Suggestion should not be the teacher’s only and permanent tool. The use of only this method of influence forms in children excessive submission and inability to defend their interests and point of view. The teacher’s task is to teach students to independently study issues and make their own conclusions.

Irina Sherbul

How to act, how to influence a photograph with the power of thought in order to attract your loved one?

An equally interesting way is to use photos. This method of instilling thoughts at a distance is suitable when a person is very far from you. Moreover, as we have already said, this method is more suitable for a beginner.

Try not to be disturbed by anyone and sit comfortably. You should be comfortable, and every cell of yours should relax. Once you are focused on the object, start sending signals to it. Remember that the result cannot be doubted. You must be confident in him.

Bottom line

To understand for yourself how to force a person to call with the power of thought, you need to develop a certain algorithm of actions. You don’t just need to think and think, you need to develop skills and capabilities

There is no doubt that everyone is capable of this, it is important to just do everything right

Let's summarize what is required of you:

  • Create a desire, work out a clear thought.
  • Take time to concentrate on the object of attention, imagine it, come up with a course of events.
  • Unite thought, illusion and reality.
  • Try to create a detailed and clear affirmation in which the answer to the question will be formed - how to make a man call with the power of thought (examples of answers are given above).
  • Repeat the word phrase as often as possible, realize your thought through the words. At the same time, design a scenario of events, all the nuances - they will only make the thought more productive.
  • Fix your gaze on the phone - the object that connects you with the man, so you will be able to send tips to your chosen one throughout the day.
  • Wait, time will pass unnoticed - and you will hear the call when your thoughts have already been realized. Most often, the call rings when you are not expecting it, when your thoughts and desires are in order, and you are busy with other issues.

How to inspire trust with the power of thought?

As we have already said, you can inspire thoughts at a distance so that a person begins to trust. The techniques themselves for influencing the subconscious are no different. In this case, you must correctly select the thoughts themselves that will be broadcast. For example, during a session say: “You trust (name)!” and so on.

A close impact is also possible. The main thing is that the person is next to you and you focus on him as much as possible. Send the same thoughts as at a distance, but in this case it will be much easier for you to concentrate.

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How to telepathically inspire loving thoughts
We continue the topic of intuition in personal life. Let's consider techniques for direct intuitive reading of subtle mental and astral information from the field of the universe or a specific person - your (potential) partner. We will also touch lightly on the practice of telepathic influence at a distance...

What does this knowledge provide?

This knowledge will help you improve your personal life and avoid many mistakes made by people who do not have this information. Using this method, you will be able to diagnose your potential or existing partner, in order to find out his subtle mental structure and your energetic compatibility, from a personal perspective. The main thing here is to always be honest with yourself and not wishful thinking. It is this mistake that often prevents us from finding an ideal life partner and establishing personal relationships. In this matter, developed intuition or a sixth sense, which partly already works for you, will help you.

How to be in the right place at the right time?

As a rule, meeting a future partner happens quite “by chance,” as people say by coincidence. All events that happen to us in real life are governed by the laws of fate or, as they say in the East, Karma.

About the law of karma

Karma is one of the main laws of the Universe - the law of cause and effect. Any of our thoughts and any action has its own reason, which lies in previous thoughts and actions, and also, there is an obligatory ensuing consequence.

The incomprehensible intricacies of karma

The human mind is unlikely to be able to understand all the intricacies of this subtle and global mechanism, but we can use it for our own purposes if we have knowledge of the law. Thought is material and entails circumstances, like a magnet attracting situations. Just like any event, it entails the next event, etc.

Previous lesson

In the last lesson we were engaged in visualization and forming an intention - to meet an ideal partner. If you already have such a partner, you have worked to improve and harmonize the relationship. In order to form an intention that will attract an ideal partner to you, you need to know with certainty what exactly you want and imagine that it has already happened.

