30 examples of humanity in the face of danger (30 photos)

Humanity is one of the most important and at the same time complex concepts. It is impossible to give it an unambiguous definition, because it manifests itself in a variety of human qualities. This is the desire for justice, honesty, and respect. Someone who can be called humane is capable of caring for others, helping and patronizing. He can see the good in people and emphasize their main advantages. All this can be confidently attributed to the main manifestations of this quality.

What is humanism?

To understand what humanism is, you need to study its rules, ideas and principles. This worldview provides for a kind attitude, attention and compassion towards each person, respect for his needs. Humanism reinforces in society the need to create opportunities for the comprehensive development of the personality of each person. This includes spiritual, physical and moral improvement.

Also, the norms of humanism presuppose respect for human rights and personal dignity, providing conditions for achieving well-being and happiness. The modern worldview is complemented by the ideas of caring for the environment, protecting the environment and all life on the planet.

How humanity is manifested: character traits

Humanity, or humanity, is based on altruism. This is behavior based on the principle of selfless help to others, kindness, and selflessness. At its highest degree, altruism manifests itself in sacrifice: a person sacrifices his personal interests, ambitions, and sometimes health and life for the sake of the common good or for the benefit of specific people. The opposite of altruism is selfishness - sticking out one’s personal preferences, actions aimed solely at achieving personal gain, self-love. In the same way, humanity is opposed to cruelty - the desire to harm others for the sake of certain personal interests.

Humanity is also based on morality. This is a set of rules of behavior that are aimed at realizing altruism and suppressing selfishness. Humanity is also inseparable from willpower, since it presupposes specific actions and directed activity. This activity should help establish altruistic principles and fight other people’s or one’s own egoism. It is important that when practicing humanity, the emphasis is on a sincere desire to make the world around us a better place. A person is capable of performing “good deeds” for other reasons. For example, an antisocial person can “behave well” if he understands that he will be punished for a crime and generally for harming others. Such “good behavior” is carried out solely out of fear, therefore it is based on hatred. Same thing with sacrifice. It often happens that a person is driven only by the desire to commit suicide. During major wars, many people rushed into battle not to defend their country, but only because they were tired of a hard life and wanted to die, first taking out their anger on the enemy or simply “having fun.” Sacrifice or simply helpfulness can be ostentatious. In any case, the basis of such behavior is selfishness, not altruism. A person strives to prove to others that he is right, his exceptional importance, his superiority. In such cases, there can be no talk of any humanity. On the other hand, humanity does not always imply any extremes and “extreme” actions. It is expressed in all our affairs, including everyday ones. Humanity is about understanding. A correct attitude towards certain people, phenomena, objects is possible only when we understand the background of the actions of these people, the features of the phenomena. For example, is it possible to treat criminals humanely, since they commit evil? But if you look at each criminal separately, you may come across interesting details: this one, for example, was driven to theft by extreme need; another killed a man while protecting an innocent child... Humanity presupposes knowledge of human weaknesses and fears. In addition, humanity also presupposes an adequate assessment of one’s position in the world. An adequate attitude towards other people is possible only when we know that we do not have any significant superiority over them. Humane treatment of animals is possible when we realize that we are also part of the animal world, except that we are a little more developed than other animals.

Heroic deeds

In the summer of 2021, men helped children get out of a burning apartment. We evacuated through a sewer pipe. The parents locked the children in the apartment, and they began to play with matches and a fire started.

Watch a video of people saving animals.

A selection of humane actions on the road, filmed on a DVR.

Examples from everyday life

The most obvious and accessible examples:

  • Volunteering is the simplest and most understandable example of helping those who need it.
  • Donation is the donation of blood on a voluntary basis.
  • Charity with money, toys, books. This could be donations for an operation, alms to people in need.
  • A condescending attitude towards people who have stumbled. It is a powerful and worthy skill to consider another person's motives when forming an opinion about them.
  • Helping people who feel sick on the street. Would you pass by?
  • Supporting a loved one when grief or trouble occurs, participating in their situation, empathy.

Examples from literature

The most striking example of unconditional humanity and love for mankind is Jesus; in the Bible there is even a commandment “Love your neighbor as yourself.”

A striking example is Gaidar’s work “Timur and His Team,” where the title speaks for itself. Heroes selflessly help other people and care about them.

