10 tips on how to cheat on your wife and not get caught! (11 photos)

Author: Andrey

01 September 2015 14:58

Tags: Not guilty I - she came herself girls  



Have you ever tried eating only buckwheat porridge for 10 days? Every day for breakfast, lunch and dinner, eat a plate of buckwheat, choked, washed down with water or juice, in a bite with the same tomato sauce? Hardly. But many of you have sex with the same women for years on end. Years? Decades. When there are crowds of young and hot girls nearby, ready to decorate your sex life with truly bright colors!


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And we are also talking about the situation when you “eat buckwheat porridge,” but many have been trampling on the tired “jellied meat” for years. What if “your buckwheat” is also prepared this way and that? Half-raw, crunchy in the teeth, when even the hungriest man prefers to quickly “starve” somewhere in the toilet?)) At the same time, I fully admit that you can love your wife. Really love purely and selflessly, tenderly caring and anxiously worrying about her present and future. A wife can be a kind, caring woman, smart, interesting and with a great sense of humor, she can be a wonderful partner in business, in a theater box or travel, she can be a pleasant person in all respects. In everything except sex... And then the man gets lost. Should he be a supporter of the idiotic strange principles of “swan fidelity” or simply get the sex he lacks in family life somewhere else. Most, of course, will endure and pretend that they are very, very satisfied with the quality of sex for so many years, mentally fucking while remembering some next serial actress. There are, of course, those who will not read this material further; let’s call them full-fledged men. But what about those men who have already realized the unenviability of their situation and are determined to replenish the balance of orgasm in their body? What should they do if they want to eat fish and something else? How to enjoy sex, but not end up becoming a divorced husband? How to have sex with a girl but not let her have sex with your brain? And like this…

Only sex

The most important principle of all further actions. You are not starting your path as a goat who has no forgiveness for a full sex life in order to get yourself a new wife. Whenever the thoughts “Maybe this is my love?!” enter your head, immediately stop moving, go to the kitchen and stick your head in the freezer.


The influence of “everyday life” on intimate relationships

Perhaps the most common reason why a man cheats on his wife while married is that he is tired of living together. To some women, this reason seems absurd, but the fact remains: boring daily household chores are anti-sexual.

The wife begins to be associated not with romantic thoughts, but with the stove, vacuum cleaner and iron. No matter how cynical these kinds of comparisons may be, they are exactly what every fourth man admits to at an appointment with a sexologist. And a strange woman, whom you don’t see every day, but only from time to time, and she always wears makeup, is always well-groomed and fresh, and is not burdened with everyday problems - is desirable.

No chicks or goats

Choose a sexual partner strictly in accordance with point 1. Only sex. Remember that you will get sex now, and in case of divorce you will give 50% of the jointly acquired property both now and for all the years of married life. Then you will turn from a full-fledged man who knows how to get good sex from life into a full-fledged loser who didn’t even get sex and gave away half of the apartment)). What conclusion can be drawn from this point? Don't even consider girls under 20. 25-30 years – excellent. Married girls 25-30 years old - ideal.

How to save a family?

If your husband cheats, if he is in no hurry to leave the family, you need to come to terms with your emotions and pain. Then carry out thorough preparation before the long and difficult task of saving the family. The first stage will be a normal conversation. An important point is that it should take place without scandals or scenes of jealousy.

Having decided to save the family, the wife should listen to several pieces of advice:

  • The conversation must be conducted in such a way that the chosen one understands that he is being forgiven for the first and last time. If a man is forgiven for one betrayal, then another, he will not understand anything and will continue to be attracted to other women.

  • It is important to avoid comparing yourself to a homewrecker. This comparison will make it even more painful, and overall it doesn’t look very reasonable.
  • There is no need to justify or make excuses. Both are to blame for what happened, but it was the husband who cheated.
  • Don't take revenge. Having a lover as a lover is not a reason to rush into the arms of another man. Cheating out of spite will only bring disappointment, additional pain and shame for what was done. In addition, it is ugly to involve a stranger in family squabbles in this way.
  • The fight should be started only if you absolutely want to live with your husband for many more years.
  • Forgiveness must be sincere. If you are not sure that you will be able to forget what happened, you should not renew your relationship with your spouse. Forgiveness through force will fill the future lives of both spouses with a nightmare - with every accidental mistake of the partner, it will be difficult to resist reproaching and blaming him for a past mistake.

