15 golden rules on how to win the heart of a beauty (16 photos)

Author: Fuchsia

24 November 2021 12:24

Tags: love rules advice  



If all previous love attempts have failed, then the time has come for a decisive offensive. To make a girl fall in love with you, you don’t have to read books on psychology and do crazy things. It is enough to follow a few simple rules that will help you win any beauty.



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Mistakes everyone makes in seduction

I'm not exaggerating. We've all made these mistakes at least once, and often didn't even notice them. But when you know about them, you can fix everything and become better.

  • You are just communicating . As I said before, if your conversations are not about sex, then you are friend zoned and she values ​​you as a friend. Therefore, flirt and talk openly about intimate topics.
  • You don't touch each other . Even if you try and touch her, she withdraws her hand and moves away. This means she's uncomfortable, which means you've already screwed up. Try to find the reason and fix it.
  • There is no emotion in your communication . This happens to men who lack charisma and internal energy. When you are confident, active and persistent, a girl is much more likely to give it to you.
  • You don't flirt, it means you don't want her . What's the point of wasting her time on you then?

Who has more chances

When the desire arises “I want to win the most beautiful girl in the city,” and you are an ordinary guy, then most likely there is no chance. In addition, it is worth considering that a young man who stands out above the gray mass, is more attractive or wealthy, or simply has a big heart will achieve greater success.

If we consider the situation in general, then the opportunity to conquer any girl will be greater for the following categories of men.

  1. Smart. Educated gentlemen attract the attention of successful ladies more. They want to see such a man as a husband.
  2. Interesting. Guys who are easy to spend time with and who might interest you.
  3. Attractive. Men who take care of themselves, have good hair, dress nicely, and take care of personal hygiene.
  4. Cheerful. Young men with a great sense of humor who are optimistic about the future have an advantage over other guys.
  5. Wealthy and successful. Girls will also be interested in the possibility of material wealth and well-being.
  6. Strong. A woman will begin to look for a man behind whom she can feel safe, like behind a stone wall.
  7. Self-confident. Women are attracted to goal-oriented men. They are not interested in whiners who are incapable of normal action.

Some more tips

Regrets and happy memories should not unsettle you.

You have the power to change the situation for the better.

Here are some more effective tips on how to make your ex-girlfriend fall in love again.

1. Open up to her.

For her to love you, it is important to show your sincerity and openness.

2. Send her a gift.

Even a small box of chocolates in honor of some holiday is an expression of your sympathy.

The girl will know that you remember her.

3. Chat with her.

Shared company and fun get-togethers create new memories and erase old grievances.

4. Constantly admire her beauty.

For girls, it is a highly addictive drug.

They need constant confirmation of their own beauty and attractiveness.

5. Respect her choice.

Even if a girl decided to leave you, it means she had serious reasons for this.

Respect her decision.

6. Protect her.

She should know that in any situation you can help her, save her, protect her.

7. Help her become a better person.

Who wouldn't want a bright future?

If you help her achieve a certain goal, you will forever remain in her heart.

8. Talk about a bright future.

Your words and plans must be accompanied by confidence and certain actions in this direction.

9. Seriousness of intentions.

The girl must be sure that this is not just another affair for a few days, but something more serious and responsible.

10. Don't play with her feelings.

There is no need to get your ex back in order to somehow take revenge on her, hurt her, fall in love with her and leave her.

Girls don't forgive this.

You shouldn’t make an enemy in a woman who knows all your weaknesses.

Flirting and humor will help you win a girl

No matter how close you are, never stop flirting with her, otherwise you will quickly become just friends. Show gallantry and care, smile, continue to give unobtrusive compliments. And most importantly, joke.

If you ask your friends how to get a girl, half of them will answer - to make her laugh. And they will be right. It’s not that girls choose the funniest partner on principle. But on an emotional level, she will remember that she feels good with you.

