Psychology of influence, power and authority: how to manage people

Successful work requires coordination of actions of all its participants. This is possible only under the condition of unified leadership and the subordination of all workers to a single will. However, such unity cannot arise by chance: it must be organized, activated and supported by the activities of the individual worker and the group.

The leader must know the forces and means by which this can be done.

Every time a leader gives instructions to a performer or group of performers, he assumes that his instructions will be fully reflected in the minds of people and the desired actions will immediately follow. But in life this does not always happen. Even if a person is more or less fully aware of his tasks and functions, the expected actions may not follow. This requires certain efforts by the leader, which can influence people's behavior.


Influence is the use of specific means by which one person brings about a change in behavior, attitude, etc.
another person. The means can be very varied: from a request made in a whisper in the ear, to a knife put to the throat; from expressing ideas to violence. The manager must imagine the effect of his influence on the behavior of the future performer. As a result, the leader and the performer learn similar or dissimilar behavior patterns for the future.

Common sense dictates that in order to have influence, you must be able to control something that matters to the performer. What creates his dependence on you and forces him to act as you wish. This “something” is the basic needs of the performer.

Influence is based on addressing the active needs of the performer.

No one can influence people in any situation. Influence depends on the specific situation, on the abilities of the leader, as well as on the person being influenced. A manager depends on his immediate superior, subordinates and colleagues. Without the assistance of these people, who are part of the leader's environment, he cannot influence and carry out his functions.

The manager must influence subordinates in a way that motivates them to action, to actual work, to submission necessary to achieve the goals of the company. In order for influence to be effective, the manager must understand the interests of the company and his role capabilities, show will and use power. To influence, you must have a basis of influence - power.


There are many methods of influencing the psyche. They differ in complexity and duration of influence. The only quality that unites all methods is secrecy: a person should not understand that he is being manipulated. Methods of influence:

  1. Suggestion. The manipulator “puts” the necessary thoughts into a person’s head, leading him to certain conclusions. Suggestion occurs through communication, “random” throwing of facts, unobtrusive discussion of a problematic topic.
  2. Manipulation. A complex process of influence that requires a combination of several methods of influence. The leader becomes for his subordinates what they want him to be. It combines emotional pressure, offering benefits, and plays on the fear of missed opportunities. The choice of manipulation technique is individual. Influence affects both the crowd and the individual.
  3. NLP. This technique allows you to program the object of influence. It is the most difficult, requiring deep knowledge of psychology. Manipulation techniques using NLP cannot be overcome. They are similar to hypnosis: the individual is not aware of the control of an outsider, he believes that he himself made the decision.

All methods are effective, but the degree of influence also depends on the abilities of the manipulator, the psyche of the person they are trying to control.


Power is the ability to influence the behavior of other people, the ability to influence their activities using any means: will, coercion, encouragement, suggestion, intrigue, etc.
Typically, a manager has power over his subordinates because they depend on him in matters such as the content of work assignments, salary increases, promotions, etc. However, in some cases, subordinates have power over the leader, since he depends on them in matters such as cooperation, obtaining reliable information, etc.

A successful leader will always maintain a balance of power over subordinates and his dependence on them. Exercising power, he will take care of the implementation of group goals, of helping the group with the means to achieve them.

Types of manipulators

In psychology, manipulators are conventionally divided into active and passive. This division has to do with the roles they take on in the relationship.

  • Active manipulators

This type is characterized by the use of active techniques of influence and domination over a person. For example, a type of such manipulation may be the establishment of total control over another person. The following types of active manipulators are distinguished:

  1. Dictator. This is a person who uses his position in society to achieve his goals. He often points out his authority;
  2. Prosecutor. A person who perceives himself as a leader and the people around him as dependent on him. Uses tactics of accusation and humiliation of others for his own self-affirmation;
  3. Rebel. A person with open or passive aggressive behavior, accompanied by rudeness and harshness;
  4. Businessman. A person who evaluates the weaknesses and strengths of other people. He uses them for his own benefit. This type of manipulator is characterized by calmness, concentration and deceit. Such people are characterized by the use of flattery techniques in relation to others.
  • Passive manipulators

This type of manipulator builds their relationships with people, initially placing themselves in a position of subordination. In conflict situations, acting as a “victim”, putting pressure on the partner’s feelings of guilt. This type of manipulator is divided into the following types:

  1. Weakling. The person acts as a person incapable of performing certain social actions. Is the complete antipode of a dictator, as an active manipulator;
  2. Threatening. When building a relationship with a person, the manipulator takes a position of constant apology and obedience;
  3. Virtuous. Such a person consciously shows boundless care, goodwill, and “suffocating love.” Such individuals are characterized by instilling feelings of guilt in others. There is also an instillation of a sense of duty for the excessive love, care, and help shown by the manipulator;
  4. Defender. A person who positively perceives the mistakes of others, expressing support and sympathy for others. But at the same time, the defender does not admit his own mistakes;
  5. Indifferent. The face shows complete detachment from business. This type of manipulator often blames other people for their own bad actions.

