Toxic colleague. Rules for conflict-free coexistence at work

If such a person is a distant relative, friend or neighbor, you can simply stop communicating with him. But avoiding communication with him at work can be quite difficult.

What to do in this case: allow a toxic colleague to poison your life with impunity, refuse to communicate with him and thereby create a conflict situation in the team, or take extreme measures and quit?

Anna Serebryannaya, a psychologist and cognitive behavioral therapist at the Alvian Center for Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy in Moscow, will help solve this problem .

Toxic people are always negative, like to gossip, criticize and control others. Such people never doubt that they are right, therefore they do not accept any criticism. They are able to play the victim, and when the opportunity arises, they can lie. As a rule, toxic people are impolite, tactless, and often lose control of themselves.

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Toxic people tend to ignite intense emotions and passions around themselves, they seek to manipulate others and use others to satisfy their needs. They are characterized by jealousy, envy, belittling the merits and merits of other people, as well as constant complaints about their “hard lot.” In fact, such people themselves often suffer greatly from some psychological difficulties, but at the same time they flatly refuse to admit their problems and solve them with the help of qualified specialists.

Working next to a toxic colleague is difficult and unpleasant. Such a person always tries to involve others in his problems, so colleagues unwittingly become part of the mechanism that promotes the behavior of a toxic person. In order to successfully coexist next to a manipulative colleague, you need to understand and, if possible, control your contribution to his behavior. To do this, you need to follow several rules.

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Ten types of people who are annoying at work

1. “Waffles” - they don’t know how to make decisions, so they need to be spurred on.
2. Conquerors are supposed to win, so let them be the leaders of the team.

3. Thespians are attention seekers, so you have to ignore them.

4. “Rebels” break rules for no reason and should be avoided.

5. “Lazy people” are boring people, let them find something to do.

6. “Intrigues” distract you from your work; stay at arm’s length from them.

7. You shouldn’t trust “sycophants”

8. “Vampires” take away your energy unless you keep your spirits up.

9. “Parasites” take credit for other people’s achievements; make sure that yours is not among them.

10. “Geniuses” come up with the best ideas, but they have to be literally shaken out. Be more persistent with them.

What to do to make the team friendly

Employees need to know what is happening in the company. There needs to be transparency on the part of management. If team members are willing to share their work and projects, it is easier for them to achieve the organization's goals.

In a team, it is important to follow certain rules. When employees have discipline, they obey the company's instructions, and responsibility appears in their work. Each team member must understand his place in the team, be familiar with functional responsibilities, and norms of behavior in the organization. A person needs to know that he will be paid on time, paid for vacation and sick leave. The rules must be followed by both parties - both management and subordinates.

Employees must be proactive - not only fulfill their responsibilities, but also strive to do more. It is necessary to select motivated employees and encourage their desire to develop.

Mikhail Pritula explains what HR should do to ensure that the work is coordinated : “HR’s actions when working with a team come down to two things:

create a culture of transparency

support diversity - teach managers and employees that people should be different

Read the book “The Five Dysfunctions of a Team” by Patrick Lencioni, it describes team dynamics. Isaac Adizes in his book “The Ideal Leader” says that in a team everyone should be different and complement each other, and not copy.

I believe that it is better not to conduct selection based on psychological tests, for example DISC (four-sector behavioral model), Hogan (personnel assessment during personnel changes) or MBTI (Myers-Briggs personality type theory). Such evaluation methods can be as damaging as puffer fish in the hands of an inexperienced chef.”

Factors that influence cohesion:

common interests, hobbies and values ​​of team members

working together on problems

a strong leader who leads by example through his actions

healthy competition between departments

feeling of psychological safety in the team

How to gain the respect of your colleagues

1. Be yourself, don't try to pretend to be someone else.

2. Show interest in other people.

3. Let us share a moment of glory with you.

4. Dress and groom yourself appropriately for the position you want to occupy.

5. Before speaking, pause and give your thoughts time to formulate.

6. Try to “speak with your diaphragm” - this way your speech sounds smoother and your voice doesn’t break.

Specifics of business etiquette

Each profession and job has its own unique set of rules and requirements for communication between colleagues and with clients. Thus, for kindergarten teachers, one of the fundamental points is the ability to establish contact with children’s parents. Many government organizations (schools, clinics, libraries, etc.) often develop a special code of professional ethics.

