Memory in psychology, types of memory, development in adults and children
Today, almost everyone has a computer. Just for the sake of curiosity, look at how much memory it has. IN
What is Gestalt psychology in brief and who will benefit from it?
Gestalt psychology is a special direction in psychological theory that was created in Germany. main idea
What makes up a happy and fulfilling life, or What do people need?
Human evolution is built on the totality of the biological and social components of each individual. The individual participates in
what is regression in psychology
Regression as a defense mechanism: types, examples from life
Sometimes, when life throws another dirty trick on us, and problems surround us on all sides, we want
Any society has developed certain moral standards. They are not enshrined anywhere at the legislative level, but
This difficult age: how to help children and parents survive adolescence?
“Prickly,” touchy, vulnerable, impudent – ​​it’s all about them, about teenagers. About those who
Girl in the leaves 2
Who is an egoist and why does he think only of himself?
Author of the material: Igor Lyadsky geneticist, writer, business coach, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). People are divided into two
Rigid person - Who is this? Rigidity - What is it in Psychology?
Rigid person - Who is this? Rigidity - What is it in Psychology?
Rigid people - those who do not recognize any changes, do not know how to adapt to situations, or simply
Conversation between two snobs
Snobbery - How to recognize a snob and how to communicate with him
Updated July 24, 2021 454 Author: Dmitry Petrov Hello, dear readers of the blog. "Well
Interesting psychology, or everything about a person for beginners
Interesting psychology, or everything about a person for beginners
Psychology is a science that studies a person, his behavior, way of thinking, and the reasons for certain actions.
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