How to seduce a married woman: a detailed guide

There is a category of guys who are attracted to married women. They seem more inaccessible and desirable to them, unlike free girls. We can say that this is a kind of fetish that excites more than any whips, role-playing games and lace lingerie. However, not everyone knows how to seduce a married woman.

All our further advice will be devoted not only to such lovers of married girls, but also to guys who have finally and irrevocably fallen in love, and someone else’s marriage is not an obstacle to their happiness.

But before you start reading, it is also important to note that:

  1. It is impossible to force anyone to “fall in love” with you and “seduce” anyone - this is just a turn of phrase. There are no universal love recipes; all people are individual, and the feelings and emotions that arise between them often defy any rational explanation.
  2. Deliberately trying to destroy families for the sake of momentary fun is vile and immoral.
  3. Women are not property that can be “stolen” or “taken away.” They decide for themselves what to do and what they want.

It is also worth remembering that affairs with married women or married men often lead to even happier marriages and strong families, so you should not treat such relationships with unambiguous condemnation.

So, let's figure out how to make a married woman fall in love with you if you cannot live peacefully without her.

How to please a married woman if not everything is so simple?

Even if you are both single, and you are an interesting guy with unusual hobbies, a sexy body and a kind heart, still not every girl will want a romantic relationship with you. If only because there is a certain inexplicable craving, which is also called “chemistry” - it either arises or does not (and sometimes we ourselves cannot rationalize our own feelings).

However, you can slightly increase the chances of this irrational feeling appearing between you.

We just warn you: you will have to act exclusively sincerely, without ulterior motives, so as not to blame the girl later with the false concept of the friend zone.

mission Possible

So, if your woman’s current relationship is truly a nightmare in reality, and she cannot fall into your arms only because of problems that you are quite ready to solve, you can draw up an action plan.

Why can't you just take her away from her husband? Oh, if only everything were so simple.

Family is not just kisses and sweet walks. These are many connecting chains between people that are not easy to break off abruptly.

If you really want happiness for your woman, you need to win her heart not by kidnapping or running away, but by following these 10 steps.

Step 1: Presence

How to win a married woman? Just show up in her life more often. Chat, correspond, meet, cross paths at work or in the store.

Your constant company at the first stage is simply necessary.

The girl's world is divided into internal and external. Now you are in the outer world, which becomes not particularly important to her against the backdrop of the inner one, where the husband and family have already taken their place.

But flashing before her eyes all the time, you will cement your beautiful image in her memory. It's great if you are colleagues, neighbors or have mutual friends. Unobtrusive exchanges of words and glances are exactly what is needed.

Don't go overboard with the frequency of contacts. Your intentions should look as innocent as possible. Don't let yourself be discovered ahead of time.

Step 2. Contact

You'll love this part - it's time to turn your little phrases into full-fledged conversations. Talk about what is relevant and interesting to both of you.

Travel, hobbies, work, the latest news or even sports - look for the most exciting topics and present yourself as an interesting conversationalist.

A woman should increasingly be struck by the thought: “What a wonderful and interesting person he is!” This is exactly what we need!

Step 3. Consolidation

All this time, you were just a guy who was interesting to talk to. It's time to raise your level in her eyes.

Move from words to action - provide help, save her from trouble, protect her from danger. Do something for her that she will be grateful for.

But don’t be intrusive - by doing this you risk alienating the woman of your dreams.

Step 4: Getting Closer

You are a good person and conversationalist; such people are called friends and you share your most secret things with them. Time to move on to talking about personal life, family, relationships.

Do not arouse pity with your bachelor status and do not mock the bad husband whose wife you want to beat off - be understanding.

Accept the information with dignity and present it in the same way from yourself.

Don't be afraid to discuss problems in your relationship and how to solve them. Become a personal psychologist for a girl to show how sensitive a man you are.

Step 5: Opposition

A woman must realize that you are better than her husband. You pay attention to her, you care, you are not selfish or greedy. You love children and share her values ​​in life.