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Such a code lists all the main points relating to communication between colleagues, teachers, students, patients, administration, and also puts forward requirements for the appearance, personal characteristics of the employee, and his moral character. Failure to comply with these standards indicates that the employee is not suitable for the position held.

A set of such rules may vary depending on the place of work. The requirements for the behavior and communication of a nurse in the clinic and in the intensive care unit differ. In the latter case, severe demands are placed on the employee’s personality, because she works with people in extremely difficult health conditions, and a disrespectful, callous attitude towards the patient can cost him his life.

How to deal with the office boor

1. Don't try to calm him down or apologize.

2. Demand that he behave professionally and show respect.

3. If the scandal does not stop, leave the premises.

4. Show your emotions where no one can see.

5. Return to the unclear issue later.

6. Decide for yourself whether it is worth continuing to communicate with this person.

Useful video

I recommend watching an interesting video on the topic of relationships with colleagues:

Thus, relationships with colleagues must be built carefully and gradually. Don’t forget that you are communicating with them at work, so the main questions in conversations should be professional ones. Friendship is great, but close relationships with co-workers can become a problem in the future. Keep your distance, behave correctly and respectfully with everyone. And then your work will be enjoyable, and your relationship with the team will be stable.

Five rules of business communication

1. Be aware of why you need to communicate with this person.

2. Choose a communication medium that suits him.

3. Formulate your thoughts as simply as possible.

4. Use as little corporate slang as possible.

5. Slang expressions are excluded, unless you are communicating with an old friend.

Factors that can hinder or help communication

Very often the cause of disagreement is political, religious or moral views. Often, a conversation can be influenced by extraneous circumstances: an unfavorable moment, character, mood, etc. The ability to listen while speaking is an important skill. If you show your interlocutor that you are listening to him attentively, you can win him over and thereby demonstrate your upbringing and ability to conduct a conversation, understand and help him express his thoughts. In addition, depending on the type of communication, you need to choose the right manner of communication: tone, words and gestures.

There are two types of communication: formal and informal:

  1. Formal is communication with people who are either completely unfamiliar to you or are known superficially.
  2. Informal is communication with familiar people.

Often during communication there is the use of slang words, nicknames, offensive things and abbreviations. All this can negatively affect the outcome of the conversation. It is correct to use a polite manner of communication.

There are many simple words that leave a lasting impression and build interpersonal connections. “Good afternoon”, “thank you”, “please”, “excuse me” should be in the vocabulary of any cultured person. Their use should occur not only among unfamiliar people, but also at home.

Correctly chosen words and showing attention to other people’s opinions are components of a culture of communication.

How to give a person a task in a letter

1. Have an idea of ​​what result you are expecting.

2. At the very beginning of the letter, describe what the result should be.

3. Explain why this is necessary in several arguments.

4. Provide evidence to support the importance of each argument.

5. Reiterate what result you are looking for and describe what actions should be taken.

6. Add what the person will receive after achieving the result.

Don't remember who is who and what they do

Start your next meeting with a colleague with the question “What is your name?” or “What are you doing?” - the worst way to build a relationship. The person will obviously be upset that someone finds him and his work not important enough, or at least considers the interlocutor arrogant and arrogant.

Obviously, in a large company it is very difficult to even remember everyone’s face, not to mention additional details. But you can do this gradually. For example, find out who will be at meetings with you, or search on the company website for photos of those with whom you just exchanged a few phrases at the water cooler. This way, sooner or later you will remember most of the employees.