Remember the heroines of fairy tales: Cinderella, Snow White, Gerda. How they cared about everything that surrounded them, the animals, the house, the people around them. The heroines were always friendly and helped others. They even took care of completely obnoxious relatives. They treated villains with understanding, understanding the essence and motives of evil actions.

In literature and cinema, humanity is often enhanced in heroes. Such cases cannot be transferred to real life, and taken as a guide to action. The exaggeration is done only for brightness and expressiveness.

Types of humanism

History knows ancient humanism, which referred to the knowledge promoted by Socrates, Aristotle, Protagoras, Epicurus, Pericles, Democritus, Lucretius and Confucius. But this worldview gained momentum later. The era of humanism began during the Renaissance. Since then, the following types have appeared:

  • classical - ancient humanistic ideas were revived by Monten, Boccaccio, Bacon, Petrarch, Thomas More and Erasmus of Rotterdam;
  • theistic is the worldview of Christian existentialists and modern theologians, which assumes the salvation of man through God;
  • atheistic - humanism, which is based on the philosophy of Jean-Paul Sartre;
  • communist – Marxist beliefs;
  • scientific – the highest value of humanism is the human personality;
  • normative - this worldview implies that society should consider the satisfaction of human needs as the norm of its functioning.

According to the classification of Yu. N. Harari, there are 3 types of humanism: liberal (the highest value in each individual person), socialist (the highest value is the collective), evolutionary (the value is represented by Homo sapiens).

Dog Rescue

An example of humanity from life is the act of a man who saved a dog in the subway. Once upon a time, a stray dog ​​found itself in the lobby of the Kurskaya station of the Moscow metro. She ran along the platform. Maybe she was looking for someone, or maybe she was just chasing a departing train. But it so happened that the animal fell on the rails.

There were many passengers at the station then. People were scared - after all, there was less than a minute left before the next train arrived. The situation was saved by a brave police officer. He jumped onto the tracks, picked up the unlucky dog ​​under his paws and carried him to the station. This story is a good example of humanity from life.

Development of humanism

In history, humanism as a worldview was preceded by such principles as talion and the “golden rule of morality.” In essence, they became stages of transition to new beliefs. They were replaced by the principle of humanism.

Talion was the first stage of the idea of ​​morality. It was replaced by the second stage. The "Golden Rule of Morality" replaced the talion. These two successively developed principles became the prerequisites for the development of humanism. It was formed around the 14th century and has not lost its social relevance to this day.

Principles, rules and ideas of humanism

The principle of humanism is such attitudes of social thinking in which a person is a person. His rights and freedoms are the main goal of state existence. Each individual must develop, gain knowledge and skills, which they can then apply for the benefit of society through professional and social activities.

The basic rules of humanism suggest that:

  • each person bears personal responsibility for himself and his behavior;
  • man is a biosocial creator of the cultural world;
  • the elements of morality are combined with the consciousness of the human being.

Over the entire period of its existence, the ideas of humanism have constantly touched upon the problem of the value of life and the desire for a person to achieve happiness. This worldview expresses ideas about true morality and supreme justice. The idea of ​​humanism was created to ensure a prosperous world order for humans.

Examples of humanity. What stories will 2021 be remembered for?

We are often told that there are no real heroes left in our country. That everything is bad with us and the best way out is to leave Russia for a more prosperous country. Meanwhile, the Gospel tells us: “The Kingdom of God exists within you.” And there are many people who prove this postulate with their lives.

We invite our readers to learn about the lives of several Russians, whose activities can serve as an example for each of us. Some of them remained calm in a difficult situation, showed true courage, and saved someone’s life or health. Some, like Roman Aranin pictured in the photo, themselves went through severe trauma and hardship, but did not give up and were able not only to find themselves again, but also to help others do the same. Others simply worked hard and honestly, and the fruits of their heroic labor brought benefits to society.

The selection of stories is entirely based on materials from the “Time-Forward!” project. journalist Evgeniy Super for the past 2021. You can check out the new episodes of the program on the YouTube channel: Time to Go!

Rescuer Alexander Slozhenikin. A big disaster was avoided in one of the water parks, where a child began to drown while swimming. His grandmother was either confused or did not understand what was happening, but was unable to react adequately. Fortunately, rescuer Alexander Slozhenikin responded in time and quickly and competently helped the boy (issue 263).