Humor, like conversation, is an indicator of how close you are. However, you cannot joke inappropriately. Therefore, remember the main rules on how to win a woman with your sense of humor:

  1. No matter how good you are at telling jokes, do not rush to expose all your talents.
  2. Test the waters: gradually, in communication, find out whether she will appreciate such jokes and whether they will offend her.

If you’re not good at improvisation, don’t worry. Subscribe to a funny blog on Instagram, look through memes and jokes, watch humorous shows on YouTube. Before you know it, you’ll remember a witty passage at the right moment.

When to stop

There are several situations in which you won’t be able to win a girl. Therefore, it is worth stopping and thinking, are you doing everything right?

Be prepared for this. The reason for this may be one of the following factors:

  • She already has a decent match;
  • You don't meet her expectations;
  • She has been keeping you in the friend zone for a long time;
  • You were too intrusive;

In any of the options, if all your previous attempts have failed, leave the girl alone and give her time. Try to maintain friendly or friendly relations and step aside. There is a possibility that her current partnership will end sooner or later. Be there at this moment to lend your strong masculine shoulder.

If you have alienated and even frightened a girl with your persistence and obsession, then the only chance to rehabilitate yourself is to enter the circle of friends and show your best side.

In the end, if the girl you dream about wants to see a tanned, athletic brunette next to her in a BMW, and you are a simple guy in a Toyota, there’s nothing you can do about it. Either you need to catch up to her requirements, or the girl must lower the bar of her expectations.

Trigger your instincts

And the last thing you need to do to make a girl fall in love with you is to have great sex with her. To do this, it is necessary to evoke animal instincts in her through kinesthetics or, more simply, through touch. Do you remember how you spanked your school and college girlfriends on the ass? So it was your mistake! There is no need to rush headlong into the quarry! Everything needs to be done gradually.


You need to start with those touches that are acceptable from the point of view of society and culture. They are called socially acceptable touching.

Shake hands when meeting.

Give your hand from the transport.

Take it by the arm while walking.

Kiss on the cheek when meeting or parting.

For such touches, look for a socially acceptable excuse. For example, an interesting ring on her finger - he took her hand in his, touched the ring, and let go. Or, with an approaching drunk, you can take her by the shoulders and bring her closer to you, as if fencing her off from danger.

Kiss tenderly

Next you need to move on to more serious touches.

Touching the girl’s hands, knees, back.

Light massage of fingers, forearms, shoulders, neck, back.

Kisses on the shoulders, neck, lips, etc.

Give her good sex

If you really want to make a girl fall in love with you, then you should have sex with her. Learn one thing. Real relationships begin after sex. All that is “BEFORE” is friendship. She can be your friend 1000 times over. Chat on different topics, go to the movies with you, do common things, etc. And at this time he can sleep with other guys. Here you need to know a little biology. During sex, a hormone called oxytocin is released. It forms attachment to a sexual partner. It is thanks to its development that partners remain faithful to each other and do not notice representatives of the opposite sex.

This is a whole separate topic that I will not touch on here. But sex is a powerful drug. And you need to give her such a dose that she cannot exist without you. Give her so much pleasure that she wants more. And don’t forget about yourself and your feelings at the same time. You yourself must get a buzz from the process so that this feeling is also conveyed to her. I'll repeat it again. Everything before sex is sympathy, which should not be taken so seriously.

So, I have listed the most effective ways to make a girl fall in love with you. You need to work on them and make them work on autopilot. But! There are moments when a girl can fall in love with you, as if without your participation. And here you need to understand how a girl who is already in love behaves, otherwise you can slow down for a long time and in the end just ruin everything.

Qualities that will conquer any

There is no universal key to conquering women. Just as there cannot be something in character or appearance that will please all girls on earth equally. There is always a special feature in a guy’s character, a zest that catches the most and from this develops great sympathy or love.

The age of technology leaves its mark both on the manner of communication and on gender relations. Conventions and strict norms of behavior have long been out of fashion, but there are timeless character traits that endear people to themselves and help them establish strong friendships and close relationships with the opposite sex. You shouldn’t forget about them if the main goal is to win the girl’s heart.

