How to calm your wife down: advice from a psychologist. Hysterical wife - what to do?

Every person has had to deal with hysteria at least once in their life. Most often, children roll it when they want to get something. But children are children... The situation is much sadder with adults, in most cases women. Their hysterics are a very unpleasant phenomenon and can easily destroy both beginning and fairly long-term and established relationships.

How does a man see a woman's hysteria?

When a man first encounters his wife’s hysterics, he becomes very scared; he does not know how to behave in such a situation, how to calm an angry woman. He tries to please and fulfill all the whims of his beloved wife. But when this begins to happen constantly, the husband becomes confident that a performance is being specially staged in front of him so that he will take pity on the poor thing and fulfill his next wish.

Interrupts you during a conversation

A woman's inability to listen carefully and her desire to constantly interrupt the interlocutor also indicates a lack of wisdom.

Stupid girls can talk all the time. They don’t care that their interlocutor also wants to express his position. Women start interrupting because it doesn't even occur to them that they are being selfish and disrespectful.

A wise person always listens to someone else’s point of view, even if he categorically disagrees with the opinion of his interlocutor, and only then expresses his opinion.

What really happens to a woman

Indeed, there are wives who like to control their husbands with the help of skillfully staged illnesses, but the symptoms disappear abruptly after receiving what she needed. In such cases, the wife swears, but controls her behavior and knows when she needs to stop, she does not harm herself, she simply gets what she wants. And if this irritates a man, then he shouldn’t constantly indulge her whims. If a woman stops getting what she wants with the help of hysterics, then the need for them will disappear. In such situations, there is only one answer to the question “how to calm your wife” - do not allow yourself to be manipulated.

But what is much more common is not an acted hysteria, but a real one, caused by mental problems. Such hysteria is accompanied by a raised voice, gesticulation, uncontrollable laughter, easily turning into sobs, and vice versa. All accumulated emotions, suspicions, fears and worries spill out onto others. A person transforms in a few minutes and becomes unbearable. In such cases, a woman needs the support of loved ones and psychological help.

Home tyrant2

There comes a day or period when a woman is ready to get married and give herself to her husband and children. Women's time always passes faster, so when the question of responsibility for the family arises, the stronger sex often turns out to be so unprotected and weak that they want to take everything into their own hands. In the eyes of the earners, the chosen one acts as a tyrant:

  • She nags her husband for banal pranks: he didn’t wash the dishes, he didn’t put things away for laundry. It would seem like a trifle, but it works, supports itself, and provides comfort.
  • The husband is tired, and the wife demands attention. Kan she dared to wish for better when he suffered a reprimand from his superiors and wants to rest?
  • He tells his friends the details of his intimate life: the height of arrogance, because only men, the main gossips of human relationships, are destined to do this.
  • Refusal of sex - no comment.
  • Questions the husband's worth as a man. Unprincipled arrogance that cuts straight to the heart.
  • He argues about what he doesn't know. It's just infuriating, especially when trying to prove your truth.

And the wife doesn’t cook borscht according to her principle, she doesn’t like her mother-in-law, and she herself knows better how to dress for a bachelorette party - a true “woman bitch.” Everything would be fine, but men sometimes themselves are to blame for such an outcome.

Film "Joy"

According to the psychologist, not a single woman will doubt her husband’s ability to earn money and provide for him if he sees ambition and attempts, and not whining and complaints about everyone around him.

Why tantrums happen and how to avoid them

Before figuring out how to calm your wife down, you need to understand why her irritation arises and why it so quickly turns into hysterics.

Stress and overwork can be one of the causes of a nervous breakdown. A woman gets tired no less than a man, but she has many more responsibilities and no opportunities for rest. A working woman with small children who simply does not have free time often expresses her fatigue through hysterics.

If the wife is tired at work, and household chores await her at home, then so that she has time to rest, the husband can take on some household responsibilities. For example, any man can entertain children, walk the dog and buy groceries, and in this case a woman will have at least some time for herself.

Diets help maintain an ideal figure, but do not have the best effect on the female psyche. A constantly malnourished hysterical wife begins to literally “eat” her husband’s brain.

When the reason is a passion for dieting and constant malnutrition, then you should convince your wife that she is beautiful and she does not need to lose weight at all, and most often such women really do not have excess weight, they simply blindly follow a fashionable diet.

Dissatisfaction with intimate life, misunderstanding between partners and the resulting lack of intimacy between spouses who constantly live together leads to dissatisfaction with each other, frequent showdowns with tears and hysterics. And if the wife is jealous, then the situation worsens even more.

By paying enough attention to his wife in bed, arranging romantic evenings, giving compliments, admiring and admiring his beloved woman, a man not only strengthens marital relationships, but also creates a comfortable environment in the family.

Improper upbringing and indulgence in whims in childhood lead to problems in adulthood. A girl who is used to getting everything through blackmail and hysteria simply does not know how to live by other rules.