Mechanic Pavel Astapenko from Kaliningrad is well known in his city, but deserves to be known throughout the country. The story of his action began with the birth of his daughter, who unfortunately turned out to be deaf.

Her parents did not abandon her, contrary to advice, but taught her jewelry making, which her father himself was interested in. But they couldn’t find her a job. Then the head of the family himself organized an amber workshop, assembling machines and equipment with his own hands. Together with her daughter, her friends, who suffer from the same illness, began working there.

Gradually, the business was able to get back on its feet and now the company already employs 20 people, 8 of whom are deaf. Thanks to the hard work of the parents and the talent of the daughter, the largest stores in the Kaliningrad region began to line up for their jewelry products. And at the same time, Astapenko, in principle, does not claim any benefits provided for the employment of disabled people. He says that this is not why he helps them, but that he pays them a salary higher than the regional average.

This is the kind of business that should be an example and guide for all of us. We wish Pavel Astapenko and his family success and development (issue 237).

Alexander Lozovoy. In Yekaterinburg, a fisherman stepped out onto thin ice and at the same moment fell into the water. Luckily for him, people passed by and rushed to his aid. 21-year-old Alexander Lozovoy first tried to pull the man out with a cable, but he no longer had the strength to hold on. Then the guy undressed and threw himself into the water, having first tied himself up. Breaking the ice with his hands, he pulled out the unlucky fisherman, who by that time had already suffered severe hypothermia (issue 268).

Svetlana Nigmatullina. As a child, she contracted an incurable disease that slowly destroyed her muscles. Every year it became more and more difficult for her to walk, but she fought until the last, trying to live a normal life. Unfortunately, Svetlana ended up in a wheelchair.

But as often happens, a person faced with difficulties rethinks his life and devotes it to helping others, although it would seem that he himself needs it. Svetlana decided to organize the first absolutely accessible excursion route for people with disabilities in Kaliningrad. She enlisted the support of local authorities, studied to become a tour guide at a local university, defended her diploma and started working. And at the same time, she opened a center for training people to work with people with disabilities. People from the service and education sectors come to her to improve their skills and gain first-hand knowledge.

The idea for such a center came after Svetlana was once not accepted on board a passenger plane. This story was then scandalously publicized in the media, but few people know that after this it was Svetlana who helped Aeroflot develop a methodology for training flight attendants to interact with people with disabilities. At the same time, she even managed to make changes to air travel standards in order to eliminate problems even at the stage of purchasing a ticket (issue 271).

Georgy Popov. In the Novosibirsk region, 18-year-old Georgy Popov saved people from a car that fell from a bridge into the river - the accident happened right in front of the freshman’s eyes. The guy, without hesitation, rushed to help. And on time. Although the river was not deep, the car was lying on the roof, and the people, secured with seat belts upside down, were already suffocating. In addition, the driver was unconscious.

Georgy did not lose his head, cut the jammed belts with a knife, pulled the people out and managed to apply gauze bandages to the victims before the ambulance and the Ministry of Emergency Situations arrived. The guy learned all this in the cadet rescue corps of Novosibirsk school No. 7 and in the military-patriotic club, where they were taught to provide first aid (issue 266).

Maria Usoltseva. In Tyumen, 15-year-old Maria Usoltseva, walking with friends, heard the screams of a man on the balcony. She didn’t immediately understand what happened, but rushed into the entrance to help. And there, having gone up to the sixth floor, I smelled burning and saw smoke coming from under the door.

The girl immediately called the firefighters, and then assumed that the fire was due to a short circuit, found the electrical panel, turned off the circuit breakers and de-energized the apartment. The man inside was rescued by arriving specialists. Maria dreams of entering the St. Petersburg University of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia (graduation 266).

Evgeny Strelyuk. Irkutsk climber Evgeny Strelyuk decided to conquer the famous Lenin Peak in the mountains of Kyrgyzstan, more than 7000 meters high. He climbed to the top first, leaving his group behind. And there, at a height, he discovered a girl sitting in the snow - white skin, glassy eyes, almost no longer reacting to anything. It turned out to be a Polish citizen who had also dreamed of conquering Lenin Peak all her life, but made a grave mistake by going on the expedition alone and without warning anyone. In the end, she took the top, but she no longer had enough strength to descend.