No work colleagues, girlfriends or other mutual acquaintances

Do you remember, yes, that you want variety, and not ruin your nervous system? Women are jealous creatures. Today or tomorrow that Tamara from the next department gives you an excellent blowjob and is interesting, and tomorrow you will like Rosa Ivanovna from the accounting department. Do you know what will happen the day after tomorrow? You will turn into the last man in town. The men will kill you for the sake of prevention (so that suddenly you don’t like someone else), and the women will have a dry throat, but they will find the opportunity to spit in your face and express everything when they meet.

Absolute stability in the family

A mistress is a creature that requires special care and maintenance experience. If your family has always had a family budget of 100,000 rubles (70,000 of which you gave to your wife “immediately after payday” as a fee for marriage), then how are you going to explain to your wife that now there will be less money... sorry, dear, just condoms now you need to buy 2 times more. Create a “stash” for a “bright day”. And work harder so that your “stash” grows and develops: somehow you need to motivate your sexy friend if she doesn’t try very hard. Not a Porsche or a Ferrari, at least a red Niva will motivate you. But the family budget should not suffer.

Are all men capable of cheating on their spouse?

All men are different, and among them there are many who are exemplary family men and do not even think about cheating. How to understand that your future husband is exactly like this? It’s probably difficult to determine this, but some criteria can still be identified:

  • the man grew up in a complete family and a favorable climate;
  • he is not prone to alcohol abuse;
  • he speaks respectfully of his ex-girlfriends and wives;
  • behaves with dignity and appropriateness in company, does not make dubious compliments to women;
  • He has a stable psyche, he is not prone to mood swings and self-assertion in front of other men.

Complete silence mode

There is no need to tell anyone that you have a sexual partner. It’s like in a fairy tale: if you tell your friends, you’ll tell their wives; if you tell one of your relatives, you’ll tell it right into your wife’s ears. Remember that the very fact of having a mistress is a serious offense that can destroy your family in one fell swoop. Tomorrow your friend’s wife ran to the store to buy shoes, and your wife bought them. All. With the phrase “But my husband doesn’t run to drink tea from the third entrance to Valka,” all your pleasures will be covered with a copper basin. Only sex. You don't need fame, not recognition, nothing, just sex.

If your wife cheats: 4 types of women

It is not customary to talk about this topic, especially publicly. After all, it is painful, difficult to understand and causes a flurry of emotional assessments from others. But we will try to understand the origins of the problem and understand why women cheat.

Let me give you a letter from a reader as an example.

“Larissa, there are still two weeks until we communicate on Skype, and I’m going crazy. Maybe you can write an article about my problem? I know I will be judged, there will be a lot of angry opinions, but I don’t care anymore. I am 31 years old, I am married, we have two children, they are 8 years old and 3 years old. I returned to work from maternity leave, fell in love with my boss, and cheated on her. The husband found out, forgave, and doesn’t say anything bad. But I’ve been destroying myself for a year now, I hate myself, I can’t live. How could I? I don’t understand... Yes, there were problems at home, but is that an excuse? Analyze, I beg you, the reasons for female infidelity! Help me survive!

When we talk about male infidelity, then everything is clear to us, women: he is a goat, she is a victim. And when is it the other way around? Would you say this is an exception? Meanwhile, in my work I constantly encounter female infidelities. And here we can distinguish several categories:

  1. Women who cheat regularly throughout their marriage. This does not bother them and often suits the husband. They are partners and friends, but sex has not been going well for a long time, and these infidelities are committed for the sake of physical satisfaction. No long-term relationships, emotions or love. There are very few such stories, and such women do not come to a psychologist because of infidelity, mentioning them incidentally in the context of another problem.
  2. Cheating with the aim of “knocking out a wedge with a wedge” - her husband cheated, she took revenge. Relationships rarely survive after this.
  3. Cheating as a result of great love. As a rule, the family also breaks up and a new one is created, with the object of passion.
  4. But most often wives like the author of the letter come to me. It seemed to them that they were loved, appreciated, respected, adored, but in the end they got what they deserved. In such betrayals, emotional experiences dominate, not sex. There is a lot of correspondence in them and there is a touch of romance. Such relationships have no prospects, they quickly get tired of them, but they suffer greatly when it all ends!