  1. Charisma. There are opinions that this quality is given only by nature and it is impossible to stimulate its development. In most cases, this is true, but there are also positive examples when downtrodden nerds grow into businessmen and speakers who tell others the secrets of success. And people believe and listen to them! Why not try to take a few public speaking lessons, get your voice right, and try to become more confident. What if this is the key to success and the girls themselves then begin to walk in a crowd and listen to every word?
  2. Sense of humor. With all the shortcomings, you can come to terms with time and learn to accept a guy for who he is, but without a sense of humor and jokes, you won’t be able to defuse the situation in time and improve the mood of your beloved girl. You shouldn’t change your tastes and adapt to her preferences, but if funny pictures with cats or children make you smile, then why not take advantage of it.
  3. Respect for a woman. Guys brought up in an atmosphere of respect for their mother and sister are guaranteed to enjoy success among the fairer sex. The absence of obscene jokes, chauvinist patterns in speech, statements about the fact that a woman’s place in the kitchen can repel anyone. Establishing oneself at the expense of women is unworthy of the behavior of a real hero of a novel.

  1. Behavior. No matter what anyone says about the behavior of boys and the emancipation of girls, everyone dreams of having a knight next to her. Giving your hand, opening the door, the ability to hold a knife and fork in your hand will not take much time to master, but the effect will be amazing. A guy with good manners will be appreciated by all the girls and the one whose dreams keep them awake at night.
  2. Non-verbal communication. Girls will never admit it, but they will certainly pay attention to the look, half-hints, interest in the eyes and interest in her. If the two of you are comfortable without words, then this will be interpreted by her as the first signal for rapprochement. You should not follow on your heels and peer into your eyes like a typical maniac from TV series. The girl will notice long glances sliding over her figure and lips. During a conversation, you should always look into the eyes, not be embarrassed, but look directly, openly, and friendly. This is the simplest advice that guys forget about, will help to interest your interlocutor and subconsciously set her up for a trusting attitude.

  1. The desire to develop. Self-development and improvement of body and soul are popular now. Trainings, courses, seminars, exhibitions, and thematic clubs will help you develop new hobbies or improve skills. Girls love to see a passionate guy talking about a topic that sincerely touches him. This is intriguing, focuses attention on internal growth and development, and will be another reason to proudly tell her friends what an interesting person she has met. And the guy may make new useful acquaintances, expand his horizons, and perhaps change his field of activity. It's never too late to learn!

Do you want to know how to make a girl fall in love with you? Well, you've come to the right place!

Still from the film “The Other Boleyn Girl”

Write down the recipe: you need to collect 20 tears of the lady you like (shed from happiness), mix them with Tibetan bee honey and unicorn milk (in a ratio of 3:1).

Then wait for the full moon and drink the magic mixture at midnight at a remote intersection. If it doesn’t help, then you should do the same thing again, but only naked and wearing fins.

In case you are interested in simpler (and more adequate) methods of charming girls, we have them too. Spoiler: you don’t have to turn to a shaman or witch for this.

Read my book that will help you achieve happiness, success and wealth

1 unique personality development system
3 important questions for awareness

7 areas for creating a harmonious life

21 vectors for effective development

Read a book

Give her emotions

We like what gives us emotions. Or the one who gives emotions. And here men have big problems. Because we are about mind and logic, and women are about heart and emotions. We just speak different languages. Therefore, if you decide to make a girl fall in love with you, then you need to create an emotional connection with her.

Smile and laugh

Make her laugh. Girls love guys who make them laugh. Know that laughter helps produce dopamine (the hormone of happiness) in our body. So learn to tell funny stories and jokes. You should have fun and enjoyment together! The main thing here is not to go too far and not look like a real clown. Everything is good in moderation!

Give compliments

Who doesn't like receiving nice compliments? Everyone. And girls especially love them! Just please, don’t praise a girl in order to make her fall in love with you. Otherwise, all this will backfire on you. Remember that a compliment to a girl should first of all be sincere from the heart.