Our climber contacted the camp by radio, but received a stern answer - if it is not possible to rouse the girl, then she must be abandoned. In the entire history of mountaineering, no one has ever been rescued from Lenin Peak from such a height. Evgeniy, however, gave the girl his outerwear and leggings and gave her hot tea. Another group passed by - there was an experienced guide who injected the victim with adrenaline, but also advised her to abandon her. The air temperature is -30 degrees, strong winds and thin air - all this threatens the death of the savior himself, because the equipment simply does not get here.

But Evgeniy decided to fight. He made a sled out of a backpack, sat the girl down and began a slow descent. At a nearby camp, several foreigners joined him and together they walked another 10 km. Along the way we contacted other sites, but no one wanted to take any more risks. In the end, they lowered the girl to a safe height, where she was handed over to a special detachment. The climber survived, but lost her fingers, and will hardly remember her savior, as she was in an inadequate condition. Evgeny Strelyuk himself is now preparing to conquer Kazbek and Elbrus, and we thank him for his feat and wish him good health (issue 257).

Police Lieutenant Colonel Dmitry Zayarny. A tragedy almost happened in the city of Yeisk, Krasnodar Territory. On the anniversary of her son’s death, a local woman climbed the boiler room chimney and in desperation demanded that her son be returned to her, promising to jump down.

She did not allow the rescuers who arrived at the scene to approach her. However, police lieutenant colonel Dmitry Zayarny, who came to the rescue, volunteered to climb to the top of the pipe to meet the woman. Without a safety net, he climbed to a height of 50 meters and, trying to calm him down, convinced him that under any circumstances one must continue to live.

And he managed to find the right words. The woman calmed down and agreed to accept the help of professional rescuers, who lowered her to the ground. This is how suicide was prevented. It turned out that Dmitry Zayarny had already been awarded the medal “For saving the dead”; in 2014, he saved a pregnant woman from a flooded house (issue 251).

Military pilot from Kaliningrad Roman Aranin. 13 years ago, after an aviation incident, he fell from a 30-meter height and broke his neck. While he was in intensive care, his relatives were warned that they needed to say goodbye, but a doctor was found who saved Roman’s life. However, he found himself confined to a wheelchair. However, he continued to live and think about how to help himself and other people in a similar situation.

One day, while going down a ramp in a wheelchair, an accident happened to him again - he fell and was injured. And this misfortune became a real impetus for the development of a chair that would eliminate such cases. As a result, he managed to develop a real all-terrain wheelchair with an electric drive and a gyroscope.

No one in the world used such a solution, and Roman was able to obtain a patent for it. And then he borrowed money from friends and launched his own production. The products turned out to be in great demand not only in Russia, but also in Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, Argentina, Poland, Germany, and England. Today, Roman Aranin’s workshop employs 25 people, 8 of whom are disabled.

In addition, he created a public organization helping people with disabilities find work, and in 2014 he created 3 specialized beaches for people with disabilities in the Kaliningrad region. And if at first they were visited mainly by local residents, now people with disabilities come here from all over the country.

Roman Aranin is not going to stop there and dreams of building a factory in Kaliningrad for the production of high-tech wheelchairs, which will be issued to disabled people free of charge at the expense of the social insurance fund. On behalf of our entire project, we wish him success in his business and good health (issue 244).

Valentin Andreevich. Resident of the Moscow region. He is already 86 years old, he is the tenth child in the family - the only survivor of the Great Patriotic War. Over the past 16 years, every day except Sunday he does the same thing - he takes a heavy cart with tools, gets on the train and goes to Moscow. There he goes around cafes and canteens and invites people to sharpen their knives. Valentin Andreevich is a professional grinder. He takes as much money for work as people don’t mind paying and never argues.

One would think that this is a story about the plight of man, but no. Valentin Andreevich himself does not complain about life, but says that if it were not for this work, he would have died long ago. It is hard physical work and the awareness, albeit not the greatest, but still of benefit to society, that allows one to maintain good health and a clear mind, and fills the spirit with peace of mind (issue 269).

Miner Vladimir Berezovsky. Kuzbass. This is a unique miner who sets new records every year. And here again, Berezovsky’s brigade was the first in Russia to produce 2 million tons of coal in three months. The first million tons of 2021 were also produced by this brigade. These records entailed the following - for the unloading of gondola cars by a team of railway workers and for the total loading of coal onto ships. As a result, the volume of fuel shipments to the Russian fleet was significantly exceeded (issue 238).