Techniques for forming clear intentions in your personal life

On the night from Thursday to Friday, at 00 hours and 00 minutes, pick up a blank sheet of paper, turn off the electric light, light a candle and write down all the qualities that you want to see in your future half. Your statement to the forces of the Universe should be handwritten and look something like this:

Write a statement to the forces of the Universe

“I (Name, date of birth), declare my intention to meet my ideal partner-lover (s) and stay with him (her) for the rest of my life, may this union bring me love, joy, harmony, comfort, fidelity , care, a feeling of absolute satisfaction and self-confidence.” May I have an ideal wife (husband) so that I can find love, happiness and joy! Let my ideal partner have the following appearance: (a clear example from a male point of view) May she always be healthy, young, slim, of average height, a head shorter than me, have a beautiful, delicate, feminine figure, average breast size, thin waist, small tummy, wide hips, perfect beautiful long legs with a slight curve. Dark skin, black shiny, thick and very long (knee-length) slightly curly hair, pitch-black pupils, large eyes - the shape of lotus petals, a straight nose, plump lips, beautiful fingers and limbs - perfectly shaped. Let her face be almond-shaped and her skin clean and silky. Let there always be a light, barely noticeable, inviting and kind smile on her face. May her gaze always glow with happiness, mercy and charm. Let her waist be straight and her gait gentle and graceful. Let all her movements be conscious, gentle and harmonious. Let the smell of her body be familiar, always refined and pleasant to me. Let my ideal partner have the following character qualities: May she always be kind and condescending to me, may her love be forever directed only in my direction, may her character be pliable and her manners refined. May she have the wisdom of a goddess and a helpful, polite nature. Let her trust me like no one else and always share all her innermost thoughts and fantasies. Let her temperament be passionate and sexy, and her manners modest and delicate. Let her have a calm and humble disposition and listen and obey only me in everything. Let her be educated and intelligent, have refined, modest and refined taste. Let her be receptive and harmonious to all my states and moods. Let her have a feminine, soft, polite and loving character. Let her be clean and moderately shy. Let her be faithful and devoted to me alone, at all times, regardless of the situation. May she accept me always and everywhere, no matter what state of mind I am in. Let her always look only in my direction and see only me. May she accept me completely and never be offended by me. May she look after me and serve me always and in everything. Let her be my only goddess, lover, wife, mistress, business partner and helpful servant. Let her always and in all situations submit to me alone and consider me her only treasure for all time. Let her be moderately talkative and moderately silent. May her interests always and in everything coincide with my interests, and may her heart beat in unison with my heart. May her breath of life always be in harmony with my breath of life. Let her be from a good, wealthy family and high birth. May she honor me as her only god and lover and be devoted and faithful to me until death! Let my ideal partner have the following social characteristics: Let her be single and chaste, and let me be her first and only love. Let her be educated and of good origin (thoroughbred). Let her be financially secure and have everything she needs for life. Let her be at home, but always come with me at my request. Let her and my activities and interests coincide.

Such is my will, so be it and so be it! OM!

What to do when the intention is formed and the statement is drawn up?

Now, you need to take the application in your left hand, roll it up and light it on a candle flame (take care of fire safety, have a special tray for burning). Allow the application to burn completely. During the combustion of the statement, say: I thank you, the forces of the Universe, this is my will, so it is and so be it! OM! Now that your intention is fully formed, you need to be patient and forget about what you did. Thus, you will free up the forces of the subconscious to realize your desire. Now let the forces of the Cosmos act, they will lead you at the right time and to the right place and your desire will be realized. Remember, the Universe is abundant, and is always ready to fulfill your order if it is made with a sincere heart. As events progress, don’t worry, don’t wait, don’t be upset, everything will come in its own time, at the most suitable time for you. Watch for signs of fate.

How to recognize “your” person?

By and large, man is an intelligent animal. As psychologists have concluded, we determine the belonging of another person only in two categories: ours and someone else’s. Based on this, we can conclude that all people for us are also divided only into these two types. There are our own people, and there are strangers. There are people who are suitable for us, and there are those with whom relationships will be unbearable. This is determined by many factors, such as psychology, physiognomy, astrology, and the energy of each individual person. When we meet a person, we do not have the opportunity to immediately determine his (her) qualities and character. We cannot know whether he is right for us or not, or what we can expect from him in the future. In this case, only intuition will help us again. Now we will look at a way to intuitively check the compatibility of a person’s field with our own field.