Some people know what it means to manipulate a person

Forms of power

Power can take many forms. The foundations of power can be represented in four main forms:

  1. Power based on coercion;
  2. Power based on rewards;
  3. Official (traditional) authority;
  4. The power of authority.

These power bases are a tool through which a manager can force subordinates to do work aimed at achieving the goals of the firm. They are also tools that can be used by opinion leaders to thwart the achievement of these goals. Each form of power has its pros and cons, and no one is capable of leading people in all situations.

3.1. Power based on coercion

This is influence through fear.
The performer believes that the influencer can punish, deprive the need, or generally cause some kind of trouble. Therefore, through fear, people consciously or unconsciously allow themselves to be influenced. Usually fear is associated with violence, with physical pain. But this is far from the only mechanism of fear. For example, the fear of losing an interesting and well-paid job seems to be common to everyone.

Fear can be exploited so easily and successfully in certain circumstances: hinting at dismissal or demotion usually produces immediate results.

But for a competent subordinate, such rough practices are not so scary. Much more often, the fear instilled in such a subordinate is directed not at his material interests, but at his pride. For example, a casual remark that someone else would have completed such a task long ago is humiliating and can instill fear.

Influence through fear only works if a person violates regulated behavior. Therefore, in order to use such a tool as fear, it is necessary to have a control system.

Research shows that workplaces that use coercive power are likely to have lower productivity and lower quality products.

Main tasks of personnel management

  1. Determine employee needs.
  2. Help you adapt to a new team.
  3. Select personnel.
  4. Stimulate interest in career growth.
  5. Develop the right motivation system.
  6. Promote development, both personal and professional.
  7. Resolve conflicts.

3.2. Power based on rewards

The promise of reward is one of the oldest and often most powerful ways to influence other people.
The performer believes that the influencer has the ability to satisfy a pressing need or provide pleasure. Reward-based power exerts influence through positive reinforcement of the subordinate's expectations. He does not resist this influence, and the leader achieves the desired behavior from him.

To influence behavior, the reward must be perceived as sufficiently valuable, that is, it must be adequate to consent to the influence. This perceived adequacy is the main benefit of reward-based power.

The manager must correctly evaluate what is a reward in the eyes of the subordinate and actually offer it to him. However, in practice, the manager has many restrictions on his ability to issue rewards. The firm has a limited amount of promotion resources. Therefore, a successful leader must learn to use other methods of influence.

Techniques of psychological influence

I have selected several techniques and techniques for managing people that are quite easy to master. Many manipulators use them unconsciously. So, by studying these techniques, you will not only learn how to influence others, but you will also be able to protect yourself from provocations and manipulation by other people.

Limiting selection

Do you want to force a person to make a choice in your favor? Then offer him a limited number of options (for example, 2 or 3), each of which will be beneficial to you. Man by nature is designed in such a way that he does not like to complicate his life. Therefore, he will not come up with anything himself, but will choose one of the proposed options.

Showing gratitude

To motivate someone to do you a favor or share valuable information, you need strong motivation.

A gift or a compliment perfectly fulfills her role. Many of us have been familiar with this control technique since childhood, when we heard from our parents: “Come on, you put away the toys, and I’ll give you candy.” And since in my childhood sweets were rare and were given out only on holidays, I rushed to put things in order at the speed of a cheetah, just to receive the promised sweet gift. For adults, such “candy” is bonuses, getting the desired position, etc.

Demanding more

To use this technique, first ask the person for much more than you actually need. Or, for example, ask him to do something very unusual, which he will definitely enjoy.

After a little time, contact him again with a request. But this time, ask for what you really need. This time the “victim” will agree, because the person will be embarrassed to refuse you 2 times in a row, and your second request will seem much easier to him than the first.