In such a situation, it is better to seek help from a psychologist, he will help correct the behavior of his wife, but this usually takes a lot of time and effort, because the person has always lived this way. Well, if she categorically does not want to change, then in such a situation a man has only two options: reconcile, endure and please, or break off the relationship.

Disorders of the nervous system do not allow a woman to control her emotions; the slightest irritation results in a flurry of discontent. In such a situation, in order to make life easier for both the woman and those around her, professional help from a neurologist, psychotherapist or psychiatrist will be required.


Having made certain conclusions, you need to talk with your wife. To do this, you need to choose a calm atmosphere when she is relaxed and nothing is stressing her at the moment. You should say what you like about her or liked when you met her. Tell her why you appreciate her and why you fell in love with her. Having heard pleasant words, any woman will open up to you and will be ready to hear what you want to convey to her in the overall outcome of the conversation.

Then move on to what specific behavior you don't like. You shouldn't just tell your wife what you don't like, why she's such a fool. And you must specifically point out situations in which you did not like her behavior. And be sure to tell me how you think she should have behaved.

It is likely that you will find out the true reason for her behavior and it will require you to also make adjustments to your behavior. Make compromises, hear her too, even if you think it's stupid. Try next time to apply everything you agreed on in this conversation. And it is likely that you will see a different result from your wife’s behavior.

You can find out more about what to do with such wives in the following video.

Stupid wife

If you understand that your wife is acting “like a fool” simply because she is stupid, and she cannot behave differently, you need to interest her in getting an education. Talk to her, try to find out what she is really interested in and what she would like to do. It's likely that she has hidden talents in drawing, knitting, cooking, or maybe she's always dreamed of learning photography or learning a language.

Give her the opportunity to go learn something that interests her. Then she will read a lot of books on the desired topic and take the necessary master classes and take all measures to do what she loves. She will immediately become interested and you will feel that you are interested in talking to your wife.

Advice from a psychologist: how to calm your wife down and help her cope with hysteria

The main thing is to remain calm and reasonable. You should not answer anything, much less be rude and shout, this will not help, but on the contrary, it will only worsen the situation.

First of all, you need to remove unnecessary spectators and be left alone with your wife. Offer a sedative or water. Just in case, remove all breakable, cutting and piercing objects away.

Try to bring him to his senses by splashing cold water on his face or clapping his hands sharply and loudly. You can pinch or lightly prick with something. If trembling begins, try to shake her by taking her by the shoulders.

You can ask any unexpected question, completely off topic, so that she thinks and her attention switches. And then calmly and quietly begin to find out the cause of the breakdown, asking questions about the situation.

If you can’t talk at all, then you need to hug her tightly and hold her, and while she sobs, kicks, tries to fight back and free herself, speak kind words to her. She will get tired, feel safe and calm in a strong hug. And then calmly continue the conversation, be sure to listen and find out the reason for the hysteria that happened.

In the worst case, when it is not at all clear how to calm a wife who no longer reacts to anything, cannot switch her attention, is absolutely insane, you need to call a doctor.

Marriage by mistake

Is your wife getting bored? Unfortunately, when people live together for a long time, they may experience some irritation towards each other. But if the marriage was concluded in a hurry, thoughtlessly, passion will probably quickly give way to routine and mutual hostility. When people realize they have made a mistake, they become irritated. They are offended by themselves, taking out their anger on each other.

There is also a category of marriages that take place due to pregnancy. Driven by a sense of duty, young people get married. But quite often the birth of a child does not contribute to strengthening relationships, people quarrel, get irritated, and bother each other.

Whatever the reason for your ill-considered marriage, you should do what is best for both spouses. Is it worth tolerating each other any longer? Or perhaps there is a way to improve the relationship? Or is separation the only way out?

Prevention is the key to well-being

It is easier to prevent any hysteria than to eliminate the consequences later. And for this you need to carry out prevention. If the wife is overly emotional, then try not to create situations that could develop into conflict and lead to hysteria. Do not give even the slightest reason for jealousy if your wife is jealous. Help around the house if she gets tired at work. Sometimes take on the children and give her time to care for herself and communicate with her friends. Try to change your surroundings more often, go on a joint vacation outside the city or take a walk in the park together. Always listen carefully and give advice, help to understand difficult situations. And, of course, a woman should always know that she is the most necessary and loved.

My wife always demands money

A common reason that a wife is fed up may be constant “extortion” on the part of the spouse. The appetites of some ladies cross all boundaries. Fur coats, jewelry, expensive cosmetics, salons, trips - this is just a small list of the demands that some ladies place on their beloved ones. If your spouse views you as a wallet, is it worth continuing the relationship?

But the coin also has a flip side. Historically, men have been charged with the responsibility of being the breadwinner. If at one point you decide that you want to get married and have children, you must understand that it is you who bear the main burden of responsibility for the financial support of the family (regardless of whether your spouse works or not). If you cannot cover the basic needs of your family, then you should not think about divorce, but about looking for a more profitable type of activity (and, perhaps, rationalizing spending).

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