Why is she looking into my eyes? What does it mean if a man looks intently into his eyes during a conversation: let’s look into it in detail

Scientists' assessment, or how long a sincere look lasts

British scientists conducted a number of experiments and proved that the length of a man’s gaze can determine a man’s attitude towards a woman:

  • visual contact less than 4 seconds - sympathy is unlikely, the man is not interested enough;
  • close attention for more than 8 seconds - sympathy is likely, there is a chance of building a romantic relationship.

Interesting! Such an iconic role is assigned exclusively to the male gaze. A woman can look at a man for no reason, out of banal curiosity.

Psychologists advise focusing not only on the duration of visual contact, but also on other non-verbal signs of male sympathy. If a number of factors indicate that a guy is interested in you, then you can start flirting without fear of making a mistake.

Why does a guy look intently into a girl’s eyes and not look away?

Despite the guy’s desire to hide his feelings, his eyes reveal his true intentions. A man subconsciously focuses his gaze on an object of interest and does not control how long he looks at it.

From a biochemical point of view, the whole process is due to the production of the hormone phenylethylamine, which affects mood and emotions and increases mental focus.

You can use a trick: during a conversation, look into the eyes of the guy you like for a long time. Of course, you shouldn’t look at the object of your sympathy too closely, it may seem stupid. The optimal time to hold your gaze on a man is 4 seconds.

How to respond to scrutiny

It is human nature to desire reciprocity, and when a man does not take his eyes off, he is waiting for an answer. A positive reaction from the interlocutor, meaning mutual sympathy (smile, nod, touch), will be an incentive for the guy to act further.

Of course, it often happens that the desired emotion is missing from the gaze. The main thing in this situation is not to confuse sympathy with the manifestation of other feelings (irritation, anger, etc.).

If at the moment of visual contact the lady does not experience discomfort, then there are no negative emotions on the part of the man. The girl is advised to take a wait-and-see attitude and not rush to conclusions and analyze the young man’s behavior.

If a woman wants to demonstrate that she is not against communication, she needs:

  • establish prolonged visual contact, then abruptly switch to the lips, stop, as if examining them, and look into the partner’s eyes again;
  • catch the eye, looking eye to eye for a long time.

Turn on the alarm


Already in the fifth grade, I could accurately determine which classmate liked me and which classmate I liked. And by the last year of the institute I realized that without words I could understand whether the girl I met was in the mood for acquaintance and romance.


Once a colleague called me a heartthrob, a Don Juan and a ladies' man. “And this is all about me?” — I was sincerely surprised. “At parties,” she said, “you easily meet the most beautiful girls, and not one in my memory turned you away.” Her words flattered me, although they did not correspond to reality. I'm not a heartthrob. And I don’t meet the most beautiful girls, but those who want to meet. That's why I almost never get rejected.

You may have noticed that obvious beauties are much more likely to be alone than “just pretty girls.” Because real beauties are unapproachable. Or they want to appear as such - and therefore they very carefully monitor their gestures and facial expressions. And the rest give free rein to their instincts. Their body constantly sends sexual signals. Of course, hidden. You yourself may not be aware that you are sending them. But the man sees them and comes to you. But he doesn’t go to a beauty who has “everything under control.” That’s why it is believed that beauty and sex appeal are two big differences. And “don’t be born beautiful” is also why. Men prefer happy people.

The oldest female sex signal is an upright posture. As soon as a noteworthy representative of the stronger sex comes into the girl’s field of vision, she immediately straightens her back. This causes the stomach to retract, and the chest, on the contrary, to protrude, which in itself is very erotic.

The next primitive gesture is throwing your hair behind your back. It's like you're exposing your neck for a kiss. And if your hair is short and there is nothing to put back, you will play with the chain or beads on your neck, fidget with the earrings in your ears... By playing with jewelry and stroking yourself, you give yourself pleasant tactile sensations. You want a man to do the same. And the man’s instinct kicks in: he needs to come up and ask for the phone number.

