No strength to work: physical fatigue, emotional burnout, problem solving and recommendations from specialists

  • September 1, 2019
  • Psychology of Personality
  • Maria Matselevich

The modern pace of life, new technologies and the limitless flow of information have brought not only positive, but also negative additions to our lives. Almost every person on earth has at least once encountered chronic fatigue or burnout syndrome. Many of us in life have had the question of why we don’t have the strength to work. And this is not surprising, because every day there are a lot of tasks, responsibilities and assignments that need to be completed either urgently, or should have been done yesterday.

Naturally, such an intense pace sooner or later exhausts us, we experience stress, anxiety, and fatigue. And if you don’t stop, depression, apathy begins, and even physical illness may begin against the backdrop of such overexertion. Nowadays you won’t surprise anyone with the famous saying “burnt out at work.” But, like everything in our lives, this can be solved, and many psychologists tell you what to do. Having no strength to work is not a problem at all, the main thing is to understand this issue and take the necessary measures in a timely manner.

Rhythm of life

We have evolved and adapted to new conditions over many centuries, but never before has this process taken place so quickly. Many people are completely unsuited to living in the 21st century. Of course, some will say that the person adapted perfectly to the new rules of life, but in fact, the price for this adaptation was high. Not so long ago, people lived in small villages, knew all their neighbors, and any public event like fairs was considered a significant and big event.

Everyone knew from childhood what he would be when he grew up, because many simply inherited the work of their parents. People fell asleep at sunset and woke up at dawn. Every day and year of a person’s life was predictable and understandable. At the moment, fundamental changes are taking place, and all of humanity is in a state of permanent stress.

Start moving and don't stop

Movement is not only a powerful way to improve your mood and reduce stress, but it is also a proven effective way to maintain excellent memory and overall thinking skills.

You can counteract growing stress through physical activity: every minute spent doing yoga, jogging or cycling becomes an investment in the fight against stress.

A simple morning exercise sets the necessary pace for the whole day and helps you focus on important tasks. Needless to say, successful people prefer to train in the morning. Start with at least 10 minutes of moderate physical activity a day and gradually increase its duration to the recommended half hour.

Causes of stress

We are overstimulated and bombarded with information every day. Mobile phones, televisions, radio, Internet, print media have forever changed human life. And most importantly, we constantly need to make decisions and choices. And this has a very bad effect on willpower. We don't have enough security because life is completely unpredictable. Recently, such fundamental concepts of society as freedom, work, family, intimate life and even patriotism have changed a lot.

A serious crisis has emerged in the search for the meaning of life. Our ancestors always knew where to find it. For example, religion, party and so on. Now we have too much choice, what to believe in and what rules to live by, but there is no understanding of what strict adherence to these canons will give a person. Our brains and attitudes to the real world have been shaped over millennia, as have our reactions to stressful situations. And while people are still young, they do not notice how such a rhythm affects the psyche and health. But the older we get, the more clearly the side aspects of this haste are expressed and logical questions arise: we don’t have the strength to work, what to do in this situation?

Let's sum it up

Is it possible to live without work? Yes. There are several ways to do this - a successful marriage, an inheritance from an American relative, and passive income (when you invest a lot of money in something profitable and live off the dividends, or rent out an apartment left over from a kind grandmother). You can also buy a house in the village. Live there in peace and quiet, eating what is grown in the garden. You will still have to work, albeit in a different way. A dubious option, but some will like it. That's all I wanted to say. Share your stories in the comments. Goodbye.

Where does the energy go?

When a person focuses all his energy on solving work and everyday issues, a serious imbalance begins. This is what ultimately leads to emotional burnout. And this is natural, because if you do something systematically and do not see any progress, then the meaning of the classes begins to be lost. Stress, in turn, begins to negatively affect health. And then thoughtless expenses and impulsive actions begin, because everyone needs to feel happy, and many find a chance to do this by spending money.

Accordingly, in order to somehow even out the situation, you need to work, and there is no longer time for ambition and growth, and friendships deteriorate. Many people make a serious mistake: when they have no strength to work, they try to relax in a controlled manner. But the fact is that our consciousness is unable to control such voluntary processes, and, accordingly, we only strain the body even more, trying to force it to do something. It’s not for nothing that psychologists say that the more you crave to be happy, the more likely you are to become depressed.

Take care of your skin

It's simple: happy skin means happy you. Of course, consolidating this habit is no different from others; it also takes time. The well-known rule of three weeks is not even so important here - consistency, regularity and understanding of why you are doing this are much more useful than crossing out days on the calendar. The notorious concealer will hide signs of fatigue in no time, but real changes in the condition of the skin always come from within, slowly but surely. Choose something that will not only improve your complexion, but also bring real benefits to the body, be it cosmetics or food. Just repeat all the necessary procedures morning and evening - after a while you will notice that your skin glows with health and your mood is no longer so gloomy. It’s banal, but humanity has not yet come up with anything better.