How to create a good presentation

1. Plan an emotional journey for the audience.

2. Note where the viewer should feel strong emotions.

3. Tell the story, step by step, in which the person will experience feelings in the right places.

4. Create a simple presentation structure.

5. Design your slides to be relevant, short, concise, simple, and easy to read.

6. Edit and rehearse your presentation.

Discuss with colleagues and management

Gossip is considered one of the evolutionary mechanisms due to which modern people have become exactly the way they are. Discussing someone in his absence is common to literally everyone. It’s nice, it helps you unwind and learn something new. However, not all gossip is created equal, especially at work.

You definitely shouldn’t discuss your colleagues’ appearance and their personal lives; lie and embellish in order to make the conversation more interesting; label and share dubious conclusions. This can turn away not only the victim of the discussion from the gossiper, but also listeners who have a high bar for what is acceptable. Well, then, there is no guarantee that tomorrow the gossiper will not discuss his current interlocutors with other colleagues. It's safer to stay away from him.

How to give a good presentation

1. Speak while standing, not sitting.

2. Make sure all equipment is working.

3. Find someone to introduce you.

4. Set time limits for yourself and stick to them.

5. Try to avoid making jokes in an attempt to warm up the audience: unless you are a professional comedian, the joke will probably sound awkward.

6. Adapt to the atmosphere in the room.

7. To reduce the fear of speaking in front of an audience, address individuals rather than the entire room.

8. Avoid idle chatter.

9. Make eye contact with different people.

Rule No. 1: boundaries, boundaries and more boundaries

The most important and best thing you can do when dealing with a toxic person is to set your own boundaries and protect them. This will be difficult because for a toxic person, regardless of the nature of his behavior (it can be aggressive or whiny), the boundaries of others are unacceptable and very annoying. A toxic colleague will certainly try to invade your personal space, and, most likely, he will do this repeatedly and in a rude manner. But to successfully coexist and communicate with a problematic colleague, you need to clearly define these boundaries.

The concept of “boundaries” refers not only to emotional boundaries (polite treatment and respect for the feelings of others), but also physical boundaries, since toxic people often encroach on the time, health and physical strength of others. So-called “I statements” can help with this: for example, “When you say ..., I think/feel ..., so I won’t do anymore ....” In other cases, you need to learn to give such a colleague a tough rebuff and simply say a firm no.

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How to make deals

1. Define clearly what the subject of the transaction is.

2. Decide what is important to you and what is not.

3. Be able to explain why it's important.

4. Have a Plan B so you don't feel too pressured.

5. Give the other side an opportunity to begin negotiations.

6. Try to come to a decision together.

7. When concluding a deal, make sure that the interests of both parties are respected.

8. Once the size of the deal has been determined, end the discussion.

Controversial issues

Conflicts arise between people all the time: the more common points they have in common, the higher the likelihood of misunderstanding or dissatisfaction. However, you should not express your opinion sharply and emotionally, so as not to rack your brains over the question of how to make peace with your colleague. Controversial situations cannot be completely avoided, but their number can be minimized. Business etiquette will help you with this:

  1. Communication with colleagues should take place on equal terms; you should not please, beg or be rude;
  2. Each employee has the right to his own opinion and respectful attitude;
  3. It is customary to approach colleagues with a request, not an order;
  4. Avoid getting personal in the conversation; business communication on work issues is the best way to avoid conflicts, intrigue and gossip;

How to use networking

1. Be interested in people and what they do.

2. When you are asked to talk about yourself, talk about how you can be useful.

3. If you see that the person is not very interested, end the conversation.

4. Explain how you are different from colleagues in your field.

5. When entering a conversation, proceed from what common interests you have with this person.

6. If he is interested in you, arrange a separate meeting.

Emerging problems

Harmony and respect do not always reign in the team. Most of us have encountered one or another problem in relationships with colleagues at work. Let's look at them one by one.


Envy in a work team is always unpleasant. People may start to envy you because you:

  • deserve a promotion;
  • received a salary increase or bonus;
  • an attractive woman or a confident man;
  • happy in family life;
  • and for many other reasons, often completely unexpected.

Informer in a team

Another trouble is the appearance of an informer. One of your colleagues reports you to your superiors. Talks about your mistakes, mistakes in behavior or inappropriate appearance.

