How to overcome laziness, apathy, fatigue and start doing everything?

Are you familiar? A man comes to work. And ignoring the assigned tasks for the day, he scrolls through his VKontakte feed, checks his email, constantly drinks tea and chats with colleagues. Or when he gets home in the evening, he lies down on the sofa, turns on the TV and clicks through the channels. And so on day after day... If you have the same problem, then it’s time to think about how to deal with laziness. But if you are not even able to read this article to the end, then your diagnosis is irreversible. And there is no need to continue reading.

Let's look at the common reasons why people are lazy and put off their tasks for later. And how to succeed in business and be productive throughout the day. First, let's determine the root cause of laziness, and then find out how to deal with it.

How to get rid of laziness: find out the reason

You need to do something, but you don’t want to. Is this a familiar state? How to deal with laziness? Try to explain to yourself why you don’t want to do this? There may be several reasons:

  • too much work;
  • lack of an inspiring goal;
  • overwork;
  • sat in one place.

Perhaps it's time to move to another level, advance your career and do interesting work. In any case, identifying the cause of laziness is the first step towards eradicating it.


  • Reasons for laziness
  • How to overcome laziness and apathy
  • How to overcome laziness and fatigue
  • How to overcome laziness and start taking action
  • How to overcome laziness and start playing sports
  • How to overcome laziness and develop determination

Laziness is a strange human condition that cripples his life and prevents him from realizing his talents.

Moral fatigue, accumulated tension and intrapersonal conflicts are often mistaken for laziness.

But as soon as a person rests, relieves tension and resolves intrapersonal conflict, he comes to life and becomes active again.

What is laziness?

Laziness is a psychological state in which there is no desire and motivation for any action.

I will tell you my purely personal opinion, which was formed on the basis of many years of working with people. There are not as many truly lazy people as you might think.

“I don’t want anything”: change your diet

We will not discover America if we tell you how important it is to eat right. It's not just about staying in shape and managing your weight. Food with preservatives, fast food, fast food negatively affects the body and clouds the mind. As a result, a person does not have free energy to achieve the goal. It shouldn't be this way.

Try to eat fresh foods: fruits and vegetables, nuts. Buy natural products with minimal additives. Notice how your consciousness will clear, energy and the desire to conquer peaks will appear.

Where does laziness come from?

In fact, laziness is a state when a person does not want, or cannot, be active and work on completing a given task.

At such moments, there is a desire to do something completely useless, or fall into inaction.

The reasons for this condition include both health problems and negative psychological attitudes or lack of motivation.

The state of apathy and inaction is provoked by:

  1. Health problems . Before developing an action plan to overcome laziness on your own, it is advisable to eliminate the ailment of the physical body. Listen carefully to how you feel. Figure out what's really bothering you. Perhaps low work capacity is due to exacerbation of chronic diseases, pain syndrome, or a feeling of discomfort in the body. In these cases, you need to seek help from a doctor and bring your health back to normal.
  2. Lack of motivation . The reluctance to work towards achieving your goals is explained by a lack of understanding of why certain actions need to be taken.
  3. Lack of a specific plan. In this case, the person simply does not understand what exactly needs to be done to get the expected result. The simplest solution in this situation is inaction or quickly switching attention to other tasks.
  4. Fear of difficulties. Fear of a specific or fictitious event paralyzes willpower and discourages any desire to work fruitfully.
  5. Fear of failure . By replaying the most unfavorable outcome of events in his thoughts, a person loses heart and feels a lack of desire to act.
  6. Depression. Not uncommon, it is difficult to examine and diagnose on your own. In a depressed state, there is a lack of motivation, loss of energy, and intrusive negative thoughts.
  7. Weak willpower. It prevents you from systematically performing certain, often monotonous, actions.
  8. Hope for the best. A person justifies his inaction with the belief that the situation will resolve itself and will not require his direct participation. The bad news is that the likelihood of such an outcome is extremely low. But with active intervention, the chances of success increase significantly.
  9. Disorganization . If there is no specific plan of action and a clear understanding of what to do and when, then the easiest way out is inaction or switching attention to secondary issues.
  10. Lack of purpose. If the end result is not defined, then it is difficult to act in this direction.
  11. Uncertainty about the final result. Fears and doubts significantly reduce productivity and are the main cause of laziness.
  12. Emotional burnout. We have already talked about its causes and ways to overcome it.