In fact, women are much more sensitive to “subconscious signals” than men.
And if you are not averse to meeting a young man, it means that you have already noticed that he himself is showing interest in you. COMING TO CONSCIOUSNESS

Now let's talk about conscious gestures. And don’t try to convince me that while talking to me, without any hidden intent, you undid the top button on your blouse, that your shoe inadvertently slipped off your heel and began to swing on your toes. I will never believe this! From your manipulations with clothes, I can only draw one conclusion: you want to undress in my presence. Any psychologist will tell you that when face to face with a man who is unpleasant, a woman tries to fasten all the buttons tightly, pull the collar of her jacket up to her ears, and certainly will not play with her shoes.

PSYCHOLOGIST'S COMMENT: Conscious provocations do not always give the expected effect. This is especially true for openness in clothing. Successful men are already tired of the seductive behavioral cliches of girls, and a slight mysterious closeness can be a good contrast. An outfit (or gesture) that is too revealing can be just as off-putting as one that is too covered.


I rest my elbow on the table. You do the same. I interlock my fingers and rest my chin on them. You repeat. I light a cigarette. And you reach for the pack. Well... Your signal has been received - you like me. I mean, it doesn’t mean that I’m gloatingly thinking, “Yeah, gotcha!” Nothing like this. Mirroring is most often perceived by a man on a subconscious level, and gives him a feeling of comfort. “We act the same” stands for “we are right for each other.”

PSYCHOLOGIST'S COMMENT: Mirroring is the first step in adjusting to a man. But then you should subjugate your interlocutor - so that he subconsciously wants to mirror you. If you succeed, then you have achieved success.


In psychology there is such a concept - “comfort zone”. It denotes our personal space, into which we do not want to allow strangers. For the average European and American, the radius of the zone is 60 cm. Anyone will feel uncomfortable when someone alien and unpleasant tries to “cross the border.” The natural reaction is to recoil, retreat, keep distance…. Unless, of course, you find the “invader” sexually attractive. Any man knows: if a woman has invaded his personal space, in other words, moved closer to him than expected, she likes him. She wants him. Her step towards him is a very clear sexual signal.

To penetrate his personal space, by the way, it is not necessary to move your whole body closer. You can reach out and brush a speck off his shoulder. And don’t chalk it all up to “it happened by accident.” No girl will willingly touch a stranger. Well, there’s a speck on his jacket, let him brush it off himself.

PSYCHOLOGIST'S COMMENT: And sometimes girls invade a man's comfort zone, pouring a cocktail on him, dropping ice cream and other food. It's risky, but the effect can be strong - a girl who ruins your suit is remembered for a long time.


Only the stupidest representatives of the stronger sex do not understand why a girl looks away, not wanting to meet a man. “She doesn’t like me so much that she even hates to look at me,” decides some oaf of men. A normal macho man understands: if a girl looks away, it means she is shy. And if she is shy about him, it means she likes him.

There is a classic algorithm of eye movements that our grandmothers used: to the corner - to the nose - to the object.
Sometimes this technique helps a girl pretend to be interested, even if she really isn’t... ANOTHER WOMAN

You meet me on the street, in the office, at a party... Here I am - in all my glory and in full height. You glance at me. I don’t notice any interest in myself in him. The signal has been received: you are head over heels in love with someone else... At least I will be consoled by this.

A woman in love (read: happy) is a magnet for men. Her gait is graceful, her gestures are smooth, her eyebrows are not drawn together in a spasm of bitchiness to the bridge of her nose. She is confident in her attractiveness, so she flirts easily and with pleasure. Science explains the attractiveness of a woman in love through the action of phenylethylamine, a substance that accelerates the process of transmitting impulses. In lovers, this substance is produced above the norm. And deprives them of peace. It is difficult for a lover to sit still, he constantly moves, smiles, strokes himself... And for a woman it turns out to be especially erotic. She, without knowing it, constantly sends sexual signals to others.