Only by balancing his life can a person get rid of the feeling of running in circles and become happy. Unfortunately, modern society has serious problems with this. In the book "From Urgent to Important" by Steve McCletchy, there is a study that states that 88 percent of people are simply unable to make a choice between their personal life and work. At the same time, 64 percent are sure that work takes all their energy, and for 57 percent it is a serious problem that they cannot solve. But how to achieve balance in a modern economy?

After all, no one cares that there is no strength to work, everyone talks about unemployment, the crisis and so on. Anyone is ready to take on more responsibilities just to stay at their job and not lose a position that gives at least the illusion of stability. In the end, people simply do their best to meet other people's expectations, but in reality this is not a balance, but just an attempt to survive. Balance will not help to find the distribution of time between work and personal relationships. The desires of the psyche cannot be experienced according to a schedule, and such separation only leads to even greater stress. So where is the balance? I don’t have the strength to work, what should I do? Set a goal and strive for success. Moreover, this does not mean getting better and more, but the movement itself towards the goal. The most effective way to stop fatigue and burnout is to seek development in all aspects of human life.

Feed the soul, not the ego

It's simple: do what makes you happy. Not all our achievements fill our souls with joy. Regular processing can be useful, but ultimately it leads to depletion of the body's far from endless reserves. The benefits of this behavior are less than those of regular rest and relaxation. Finally, buy the shoes you've been wanting for a long time, treat yourself to ice cream during your lunch break, and watch old movies all weekend long. There should be one reason for all—okay, most—of your actions: it brings joy. You don't do it because it's another item on your to-do list. Joy. To you. Dot.

Preventing emotional exhaustion

If you decide to deal with stress, disappointment and fatigue, then the main thing to do is to pull yourself together and find new meaning to move forward. It’s worth deciding why you don’t have the strength to work. Perhaps your goals are unattainable or you have no patience at all and are in too much of a hurry to see meaningful results. If a person admits that he is in a vicious circle, then he is already halfway to breaking it. There are many ways to cope with emotional burnout, and no matter which one you choose, there is always a chance to cope with this condition.

Think about the result

Imagine the job is done. The weight will be lifted off your shoulders, you will be able to relax a little, go to lunch. And most importantly, you will receive a reward - a salary, a bonus, praise from your superiors, and possibly a promotion.

But if you don’t take action right now, you will see the opposite picture. You don't want to get hit on the head and lose money! New shoes and a handbag definitely wouldn't hurt!

Do you want to change your car? Print out a picture of your dream and hang it in a prominent place in your office. Let it constantly remind you of what you are striving for!

In general, visualization is very important on the way to the goal. It helps to break down all the obstacles and barriers that, by the way, exist only in your head.

If this is a minor routine job for which no special bonuses are expected, then come up with a motive yourself. For example, promise yourself that as soon as you finish everything, you will go and buy yourself that very dress! Or at least a cake for tea!

Tip two

Don't give in to impulsive impulses. The main reason why we do not have the strength to work is the desire to suppress difficult to bear experiences. And the simplest method is impulsive behavior, which does not always remain without consequences. But, unfortunately, even the most impulsive actions do not help get rid of stress; moreover, they have no effect on solving the problems that have arisen, and more often they even worsen the situation. We all sometimes want to hide so that people will leave us alone, so we may say too much, buy alcohol or take medicine. But you shouldn’t do this, wait, calm down, and start acting only when you understand that emotions do not interfere with sane thinking.

Think about what and how you eat

Making your eating meaningful takes practice. This especially applies to those who are used to having a snack on the run, while simultaneously typing a response to the next letter and constantly being distracted by phone calls. Practicing mindful eating helps you understand what you eat and how it benefits your body. Simply satisfying hunger is replaced by a healthy relationship with food. The results of the Pilot study: Mindful Eating and Living (MEAL): weight, eating behavior, and psychological outcomes associated with a mindfulness-based intervention for people with obesity show that this approach to nutrition significantly improves mood, reduces stress levels, and helps develop healthy eating habits and even lose excess weight.

Tip four

Nothing helps you sort the thoughts in your head into categories and find a solution on how to proceed further than sports or physical labor. Here everyone must choose what he likes best - running in the park or chopping wood in the village and planting potatoes. But if you take your hands and unload your head for a while, it will help get rid of apathy and get out of a state of emotional burnout. After physical exercise and fresh air, few people will say: I don’t want to work, I don’t have the strength, because they will definitely appear.