If you encounter a “rat” at work, then accept 2 basic rules:

  • stop talking about your personal life, watch your words, because they can become known to the boss at any moment;
  • use the informer for your own purposes: spread rumors through him that you are extremely devoted to your work and the boss personally, that you work hard and take part of the work home, that you spend your evenings thinking about upcoming meetings with clients, etc.

Put the boor in his place

Among colleagues there are sometimes outright boors or rude people. They insert their sarcastic comments and try to hurt you. Such people are usually ill-mannered and do not have good manners.

In no case should one remain silent in response to rudeness. This way you will open the way for him and allow him to mock you. Here are the correct behavior options:

  • use irony in response to his attacks;
  • make statements into jokes;
  • talk to the boor one-on-one, firmly urge him to remember politeness;
  • do not argue with him, but agree - so that your answers are completely absurd, this will confuse the ill-wisher and moderate his enthusiasm;
  • analyze your behavior: maybe you yourself are giving rise to rudeness;
  • in the most extreme cases, record boorish attacks on a voice recorder and take the recording to your boss, demanding that action be taken.

A thief among his own

Unfortunately, theft can be encountered in any job. Identifying an attacker is not easy because there is usually at least minimal trust between colleagues. And it is morally difficult to suspect the person working at the next table.

Installing hidden cameras in your office space will help you avoid repeated theft. If property has been stolen from a personal locker, it is recommended that you and your colleagues chip in to install an alarm system.

Another method to catch a thief is bait. Make an agreement with one or two colleagues whom you trust 100%. Place your wallet in a visible place and leave it unattended. A hidden camera will allow you to record the theft. You don’t have to buy a special one—any camera will do, even a mobile phone camera.

If a co-worker annoys you

There are people who are not easy to be around. For example, a colleague:

  • regularly complains about life;
  • talks loudly and laughs;
  • touches things on your desk;
  • tears paper all the time;
  • constantly slurps while eating;
  • he smells like cigarette smoke.

What to do if you are uncomfortable with a colleague's behavior? First, talk to him, explain that loud conversations interfere with your concentration, and the smell of tobacco causes allergy attacks.

If it's all about some individual characteristics of a person, try to accept them. You cannot change a grown man or woman.


In any team, conflicts occur from time to time. Psychologists give useful tips to help you avoid unpleasant situations at work:

  1. Find out and memorize your terms of reference. Give a firm refusal if someone tries to force you to do something you don't have to do.
  2. Avoid discussing personal matters and problems with colleagues. What you say may one day turn against you.
  3. Don't be too reserved. Communicate and maintain relationships with colleagues. This way you will get to know them better and be able to build a good relationship.
  4. If someone offends you, insults you or finds fault with you, try to understand the motives of this person and find a special approach to him. It is unlikely that you will become friends, but try to coexist peacefully together.

Energetic vampire

Sometimes at work we fall into the clutches of energy vampires. They could be colleagues or superiors. There are two main types of vampires:

  1. “Sunny” is an aggressor who wants to cause negative emotions in you: such as resentment, confusion, fear. To resist him, do not fall for provocations, just run away at the first attempts of the vampire to cut off power to you. If it is impossible to escape, laugh and joke, it always helps.
  2. “Lunar” is a whiner who complains, talks endlessly about his problems, depriving you of energy and optimism. To avoid falling into the trap of such a vampire, try to stop communicating with him. If this cannot be done, answer him the same way he does: complain about life and talk about any, even the smallest problems as if it were a universal tragedy. The vampire will tuck his tail and run away on his own.

If a coworker stops communicating with you

Most likely something happened. Perhaps he harbors a grudge against you or is preparing an intrigue against you. The best thing is to talk to a colleague one-on-one. Ask why he avoids communicating with you?

If a colleague ignores your questions, it is better to leave him alone and keep any interactions to a minimum.

At the same time, pay attention to the behavior of other employees. Have they lost interest in you? Perhaps a colleague does not say hello at work.