These are the 12 most common reasons that lead to laziness and inaction. As practice shows, most often they occur not individually, but in combination. Each of these points entails subsequent ones, and leads to loss of motivation, loss of strength or chronic fatigue.

If you cannot identify the reasons for your laziness and apathy on your own, then consulting a psychologist will allow you to put everything in its place and draw objective conclusions.

Play some sports

How to get rid of laziness once and for all? Open your own energy supply - provoke an acceleration of metabolism and the breakdown of carbohydrates. Proper nutrition plus physical activity is a direct path to excellent health, increased tone and good mood. What kind of laziness are we talking about? It is not necessary to resort to drastic measures. Start by charging.

A morning set of exercises will tone your body and, by the way, protect you from the development of cancer. Then you can sign up for the gym or jog outside. Just start.

Sports: Pixabay

Feeling tired and lacking energy

Lack of sleep, feeling tired, vitality running low. This is the most common sign why people are lazy.

In this case, you need to think about your daily routine and lifestyle. Perhaps you go to bed late, watching a useless series late into the night or surfing the Internet. Smoking, abusing alcohol, eating poorly and leading a sedentary lifestyle. Such actions cause feelings of laziness even more.

What about people who have achieved great achievements in life? It's simple, they eat right, go to the gym and maintain a proper daily routine. They have developed self-discipline. Such people have a high level of energy that they have enough strength for work, housework and favorite hobbies.

So how can you increase your energy levels? We'll look at this a little later. Now let's move on to the 2nd point of the reason why we are lazy.

How to get rid of laziness without effort: find motivation

The very request “without effort” already reveals apathy and laziness. Don't want to run in the morning because it's too difficult? Then start by finding an inspiring goal. If you don’t want anything at all, it means there is no goal or motivation. What would you really like to do?

The question of finding a life purpose occupies many people; today this topic is actively discussed on the Internet. In fact, this is the only thing you need to understand. What do you love, what do you dream about, who do you want to be? Find something that inspires you, then you won’t even think about laziness.

What makes people lazy?

Imagine: Do you feel lazy when you do what you love?

For example, gamers who play their favorite game all day and night. But at the same time they do not feel tired, they are cheerful and energetic. Here is one of the famous quotes from psychologist and personal development coach Tony Robbins:

Quote: “There are no lazy people. There are goals that are not inspiring.”

No one was born lazy, people just don't know how to use their potential and how to properly direct their energy. Therefore, we need to understand and learn to direct our energy to achieve the desired goals. Why do you go to work? To get material benefits, realize yourself in life, build a successful career, etc.

But, if you go to work according to the principle “the day has passed and okay.” It’s worth thinking radically and changing your field of activity. Listen to yourself, what you want to do, what inspires you, and how you can benefit materially from it.

Let's return again to our gamers. Many of them run their own video channels on YouTube and earn decent money. Any office employee would envy their income level. And they get high from the process of their activity and at the same time receive material benefits.

Or people who like to grow vegetables on the plot. Have you met anyone like this? Many of them quit their jobs and open small agribusinesses, achieving great success. And all because they are doing what they love.

But what to do if you like your job, but it’s not clear why, laziness torments you throughout the day. There are several reasons.

Always encourage yourself

Encouragement is a great motivation against laziness. Agree with yourself that completing the task will be rewarded with something pleasant. For example, a cup of coffee, chocolate, a walk in the fresh air. This way the subconscious will get used to it: until the work is done, there is nothing to even dream about.

You can make a list of pleasant rewards that will motivate you to complete your tasks. Soon the consciousness will be reorganized, laziness will overcome and will react to routine work as a way to get pleasant emotions.

Excuses of lazy people

Even a visit to a psychologist does not always help. Lazy people come up with many excuses that, in their opinion, justify their behavior:

  1. “There are different types of laziness, my laziness is useful, it does not harm anyone.” Procrastination is only useful if it protects you from overwhelm. However, the days of slavery are long gone, no one is forced to work 18 hours a day, so this argument cannot be accepted.
  2. “My laziness has good reasons.” It is work that deserves respect, not the lack of it. Even people with disabilities and developmental disabilities want to benefit society, and a healthy person will not be able to provide convincing excuses for their laziness.
  3. “I don’t know how to cure laziness, it clearly has hormonal causes.” Any clinic has an endocrinologist who will prescribe all the necessary tests, conduct a full hormonal examination and prescribe a course of treatment.
  4. “Methods to combat laziness are not effective.” There are many similar methods. If one does not bring benefit, you need to try another. In addition, it takes time to obtain convincing results. Therefore, each method must be used for at least 14 days and only then evaluate its effectiveness.
  5. “Procrastination is not my fault, others are to blame.” The role of the victim is very popular with people who do not want to work. But each person is responsible for his own life and actions. It makes no sense to shift responsibility onto your environment.
  6. “I just can’t figure out how to kill laziness in myself.” The algorithm for the fight is very simple: find (on your own or with the help of a competent psychologist) the reason for laziness, find out what factors support incorrect motivation, select ways and techniques that allow you to develop new habits. And soon you will be able to tell others about how to stop being lazy and start working. Victory over procrastination is real and possible, it is not a myth or a fairy tale.

How to overcome laziness: communicate with active people

Watching others achieve success and spend their day actively will at least make you feel ashamed for being a bottom-feeder. To stay relevant in such a company, you need to maintain common interests. This will help you to constantly be on the move, striving to achieve your goal.

Over time, activity will become a habit, and at the same time the energy and desire to set and complete tasks and achieve goals will come. But remember: other people are just examples. You are a unique personality who, having overcome laziness, will be able to go your own way and show good results.

Reviews and comments

Tell us, what are the reasons for your laziness and how do you deal with them? Leave comments under this post or in our groups on social networks.

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Key words:1Psychoregulation

Use the Swiss Cheese Method

How to get rid of laziness forever? Remember the mouse that gradually nibbled pieces of cheese from a huge piece. If your reluctance to do something is caused by a large amount of work, then divide it into parts and do it in any order.

Cleaning your workplace will also provide a boost of energy. Believe me: order and cleanliness on the table directly affect performance and activity. By the way, chaos in your home and on your desk is one of the manifestations of laziness.

Workplace organization: Pixabay

How to help cope with the reluctance to do something

There are 2 types of people: leaders and followers. People who are passive by temperament need to be pushed to move. It's good if you volunteer to help such a person.

Children and teenagers especially need help in the fight against laziness. Parents often swear at the inaction and inattention of their children. This is strictly forbidden: by calling a child lazy, you forever fix this attitude in his head. It is very difficult to get rid of it.

If a family member is lazy, he should be involved in housework as often as possible. Not with screams, but with psychological tricks. For example: “Oh, you wash the dishes so cleanly! It never worked out for me. Will you help me? Or like this: “What are you going to do today, wash the floors or wipe the dust?” The latter is a very useful trick that helps deal with the inaction of a loved one. You are not directly asking the child to help, but giving him a choice. This makes him feel included.

How to kill laziness: make a wish list

This practice is used by all successful people and it really works. Every day, hundreds of thoughts and desires hover in a person’s head, which people do not have time to comprehend. So:

  • Get a notebook, take some time and write down everything you want.
  • Always keep the list in sight. This way you focus on the goal and you will produce results.
  • Be sure to cross out wishes that come true. This will serve as additional confirmation of the work done.

Let yourself be lazy sometimes

We are not robots. Sometimes a person still has to allow himself to relax on the couch or watch a movie. The main thing is that your life does not become attached to this sofa. Reward yourself with those “lazy” days after doing something big.

Don't forget that you can also rest in different ways. Prepare a romantic date, go for a bike ride, make a holiday out of the most ordinary day: the more diverse all areas of your life are, the less chance laziness has to settle in it.

Stick to your daily routine

Sometimes you just want to be lazy and lie in bed longer. Where once, there and twice, and then you don’t want to do anything at all. Therefore, it is important to maintain discipline. To do this, create a daily routine for yourself. Get up early, do exercises, have breakfast and get to work. Allocate time for breaks, and otherwise complete the assigned tasks without being distracted by anything.

Gradually, your body will get used to it, you will wake up without an alarm clock and start a new day with joy. It is useful to keep a diary and note how your day goes hour by hour. This will allow you to realize how much time is wasted, and how much is spent usefully.

One minute rule

This rule will help those who find it difficult to perform the same type of actions.
For example, attend courses or sports training. Based on the Japanese kaizen method (or the one-minute rule), you need to do something every day for one minute. In this case, you will not feel tension, but only joy and pleasure from what you have accomplished. Short classes will inspire you, help you believe in yourself and motivate you to greater achievements. Gradually, you need to increase the time until you reach the required duration.

Of course, this method is suitable only for those who do not seek quick results, but want to eradicate the very cause of laziness.

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