First impression of a person

When you first meet a person or see their photo, you have a first impression of them. At this moment, it is necessary to throw out all mental illusions and thoughts about this person from your head. At the first contact, you need to listen only to your feeling. I call this the sense of human presence.

How do you feel in his presence?

Ask yourself how your being feels when in contact with this person? Is it a pleasant feeling of warmth and security or discomfort? Is your heart sure that it is “HE” or not? Notice the subtle sensations from the presence of this person next to you. Don't pay attention to how you feel about him. Falling in love, admiration and other accompanying feelings pass, but the feeling of presence remains forever.

Are you comfortable?

Don't think about him (her), think about yourself. How do you feel in his presence? If you feel disharmony, discomfort, “run away.” Choosing a partner is a very important thing and can entail many consequences, so be extremely careful and careful! Listen to your heart, your intuition.

How to find out the true attitude of your loved one towards you?

To find out how your loved one really treats you, you must also turn to your intuition. People often put on different masks and play different roles for self-defense. By learning to recognize subtle changes in another person's field, you can read where they are sincere and where they are not. This is very important for establishing close, trusting mutual relationships. Just like if a person is not sincere with you, if he is deceiving you, why continue the relationship. After all, this destroys your field and leads to spiritual decline.

Method of sensing his presence

So, to understand how a person really feels towards you, turn to the method of sensing his presence. Try to throw away all your thoughts and ambitions (after all, sometimes past pain and mistakes can cause mistrust), and feel how you feel at the moment, being next to this person. If you feel discomfort, deception, hypocrisy, draw conclusions. In case of opposite feelings, always go to meet the person. Your sincerity will pay off handsomely.

How to recognize cheating?

Betrayal and betrayal in personal relationships are perhaps the most difficult test for our will and endurance. At the moment of betrayal, you may feel a sharp cooling towards you. You will feel cold, deceived and disappointed. You will feel uncomfortable, and the person will look away from your eyes. This intuitive feeling occurs at the level of the heart chakra: worry, anxiety, betrayal.

The main evidence of treason!

Since cheating causes sexual and emotional energy to flow away from you, you will feel a cooling of the relationship. The main evidence of betrayal is the feeling of the absence of this person in your life. In other words, you stop feeling its energy. When a person thinks about you, loves you, you will always feel his presence on the subtle plane of your inner being.

How to prevent cheating on the part of your lover(s)?

On the other hand, the cause of betrayal in relation to you is yourself. Don't be upset to hear this. Yes, it was you who caused the betrayal on the part of your partner. Your thoughts, words, suspicions have attracted the corresponding circumstances into your life. Jealousy is your lack of self-confidence.

Jealousy is destructive

The person next to you subconsciously reads your feelings of jealousy, even if you are silent about it. His subconscious, sensing your jealousy, begins to understand that you are not worthy of his love. He begins to think that he can find a better partner than you. That you are not the only person who needs to be loved. Remember why this particular person once stayed with you? What connected you at the initial stage of the relationship. Remember your past feelings and what happened afterwards. Jealousy, mistrust, resentment, irritation, anger and, as a consequence of all this, a cooling of feelings on the part of your partner. And if there is a cooling, remember betrayal, somewhere nearby. The search for a new partner will not take long. The desire to find happiness, if it was not found with you, remains forever, since the ghost of happiness is the only aspiration of a person in this and subsequent lives. Therefore, when starting and continuing a relationship, remember that you are the best! That he can’t find someone like you anywhere. Without loving and appreciating yourself, it is impossible to attract the love and respect of others, this is the law of the Universe. Love yourself, more than anyone else in the world, and then you will be treated accordingly. Idolize yourself, cherish and cherish. In this case, treason is excluded. Try to show good qualities, because you are the best (out of love and respect for yourself) and do not expect anything in return. This is called love in the world.

How to establish a strong spiritual connection in a love union?