Maintain and strengthen connections with other colleagues so that if something happens you are not left without protection. It’s worse if all your colleagues don’t want to communicate with you - this is already a full-fledged boycott, which requires a special approach.

Your immediate supervisor

On the one hand, communicating with him is quite easy, because you constantly work together. But for the same reason, it may turn out that you have nothing to talk about - you already know everything.

What to talk about

20% of the conversation can be devoted to work. For example, share new ideas. You can discuss them in more detail in the office or at the next meeting.

Ask why the manager chose this field of activity, what was the most valuable career development advice he received. Listen and ask questions so you can get to know the leader better as a person.

What not to talk about

Superficial questions won't make a good impression, but you shouldn't delve too deeply into personal dramas either.

Calling and texting at inappropriate times

Sometimes there are difficult problems that need to be solved right now. In this case, it is logical to write, call, send carrier pigeons and try to contact a colleague in any way.

But often the situation does not require immediate intervention. Someone just comes up with a brilliant idea: “I’ll write now, otherwise I’ll have to keep everything in my head. And suddenly I’ll forget until the morning.” This is how a person relieves himself of responsibility and shifts it to his interlocutor, who now needs to think about it and not forget. So it's best not to send messages with work tasks outside of work hours unless they need a line solution.

Don't acknowledge other people's achievements

In Russia, this parenting strategy is quite popular: if you are great, have moved mountains and achieved incredible success, no one will say a kind word to you - suddenly you will become proud and stop working. And if you brought an A with a minus, when the whole class received a failure, then you failed and will be severely punished.

Many people carry this unhealthy strategy into adulthood - into relationships with their own children, partners, and colleagues. Now imagine what a person looks like who is generous with your criticism, but stingy with kind words. He's unpleasant, isn't he?

In general, adults communicate with each other at work and are not obliged to maintain a normal emotional background among their colleagues. But celebrating other people’s achievements is easy and pleasant - for all parties. And certainly well-deserved praise improves the climate in the team, without turning it into a serpentarium where everyone is forced to wait for a catch.

Shock your colleagues with details of your private life

Sometimes you want to get away from calculations and plans, cold calls and processing clients, and then conversations about personal things come into play. Nobody forbids you to participate in them. On the contrary, they help to get closer.

Don't tell your autobiography in great detail. Lack of money, misunderstanding of the husband, bad behavior of children, quarrels with mother-in-law - all this, of course, is very interesting. It’s just not necessary to inform strangers about this.

Allowed topics are films, hobbies, travel, fashion. Leave your secrets and conversations about the most intimate things for your friends. Otherwise, you will not only not find a common language with your colleagues, but you may become the object of gossip.

Connect questions with action

Some men say their biggest challenge is women's tendency to ask too many questions, especially in meetings. According to men, questions slow down discussion of action points and decision-making.

Women generally agree that they ask more questions than men; but they are confident that their questions are their best contribution to the matter. They encourage collaboration, help identify what matters most, and achieve the best possible results.

Women should learn to frame questions in a form that is better understood by men. In each of the examples below, the woman could have helped the man receive the message correctly and offer immediate support in response in one of two simple ways: by prefacing her question with a positive, upbeat remark, or by making her point clear and direct.

An indirect question complicates perception:

  • “How can you be serious?”
  • “What makes you think this will work?”
  • “What does everyone else think?”
  • “Is this the best course for the company?”


A more direct approach gives confidence:

  • "Marvelous! Is that really true?"
  • “Your idea is good, but I would like to hear your thoughts on how to implement it.”
  • "We have to make a decision, but let's make sure everyone is happy with it first."
  • “This way we will reach our goal, but it seems to me that there is a path that will lead us to it faster.”

Men and women often have different points of view and different experiences. And when they work together, the range of possibilities and perspectives discussed in the decision-making process significantly expands. And it is not at all necessary that the team have an equal number of men and women. It is important that team members have sufficient gender sensitivity to understand and appreciate the contribution that each individual makes to the common cause.

