How to seduce any woman - from a young girl to a married lady

While some guys seduce unapproachable beauties, others do not know how to win an ordinary girl. It seems that you have everything, both your appearance and your character, but you can’t flirt and seduce. So what’s the matter: incorrect presentation, behavior or embarrassment? Yes, it happens that just a girl is a tough nut to crack, but usually it all depends on the man and his ability to seduce. Learn to pick up and conquer from the first meeting!

General tips for proper seduction

Many guys don’t know how to properly seduce women and end up failing in love. Don't be upset if you are one of them yet. Once you study our tips, everything will change dramatically. So, how to act to seduce any woman:

  1. Fast. Don’t slow down when you notice a beautiful lady on the horizon who makes you have a burning desire to conquer her. If you constantly take a wait-and-see attitude, you risk being ahead of another more decisive man. Don't forget about possible competition among your surroundings. And women love it when attention is immediately drawn to their person. “What kind of guy waits so long for weather from the sea?” - they will think if you are slow.
  2. Original. Leave banal jokes like “your mother doesn’t need a son-in-law” in the past. Nowadays women love to be surprised. To stand out from the rest of the gray mass, you don’t need to become a freak. Use something new in your arsenal. Take a closer look at your chosen one and find points of influence. Maybe she likes hot coffee of an unusual variety in the morning or bright jewelry? This information can be easily used during courtship for a successful approach. Don't forget that in addition to original surprises, girls love a good sense of humor from people of the opposite sex. With a positive person it is always easy and joyful. As soon as you learn to joke during communication, avoiding sensitive topics and vulgarities, seducing any girl, be it your neighbor or your friend, will become much easier.
  3. Beautiful. There is no way to seduce her without pleasant phrases addressed to the lady you like. A good compliment makes girls melt like vanilla ice cream. A woman feels special when people talk about her beauty and grace. Confirm your words with a pleasant surprise: flowers or a box of perfume will help you seduce a girl even faster. Speak like a gentleman, do not make jokes like: “What a great ass you have.” All you can count on after such highly intelligent compliments is a sour smile and a ban. Do not spare pleasant words, but do not go too far. Eulogies become boring if they are not interspersed with engaging conversation.
  4. Persistently. If you get rejected, don't give up. It is quite possible that the woman is testing your strength. Turn on your hunting instinct and try again. Your prey in the person of a seductive lady must understand that you will not give up on your goal. Women are rebellious, but for the time being. By acting differently, like an inexperienced youth, you risk being branded a loser and losing the opportunity to seduce a girl.
  5. Confident. Before seducing a woman, especially a mature one, set yourself up to win. Don't even think that she won't pay attention to you. Work out your tactics by finding an individual approach. Notes of doubt can confuse you at the most inopportune moment and derail the entire operation. A real man is always confident that he can easily seduce any beauty. Don't be afraid of being rejected, you have every chance of getting a sexy lady.

Charming a girl is quite simple if you are easy to communicate with, have a sense of tact and at least a little understanding of female nature. Be yourself, don’t act like a Casanova, and you will be able to charm any beauty.

Stages of seduction

The seduction process can be divided into several stages:

  1. Acquaintance . The importance of dating is that first impressions are extremely difficult to change. When meeting a man for the second time, a woman will already be at the mercy of her own prejudices from the first meeting. That is why a bright, unusual, memorable acquaintance that left a pleasant impression on a woman will be a significant contribution to the success of seduction.
  2. Development of a relationship . Quite rarely, relationships that have not received proper development and dynamics from the very beginning of acquaintance can develop into love. Therefore, when seducing, it is important to bring them to the point where obvious sympathy on the part of the woman appears. You can win the sympathy of a woman in different ways, however, if after meeting a man he has become ordinary, unremarkable friends, it will be quite difficult to correct the situation.
  3. Designation of intimate positions .
    At this stage, an understanding must occur between a man and a woman that they want more from each other than just to be acquaintances. Moreover, this does not have to happen in a direct form; often such consolidation of positions occurs by hints, indirectly.
  4. Intimate relationships . The turning point is when a woman agrees to have an intimate relationship. At the same time, it is important for a male seducer to be able to correctly assess the situation when possible. An unsuccessful experience in transforming a relationship into an intimate one will be extremely unpleasant and may even lead to the fact that in the future the woman may lose interest in the man due to his incorrect behavior.