At the moment of acquiring a new relationship or to maintain existing ones, it is necessary to invest your inner warmth and energy into them. Each person has his own account in the bank of emotions of another person. It is on this principle that all relationships between people are based. You are for me, and I am for you. Any relationship is a mutually beneficial cooperation between two partners. Whether we like it or not, we must accept this axiom as truth.

On a subtle level...

The subtle astral and mental plane is seething with thoughts and emotions. Every person has a subconscious mind, and it knows everything, whether we realize it or not. Therefore, we need to work daily to strengthen and compact the field of reciprocity and love. To do this, set aside at least five to ten minutes a day. The best time for this is at night, when you have already gone to bed and closed your eyes. Another favorable time is the morning, when you have just woken up and have not yet had time to open your eyes.

Intermediate state

In this relaxed state, you are in the interval between sleep and wakefulness. At this moment, the gates of your subconscious are most open to magical work and influence. So, imagine your lover standing in front of you. Unite with him in complete love, let your imagination merge your bodies together. Penetrate each other, connect every cell of your bodies, become one whole at the energy level.

Interpenetration technique

Imagine that real diffusion of your cells has occurred. You penetrated each other and not only with your genitals, but with your whole body, your whole being. Now imagine that rose and lotus petals are falling on you from the sky and surrounding you with an indescribably beautiful aroma. You are engulfed in a golden or green glow, which becomes brighter and brighter. This light becomes so bright that it floods everything around. At the moment of visualization, it is necessary to maintain concentration on the Anahata chakra (heart), and at the moment of unification on the svadhishthana chakra (groin, pubis), and also evoke a feeling of love, tenderness and interpenetration. This will greatly replenish your balance, that of your partner, and will constantly refresh your feelings. In real life, do not forget to replenish your emotional account by giving your lover various nice things and gifts, massages and various services, this strengthens the relationship and adds love.

How to telepathically convey thoughts, feelings and emotions to your partner?

You need a photograph of the person to whom you need to convey thoughts. All people constantly unconsciously receive and emit subtle information in the form of energy impulses-waves. Every person is on a different wavelength. To tune in to the wavelength of the person you want to bewitch, you need to focus on him and feel his presence.


* Plunge into a light trance and relax your body muscles. *Look carefully at the photo of this person, 1-3 minutes. Focus on him. * If there is no photo, this action can be omitted. * Close your eyes, imagine it very vividly and realistically.

Do at the same time: *Imagine it. * Mentally say the words that you want to convey to him. * For example, to evoke feelings of love, repeat many times: “You love 'Name Last Name', you must (on) make love to him.” * Imagine very vividly and realistically: these thoughts of yours pass through the nadis to the frontal chakra, radiating from there in the form a golden ray of energy reaches this person, penetrates through his parietal chakra into the brain, and turns there into his thoughts. This person will hear the words being transmitted as a voice, and will think that these are his own thoughts.

Practice conveying thoughts and emotions for 15-40 minutes. And more every day. To make the effect stronger, you can practice 3 – 7 times a day. In the same way, you can convey feelings, imagination, etc.

When is the best time to convey thoughts?

Perform thought transfer, cast a spell when he (she) is sleeping. When a person sleeps, during REM sleep, the conscious mind exchanges information with the subconscious. At the same time, programming of the brain occurs (behavior, instincts, metabolism). At this time, the words that you transmit to his brain will act as hypnosis. In this way, it is even possible to interfere with the programming of the brain.

Telepathic transmission of impulses to action

* Immerse yourself in trance relaxation. *Look carefully at the photograph of the person, 1-3 min. Focus on him. * If there is no photo, this action can be omitted. * Close your eyes, imagine it very vividly and realistically.

Do at the same time:

*Imagine it. * Imagine, as vividly and realistically as possible, that he is doing what you need. * For example, that he goes to the phone and calls you. * Imagine very vividly and realistically: these thoughts of yours pass through the nadis to the frontal chakra, radiate from there in the form of cosmic energy, reach this person, through his parietal chakra penetrate the brain, and turn into his thoughts there. This person will think that making a phone call is his own desire. And he will call.