Sasha Ergin. In Omsk, two little girls, while walking along the embankment, fell into the Irtysh River and quickly began to drown. Their father rushed to save them, but the water was so cold and the current strong that he only had enough strength to keep them afloat. Passers-by who came to his aid threw him a rope, but his hands no longer obeyed him, and it was impossible to get out on his own.

Then, without hesitation, 16-year-old boy Sasha Ergin jumped into the water. First he helped get the children out, and then the head of the family. Sasha is a student at a local social center for troubled teenagers. But at the decisive moment, he was able to instantly navigate the situation and do the only right thing.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations promised that they would reward the guy and were ready to take him under guardianship in order to send him to study to become a rescuer in the future (issue 246).

Vyacheslav Rasner. Former teacher and expert in St. Petersburg Vyacheslav Rasner 7 years ago, due to the actions of scammers, he lost his only home and found himself on the street. But he didn’t drink and didn’t give up, but began to conduct excursions, using his extensive knowledge. And these excursions turned out to be so good that caring people paid attention to him and were able to help with the restoration of documents, medical care and attracting public attention.

The inspired Vyacheslav Romanovich has developed several full-fledged excursion programs and has now become a universal favorite of the public, who claim that they can listen to him endlessly (issue 238).

Valery Mikhailovich Vybornov. In the Vladimir region there is a small but rich city of Alexandrov. And real miracles happen in this city.

This man, Valery Mikhailovich Vybornov, the general director of a construction company, should be an example for everyone. The other day he donated three apartments. Two of them are for families who fled the war from Lugansk. Their home in their homeland was completely destroyed by shelling, and their property was destroyed.

The men found work in Valery Mikhailovich’s company, where they proved themselves to be excellent welders, but they certainly did not expect that the director, at his own expense, would give them two comfortable two-room apartments in a new building. On the same day, Valery Mikhailovich gave another apartment to a local teacher who has 20 years of experience, but lives with her family in a hostel. This is, in our opinion, a real miracle. But that's not all.

As we found out, Valery Vybornov has made such generous gifts to the residents of his city - teachers and doctors - more than once before. We couldn’t even accurately calculate how many apartments he ended up donating, since the data varies. It is also known that this person helps repair local monuments, roads and does many other good deeds completely unselfishly (issue 248).

Pilotess Svetlana Kapanina is well known to all aviation enthusiasts, but, unfortunately, is little known to the general public. But just to list her titles and awards we would have to make a separate issue. Multiple champion of the USSR, Russia, Europe and the world, awarded the Order of Courage, medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree, and many others. In foreign social networks she is often passed off as her athlete, her fan clubs are open abroad, but she is ours - an outstanding Russian woman, whose courage many men will envy (issue 253).

Deacon Nikolai Lavrenov and his wife Elena Zhivava saved three children from death at once. They took one newborn girl from a dysfunctional mother, who urgently placed her as a kitten according to an advertisement. And immediately after that they dissuaded two expectant mothers from having abortions, promising to take the babies for themselves. So three children appeared in the family in addition to the six they already had at that time. Father Nikolai admits that it was not easy, but the family coped with the test and does not regret the choice they made.

By the way, in Russia the number of abortions continues to decline. And if previously the rate of decline averaged 8% per year, then in 2021 it increased to 13%. It seems like a dry figure, but behind it there are 96,300 Russian citizens who were saved. And at the same time, let us recall that the number of children raised in children's organizations, such as children's homes, orphanages, and boarding schools, has more than halved. This means there are many people like Father Nikolai and his wife in the country (issue 263).

Flight attendant Mikhail Kolomoets. In the international terminal of Koltsovo airport, before flying to Tajikistan, a boy suddenly became ill. He lost his pulse and breathing. Ural flight attendant Mikhail Kolomoets was the first to rush to the rescue. He gave the boy an indirect cardiac massage and artificial ventilation of the lungs, after which the child came to life and an ambulance was called. As it turned out later, he had an asthma attack and if the flight attendant had not intervened, the consequences could have been tragic (issue 256).

Alexey Zheglov , a simple paramedic from Kemerovo, saved a man by walking 15 km through the deep night taiga.