How to capture the attention of a beauty?

Beautiful girls certainly attract attention. They are clearly different from others with their dazzling appearance. You can meet them not only on the covers of magazines, but also in everyday life. Brother's wife's sister, your friend's girlfriend: how to seduce them if they are devilishly beautiful?

How to captivate a beauty queen:

  1. Look for common interests and preferences: being able to discuss something with a lady other than her impeccable appearance will give you a huge advantage.
  2. When communicating with a girl, highlight her various qualities, and not just her beauty: the woman is probably tired of compliments about her external merits and wants to be seen in her soul.
  3. Change your look: dress up, get a manicure and a fashionable haircut to match your lady.
  4. Develop your best qualities and focus on them: the ability to fix a bathroom faucet or whip up lunch turns many women on more than an athletic torso.
  5. Exude self-confidence: you should stand out from the rest of the guys hovering around a beautiful girl.
  6. Do not treat a woman with servility, as she will perceive you not as a worthy gentleman, but only as another annoying admirer.
  7. Be persistent and unshakable: “We’ll go to a restaurant today, I’ll wait at the entrance in the evening.” Don't leave any options for refusal.

You don't need to be a wizard to seduce a beautiful woman. The appearance of an ancient Greek god is not a necessary condition for a girl to notice you against the background of other gentlemen.

Seducer, what he is: a psychological portrait

The most attractive to women are men who have the following qualities:

  1. Charismatic. Charisma is a fairly generalized concept that means the exclusivity of a person in some respect, externally, spiritually, intellectually. Charismatic men are distinguished only by their inherent characteristics, they involuntarily attract attention and arouse keen interest among women, and these qualities are not an indicative event or a kind of mask, they are a norm of behavior, a way of life, a life position, that is, an absolutely natural manifestation of personal qualities.
  2. Sense of humor. A seductive man knows how to joke, and exactly when it is needed. His jokes always cause an outburst of laughter, and they never offend a woman, he knows where the boundaries of vulgarity begin, his humor will never offend her.
  3. Confidence. A seductive man knows what he wants, he does not show indecisiveness and is ready to defend his point of view.
  4. Emotionality . The absence of emotions a priori cannot cause such in a woman. A man who is successful with women is emotional, and moreover, emotionally positive.
  5. Success .
    From time immemorial, long before knightly tournaments, women liked winners. This criterion for choosing a lover has remained unchanged to this day.

How to win over a classmate?

What to do if your desk neighbor is so attractive that it takes your breath away? How to seduce your classmate or at least attract her attention:

  1. Put her to sleep: chat about all sorts of nonsense, teachers, lessons. And periodically insert apt phrases into everyday conversation: “You look great today!” or “What beautiful eyes you have!” This way your courtship will be unobtrusive and not too obvious. Your classmate will not even notice how she will fall head over heels in love with you.
  2. Help with lessons and assignments. Learning difficulties can bring you together. If you are particularly good at some subject, offer to improve her or, at worst, let her cheat on the test. She will be grateful to you for your help, and seducing her will become much easier.
  3. Walk her home after school. If your classmates start making fun of you, that's just great. School rumors about the bride and groom can provoke a real romance between you.
  4. Spend time together during breaks. Discuss homework or the bad teacher. By laughing and getting upset with a cute classmate, you will take a couple more steps towards your goal.
  5. Play around in gym class. Sports activities are simply a treasure trove of convenient opportunities for flirting. Put her on the rope, help her do a somersault, give in to the hundred-meter run. Touching will help you get closer to the girl of your dreams and enter her comfort zone.

Now you know how to behave and what to do. Don't be afraid of anything, you have every chance. Even if the girl rejects your advances, do not despair, all victories on the love front are still ahead.

First dates

The cherished day has arrived when you decide to invite a girl on a date. Don’t be shy or shy, call her to a meeting casually, as if casually. If she agrees, express joy, but not too much - you are still far from victory. And if you refuse, don’t be offended or upset. The honor would be offered, as they say.

If a girl says that she is busy for now, but can meet you later, do not hang over her soul. She herself will tell you when she is ripe.