Minimizing randomness

Imagine that you owe a serious amount of money and lose it in a casino. Now every appearance in your usual place means one thing - failure. So choose public places solely on this principle. Especially if you haven't yet saved up a stash to go on dates somewhere in Paris or Vienna. In general, are you going to eat or have sex? Rent an apartment and eat there if you're already hungry. Ideally, by the way, minimize joint trips in your car: women have an excellent sense of smell and intuition.

Eliminate “virtual” communication with your crush in front of witnesses

I don’t think it’s worth saying that texting during “family time” is the stupidest of stupidities. You have working hours when you can calmly discuss the details of the meeting without witnesses, using a specially created email (you don’t need to check the “Remember password” box, but you can check “Someone else’s computer”). You do not need to use your personal email or your personal account on social networks to communicate.

Enforce the legend

Still, one of the most reliable of all your friends will have to reveal the secret. This is the same friend with whom you are most friends, most often go fishing and hunting, and just drink beer 3 times a week, at least. It is desirable that he be a lone wolf, not burdened by his own wife. You might even want to consider a project that requires a lot of travel around the city at completely different times of the day. In Moscow, at least traffic jams are saved, but in more provincial cities everything is more complicated. But there must be a legend. Where are you, who are you with and why didn’t you pick up the phone when your wife called when you were having sex.

Why men cheat on their wives but don't leave

A man on the side is looking for benefit for himself. When partners feel good with each other, this does not happen. If the wife finds out about the betrayal, she will be uncomfortable with herself, out of hopelessness she will drive herself into a dead end. Is it worth continuing to fight for such a husband and maintain the relationship?

A man often sees his lover as the satisfaction of his physical and emotional needs. He wants adrenaline, he wants to make sure that the female sex looks at him as a male. Before doing this, he does not think about how it will hurt his wife.

He explains his action by polygamy, inherent in it by nature. He himself remains in the family.

The science of psychology tries to explain from different angles why married men cheat on their wives but do not leave their family:

  • Out of a sense of duty. The husband is not satisfied with the state of affairs in the family, but he does not dare to leave or change anything. He prefers to sit on two chairs at once. He explains this by saying that he cannot abandon his children, although in such situations they suffer even more.
  • Bad bargain. Over the years, the married couple has acquired common property, a common business. This is not economically beneficial for a man.
  • Not sure about his mistress. Often the spouse does not fully know his new passion. He cannot guarantee her loyalty. And the wife forgives and loves.
  • The husband does not need to change what holds on tightly to him. He cheats in secret, no one knows about it, vicious relationships drag on for a long time. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
  • Girls in easy relationships need to be given attention, gifts and finances. The man understands that it will be difficult for him to support his new lover.
  • He is afraid of all the red tape involved in dividing property.
  • The husband does not want to pay child support for half his life.
  • Men cannot stand courts and filling out papers.
  • It’s so good and cool for him when he can sleep with two girls.

The attraction of a spouse to his mistress is temporary

Clear distribution of the “wife” and “mistress” zones

There is no need to introduce your wife to your mistress, or your mistress to your wife. Even if a cute sexy miracle gives you some trinkets on February 23, you don’t need to bring them into the house. All the same, your wife will give you the same socks, but litigation cannot be avoided. And this is not easy, by the way) But remember that half of the jointly acquired property is more expensive. Yes, we husbands must be calculating creatures. Needless to say, if a scandal can be provoked by innocent cufflinks given by a mistress for Thanksgiving, then a child brought into the house or, more fun, a surprise gonorrhea will mean only one thing - a fiasco. Almost complete and crushing.

Options for solving the problem if you want to save your family

If the spouse does not want to destroy the family, then she will have to dig out the true reasons for the betrayal. If your husband wants to have a frank conversation, then be sure to do so. Perhaps after this it will be possible to understand the cheater and try to build a relationship, taking into account the reasons for the betrayal.

Steps you can take to save your family:

  • Try to light a spark. Change your image, become charming and attractive. Make your husband jealous and court again. Just don't overdo it!
  • If the relationship on the side lasts a long period, the husband hides his mistress, then it is better to be patient and wait until she gets tired of luring her man away. Unobtrusively try to distance the man from his mistress, to burden him with some kind of business.
  • If a man is a coward and is simply afraid of ruining his family, use harsher methods. You can slightly blackmail him with children and financial deprivation. Gentle pressure will be helpful. The cheater will realize how disgusting he acted and will decide to continue the old relationship.

Betrayal leaves a negative imprint on the psyche of the traitor himself. He may hate himself after this.

A hopeless situation is extremely rare

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