7 tips for those who want to develop positive thinking

Many people perceive positive thinking as a cliché or even fiction. Nevertheless, the benefits of optimism are confirmed by scientific research Positive thinking: Stop negative self-talk to reduce stress. Cheerful and self-confident people live longer, are less likely to suffer from depression, cope better with everyday shocks and resist illness.

If you've been pessimistic about the world for years, switching to positive thinking may not be so easy. Here are some tips to help.

Start the day with a positive attitude

Morning is a very important period, which often sets the tone for the whole day. Surely it has happened to you that you woke up out of sorts and were in a bad mood until the evening.

To avoid this, start the day with a positive attitude - affirmation. Go to the mirror and tell yourself something like “Today will be a good day” or “Today I will succeed.” If you're not used to it, you may feel stupid, but it doesn't matter. Repeat such phrases regularly and notice how your thinking will change.

Try it

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