How to introduce yourself correctly to make a good impression

Gilana Mikhailova , general director of the agency "Business Protocol"

“The rules of presentation in business etiquette and in secular etiquette are somewhat different. In business etiquette, the connection between boss and subordinate is important, and in secular etiquette, it is between woman and man. As part of business communication, the subordinate greets first, but the one with a higher status offers his hand for a handshake. A person passing by a group of people says hello first.

It's the same in presentation. If there is no intermediary nearby who can introduce you to someone (this would be the best option), then the junior in rank introduces himself. But if you walk into an office where managers are sitting and you need one of them, then, of course, you need to say hello to everyone. And if you don’t know anyone yet, just like they don’t know you, then say hello, introduce yourself and ask for the person you are looking for.”

Start working on your business image, and soon it will work for you: others will value you as a competent, reliable and professional employee.

Are you into flirting?

If both women and men work in the organization, there will definitely be a couple of ladies' men and fatal beauties seducing everyone. Don't repeat their sad experience.

Dirty jokes, hints, touches can be unpleasant for colleagues. Representatives of the stronger half of humanity do not think that small pranks irritate everyone around them.

Although the girls are not far behind, they make eyes and show off their charms. Such people are usually not very liked.

Of course, they will communicate with them, smile politely, but they will perceive their Don Juan partner solely as a hindrance, a frivolous person who cannot concentrate on the main thing.

Form coalitions

It is convenient to be friends “against”, because the voice of the crowd is always louder than one. But this is hardly appropriate at work. Firstly, by joining a group, a person automatically adopts all its values. And if he stops liking something, it will be very difficult to oppose himself to it.

Secondly, groupings take up a lot of energy that could be directed to fulfilling duties. Thirdly, creating coalitions within a company distracts from what people come to work for: to work and get paid for it, and in an ideal situation, also create something cool. Therefore, it is worth remembering that a bad peace is better than a good quarrel, and it is better to resolve conflict situations openly and immediately.

Rules of good manners

Relationships at work with colleagues should be built according to a few simple rules. The first concerns friendliness. You shouldn’t be rude or rude to others because you’re in a bad mood. Being polite and grateful isn't that hard. These qualities endear people.

However, caution must be exercised here, since close relationships in a team and informal communication can play a cruel joke. For example, a young employee will seem like a rival to women from the team. Men, because of her too free behavior, will consider her flighty and will lose all respect.

The second rule is a logical continuation of the first. You should not tell your work colleagues personal information about yourself. Good intentions and trust easily turn into gossip, speculation and envy. It is enough to tell the generally known minimum.

The third rule is similar to the expression “don’t run ahead of the locomotive.” Of course, it’s good if your abilities allow you to do the work quickly and at the same time with high quality. However, the team consists of different people. Some people work faster, while others, on the contrary, spend more time completing tasks. You should not try to correct or retrain your colleagues. They may take it as a challenge.

And finally, the fourth rule. It calls not to ignore the rituals and traditions of the collective. Joint dinners and holidays will only improve the relationship.

Relationships in a men's team: let's set priorities

In a male team, as well as in a female team, conflicts often occur. There are several ways to prevent them:

  1. Always look perfect. The best clothes for work are a formal business suit.
  2. Extra attention from colleagues or even flirtatiousness surprises and baffles. There is no need to be rude in response. It is better to remain silent or move the conversation to another topic.
  3. It is worth remembering that each member of the team is an employee like everyone else. Therefore, demanding special treatment for yourself is not nice.
  4. Do not react to provocations too emotionally. It is important to remain calm even in cases where emotions are brought out on purpose. This requires resilience.

The most important thing is to show respect to all colleagues at work without exception. We can say that this is the key to a good relationship.