State of stress or absent-mindedness

Managing a person who is under stress is very easy. In such an unstable emotional state (depression, fear, depression, despondency, prostration), it is easy to suggest anything to a person. It doesn't matter to him what to believe, he needs hope. Unfortunately, many scammers take advantage of this. In particular, gypsies love to manipulate people who are not in the best frame of mind.

If you want to get a positive response from a person, but you understand that in a calm environment he is unlikely to agree with you, then create special conditions. In noisy places, in crowded places, or when a person is in a hurry, he makes decisions very quickly, without having time to weigh them and think carefully about them. In such conditions, you are more likely to achieve your goal.


Do you want to please another person? Then carefully copy his gestures, facial expressions, and manner of speech. Psychologists have proven that this technique works on a subconscious level and is effective in most cases. People are subconsciously drawn to those who are similar to them.

To continue learning techniques for managing people, I recommend that you watch the following video.

3.3. Official power

Official power is determined by the existing system of subordination (subordination) and the set of functions, rights and responsibilities in the management structure.
It is determined by granting the manager the authority to make and implement management decisions, issue regulations, and force subordinates to comply with them. All managers exercise legitimate power because they have been delegated the authority to manage other people. These bases of power are the tools by which a manager can force subordinates to do work aimed at achieving the goals of the firm.

The doer believes that the influencer has the right to give orders, and that it is his duty to obey them. This influence has become a tradition whereby obedience will lead to the satisfaction of the performer's needs.

The smooth functioning of the company directly depends on the willingness of subordinates to traditionally recognize the legitimate authority of the leader. But such influence is possible as long as the manager is able to satisfy the needs of the subordinate. A system based on tradition will collapse if it does not provide warmth and security to its loyal supporters.

Tradition is especially important for formal work groups. The ability to reward and punish strengthens the leader's authority to give orders. With the help of tradition, the speed and predictability of influence increases and the making of many decisions is greatly simplified.

Tradition has a huge advantage - impersonality. The performer reacts not to the person, but to the position. This increases stability, since the functioning of the company does not depend on the life or abilities of any one individual.

What is “manipulation” and where is it taught?

Let's first figure out what it means to manipulate people. In psychology, manipulation is understood as the process of socio-psychological influence on a person in order to influence his behavior or change his worldview.

This influence is usually hidden. A person, as a rule, does not understand that he performs some actions not of his own free will, but at the will of the manipulator. For example, we are daily influenced by social standards, advertising, political propaganda and agitation, and criticism. Under their influence, most people make appropriate decisions and behave in the way that manipulators need.

The victim of manipulation does not suspect that she is being influenced. She commits actions against her own will and desire. The goal of the manipulator is always to obtain the desired result.

However, these goals are not always bad or selfish. For example, using hypnosis, psychologists help people cope with difficult psychological conditions. Parents influence the child for educational purposes, the teacher applies manipulations to the students so that they learn their lessons.

The art of managing people will help you not only achieve your goals, but also avoid conflicts, recognize the tricks of manipulators and protect yourself from them. Where can you learn this skill? There are 2 ways:

  • trainings;
  • books.

On the Internet you can find a huge number of trainings that promise to teach you the art of managing people and how to protect yourself from manipulation. Such trainings, of course, are not free. But they will give you unique knowledge and techniques that other trainers do not have. And hurry up! After all, there is only one place left (either registration closes in 2 days, or the 40% discount is valid until tomorrow)!

Most often, this kind of manipulation is used in advertising training that is designed to teach you how to protect yourself from manipulation. How this works is that the user is told the unique value of the knowledge that he will receive in the course, and then he is limited in time to think and make a decision. You're already interested and, of course, you don't want to miss out on the last spot or day or discount.

As a result, you make a purchase. The manipulator achieved his goal. But whether you will get the cherished and promised result is not a fact!

Information on managing people is also contained in special books. Some books can be read for free online. Others will have to be looked for on the shelves in a store or library. Here are examples of such books:

  • Sigmund Freud “Analysis of the Human Self and Psychology of the Masses”;
  • V. V. Shlakhter, S. Yu. Kholnov “The Art of Dominance”;
  • V. P. “The art of managing people”;
  • Henrik Fexeus “How to read and control other people’s thoughts”;
  • R.V. Levin “Mechanisms of manipulation. Protection from foreign influence.”

Is only theoretical knowledge enough to successfully apply it in practice and psychologically influence others? Or does the manipulator still have to possess a certain set of qualities?