Women always subconsciously compare men, looking for the best among them. Well, help her with such a difficult task.

Try to prove your position to her not with words, but with deeds.

Step 6: Advance

You have shown your advantages - now is the time to put them into practice. Husband doesn't give flowers? Now you give them.

Husband doesn't give compliments? From now on, this is an integral part of your communication with the girl.

There is no need to forcefully pester or climb into kissing. Women love to make their own choices, leaving the final initiative for rapprochement to the man himself.

Once you sense her interest in response, hurry up and move on to the next step.

Step 7: Reveal

You are dealing with a girl who will not bat her eyelashes, not understanding your attempts to make a married woman fall in love with you.

She has already managed to feel your serious intentions, and therefore the time has come to show the strength of her masculine spirit and confess her feelings, love and sympathy.

Don't avoid the topic of marriage, having a family, or even children. On the contrary, the obvious awareness of obstacles will increase the seriousness of your intentions significantly.

“I know you have a husband and children, but I will become an even better husband and an even better father. Only I know how to make you happy, you have already seen this.”

Such words will allow a woman to perceive you as a worthy alternative.

Step 8. Preparation

Finally, she expressed her desire to be with you. All that remains is to get rid of the burden of the past.

Don't make rash decisions. Ideally, your beloved should break up with the man, complete the divorce procedure if they are married, and enter into a new relationship as a completely free woman.

Love is impulsive and unpredictable, but try to lay a pure and unblemished foundation for your relationship.

Don't build them on the remnants of past connections and unresolved disagreements. Otherwise, everything will collapse sooner or later.

Mild mockery

You are beautiful, smart and know your worth. You have a lot of fans, and therefore some of you just turn your nose up at them. And then you meet a guy who starts making fun of you. He does this all the time, but not so rudely that you get offended and send him off into the woods. He does this in such a way that over time your self-esteem drops and you begin to doubt yourself and your superiority, and sink to “his level.”

You start communicating with him, and then he tells you how amazing you really are.

The point is that he pulled the rug out from under you, forced you to become his equal, and then raised your self-esteem again. And now you are his. Dot.

He'll be a charming bastard

Submissive obedience or what methods manipulators use

Basic Rules

Before you begin to analyze the basic methods of seduction, you need to understand a few basic details that will help increase the pleasure of the process, and also protect you from critical mistakes that can spoil your health.
So, to the man:

  1. You should not try to seduce a woman who is unhappy in her marriage. Yes, it is extremely easy, but in the end, such a victory will not bring happiness. After all, such a woman does not need another man, since she first needs to deal with her raging husband, get a divorce, and find a new chosen one. A lover will only interfere with this.
  2. You cannot meet the husband of the chosen woman. This must be avoided at all costs. Some girls try to gather their lover and husband in one place to see what happens. This, by the way, may well lead to an unexpected thing - friendship, with subsequent remorse. Because such a good man hardly deserves such a fate when his wife regularly cheats on him with a friend. Therefore, it is important to prevent such an outcome of events and in every possible way prevent a potential acquaintance. You can lose a lover, but gain a friend.
  3. The ideal target for seduction is a middle-aged lady. Such people often suffer from boredom and crave passion, since the emotions in the marriage with the husband have already faded, and the children no longer take the lion's share of the mother's attention, since they have a certain degree of independence.
  4. Many women can behave immodestly, but not in public and not in front of everyone they meet. At the same time, any direct hints will be received with hostility. Therefore, an important point is that everything should go naturally, there is no need to force the relationship too much, but on the contrary, the more careful and thoughtful a man acts, the higher the chance of getting what everything was started for.
  5. It is undesirable to get involved in her family affairs, try to give advice, and especially compare yourself with your husband.

The most vulnerable to seduction are women who have been married for about 5-7 years, are healthy, have children, and are moderately wealthy.

Naturally, before you begin, you will need to draw up a portrait of your chosen one.

How to quickly pick up a girl or guy

In order to attract the attention of the person you like, it is not at all necessary to attend expensive trainings. It is enough to know some phrases and techniques to help attract attention.