Make it romantic

You can follow the standard path: flowers, restaurant, gifts. But this is the “beaten” path and you will be like everyone else! And you need to be original. Therefore, invite her to some unusual place - it doesn’t matter whether it’s a climbing wall or Tolstoy’s estate - the main thing is that you both find it interesting there. To get to the point, it’s better to find out the girl’s interests and fears, otherwise if she’s afraid of heights, she obviously won’t fly in a hot air balloon. In general, study such a topic as “roof blowers” ​​and stock them in your arsenal, so that you don’t have to think every time, but how to evoke unrealistic emotions in her. The main thing in this matter is not to go too far: your task is to surprise, not shock.

And yes, don’t just give positive emotions, otherwise you’ll be as sweet as a white marshmallow!

70% positive + 20% neutral + 10% negative = a girl in love with you!

How to get a girl: listen and show interest

Are you wondering how to win a girl's heart? Listen carefully to what she says: between the lines you will find answers to all questions. Remember:

  • what she liked and what hurt her;
  • what is the relationship with parents;
  • what he does in his free time;
  • what's your favorite series?

Nod your head or provide verbal support, the main thing is to show that you are not bored with her, you are on the same wavelength. Ask questions, but don't pry into your soul. If she wants to share her secrets, let her do so, but do not pry out her personal secrets.

Honest conversations create connection and attraction. As soon as a girl understands that she finds it easy and interesting to be with you, her heart will not remain cold.

Couple in Love: Pexels


How do experienced men win women? They never forget to tidy up their appearance. It is worth noting that men pay attention to their clothes and hairstyle no less often than women. Many representatives of the fair sex always try to look not just neat, but also impeccable. In earlier times, a fashionable wardrobe was the preserve of only a select few. Today the situation has changed. A real man will always be careful about his clothing. Especially when it comes to the lady of the heart. After all, when a man needs to win a woman, he is unlikely to appear in front of her in sweatpants with outstretched knees, worn out shoes and clothes fastened with the wrong buttons.

Of course, sometimes mutual love comes suddenly, as they say, at first sight. All this is simply wonderful and allows you to not have to try to win someone over. However, such love occurs quite rarely. Moreover, it may be unlikely that the people were unkemptly dressed.

For a man who is captivated by the beauty of a woman, but has not yet had time to get to know her, it is very important to make a favorable impression on her at the first meeting. This will save him from the need to try to assure the lady in the future that he will certainly become a good husband and father. His main task will be to conquer a woman at first sight, and then gradually turn her into a person with whom she would like to connect her destiny.

When creating his image, a man must emphasize all the advantages that his appearance has. After all, a lady will pay attention to a man much faster if she notices the coincidence of styles in her and his clothes. It's quite simple to explain. Many women believe that a partner should suit them not only spiritually, but also externally. That is why ladies sometimes spend quite a lot of time to choose a companion who would become an ideal soul mate in all aspects of life.

Why do men conquer women? Yes, because they don’t put off indefinitely a visit to a professional hairdresser who will recommend a hairstyle that is ideal for the created image. In addition, they make sure to choose beautiful clothes that they can afford. Anyone who doesn't know how to create their own style is advised to turn to a professional.

If a man is neat in his clothes, has well-groomed nails, hair and skin, then the chance of conquering the woman he likes is very high. In addition, it is worth keeping in mind that the only smell that others should smell from a man is the aroma of expensive perfume. In this case, it is necessary that the selected notes of eau de toilette or cologne ideally combine with the style of clothing created by the image, as well as with the time of day and year. It is worth remembering that appearance is the calling card of any person. That is why every man should choose the perfect look for himself.

How to prepare for the conquest

When a fateful, non-random meeting with a potential girlfriend is about to take place, or the first fleeting moment of acquaintance has passed and the first date is approaching, then questions about how to win a girl and earn her affection become more relevant than ever.