3.4. Power based on authority

One of the forms of exercising power is authority - a positive assessment of the leader’s merits and the conviction of subordinates in the correctness and accuracy of the decisions he makes.
The characteristics of the influencer are so attractive to the performer that he wants to be just like the influencer. The performer believes that the influencer has the knowledge and experience that will allow him to satisfy the need.

Authority is based on two sources:

  1. on faith in a person’s personal characteristics, his prestige;
  2. on faith in a person’s abilities and business qualities.

Real authority is formed as a unity of a specialist, position and personality.
It is won by the leader himself, who appears before the team as a person endowed with intelligence, will, integrity, as a demanding, but fair, morally pure person. Without authority there is no worthy leader. The absence or lack of authority causes a lot of difficulties in the relationship between a manager and his subordinates.

The authority of a leader is based on the trust of subordinates:

  1. on the belief of a friendly attitude towards subordinates;
  2. on the belief that the leader has a broad outlook;
  3. on the belief that the manager makes decisions in some cases because he knows the issue better than his subordinates, and in other cases he involves subordinates in this.

Personal authority. Personal authority is power based on unconscious, charismatic faith (Greek “charisma”, “grace”, “divine gift”, “blind faith”. This is the influence of example. The
characteristics of the influencer are so attractive to the performer that he wants to be the same, as an influencer. At the subconscious level, the subordinate identifies himself with the leader. This satisfies his need for belonging and respect.

Here are some characteristics of charismatic personalities:

  1. Energy exchange. It seems that these individuals radiate energy and charge the people around them with it;
  2. Impressive appearance. The leader is not necessarily handsome, but he is attractive, has good posture and carries himself well;
  3. Independence of character. These people do not rely on others in their pursuit of well-being and respect;
  4. Good rhetorical skills. They have verbal and interpersonal skills;
  5. Perception of admiration for one's personality. They feel comfortable when others express admiration for them without becoming arrogant or selfish;
  6. Dignified, confident demeanor. They look collected and in control of the situation.

The authority of a specialist. The authority of a specialist is power based on reasonable faith.
Performers believe in the competence of the leader. Submission is conscious and logical because the influencer has the knowledge and experience that will allow them to satisfy their needs. A leader's influence is achieved through his visible achievements. Reasonable faith in a leader forces one to obey due to the belief in the correctness and accuracy of his orders.

The increasing complexity of technology has accelerated and intensified the use of intelligent belief as an influence mechanism in modern enterprises. Some studies have shown that if a group of people are simply told that one of them is a specialist (expert) in a certain field of activity, the group is more likely to follow the recommendations of this person.

By taking the opinions of experts on faith, the line manager thus frees up his time. Failure to take expert advice on faith may mean that the line manager is more concerned about his own personal security than about meeting the higher needs of his subordinates.

In some cases, the influence of rational belief can change the balance of power between the leader and the subordinate because the leader needs the information and recommendations of the subordinate. At least temporarily, the subordinate may have more power than the manager would in a similar situation. It is possible that the manager himself, during the first stages of his work in this position, will be strongly influenced by the reasonable faith in the authority of specialists and will take on faith much of what his subordinates tell him.

Features of subordination

To understand how and what control methods to choose, you need to know the peculiarities of how the psyche works. The manipulator must:

  1. Radiate positive energy. A friendly person causes a response - those around him are unconsciously drawn to him. The opinion of a positive person is perceived favorably, even if he expresses controversial things.
  2. Don't show excitement. Even in a situation of heated dispute, one must remain calm. This will confuse the opponent and show the manipulator as a strong person. If a dispute has witnesses, they will remember who was in a more advantageous position.
  3. Manage your time, be able to plan things. You cannot learn to influence other people if you cannot manage your own priorities. You need to get rid of meaningless activities.
  4. Always make eye contact. When an individual hides his eyes, he is treated with suspicion. A leader always looks in the face and does not look away. If you feel uncomfortable looking into your eyes, you can look at the point between your eyebrows.
  5. Don't be afraid to enter into conflict. Fear of conflict is a serious obstacle to learning management techniques. Conflict is a clash of interests. You need to learn to defend your opinion. Of course, this will displease your opponents, but you cannot adapt to them, otherwise you will not be able to influence the situation.
  6. Develop strengths. You need to use and develop your advantages. If an individual tries to develop weaknesses, he wastes time on this that he could spend on strengthening strong skills. You need to upgrade the skills you already have - this will allow you to quickly increase your level of efficiency.
  7. Make a positive first impression. Correcting a bad first impression is difficult and it is better to avoid it. In order for the object of manipulation to form positive associations, you need to prepare for the first meeting. Find out what he likes, choose a cafe with a suitable atmosphere. Give a small gift. It does not oblige you to anything, but will be a good sign of attention.