A call to the Emergency Department came from the village of Medvezhka, where a man was injured in the abdominal cavity. It seems like nothing unusual, but the distance to this village is 100 km through difficult terrain with one ferry crossing. However, paramedic Zheglov, accompanied by two police officers, set off. At about 11 o'clock in the evening, their car was stuck on the road. Then the brigade abandoned him and continued on foot, covering another 15 km through the night taiga.

By three o'clock in the morning they reached the victim, provided first aid and evacuated him along the river to the regional hospital. The man’s life was saved, paramedic Zheglov was awarded the Order “For Honor and Courage” (issue 267).

Barnaul schoolgirl Daria Orlova received the main prize of the “Scientists of the Future” competition for proving several theorems and making a scientific discovery based on the so-called. "Jacobi triangle". Now these theorems can be named after the schoolgirl, and she herself is preparing for a trip to the USA, where she will defend the honor of Russia at the World Science and Technology Competition (issue 240).

History teacher Mikhail Vlasov , tired of the bustle of the city, moved to the village of Bolshaya Dergunovka, Samara Region. The village, which in tsarist times was one of the most prosperous and modern, but over time fell into decay. There are no roads, no money, and no places for cultural recreation. And Mikhail set about transforming the village with all his zeal, inspiring local residents with enthusiasm and even mobilizing the Internet audience to help.

I started small - I built crossings of ditches and streams, painted a playground, then took on the task of restoring an abandoned gym. And later he opened a summer school for city children, who, under his supervision, learn to work with their hands in the fresh air and get acquainted with a completely new side of life. Now there are plans to build an open-air cinema for the villagers and attract tourists to the village (issue 265).

Trolleybus driver Anna Nasyrova. In Yaroslavl, trolleybus driver Anna Nasyrova saved 15 passengers. While moving along the route, the trolleybus was struck by lightning. There was a power surge and the electrical equipment caught fire. Usually a trolleybus burns out in a few minutes.

The fire started in the driver's cabin, Anna's leg was instantly burned, but she, following the instructions, stopped the car, felt for the door open button in the smoke, and let the people out. Then she turned off the car right down to the batteries, removed the current collectors from the wires and began to put out the fire in the cabin with a fire extinguisher. As a result, no casualties were avoided, and the heroine herself received a second-degree burn and is now undergoing treatment. The issue of awarding her is being decided, and we really hope that it will be resolved positively (issue 255).

Policeman Afanasy Kutanov. A wooden apartment building caught fire in Yakutia. The police were the first to arrive at the scene.

Interior Ministry officer Afanasy Kutanov knocked down the door and entered the apartment. There were three children there who had already lost consciousness from exposure to carbon monoxide. The policeman took them outside and, together with his colleagues from the National Guard, continued to extinguish the fire with improvised means until the fire crews arrived. The children, ten-year-old twins and their younger seven-year-old sister, remained alive thanks to such timely intervention.

It is surprising that the hero policeman himself, who has been working in the police for 14 years, had previously also saved a man from a fire, for which he was awarded the medal “For Courage” (issue 247).

Maxim Gerasimov. On June 22, an unusual hero was honored in Belgorod. For the courage, perseverance and heroism shown in helping the victims, Maxim Gerasimov was awarded the “Warm Heart” badge. The unusual thing is that Maxim is only 7 years old.

The rescue story happened last year. Maxim and his girlfriend were returning from school. Suddenly the girl stepped on the uncovered well lid, which was not visible under the melting snow. The girl fell through, but Maxim managed to grab her hand. At the same time, the lid slammed shut again, leaving only a small gap. The boy tried to pull his girlfriend out on his own, but it didn’t work. His strength was running out, and if he had unclenched his fingers for even a second, his wet clothes would have instantly pulled the first-grader deep into the well.

Maxim began to call for help, and a woman living nearby arrived. It took a lot of effort even for her to rescue the girl from the well, but fortunately she managed to do it. The boy was awarded a certificate of honor from the Ministry of Emergency Situations, was given a toy, and now he was given a badge (issue 250).

Nizhny Novgorod resident Sergei Druzhkov saved a three-year-old girl. He was walking along the lake with his family while a girl was drowning there. The girl was taken out of the water; she showed no signs of life, but Sergei began to give her artificial respiration and cardiac massage. According to the man, he did this for the first time in his life as he saw on TV and did not think that he could save the seemingly already dead child. But first, fluid came out of the girl’s lungs, and then she came to her senses and began to cry. At this moment the hero himself began to cry. And then he simply went home, handing the girl over to the emergency doctors who arrived in time, and no one even thought to ask his name. Only then did Nizhny Novgorod residents launch an entire campaign on social networks, and the identity of the savior was discovered, but for a long time he did not agree to communicate with journalists, since he does not consider himself a hero (issue 255).

