In the grip of passion: what is nymphomania and how to treat it?

Nymphomania occurs only in women. In men, hypertrophied sexual desire is called differently - satyriasis. In this condition, the mental component of sexual desire dominates over the biological one. Hence - constant sexual dissatisfaction, an incessant search for an object to satisfy intimate fantasies. The patient complains of emotional tension and dreams of an erotic type. She often changes sexual partners. Doctors at the Leto clinic know how to cure an unusual mental disorder. We will conduct diagnostic tests and help you understand whether we are talking about fictitious or real nymphomania, and we will tell you how to overcome an unpleasant disease.

Causes of mental disorder

The origins of the diagnosis can be established through a comprehensive diagnostic examination. It includes carrying out instrumental and clinical measures, passing laboratory tests.

As a rule, a woman is aware that she has a sexual problem, but does not always understand whether it is being treated. In matters of intimacy, the patient is unable to control and restrain herself. This is due to various physiological and psychological factors related to the sexual sphere. This means:

  • Congenital hypersexuality. The disease is often a consequence of non-standard constitutional features. In this case, its signs can be noticed at the very beginning of puberty - at 10-12 years.
  • Mental disorders. Girls with manic-depressive psychosis in the manic stage behave like nymphomaniacs.
  • Experienced psychological trauma. Victims of domestic and sexual violence often need treatment for nymphomania. Then the patient experiences a devaluation of basic behavioral principles at the subconscious level.
  • Diseases of the central nervous system. Abnormal libido may be a consequence of traumatic and vascular pathologies of the brain. If the hypothalamic-pituitary zone is affected, increased sexuality with a predominance of elements of physical overexcitation is recorded.
  • Hormonal imbalances. Cases of nymphomania are often recorded during menopause or after childbirth, during active puberty.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system. If the level of female sex hormones increases sharply, conditions are created for the development of nymphomania. This can happen with tumors of a malignant or benign nature.
  • Uncertainty about one's own attractiveness. Sometimes the question of how to recognize nymphomania is asked by women who consider themselves unattractive. They begin to behave immorally and have sexual intercourse with strangers. In this way they try to increase their own self-esteem.

Famous nymphomaniacs

  • Mary of Egypt

    Mary of Egypt In the middle of the 5th century AD.
    Twelve-year-old Maria, originally from Egypt, left her parents and went to live in Alexandria, where, according to her, she indulged in the most unbridled voluptuousness. The girl did not take money for her services, so as not to scare off some lovers. Maria independently earned her bread by alms and yarn of flax, and indulged in immense love pleasures solely for pleasure. This fact suggests rather that the young Mary from Egypt suffered from nymphomania, and not from excessive simplicity of morals.

    Having learned that a ship with pilgrims was leaving from the local marina for the Holy Land, Maria immediately wanted to set off on it with the sole purpose of spending a long time in the company of a large number of men.

    Once in the Holy Land, Mary decided to change her life forever, for which she retired to the desert. It took 17 years, inhuman fasting, daily endurance of cold and heat, as well as fervent prayer for images from a past life to stop appearing in her memory.

    In total, Mary of Egypt spent 47 years in the desert, without seeing a single living person, except for the monk Zosima, who retold her amazing story, which was then passed down from mouth to mouth until the 7th century, after which it was written down.

    Mary of Egypt is considered a great example of repentance. Thanks to prayers to the Christian saint, for many centuries women have received help in the fight against strong lust.

  • Valeria Messalina

    Valeria Messalina The wife of the Roman emperor, “famous” for her competition with the most famous Roman prostitute for the number of men accepted in one night, in which she won.
    According to information that has come down from time immemorial, Messalina could satisfy her husband’s entire legion of guards during the day, and work as a prostitute at night.

  • Giovanna I

    Giovanna I Queen of Naples, who turned her court into a brothel.

  • Marquise de Pompadour

    Marquise de Pompadour The mistress of Louis XV was capable of intercourse up to 10 times in one night with different men.

  • Cleopatra

    Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt, had an entire male harem at her disposal.
    Poets sang of her indomitable character in poetry. According to legend, men who wanted to take possession of her for just one night lost their heads in the morning.


How does the disorder develop?

The mechanism of occurrence of nymphomania has not yet been thoroughly studied. Normally, during copulation, the body produces a large amount of dopamine. Due to this, the woman experiences pleasure, her erogenous zones become as sensitive as possible. The second hormone actively produced during sex is oxytocin. It stimulates uterine contractions. At the psychological level, it promotes the formation of attachment between partners.

In nymphomaniacs, these hormones are produced in insufficient quantities. Because of this, the patient cannot experience orgasm and constantly experiences a feeling of sexual dissatisfaction.