Source - website

How does a person feel when thoughts are suggested?

Does a person feel the suggestion of thoughts?
Many people are interested in what will happen if they instill thoughts at a distance. Will a person feel it? As a rule, a person does not feel that they are sneaking into his subconscious. His thoughts just flow smoothly, but yours will arise unexpectedly. Many people do not even know that they are being influenced and therefore take other people's thoughts as their own. Moreover, it’s not every day that they sneak into your head; many don’t even know that this is even possible.

Direct transmission of thoughts from person to person

There have been reports in the foreign press about attempts to directly transmit thoughts from person to person. In particular, such an experience was described. The submarine sank in the open sea; there was a man in one of her cabins. When left alone, at certain hours he sat on a table on which many paper cards were scattered. On each of them one of five figures was drawn: a circle, an asterisk, a cross, three wavy lines, and a triangle.

Looking at the cards, the person chose one. He would then place the card in an envelope and seal it with the date and time. The captain locked the envelope in the safe. Over many days of sailing, a stack of envelopes had accumulated in the safe.

Another person was in a room in one of the buildings on the shore. There was a drawing machine with thousands of cards on which were depicted the same five figures. The machine automatically shuffled the cards and threw out one of them at a certain time. The man took the card and looked at it carefully, as if trying to convey a thought about it to another person aboard the submerged submarine. He would then seal the card in an envelope, write the date and time on it, and give it to other people, who would lock the envelope in a safe.

When the boat returned from the voyage, a special commission laid out the envelopes so that next to them were those marked with the same date and hour, and then opened them and compared the cards. It turned out that in 70 percent of cases the figures on the cards from the corresponding envelopes were the same. This made it possible to draw an astonishing, albeit unlikely, conclusion: across a long distance and thickness of water, the thought of one person was transmitted to another without any auxiliary means!

Upon learning of this, the military became alarmed. In fact, messages and commands can be transmitted in this way. According to the theory of probability, with five different signs, a random coincidence is only possible by 20 percent; therefore, 70 percent of the matches could not have occurred by chance. Such comparative accuracy of matches is sufficient to convey any information using such symbols

How important this is! After all, with all other methods of transmission, information can be intercepted and decrypted

But is such a simple and amazing transfer of thoughts possible? After all, if this is so, then why did humanity need to use signal fires, carrier pigeons, and invent the telegraph, telephone, and radio? All this somehow does not fit with the sensational report about experiments on a submarine.

Opinions were divided. Some believed that this method of transmitting thoughts was a hoax, others believed in it and gave numerous examples of premonitions, coincidence of thoughts and actions among people located at a great distance from each other; they also referred to various everyday facts, cases described in literature, opinions of writers, scientists, etc.

There are no words, such facts are described. However, the situation in which they arose, and often their very content, deprived all these facts of scientific reliability. Moreover, messages of this kind were usually disseminated and disseminated by all kinds of obscurantists to prove “communication of souls,” “divine revelation,” etc.

Naturally, real scientists and serious people in general dismiss such messages in the same way as fairy tales about goblins and brownies. In science, the final judge is only experiment, experience. And similar experiments have been repeatedly undertaken in different countries. If we exclude the numerous hoaxes of charlatans like spiritualists, etc., then not many studies have been carried out that fully meet the conditions of a scientific experiment.

Protection against suggestion of thoughts at a distance: what needs to be done?

By the way, if you know how to instill thoughts at a distance, then it is important to learn how to protect yourself from such influence.

To protect yourself, it is important to follow a few simple rules:

  • First of all, learn to say no. Keep your distance and don't let anyone get close
  • Behave unpredictably
  • Don't brag in strangers' company
  • Don't show your weaknesses to others

The best prey for suggestive people are people who can't say no. If you open your soul, then you yourself convey valuable information so that you can be hiddenly influenced.

Don't ask strangers for directions. Better use maps, a smartphone with navigation, or something else. Otherwise you are vulnerable.

Never be frank in the office or large companies. People can always use it for their own purposes. So, it’s better to leave such conversations for later.