For every girl, no matter whether she is a gray mouse or a club party girl, the appearance of a guy is important. You can read many stories about how she met a good guy in rags, fell in love, and he turned out to be a rich man and believe it. Or you can immediately look stylish and attract a girl’s attention. Then there will be one more answer to the question of how to win the girl of your dreams.

There are three pillars on which the first impression of communicating with a guy is based:

  1. appearance,
  2. talk,
  3. compliment.
  • Appearance

The first impression is formed within 10 seconds and remains unchanged throughout the entire acquaintance with the person. Not everyone is blessed with a perfect appearance, but there is always a chance to improve everything and make a lasting impression. If an image of a rapper or a shocking show business star with extravagant outfits, chains, stones, and gold immediately appears in your head, then this is a very bad association! In such an outfit the impression will be powerful, but the chance that the lady of your heart will turn around and disappear around the nearest corner is 100%. If you are unlucky with your sense of proportion and innate taste, you can call for help from friends whose clothing style you like.

There are no classic rules regarding clothing. It all depends on the time, meeting place, season and occasion. On a date, jeans or pants, a shirt, and stylish shoes are considered classic. According to statistics, 56% of girls adore stylish and fashionable shoes. It is not necessary to take out a loan to buy an outfit in a branded boutique. The main thing is that the entire set is clean, ironed and fits perfectly, emphasizing your figure. Don't forget about accessories! An ideal look and a classic suit can be ruined by a plastic lighter or a cheap watch from the nearest market and vice versa.

  • Talk

All people are selfish by nature and love it when people show interest in them. You shouldn’t bombard her with questions about the girl without giving her a break. There must be a dialogue. A girl will never be won over by a speaker who is ready to talk for hours and at the same time does not know how to listen to a single minute of revelation and experience. A well-structured dialogue based on general questions can reveal internal qualities, the level of interest in a particular topic, and reveal the interlocutor better.

It is important to remember that praising yourself and presenting yourself as a hero who saved the world is fraught with consequences. In an emergency situation, you will have to prove yourself, and if all the exploits are just part of the myth, then what will be left of the hero? There are always topics that can spark a heated argument or create an awkward situation where everyone will fiercely defend their point of view, but they will be opposite to each other. These are the topics:

  1. political situation in hot spots of the planet;
  2. sporting events, competitions and conflicts around them;
  3. computer games, tournaments, etc. may simply not be interesting to her;
  4. specific topics related to the characteristics of work or business;
  5. relationships between parents and children.
  • Compliments

The most subtle and reverent moment of communication, sometimes more intimate than sex. Not everyone will be able to shower their companion with exquisite comparisons and compliments that will make your head spin. Women at any age perceive criticism painfully, and sometimes a clumsy compliment from a man sounds offensive and annoying. Even if her Greek nose attracts attention and the guy goes crazy over this feature, the girl may consider this a flaw and save up for an operation with a plastic surgeon.

Needless to say, how bad would a date be by praising her shortcomings? Absolutely every girl knows what is beautiful about her and what flaw needs to be hidden. It’s enough for a guy to be observant, and if things are bad with this, then here are good topics for praise:

  • good sense of humour;
  • hairstyle, makeup, manicure;
  • color of dress, shoes, handbags, accessories;
  • personal achievements, witty observation;
  • smile, eyes, hair.

It is important to remember that you can also overdo it with praise. Every day, listening to how wonderful everything is about her, and how well-coordinated she is, how wonderful she jokes, etc., is tiring, and over time it will begin to irritate and drive you crazy.

How to win a woman: a non-trivial surprise

You have already learned a lot about her, found common interests and come together in humor. The next step is to demonstrate how much you have “learned the material.” Present a surprise that you guessed from her stories:

  1. Maybe she always wanted to jump with a parachute, but didn’t dare?
  2. Or did she once mention that she doesn’t like cut flowers, but loves flowerpots?

It's not about the amount spent. Remember what she mentioned when talking to you and surprise her. This way you will not only please her, but also show your attentiveness.

Couple in love: Unsplash

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