Dmitry Klimenko is an engineer from Moscow, who left the capital 5 years ago and moved with his family to the outback to engage in livestock farming. I bought a field, started raising geese and sheep and did not regret my choice at all. But one day, while away on business, he received terrible news - his house burned down, and his wife and mother-in-law died in the fire. As it turned out later, the relatives were killed by robbers, and the arson was committed to eliminate evidence.

What would an ordinary person do if he received such a blow from fate? He probably would have broken down and given up. But Dmitry did not give up. First of all, he devoted all his efforts to achieving the capture and punishment of the murderers. And a few years later they appeared in court and were convicted.

At the same time, Dmitry began to restore the burnt farm. He built a new house, incubators, and set to work with even greater zeal. All with his own hands, persistently and with great love for life, he restored a large farm. He also began to engage in social activities - he helps other farmers, organized a run for wheelchair users in Tver and gives an invaluable lesson to all of us - to live honestly and work, despite any adversity (issue 241-242).

Khazret Sovmen. A man who invested a fantastic 13 billion rubles in helping people. And you, most likely, have not heard anything about such a person. His name is Khazret Sovmen. This man worked all his life in the northern gold mines, founded the Polyus gold mining artel in 1980, which later turned into the most efficient company in the world and the largest in this industry in Russia. And in 2000, in just a year, he built one of the best mining and processing plants in the world, which was even confirmed by the Guinness Book of Records.

But the main thing is that he did not take his income abroad or hide it in offshore companies, but invested it in the development of his own country and charity. In the village of Teya, with his direct participation, a kindergarten-nursery and a bakery were built. In the regional center there is a sanitary products factory. In the village of Razdolinsk, Motyginsky district, there is a vocational school for 480 places. In Severo-Yeniseisky there is school No. 1 with 990 places. In Krasnoyarsk, an exemplary orphanage was built at his expense. And much more. And the other day, the philanthropist gave 50 thousand rubles to all Krasnoyarsk veterans of the Great Patriotic War, thus giving 75 million rubles (issue 249).

Defense engineer Vasily Shchibrikov from Yekaterinburg has worked all his life on ballistic missile control systems. And after retiring, I decided to help my daughter, who could not enroll her child in kindergarten. To do this, in 2009, he took out a loan and built his own private kindergarten and nursery.

And it turned out that he helped not only his grandchildren, but also a large number of citizens who began to refuse places in municipal kindergartens in favor of private ones. The reason is that everything here is made with great care and love. It has its own system of hardening and physical education; Vasily Timofeevich himself buys food for the children and gives them classes in history, geography, and educates them in the spirit of patriotism and love for the Motherland. And he is helped in this by a professional team of educators and teachers, which has developed over the years of work.

By the way, it’s difficult to call this a business, since the business works at best “zero”, and more often “in the minus”. But Vasily Timofeevich is not discouraged; he recently opened an early development school and is preparing new projects. This is how it happens when a person is used to working for the good of the Motherland and does not think of himself differently (issue 243).

Find your inspiration in the stories of these people. Let the selected stories help you to see not only the evil around us, but also the good, in order to understand that the Lord is with you. May you always have the strength to remain human and strive for perfection, becoming like God!

Compiled by Andrey Szegeda based on materials from the project “Time-Forward!”

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Examples of humanism

The manifestation of humanism in history was observed through the protection of sociocultural diversity, legal pluralism, political and economic freedoms. People received the opportunity for religious and moral self-determination. Ethnocultural identity was ensured by respect for the rights and freedoms of every person.

In the history of Russian statehood one can find the influence of humanism. There are many examples of tolerant attitude towards different peoples, tolerance towards sociocultural identity. For example, this applies to Muslims and Sharia law. Also striking examples of the influence of humanism are polyjuridism in the life of the peoples of the North, the Far East or the Caucasus.

In the modern world, humanism is the universal basis for the development of society. Now it is developing on the basis of the principles of philanthropy. This makes it possible to recognize the value of the individual and the human right to free development and self-expression.

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