In unfamiliar company, behave in such a way that you cannot be counted. For each action you should have several options. And don’t even think about bragging, first of all, it’s ugly, and it can also make you a victim of indoctrination.

As a rule, suggestion is usually carried out using passion or weakness. For example, this is a thirst for money, curiosity, and so on.

Remember that you should not lose confidence in yourself because insecure people are easy to manipulate.

When suggestion is carried out at a distance, then, of course, it is more difficult to protect yourself. But you must distinguish between your thoughts and those of others. The subconscious will help you with this. You won't believe it, but it may really surprise you. The fact is that when thoughts are suggested to you, the subconscious still remains to its own. It doesn't change instantly, it takes time. You can easily protect yourself if you learn to control it. Then you will not be afraid of any suggestions and you will not succumb to the influence of others.

Types of suggestion

Are you thinking about how to instill something in someone significant to you, for example, your boss - the desire to raise your salary, your loved one - the idea that it’s time to propose to you, your parents - acceptance of the fact that you have already grown up and do not need their constant guardianship? Then it’s worth understanding the types of suggestion, so that you can then work on analyzing the personality of the person being suggested and choose the method of suggestion that will be optimal.

According to the methods of implementation, suggestion is divided into direct and indirect. The first method is to directly convey to the suggestible words and thoughts that should influence his behavior. The second method is the transmission of hidden, “veiled” information.

Suggestion can be carried out in different ways. There is, for example, a technique of hypnosis, when a person is put into a trance and while he is in such a foggy state, the subconscious is influenced. You can hypnotize a person either with or without his consent. True, not all people can be hypnotized, but only those who are malleable and suggestible.

Not every person is able to master hypnosis techniques perfectly. Requires a special talent. Of course, you can successfully hypnotize using various drugs, but these are very dangerous experiments that can lead to dire consequences, including the destruction of your personality.

In a dream and in the so-called drowsy state, a person is more easily susceptible to suggestion, since he is relaxed and protective barriers have been removed. This is why it is often advised to study foreign languages ​​by memorizing new words before going to bed, when logic is already switched off, but imagination is actively working. Mental images are easily imprinted; in the morning such a student calmly remembers everything he read the day before.

This method is also used by some massage therapists when teaching new techniques to their students. They practice classes in the evenings, when a state of fatigue sets in, the consciousness is in “sleep,” but new techniques are quickly learned, since the student’s hands automatically repeat the movements following the teacher’s hands.

Is NLP possible at a distance?

What is NLP?
NLP is a way of modeling success. Some people are very successful and everyone would like to discover their secrets. NLP deals with the secrets of mastery and introduces them to the masses. And there are already many successful models in different areas - sales, personal growth, negotiations, and so on. But is it possible to instill thoughts at a distance in this way?

In this case, unlikely. The fact is that this method of programming consciousness requires visual contact and personal communication. For example, a coach communicates with an audience. He transmits thoughts to everyone in the room, but at a distance he will not be able to instill anything in them if they leave him. So, NLP is not suitable for use at a distance.

Techniques of suggestion

Hypnosis is difficult to perform and requires lengthy special training. If you were born without this gift, it takes a lot of time to master it. But other suggestions techniques are easy to learn and try to apply.

The following methods of influence can be used:

  • presuppositions;
  • denial in the team;
  • truisms and consistency of acceptance.

To make a presupposition means to construct a phrase in such a way that there is no doubt in it that the person being suggested will perform the action desired by the suggestor; freedom of choice lies only in the way in which he will perform it. All parents of young children are familiar with this technique. When a mother wants her baby to eat his unloved semolina porridge, she asks: “Will you eat porridge with or without raisins?” Thus, she inspires the child that he will eat the porridge in any case, and he is only asked to choose which option is better.

Denials in a team are based on the fact that our unconscious has difficulty perceiving the particle “not”, it removes it, prefers “not to hear”. By telling a subordinate at work: “Until you submit this report, you will not go home,” the boss inspires that the report must be submitted, no matter what happens.

