Activity as a leading factor in the development of personality and society. article on the topic

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The article explains:

  1. The value of professional personal development
  2. 7 stages of professional personal development
  3. Professional strain and burnout
  4. Recommendations for independent professional development of personality

Professional personal development is one of the important criteria for personnel evaluation.
A high-quality education gives a start to a career, but it is the employee who is constantly striving to improve his abilities that is valuable. In fact, such a specialist can confidently be called a company resource. Professional development of an individual occurs gradually, and along this path one cannot do without certain obstacles. If a person is able to view his mistakes as important experiences, he will be able to use them in his future career. We will talk in more detail about professional personal development later.

The value of professional personal development

The desire for professional development is an excellent quality for any person who wants to be a sought-after specialist and perform their duties well. No matter what heights we reach, there are always areas in which we can improve, increasing our knowledge base.

Professional personal development is not always about careerists who dream of high positions and huge salaries. You can develop in your business not only vertically, but also horizontally, becoming an indispensable specialist in your field of knowledge.

The value of professional personal development

That is, not only the head of a production department or a businessman, but also a plumber, psychologist, carpenter, etc. can learn new skills. New education, advanced training courses, and simply reading professional literature expand your horizons, allow you to look at your business differently, and see new opportunities where they were previously absent.

Professional development and personal self-development go hand in hand. Any progress affects different areas of a person’s life. By improving his qualifications, he becomes more self-confident and looks into the future more optimistically.

And, of course, keeps up with the times. Any knowledge becomes outdated. It is impossible to use information received at an institute or some other educational institution all your life, because the world does not stand still. Knowledge needs to be constantly layered on top of each other: below is a base, a professional foundation, and on top are layers of experience and new skills.

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By engaging in self-improvement, we gain new experience that helps us cope with everything that happens in life. This experience can be different, not only positive. However, in any case, it strengthens us and gives us the opportunity in the future to competently solve questions that previously had no answers.

What is personality formation

Personality formation is a complex process that is not interrupted at any stage of human life. Simply put, it is infinite. The very concept of “personality” is very multifaceted, and there are two popular professional views on this phenomenon. One of them says that the formation of a child’s personality depends on natural innate data. The second opinion indicates that personality is a social phenomenon, and only society influences its formation.

In fact, the entire period of a person’s life, from birth to adulthood, is a process of personal growth or degradation. It is believed that development occurs in activities that are significant to the individual. The driving force can be called internal contradictions between the needs of a growing child and the real possibility of their implementation. The child’s activities are almost always determined by the parents and, to one degree or another, directed by them. Conclusion: the process of upbringing is the leading factor in the formation of a child’s personality.

Professional strain and burnout as a side effect

Professional development of an individual as a process is not always stable and can also be of a descending nature. It can be negatively affected by such phenomena as professional deformation or mental burnout.

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Professional deformation refers to personality changes that are caused by a person’s professional activities. As a rule, they are persistent and extend to all aspects of the physical and mental organization of a person. Basically, professional deformation is viewed in a negative light - as a phenomenon that makes it difficult for a person to communicate with others and even reduces the efficiency of his work.

Occupational deformities

The mechanism of occurrence of professional deformation has quite complex dynamics; negative changes begin to slowly but surely take hold both in professional and in everyday activities. At first these are only temporary negative mental states, then they begin to crowd out positive qualities. Negative qualities completely replace positive ones, the personality seems to be built anew, distorted, deformed.

Professional deformation affects different aspects of the personality: motivational, cognitive, emotional. As a result, a person may develop specific attitudes and ideas. In addition, even new personality traits often arise. Let’s say that if the deformation manifests itself in the motivational sphere, a person becomes incredibly passionate about his profession to the detriment of other areas of his life.

If the cognitive sphere is affected by deformation, this is often the result of a very narrow specialization in any area of ​​the profession. In this case, a person is interested only in those issues that can help him in his work, take him to a new professional level, and make it easier to complete tasks. At the same time, he may know absolutely nothing about what is beyond the scope of his professional competencies.