As for the physiological aspects of the occurrence of pathology, they are also quite specific. Healthy people undergo complex conditioned reflex preparation for sexual intercourse. Auditory, visual and tactile stimuli and endocrine glands take part in it. Incoming information is processed in brain centers. As a result, physiological sexual arousal occurs.

Nymphomaniacs have overly active processes of preparation for sex. Their nerve centers are activated too quickly. In this case, no physiological arousal is noted as such. The desire to have sex is very strong, but it is not possible to experience pleasure during the act.

What distinguishes a nymphomaniac from a 'moth'?

A nymphomaniac is a woman who not only has a sexual attraction to a man, does not just love sex - she is obsessed with sexual passion, which fills her thoughts from morning to night.
Sexual intercourse and even numerous orgasms experienced in one night do not lead to proper release, but only inflame passion. At best, there is short-term satisfaction of sexual lust.

On the Internet you can find statistical data according to which, for every 2 thousand women of a dissolute nature, there is one nymphomaniac.

Types of mental disorder

Taking into account the provoking factor, nymphomania is usually classified into:

  • True. Occurs in adolescence. It's going pretty fast. The girl rapidly degrades and begins to behave antisocially. This congenital form is difficult to correct.
  • I think so. The disease acts as a protective mental mechanism. By engaging in frequent sexual intercourse, a woman tries to compensate for her internal feeling of inferiority.
  • Hormonal. It occurs during pregnancy, menopause, puberty - that is, when hormones “jump”. In this case, it is possible to eliminate unwanted symptoms with medication.
  • Mental. In this case, the disease is the result of mental pathologies. It either gets worse or goes into remission.

Vaginismus of non-organic origin

Vaginismus can be attributed to both disorders of the mental component of the copulatory cycle in women and sexual maladaptation. It, along with some forms of impotence in men, can cause virgogamy (virgin marriage), sometimes lasting several years. For vaginismus to occur in a woman, certain psychosexual characteristics are required in the partner. Vaginismus is manifested by convulsive contraction of the muscles of the vagina and pelvic floor, adduction and compression of the hips, preventing sexual intercourse. With true vaginismus, no genital abnormalities are observed.

There are three degrees of severity of vaginismus: I degree - spasm when attempting intromission; II degree - spasm when touching the genitals; III degree - spasm at the mere thought of sexual intercourse. Vaginismus often occurs when the husband behaves indecisively and the wife has certain character traits (suspiciousness, resentment, anxiety, emotional instability). Within the framework of the psychoanalytic approach, from childhood, patients experience not only a fear of pain, but also a fear of the dark, water, heights, etc. Fear of pain often becomes obsessive and combined with emotional tension.

Vaginismus usually manifests itself with the onset of sexual activity. Convulsive muscle contraction is preceded by fear of pain during defloration, but in some cases it occurs suddenly, unexpectedly for the patient at the time of defloration. Soft, alarmingly suspicious husbands do not insist on coitus and postpone defloration “for later.” On subsequent attempts, everything repeats itself. In the future, vaginismus also manifests itself when attempting a gynecological examination.

How to identify a disorder - main symptoms

The disease is indicated by constant sexual arousal and readiness to have sexual intercourse with any person. At the same time, sexual desire is not supported by increased blood supply to the pelvic organs and their increased tone. During sex, orgasm occurs extremely rarely, sometimes never.

The attraction is obsessive and annoying. If the relationship with the partner does not work out, the nymphomaniac replaces him. In extreme cases, he engages in masturbation or engages in homosexual relationships.

The intimate attraction is so strong that the patient does not think about the qualities of the new partner. She has no sense of disgust at all. She often does not think about contraception and basic hygiene rules.

If a man is nearby, the nymphomaniac immediately begins to “flirt” and tries to attract attention to herself. She openly invites you to spend time with her. In sex, such patients always behave selfishly. They are not interested in their partner's needs. They follow their own whims and try to satisfy them in any way.

Nymphomania negatively affects daily life. Because of this, it is difficult to do monotonous work and communicate productively with representatives of the opposite sex. Seeing no way out of this situation and feeling her own helplessness, the woman falls into a state of depression.

Treat or enjoy?

Nymphomania is a disease. And any disease must be treated.

It is impossible to create a harmonious family with pathological hypersexuality. Despite the fact that a man may dream of a relationship with a passionate nymphomaniac, he is unlikely to be able to withstand “bed marathons” 7/24 for a long time. In addition, he will probably have to endure numerous infidelities on the part of his partner, because nymphomaniacs literally cannot restrain themselves.

A nymphomaniac will most likely never rise high on the career ladder. She has completely different goals and very little time for a social life. All thoughts and actions are focused only on finding partners. It is difficult for a woman with this problem to adapt to a society where frequent changes of partners are strictly condemned.