Prepare for the date thoroughly. Everything should be at its best - from the appearance to the place for the rendezvous. Take note of the following tips - they will be useful to you at 20, 30, and 50 years old.

  1. Clothes should be stylish but simple. There is no need to dress up like Philip Kirkorov.
  2. Just because no one but you can see your socks and underwear doesn’t mean they can be dirty, holey, or worn out.
  3. Pay special attention to shoes. It should look like new.
  4. Use accessories. The look will be perfectly complemented by a fashionable watch, bracelet or chain.
  5. Lay your hair well, it should not stick out in different directions.
  6. Beard is different from beard. Facial hair is, of course, in fashion today, but it should be beautifully and neatly trimmed.
  7. Don't forget deodorant, cologne and chewing gum. You should smell like a fresh sea breeze, not sweat and onions.
  8. When choosing a place for a date, focus on the girl’s preferences. If she is an athlete, offer her some active and dynamic leisure time; if she is an intellectual, go to a museum or art gallery. You can ask her friends what the lady likes and what she is interested in - this information will be useful to you more than once.
  9. Cinema and cafes, to be honest, are not the best options for a first date. In a movie you won’t really communicate, but in a cafe, on the contrary, you will have to talk all the time. While you don’t know the person well, there are almost no common topics for conversation, and awkward silence will constantly arise.

Read more about the first date in the article “How to start dating a girl.”

How to charm a married woman?

If you are madly in love with someone's wife, then think ten times before pestering her and destroying someone else's family. If you are not afraid of problems and you are counting on reciprocity, these tips on how to seduce a married woman will help you:

  1. Analyze the situation and find out what the girl lacks in communication with her husband. Compliments, surprises, gifts - all this disappears over time for most married couples. Give your married lady a breath of fresh air in the form of romance.
  2. Before rushing into battle, always test the waters. Seducing a married woman requires caution. Choose a good moment when she is alone. And it’s better not to use mobile communications until you have established contact.
  3. Act slowly but persistently. Perhaps the lady wants to have an affair on the side, but it is difficult for her to decide on it for the first time. Take the initiative in conversations. Voice your intentions so that the woman understands how desirable she is.
  4. Don't drag her into bed from the first date. Give time to get used to the possible status of a mistress, and only then seduce as best you can.

If everything went well, decide whether this was a one-time meeting, or whether you want to continue having fun with the lady. Think about how dangerous it is to continue to seduce a married woman. The status of a lover is walking through a minefield, which is fraught with many problems.

And now you're home

Many guys here consider their mission complete and relax. But this is where everything will break down for you if you do not work correctly. Here are some specific steps.

  1. Tell us a little about your home, show them around the rooms, offer them tea or something cool (summer or winter).
  2. Offer her some nice drink. Prepare it in advance so you can easily take it out later. It must be truly enjoyable. You don’t need to drink a lot, simple relaxation is enough.
  3. Now the girl feels relaxed and relatively comfortable in your home.
  4. Now slowly move on to the same thing you started with when you managed to arouse her slightly. Again, touching, kissing and so on.
  5. Go for a massage. You can get a massage at home much better than in a cafe or even in nature.
  6. Needless to say that massage should be erotic? But get bolder gradually. You will feel the girl getting more and more excited and relaxed. Don't rush things, it should take enough time to get excited.
  7. If she allows you to touch her breasts, butt and even in more intimate places without any problems, it’s time to kiss and undress.

How to seduce a female leader?

Often men crave sex with female superiors. And many guys only dream about how to seduce their teacher. The reasons may be different:

  • desire to advance in your career or studies,
  • powerful women excite
  • stunning appearance of the leader.

Approaching such a representative of the fair sex is not so easy. What to do in such cases?

  1. First of all, study the taste preferences of the object of passion. What is this woman's weakness? Candy, books, flowers? Having secured such information, you can easily show her a sign of attention at a convenient moment.
  2. Enter into a discussion with her about work or school issues. Show that you have your point of view. Just do it wisely, and don’t argue like a fool, spitting saliva. You need to get her attention. The woman will be indignant that they dared to contradict her, but at the same time she will replay your dialogue in her head all evening.
  3. Make eye contact. Look at the woman more often, and when she herself looks at you, do not look away. Give her a nonverbal sign that you are attracted to her.
  4. A corporate event is your chance to get closer. An informal setting has many advantages: you can sit down with your boss and start a conversation, invite her to dance, or go out together into the fresh air.
  5. Stay late. Be the last one to leave the classroom at the end of the class or stay at work until late if the boss is also in no hurry to go home. These precious minutes give you the opportunity to exchange a few phrases or hints (depending on the situation).
  6. Be confident. Powerful women are accustomed to a degree of servility towards them, and you behave a little defiantly. Any representative of the fair sex, in the end, wants to be conquered.