The main thing in a fast pickup truck is originality, lightness and lack of vulgarity.

Seduction gurus advise keeping a few phrases ready that you can use in a certain situation and capture the attention of the person you like:

To meet people on the street, guys can use a similar phrase: “I’m conducting a social experiment, would you mind answering a few questions? What is your name? What is your favorite fruit? Your phone number?" In rainy weather, young people can approach a wet girl without an umbrella and shelter her from the weather. And if you don’t have an umbrella, you can dive under the umbrella of the person you like. For both boys and girls, you can try to veiledly ask for a phone number: “Girl (young man), do you have paper and pen? I’ll write down your number, I wouldn’t want to lose you.”

In most cases, you can capture the attention of the object you like with eloquence, seasoned with a dose of humor: “See that guy? His name is Petya, he is my best friend. The fact is that we argued with him, and the subject of the dispute is you

He claims that you are beautiful, I disagree with him and convince him that you are stunningly beautiful. Resolve our dispute and tell me who is wrong? Girls can manipulate men with their unexpected persistence. All you have to do is go up to the guy you like and say: “Hey, handsome, what are you doing tonight?” A phrase said with a smile will discourage any young man, and he will only be glad to accompany you this evening. Girls should take note of the love of the opposite sex to help weak ladies. Help can be needed anywhere, in a store you can ask a tall guy to get that jar of peas, on the street it’s enough to ask for help with heavy bags or a flat car tire. In between, ask for a phone number and say you know whose strong arms will help you next time. Both the stronger and weaker sex like it when they are praised. Be it outstanding external data, personality traits, intelligence, courage, beautiful voice. Follow the person you like, choose his most outstanding feature and tell him how amazed you are by his eyes, gait, eloquence, smile.

Attracting a person of the opposite sex is not so difficult, and it is easiest for girls to do this: men like brave ladies, the first step from a girl is discouraging and the guy has no reason not to continue communication. Guys can easily achieve success, the main thing is to approach dating in an original way, with a sense of humor and the most charming smile.

Advice for men

A few small tips for those who want to know how to seduce married women:

  • periodically change meeting places;
  • if the relationship is started for the sake of intimacy, then the meeting place should be a neutral territory;
  • no need to make loud statements;
  • It is not advisable to talk about your relationship, it should remain a secret unless the goal is for the husband to find out about the affair.

The main thing is to stay interesting. To do this, you need to know the girl’s hobbies and interests, and also be sure that her feelings for her husband are not sincere, then the chance of success will increase. You need to understand that cheating is a serious step for any woman. And she won’t decide on him right away. Therefore, we must act subtly, trying to give her those very missing emotions and strengthening the spiritual connection in such a way that she sees a soul mate who becomes closer than her husband. Then the results won’t take long to arrive.

Why forbidden fruit is always sweeter

It takes a man little time to please a married, beautiful woman. If the chosen one does not intend to cheat on her husband, she will say this delicately and will not take up the admirer’s time. Someone else's wife has other advantages over free girls:

  1. Does not require marriage or status. The girl has a husband, she is satisfied with her social status, because for society she remains an exemplary wife.
  2. Experience. Before marriage, women are sometimes constrained and have complexes. With the advent of a permanent partner, these problems disappear and sexual relationships improve. The remaining complexes disappear after the birth of the child, especially if the husband still feels desire.
  3. No need for extra attention. Expensive gifts, jewelry, flowers raise questions for the spouse, so they are abandoned at the grinding-in stage. But minor signs in the form of a cup of coffee are perceived as romantic.
  4. Doesn't take much time. It’s possible to pay attention to your partner between work, household chores, and checking on your child’s homework. She appreciates every minute, since lovers always have little time at their disposal.

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Final stage

Even when a lady is ready for sex, there is no need to rush - additional stimulation will provide your partner with a vivid orgasm. No matter how much you want to quickly excite a woman, you need to do this slowly, gradually increasing the pace. You should caress with your lips and hands, moving along the inside of your legs to the perineum. The maximum number of nerve endings is located on the labia minora and in the area of ​​the vestibule of the vagina. These areas can be stimulated alternately with the clitoris, increasing the intensity of a woman's orgasm.