Truisms are statements that fully correspond to reality: “It is raining”, “On Friday after work we traditionally drink wine”, “Women love with their ears, and men with their eyes.” After such a statement, another, perhaps dubious, may follow, but the brain, already tuned to accept the first, will most likely “absorb” the second without interference: “Women love with their ears, and men with their eyes, but still, dear , I’ll walk around the house in a scary robe and you won’t stop liking me.”

How self-hypnosis works: other methods

In addition to the Emile Coue method described above, there are several other self-hypnosis techniques in psychotherapy.

  1. Using affirmations. Affirmations are verbal formulas spoken mentally or out loud. Essentially, these are positive attitudes for the subconscious. In them you pronounce the desired result: “I am healthy”, “I am a confident person”, “I am happily married”, etc. With the help of affirmations, negative thoughts and beliefs are replaced with positive ones, ultimately displacing the former from the subconscious. As a result, you get an unlimited number of possibilities and can make your wildest dreams come true.
  2. Visualization. The method involves presenting desired events in the form of pictures. Why is it such an effective way of self-hypnosis? For the subconscious there is no difference between real and imaginary events. When visualizing positive images, the unconscious believes in their truthfulness. And, accordingly, begins to put it into practice.
  3. Autogenic training. The method of self-hypnosis involves the use of relaxation (at the lowest level) or hypnotic trance (at the highest level). This technique was developed by the German psychiatrist and psychotherapist Johannes Heinrich Schultz. Autogenic training is based on the ancient Indian yogic system, as well as the experience of studying patients subjected to hypnosis, the Coue technique and other techniques.
  4. Meditation is an internal contemplation, immersion of consciousness deep into things and ideas. It is carried out by concentrating on one point or object, stopping the mental dialogue, eliminating any external and internal factors that can disrupt the process.

There are other methods: self-hypnosis, recapping, moods, various psychotechniques (“Balloon”, Shichko’s method of self-hypnosis). The most appropriate option should be selected individually, depending on the characteristics of the person’s personality and consciousness.

Father of autosuggestion

The modern theory of autosuggestion was developed by the 19th-20th century French psychologist and pharmacist Emile Coue. It was he who first proposed the use of a new method in psychiatry based on optimistic autosuggestion.

The Frenchman initially worked as a pharmacist in a pharmacy. While selling medicines to people, he noticed that recovery occurs many times faster and more effectively in patients who sincerely believe that they will recover. Then Coue suggested that the reason for the healing lay in the power of the patients’ imagination and began to explore the issue in more detail.

Interesting! Emil wrote: “Self-hypnosis is the introduction of a certain thought into ourselves by ourselves.”

Having received training as a psychologist, Coue developed the theory of positive self-hypnosis, opened his own clinic in Nantes (France), where he began to practice his own developments. He gave them the name “school of introspection through conscious self-hypnosis.”

He gave lectures on these methods, subsequently systematized the information and published a book.

Verbal or verbal suggestion

This kind of influence involves complete immersion of the suggested person into a relaxed state. This increases the strength of the verbal signals sent by the suggestor. The latter must be completely confident in his own capabilities, collected and focused on the implementation of his plans.

Verbal or verbal suggestion has several subtypes:

  • Direct. Here simple settings are used, understandable both to the suggestor himself and to the suggestible. They are quickly spoken and implemented, while the suggestible person does not have the opportunity to refuse to accept the attitude. This method of suggestion was previously used to block pain during operations.
  • Indirect. With such influence, a person does not understand what the suggestor is trying to achieve from him, and he has a choice: accept the attitude or resist it.
  • Open verbal suggestion. Here, the suggestible person is offered several different settings, after accepting which he can begin to act. The success of suggestion depends on the person’s attitude to the information received.
  • Hidden verbal suggestion. This is the combination of an individual’s calm speech with certain hidden orders (commands, settings).

All phrases and individual words are pronounced insistently, but at the same time calmly and evenly, not too loudly. The voice must contain the strength and confidence of the suggestor. The power of suggestion with words increases several times if phrases are constantly repeated, since repetition helps to consolidate new information in the subconscious of the suggestible.

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