Concept of activity

Activity is considered the basis for the development of a person as an individual, the main factor in his existence as a social being.
Mastering an activity, its complication, and improvement is an important condition for the development of the human nervous system. To solve educational problems, it is necessary to be based on psychological patterns and the dynamics of human activities. When carrying out educational actions, it is necessary to take into account the nature of various types of activities, their features, meaning, content and volume. The concept of personality and activity in Russian psychology are considered as interconnected phenomena. When developing the problem of activity and activity of the individual, modern psychology is based on the idea of ​​​​the functional nature of reflection, the origin of consciousness from work activity, and the leading role of work in human behavior and activity. The source of activity is called, first of all, needs. It is needs that push a person to search for means to satisfy it, which entails active activity.

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Based on their origin, needs can be divided into natural and cultural, and are characterized by the following indicators:

  • any need has its own object, that is, it is continuously an awareness of the need for something.
  • any need receives a certain content depending on the criteria and methods of its satisfaction.
  • the need has the ability to be reflected.
  • needs are expressed in motives, that is, in some incentives for activity.

Each type of activity has its own special motives.

What mistakes do parents make when raising individuals?

When shaping a child’s personality, it is important for parents to avoid such common mistakes.

Categorical prohibition

The main mistake of education. Be patient with your baby and respect him. Without learning to understand it, parents make inevitable mistakes that lead to mental and physical problems. By ignoring the desires and interests of the child, responding to most of them with categorical prohibitions, you can even skip the initial stage of some disease. Example: you notice that the child has started eating lime. The first reaction of most parents: dissatisfaction, screaming, a ban on approaching the wall. Correct reaction: visit the doctor. The doctor will probably tell you that there is a lack of calcium salts in the baby’s body. In addition, such an attitude will create in the child a desire to perform certain actions on the sly. Many become secretive and distrustful.


When shaping a child’s personality, overprotection is not the best helper. Excessive care can have a negative effect on the baby. When he reaches a certain age and tries to show independence, this is often met with hostility. Example: a child wants to use a spoon himself, but the mother, fearing that he will get dirty or not be able to cope, continues to feed him herself.

Overprotection manifests itself in violent action, which can result in the emergence of neurosis. In other cases, guardianship unless absolutely necessary can result in the child never being able to make friends, because the mother and grandmother are always nearby. The individual may have difficulties with socialization; he does not acquire the ability to express and defend his opinion. Possible consequences: psychological problems that can only be eliminated with the assistance of specialists.

Excessive demands

For the full development of a child’s personality, it is necessary that he not only knows, but also understands what is allowed and what is prohibited. If you show excessive demands on him, without giving clear explanations of the reasons why you need to do as you say, then this will not lead to good. What traits will the personality acquire? Irritability, stubbornness. The best option: parents explain in detail the reasons for their demands, and over time they become the child’s personal beliefs.


The first factor provoking children's protest is lengthy lectures. Parents often believe that their child will learn information better by listening to long and repetitive lectures. There is no need for them. This approach has no constructive component. Particularly taboo is other children being held up as examples. Gradually, the child will begin to perceive them as personal enemies. Boring notations often cause a negative reaction, losing their educational value.

Immense pampering of a child

Parents who spoil their children too much create a big problem. This phenomenon is no less negative than lack of influence. Spoiled children, who do not know anything to be denied, who have no responsibilities, eventually face the impossibility of overcoming even minor life obstacles and problems. When a situation arises when their desires and reality do not coincide, they lead to overstrain of the nervous system, which can result in a breakdown.

Education and personality formation in the family: the importance of parents

Psychologists are convinced that parents have a decisive influence on a child’s personality, his perception of the world, feelings and aspirations. The relationship between father and mother, as well as between other relatives, is important to him. The attitude of the family directly towards the child plays a huge role.

The surrounding social environment also influences the formation of personality. Education is a purposeful process of influencing a person, and it is precisely this that is at the basis of the cultivation of personality.

Many people ask the question: “What plays a decisive role in personal development and consciousness - natural forces, social environment?” It is impossible to single out anything separately, but it is obvious that the first years of human life are fundamental. Children growing up in a family largely adopt their parents’ behavior, attitudes, and values. Subsequently, the personality may acquire additional minor touches, but it is in childhood that the foundation is laid. If the father and mother pay little attention to the baby, then he receives “material” for development from other available sources, which are not always beneficial. Parents should remember this and take care of daily quality interaction with their child. At an early age, reading fairy tales helps a lot, as it instills in the child an understanding of good and evil. Be sure to analyze what you read and think through other options for developing the story.

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