Remember that you are walking on a razor's edge when trying to seduce a female executive. If the plan fails, then, at a minimum, you will ruin your relationship with her, and, at maximum, you will be fired.

Is any girl ready to be seduced?

The seduction schemes proposed above give you a considerable chance, but what do you think about a girl who can be persuaded to have sex in 2 minutes? Let's see if any girl can be seduced. First, about those who are sure to “not give up” in a short time:

  • girls who have no experience of sexual life (virgins);
  • having extremely negative experiences that make them “hate all men”;
  • successfully dating another guy;
  • convinced that sex at the first meeting is not comme il faut;
  • girls with high self-esteem, accustomed to luxurious courtship and expensive gifts;
  • girls with low self-esteem, overly complex or pathologically picky.

Be careful with girls who can be seduced in a couple of minutes, as there may be very different reasons behind this:

  • she quarreled with her boyfriend and, out of revenge, decided to cheat on him “with the first person she meets” (if they make up, you might get some serious shit from her boyfriend);
  • a girl of easy virtue or looking for a “sponsor” to siphon off money;
  • she is out of her mind from alcohol or marijuana.

There is only one good reason why a girl might be ready to be seduced in the first hours of meeting her - she was yearning for love, and she just likes you. That is, she hasn’t had a boyfriend for a long time, and she went “hunting” herself.

How to seduce a much older woman?

Some men are not interested in young girls, they are attracted to older women. Don't know how to seduce an adult aunt? Here is a list of working tricks:

  1. Never talk about age, especially at first. No matter how gorgeous the lady looks, she is not happy with the number of years she has lived. Just avoid these topics. If you had to answer her question: “What do I look like?”, skillfully flaunt: “A+.”
  2. Just kidding. What women at any age lack is humor. Anyone wants to laugh from the heart, but most often mature ladies do not have such an opportunity. The burden of worries and the experience of their days prevent them from relaxing. Give her a piece of your enthusiasm and youth, and the woman will set you apart from the rest.
  3. Be a man. An adult woman is not your mother, and if you really want to seduce her, behave like a real male. Confidence and drive should be your companions in this case.
  4. Give compliments. Any woman, especially an adult, wants to hear pleasant words addressed to her. Learn to verbally emphasize a woman’s strengths and not pay attention to a lady’s shortcomings. For example, if a woman, due to her age, does not wear too revealing outfits, you can tell her: “You are always so elegantly dressed compared to others.”
  5. Be gallant. Today's youth are gradually forgetting the rules of good manners, which cannot be said about middle-aged and older women. Your lady love will definitely appreciate the manners of a gentleman: open doors for her, offer your hand, pull up a chair. She will be flattered by this attitude towards herself.
  6. Talk openly about your desires. An experienced woman does not like to play romance for a long time. If communication has begun and you see the lady’s disposition, believe me, she also wants sex with you. Of course, you shouldn’t attack with such specifics right away, but the second or third date is an occasion to express a desire for intimacy.

Try to behave maturely, and not like a fledgling youth, then you will be able to win an adult beauty. Show her that you are better than men of her age in everything, with the help of intelligence, manners and a hot temper.

What is art?

Although in the process of seduction it is possible to identify certain patterns of behavior and stages in the development of relationships, all these are nothing more than the rules of the game .

Moreover, like any game, seduction can also turn into art.

A successful game of seduction will bring a lot of pleasure not only to the woman, but also to the man.

The art of seduction is to intrigue a woman , to make her feel her genuine interest in a man.

At the same time, the latter needs to not only predict the woman’s behavior, but also direct it in the right direction, be the master of the situation, and control its development.

From a certain point of view, it can be called anti-moral, playing on feelings, but this can be done without damage to both parties, since as a result, both the man and the woman can benefit from a great time spent with each other.

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