Get plenty of sleep

Our body is a mechanism. A beautiful and incredibly complex system that needs care and rest. When you leave work, you turn off your computer every day, and that’s about what your body and mind need. Research says that good sleep helps the brain flush out toxins that accumulate during the day, which is why seven to eight hours of rest is incredibly important for mental and physical health. Your goal is to gradually increase your daily sleep duration to this level. 30 minutes more rest every day - it's that simple, right?

Tip five

It is worth deciding to make changes if the problem has become serious. If your job is too hard and takes all your juice out of you, try to find a more suitable place to serve. Are you depressed by a relationship that has been going nowhere for a long time and has reached a dead end? Think about whether you are on the right track with this person or is it high time to break off these senseless attempts to maintain a non-existent union? But do everything thoughtfully and according to plan.

Each of us sometimes feels like we have no strength to work anymore. And at this point, sometimes it’s time to start a plan to escape from the stressful situation that is taking all our energy. You don’t have to implement it right away, but its very presence will reduce your stress level and give you more strength. But remember: for everything to work, you need to do everything not to depend on the situation. This means that if you decide to change jobs, then do not take out a loan that will tie you to this place and will not give you the opportunity to move forward.

Learn new things

The process of acquiring new knowledge makes us happy, that's a fact. It also helps to prolong our lives and make it more interesting and rich, and also eliminates unnecessary prejudices. If you want to start small, learn how to knit, for example. The Internet is full of training videos, so you can master this simple task without even getting out of bed. If you are attracted to big goals, take a three-month web design course. Whatever you decide to do, your brain will be deeply grateful to you.

A few more tips

There are a couple more simple rules that increase productivity that every person should know. No strength to work? Think about how you spend your time. It is very important not to go to bed tired. Just falling exhausted on the bed and hoping that the strength will be restored on its own is illogical. In this state, you are likely to drive yourself into a vicious circle of fatigue and burnout. It’s very easy to cope with this - sports, walks before bed or a banal contrast shower. Second and very important - ventilate the room where you sleep. Our brain needs fresh air, so you shouldn’t fall asleep in stuffy and musty rooms, as this reduces the quality of rest.

It is also advisable to exclude all information resources a few hours before bedtime. This means not watching TV, not exploring interesting Internet resources, and not conducting active correspondence on social networks. The brain receives a lot of information, and instead of resting and restoring energy resources, it will analyze and assimilate the received data. And it doesn’t matter whether you watched a news report or a TV series - this will harm normal, full replenishment of strength. And lastly, try to wake up on schedule, at the same time. This will reduce stress and become a healthy habit in life.

Reduce detail

If you can’t tear yourself away and make tea, reduce the level of detail: close your eyes for 30 seconds, get up and sit down immediately, turn off the music.

When an internal storm begins, reducing the amount of incoming information and demands on myself helps me. This is a repeat of the story that sometimes you need to reschedule all but one thing. This happens, it's normal.

It’s also useful to focus less on plans. I chose three projects for the week, and that’s what I’m doing. I wanted and was going to do something else - I’ll choose these classes at the next one. It is also important to lower your expectations and give yourself the opportunity to improve in time. So that mistakes are not perceived as something critical and irreparable.

I wrote the course in two stages: a draft for the test group and a clean draft for the main group. In a draft, I can write crudely, use simple phrases and not go into explanations - no problems, it’s not scary to make a mistake. When I send it and it passes the first check, I will have enough strength and energy to bring everything to a readable state: it has already been checked for nonsense and errors. Beauty.

The main thing is to start moving and enjoy it. The further you go, the more confident you become.

Controlling your own life

Very often, people who wonder how to force themselves to work if they have no strength belong to a certain type of personality. They have long lost control over their own lives and for this they are angry, and sometimes even despise themselves. For them, every day is a test, because they clearly experience the feeling that they are in a series of repeating events. They are pressured by work, debts, responsibilities, bad relationships, and sometimes even health problems caused by this very stress. Such people have absolutely no strength to go to work, because everything around them is continuous responsibilities, and they have absolutely no control over anything.

This is the lowest motivational point, productivity at zero, because it is fatigue and stress that control their condition and attitude towards life. But if you manage to overcome this state, see new ways of development, then you will be able to break out of the vicious circle and regain control over your own life. If the tips suggested above do not help you, and you have already tried everything, but cannot influence the situation in any way, then it is time to seek professional help. And remember - sometimes such a state is just a push for your psyche to make serious changes that will improve your standard of living and make it better.

Create a comfortable environment for yourself

The first stage of creating relationships that are healthy in every sense is a responsible approach to what and with whom you fill your life. Yes, the prospect of transforming toxic relationships into joyful and comfortable ones can be scary at first, especially if it concerns friendships, family, food, work, or yourself. However, it is important.

Analyze all your connections and notice how they contribute to your life and well-being.

Those who are responsible in choosing their environment are often more confident in making decisions.

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