In some cases, the sexual dissatisfaction of a nymphomaniac woman provokes serious depression and suicidal behavior.

And another serious reason why you should start treatment immediately - with promiscuous sex life, the risk of sexually transmitted diseases increases significantly.

Cost of services

Initial consultation with a psychiatrist (60 min.)6,000 rub.
Repeated consultation5,000 rub.
Consultation with a psychiatrist-narcologist (60 min.)5,000 rub.
Consultation with a psychologist3,500 rub.
Consultation with Gromova E.V. (50 minutes) 12,000 rub.
Psychotherapy (session)7,000 rub.
Psychotherapy (5 sessions)30,000 rub.
Psychotherapy (10 sessions)60,000 rub.
Group psychotherapy (3-7 people)3,500 rub.
Psychotherapy session with E.V. Gromova (50 minutes) 12,000 rub.

This list does not contain all prices for services provided by our clinic. The full price list can be found on the “Prices” , or by calling: 8(969)060-93-93. Initial consultation is FREE!


  1. Fedorova Anna Igorevna Endocrinological aspects of women’s sexual health // Zh. obstetrics. and wives disease.. 2013. No. 5
  2. Egorov Alexey Yuryevich Love addictions // Bulletin of psychiatry and psychology of Chuvashia. 2015. No. 2.
  3. A medicine has been developed to increase sexual desire in women // Obstetrics, gynecology and reproduction. 2009. No. 5.
  4. General sexopathology / ed. Vasilchenko G.S. — 1977.
  5. Great encyclopedia of psychiatry / Zhmurov V.A. – 2012.
  6. Functional female sexopathology / Zdravomyslov V.I., Anisimova Z.E., Libikh S.S. -1994.

Treatment at the Leto clinic

Psychotherapists, sexologists, psychiatrists, and endocrinologists are involved in eliminating the described diagnosis. Therapy must be comprehensive. Typically it includes:

  • Taking medications. They help stabilize hormonal levels, reduce the level of nervous excitement, and normalize sleep. Sedatives, hormones, antidepressants, antipsychotics, and tranquilizers are used.
  • Individual psychotherapy sessions . The emphasis is on cognitive-behavioral practices that provide intentional release of intimate arousal. Hypnosis also turns out to be effective - during it, the passage of abnormal impulses is inhibited, and a program of socially acceptable behavior is formed at the subconscious level.
  • Family psychotherapy sans. The partner of a nymphomaniac has a very difficult time. The doctor helps restore trust in the family and creates conditions to prevent divorce.

If you suspect you have nymphomania, please consult with a doctor at our clinic. We will help you understand whether you really have this mental disorder. If your fears are confirmed, we will select an effective treatment that will stabilize the situation. Our room - 8(969)060-93-93.



Nymphomania is directly identified during a clinical examination - a conversation with a doctor (with a psychiatrist, psychotherapist or sexologist). Additional diagnostic methods to determine the cause of nymphomania are prescribed by a neurologist and endocrinologist. The diagnosis of “Increased sexual desire” is established based on a number of criteria:

  1. Duration. High excitability and obsessive fantasizing continue for six months or longer. Symptoms are stable and paroxysmal.
  2. There are no severe mental disorders. With nymphomania, sexual desire occurs without delusions and hallucinations, without clouding of consciousness.
  3. There is no intoxication. The characteristic relaxed behavior is not due solely to the effects of drugs or alcohol.
  4. Violation of social adaptation. Nymphomania harms marital relationships, communication with friends, and performance of professional duties.
  5. Lack of control of behavior. The patient cannot prevent acts that lead to promiscuity, although she is aware of their immorality and unacceptability.

Types of nymphomania

Infantility in women - what is it, signs, how to get rid of it

Modern science identifies four types of disorders:

  • Congenital nymphomania, when erotic desire arises in girls at a very young age. Such girls have their first sexual experience earlier than their peers, and quickly begin to engage in promiscuous sex.
  • Acquired form of the disorder. Symptoms of the disease can appear at any age as a result of mental disorders, disruption of the endocrine and reproductive systems (pregnancy, childbirth).
  • Menopausal nymphomania. It occurs in women during menopause and is associated with hormonal changes. The growth of libido in adulthood is extremely difficult for the fair half of humanity, because a husband of the same age with fading potency is no longer able to satisfy the increased sexual needs of his wife, and it is much more difficult for an already middle-aged woman who has lost her former attractiveness to find a young and ardent lover.
  • Imaginary nymphomania. It is diagnosed when behavior characteristic of the disease manifests itself in mentally and physiologically healthy women. For example, numerous sexual contacts are interpreted by such girls as “victories” and are used for self-affirmation and raising self-esteem.
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