We are so different and yet we are together

Building healthy relationships at work isn't easy. This is due to the fact that each person is individual. There are several types of employees:

  1. Angry or grumpy. Unfriendly people who are always dissatisfied with something and easily lose their temper. For them, every word or reaction of others is an opportunity to throw out negativity. Such people have no desire to talk about good things.
  2. Envious people. The favorite pastime of such team members is spreading gossip, both at work and outside of it. They discuss everything from new lipstick to professional activities. These people are simply bored. When communicating with them, you need to avoid talking too openly about yourself and your family.
  3. Rigid colleagues. They don't like change. Even if the new one is many times better than the old one, they will not change anything. Relations with such employees should be based on strict adherence to established rules and instructions.
  4. Advisers. They constantly teach those around them, giving out advice left and right. They are harmless. The worst thing that their behavior leads to is a quarrel at work. When communicating with colleagues of this type, you need to take the initiative and ask for advice first.
  5. Pedants. React to the slightest inaccuracies and details. It is quite easy to moderate their ardor. It is enough to shift some of the responsibilities that require great attention and scrupulousness.
  6. Artists. They love to be the center of attention. Scandals at work are a way for them to recharge their energy. A couple of compliments and attention will turn them from enemies into allies.

These are just a few types of employees. In fact, there are many more of them. And if you can’t find a way to build relationships with them, you also need to pay attention to yourself. Perhaps the problem lies in your character and actions

How to behave in a new job: basic mistakes

Often when starting work in a new place, employees become arrogant. Their behavior shows an attempt to demonstrate their superiority to the leader. This is not the best way to express yourself on your first day of work.

Although this behavior is formed subconsciously, it is worth controlling yourself. The optimal strategy for a beginner is maximum efficiency, productivity and modesty. Even if you are a highly qualified specialist who has made the transition from one company to another.

Let the employer see and evaluate your skills on their own - this takes much more than 1 day. Everything that was noticed upon your admission could be forgotten or even fall out of the minds of your superiors. Therefore, it is necessary to prove your professional suitability by deeds, as well as to form a positive reputation.

Social psychology of the team

The team at work is a social environment. It consists of many different people. They have different views on life, upbringing, goals for the future and abilities. However, they have to spend some time together and solve common issues. Interaction in this case is a direct path to the success of the company.

A person learns to find a common language with a team from early childhood. First comes kindergarten, then school, then university and, finally, work. And every time you have to adapt to new people. However, this is not always easy to do. As often happens in adulthood, people leave their jobs due to the fact that they do not fit into the team. And such cases are not uncommon.

The relationship between colleagues can be demonstrated with a clear example. Let's say a new employee comes to the company - a young and beautiful girl. What will those who have been working here for a long time experience at this moment? Most likely, there will be interest and, at the same time, tension. An employee can be compared to a foreign body that is at the stage of exploration by the body (in this case, the team). It is examined, studied and evaluated.

People will treat a new person differently. Some people will like the girl for her professional and personal qualities. For others it will irritate and irritate. In both the first and second cases, you will have to put up with the new employee, since relationships in the team as a whole and the activities of the company depend on coordinated work.


A new employee in a team usually faces the fact that everyone is looking closely at him. This is normal, because no one knows him yet and understands what he is capable of. But sometimes this develops into unhealthy things like stupid and supposedly funny checks or special tricks.

For example, a beginner must perform some calculations, but they give him the wrong numbers and wait to see how he can get out. Such “tests” can be passed off as tests that are designed to make him stronger and force him to show his best qualities. But such hazing is started solely for the sake of ridicule.

However, positive discrimination, when a new person is considered by default not smart and experienced enough and is helped even where this is not required, is also not the best solution. Suffice it to say that a person can contact his colleagues if something is not clear to him.

What can provoke colleagues into conflicts?

According to psychology books, healthy relationships in a team are sometimes threatened. There are many reasons for this:

  • unsociability, reluctance to make contact;
  • complaints and denunciations against colleagues;
  • bad mood spilling out on others;
  • excessive self-confidence and straightforwardness;
  • fear of overworking;
  • comparison of former work with current one;
  • excessive curiosity towards colleagues;
  • loud conversations on the phone, elevated tone when communicating with others, strong aroma of perfume.

Another reason for a possible conflict lies in workaholism. Sometimes the desire to do quality work is perceived from the outside as a desire to curry favor with management or stand out from the crowd.

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