READ How to caress a man so that he never forgets you

Signs of sexual arousal

If you know how to caress your girlfriend correctly, after a few minutes of foreplay, signals of strong desire will appear. The female body is not robotics, so there are no universal settings and characteristics. However, if at least half of the sexual symptoms are present, we can talk about success:

  • cessation of communication - answers are limited to short “yes” or “no”;
  • tension and trembling in some parts of the body;
  • redness of the skin and face;
  • dry lips and half-open mouth;
  • rapid breathing;
  • increased sweating;
  • closed eyes;
  • tight squeezing of the thighs when a woman tries to please herself;
  • swelling of the nipples;
  • increased vaginal discharge.

At the peak of excitement, the girl tries to touch her partner’s genitals and directs his hands closer to her perineum.

She should feel special7

How to persuade your wife to have a threesome? An incredibly important aspect and perhaps the hardest part of a threesome is the challenge of making the main partner feel special. The night should be like a grand date that both were looking forward to. Even if the other girl looks like Miss Universe, it is important to focus your attention on your woman!

You need to respect her wishes, follow directions, take time and show feelings. The next day, you should also not deprive the girl of attention: it is important to show her that she is more important than the other option.

How to recognize a pick-up artist: I recognize a cute one by strategy

Unfortunately, identifying a professional pickup artist is almost impossible. The pickup guru has psychology and NLP on his side. Fortunately, virtuosos of their craft are rare.

The overwhelming majority of pick-up artists are ordinary womanizers who use memorized techniques and follow classic pickup patterns.

Pickup artist on a dating site

Like? Yes, this is not “hi, how are you.” This is a “bottle opener” or “opener”. The first message with which the pick-up artist sets himself apart from the crowd of ordinary people on a dating site. Go ahead

Let's take a look at the profile of this original, who captured your attention from the first shot.

Attractive appearance. High-quality portfolio. About myself - with humor and sense. About you - with feeling and arrangement. He makes good money. Secured. His dating profile is filled with confidence and charisma. An emasculated image of the ideal man.

Communication is developing rapidly. You bask in his attention and are mesmerized by his charm. This confident, persistent and very interesting interlocutor makes your head spin even on paper. As soon as you give a beautiful stranger your phone number, he disappears. The pickup artist does not call on the same day. And even the next one.

Finally he calls. Makes a date - for example, in the park. While walking in the park, he “accidentally” unearths a bottle of champagne and a couple of glasses.

  • “Fast” is a model of lightning-fast seduction, which involves only one date ending in sex.
  • “Three-date” is a model of progressive seduction over three dates, of which the third should end in sex.

Date 1. The pick-up artist will demonstrate adequacy and interest. Will give the impression of a Dream Man. Will note that you are special. He will “mirror” you (repeat movements) and “kinesthete” (inadvertently touch you).

Date 2. After 2-3 days of silence, he will arrange an unforgettable meeting. The kinesthetics will be more frank, and the impressions will be more vivid. You walk down the street, go into a cafe, and everything is already prepared for you - for example, a tea ceremony. You are delighted. He disappears for about a week. "Withdrawal."

Date 3. The pick-up artist moves on to the final part of the novel - the “roof-breaker”. “Do you believe in fairy tales? Me too. After all, all you have to do is extend your hand…”, the pick-up artist will say on the third date, snap his finger and the sky will light up with fireworks in your honor. A “roof blower” could be a dinner on the roof or poetry under the moon. Depends on the pick-up artist’s financial situation and his imagination.

“My great love is enough for the two of us,” you want to sing to him in the morning. And there is no one to sing. Finita la comedy. A drama begins in which you fly to the ground like a shot bird with a silent cry of “Why?”

Pickup artist in real life

Actually, in real life everything happens the same way as on the site.

  • Non-standard acquaintance (“Girl, can you tell me how to get to your heart?”).
  • Vivid communication (“soul mate”, “not like everyone else”).
  • “Fast” or “three-date”.