When confident behavior becomes habitual, you can move on to honing manipulation techniques.

Influence through collaboration

The increasingly higher educational level of performers in many cases eliminated the intellectual gap between the leader and subordinates.
Over the years, social and financial differences between people have also decreased. Consequently, it becomes increasingly difficult to base power solely on coercion, reward, tradition or authority. Two forms of influence that can motivate a subordinate to actively cooperate are persuasion and participation. Today's leaders can become more successful leaders if they improve their skills in these two forms of influence.

What should a leader be like?

A good specialist can only be a person who has a higher education and an expert level of knowledge. Thus, the key skills of a sales manager are, first of all, knowledge of advanced strategies for attracting the target audience and competence in their field of activity. Other qualities will be no less important:

  • erudition, desire for professional growth;
  • ability to evaluate a situation critically;
  • search for new methods and forms of work that can increase the efficiency of management decisions;
  • planning, which involves not only managing one’s own time, but also setting priorities, coordinating work, and drawing up schedules for oneself and subordinates.

4.1. Influence through persuasion

Persuasion is the effective communication of one's point of view to another.
The manager makes the subordinate believe in the need to do the work independently. He recognizes the qualifications of his subordinate, trusts him as a specialist and expresses confidence that everything will be done on time and with high quality. By using persuasion, the leader tacitly accepts that the subordinate has some degree of power that may reduce the leader's ability to act. In other words, the leader recognizes his dependence on the subordinate.

Conviction influences the fact that it brings to the consciousness of the subordinate the fact that, having fulfilled the desire of the leader, he, as a specialist, satisfies his own need. To persuade, the leader uses logic and emotions, depending on the situation and the disposition of the subordinate.

Some methods of influence through persuasion can be schematically represented as follows:

  • try to accurately determine the needs of the subordinate and appeal to these needs;
  • speak in accordance with the interests of the subordinate, and not your own;
  • When speaking, try to evoke trust and a feeling of reliability.


First of all, to protect yourself from manipulation, you need to avoid any communication with the manipulator. You need to try to minimize contact with this person and, if possible, try to turn off your emotions. If you do not take any actions under the influence of other people’s words, but first think about them, this will help reduce the intensity of the psychological impact. A person’s desire to manipulate is most often a hidden desire for power. A person can reconsider his methods of communicating with people if he is given a positive assessment and praise. In addition, you need to keep your distance from the manipulator and not tell him anything about your life or other details. This is due to the fact that the more information a manipulator has about an object, the more ways he will have influence. You also need to learn to say “no.” It’s better to be thought of as a callous person than to do someone else’s work all the time.

4.2. Influence through participation

Influence through participation goes even further than persuasion to recognize the power and abilities of the subordinate.
Here the leader simply directs efforts to work together. This facilitates the exchange of information and unification of efforts into a single position that both sincerely believe in. Participatory influence succeeds because people inspired by high-level needs tend to work hardest towards the goal that was formulated with their participation.

Participation in decision making clearly appeals to higher-level needs—the needs of power, competence, success, self-expression.

Therefore, this approach should only be used in cases where such needs are active motivating factors, and provided that the subordinate can be relied on to work towards solving the problem that he himself has chosen.

Unfortunately, research has shown that participatory management is not suitable for all situations. Performers who dislike ambiguity, are not very individualistic, and prefer highly regulated tasks perform best in more controlled environments. One of the reasons why participation in management is not so widespread may be the fact that managers do not want to give up their traditional powers and prerogatives.

Practical use of influence

To motivate others to work (especially creative and inspired work), power alone is not enough for a leader. For influence through power to be strong enough, the following conditions must exist:

  • the subordinate must consider influence as a source of satisfaction (dissatisfaction) of some of his needs;
  • the subordinate must highly value the need to which the leader appeals;
  • the subordinate must consider the probability of satisfying the need to be sufficiently high if the task is solved;
  • the subordinate must believe that his efforts will be fairly appreciated by the leader.


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