By the way, only a few people engage in fast food. Talented pick-up artists who can sweep a girl off her feet on the very first day of meeting them are one in a million. The vast majority are home-grown hunters for girls’ hearts who use theatrical approaches and the classic “three-date”.

What to pay attention to

There are no universal ways to please an attractive young lady. Be observant to determine what the girl is missing.


How to win a girl: reasons for failure and methods of seduction

Be gallant

Politeness became the mark of select young people. Opening the door, offering a hand and helping in a restaurant makes a young man stand out from the crowd, so gallantry is the way to effectively attract a woman. Study the basic manners in more detail, apply them even when your chosen one is not around. Rumors of unusual behavior will spread quickly and make a good impression.


Women living a family life get tired of everyday life. An unexpectedly appearing young man will help diversify it and add color. Do not rush to reveal your identity, since most girls like detective stories and mysteries. Bouquets on the desktop, messages from an unknown number and letters in the mailbox will attract attention, even if the age of the beauty you like is approaching Balzac’s age.

Humor and positivity

Positive thinking looks better than constant negativity, and over time comes the understanding that it is easier to live with this approach. Don't stop being creative and cheerful when the girl you like is around. Entertain her with stories from your life, funny monologues, retelling other people's jokes. Smile when communicating and try to be in a good mood most of the time.


Appearance for a girl and career for a man are indicators of assessment in working on oneself. Status is important during seduction, although not everyone admits it. Don't boast about your high position or salary. To achieve the desired effect, show:

  • expensive accessories;
  • high-quality clothes and shoes;
  • automobile;
  • own real estate.

Do it casually, do not focus attention on it, in order to create the feeling that this is common and does not cause surprise or pride.


It is difficult to seduce a married young lady without taste and neat appearance. Try to match the image:

  1. Maintain basic hygiene regarding your body, nails and hair. Daily showers, deodorant and cologne are a must, and manicures and haircuts should be done regularly.
  2. Clothes may not be perfectly ironed, but they are clean and free of holes or patches.
  3. Visit your dentist for a routine checkup and professional teeth cleaning.

These are the minimum requirements for successful seduction.

Give plenty of time to foreplay3

For women, this is a very significant component of their sex life. If the actual sexual act is more important to a man, then women like to enjoy the times before it. Foreplay not only creates the right mood, it also helps prepare the body for the act itself, since during foreplay her body produces the necessary lubrication. This makes sex less painful and allows for more pleasure.

Foreplay should not include too strong or rough movements. Even if your wife sometimes prefers something harder, it's best to save that for the next step. The best option for foreplay is a gentle massage, teasing touches, stroking the breasts, nipples and thighs. You can periodically touch more intimate places, this will help her body produce lubrication faster and prepare for the main stage.

Internet pickup (message examples)

Some shy and indecisive young ladies have difficulty communicating with the opposite sex. The fear of appearing funny (being stupid or blushing with excitement) forces you to postpone contact with the guy you like for an indefinite period. Virtual communication can be a good pickup lesson for such girls. Looking at the profiles of men bored alone on a dating site will inspire you to engage in bold, non-committal flirting. Advice for aspiring seductresses:

  1. Cast a shadow of mystery over yourself: “A beautiful stranger dreams of intimacy with you. All details in a personal meeting”, “I feel an intense attraction to you, despite the distance. Who knows, maybe I am your destiny?”, “I often dream about the man of my dreams. You look suspiciously like him. What if the dream really came true?”
  2. Talk about your suddenly flared passion: “Broken my heart. Would you provide first aid to someone who has suffered from your charisma?”, “I saw your photo and lit up. A strong desire to touch you, to feel the embrace of strong arms.”
  3. Promise enchanting sensations: “I’m ready to open the doors to another dimension for you. I’ll teach you bad things quickly and in a fiery way! Before meeting me, you definitely never experienced anything like this”, “Do you miss the thrill? I'll help you catch up. It will be hot!".
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