It is known that pretending to be in love is a great way to make someone fall in love with you.

I caught your calling signals and moved in your direction... But then you start sending stop signals. Perhaps you don't think of them as such. But I will definitely slow down and change course if...

... In response to my “Do you smoke?” you immediately break into a wide smile, say your name, extend your hand first... I will decide that you suffer from lack of attention and are ready to throw yourself on the neck of the first person you meet.

...You are too independent. For example, if you drop your fork and dive under the table for it, I will immediately understand that you are not being spoiled with male attention. Which means something is wrong with you...

... You are trying to assert yourself at the expense of your friend: “Darling, you crumbled the bun all over the table. This is not appropriate". Or: “Honey, your mascara is running, touch up your makeup.” Fine. You convinced me that your girlfriend is not an option. Maybe I won't ask her for her phone number. But I’m unlikely to decide to continue acquaintance with you, because you’re an insecure girl, otherwise you wouldn’t humiliate your friend.

PSYCHOLOGIST'S COMMENT: Indeed, kindness is a sign of strength... But still, a figure needs a background, so comparison with a friend can favorably emphasize your advantages. The main thing is to avoid rudeness.

We thank Alexander Kichaev, psychologist, author of the book “How to Become a VIP Wife,” for your help.

Is it true that the look of a person in love changes?

When a person experiences love, regardless of gender and age, the body releases hormones that affect appearance and behavior:

  • heart rate increases;
  • he is in a state close to euphoria;
  • gait changes;
  • improves complexion, hair and nails;
  • pupil size increases.

Interesting! It is the eyes that are the true indicator of a man’s feelings. The “bottomless” pupil effect indicates serious intentions. The absence of eye changes at the moment of love confession indicates light flirting without long meetings.

A man looks away: what to do, how to behave

If the man you are interested in looks away during visual contact, there may be several reasons for this:

  • Attracts the girl's attention. The latter begins to be tormented and wonder what is wrong. or active actions using smiles, prolonged visual contact, etc. The main thing is to understand in time whether the option is chosen correctly.
  • Busy with work, thinking about important problems. You should let the guy be alone with his thoughts and not try to establish contact, this will only push him away.
  • Doesn't know about the existence of sympathy on the part of the girl. It is worth showing courage and using feminine tricks to attract attention.
  • The girl is not interesting to him . In this case, it is worth switching your attention to another young man.

How to understand a man's gaze during a conversation

Why does a man look away when talking?

To understand what a man's averted gaze means, you need to pay attention to other details during the conversation or circumstances. The main meanings can be deciphered as follows:

  • There is an opinion that if a person looks away, then he is lying. In fact, the psychology of lying suggests that there must be several other nonverbal cues to confirm it. For example, a person swallows, scratches his nose, covers his face with his hand near his forehead or eyebrows.
  • Shyness. Many people, as part of their Soviet upbringing, remember that it is ugly to look at someone, but the object of attention is already captured and, if they are noticed, they try to quickly look away.
  • A young man is trying to remember something and to do this he needs to immerse himself in his thoughts.
  • You have voiced too much information and he needs to understand it.
  • He is embarrassed by your gaze and wants to quickly end the conversation. This will be indicated by indicators such as tightly compressed lips or frowning eyebrows.
  • Puzzled and indecisive behavior will be accompanied by scratching the back of the head and touching the nose or ears.
  • A bored interlocutor can also look away; he will glance at his watch and move away from you.
  • In order to give a more accurate answer, a man needs to think for a while and to do this, formulate what he is thinking about.

How to recognize the look of a girl in love?

The duration of a woman's eye contact does not indicate the presence of love. When reading a girl’s behavior, you should pay attention to other non-verbal signs of communication, when posture, movements, actions and manner of speech indicate sympathy.

A girl is interested in you if she:

  • embarrassed, blushes;
  • her head and body are constantly directed in your direction;
  • while looking, he touches his neck, hair, fidgets with earrings, pendant;
  • in company he tries to stay close;
  • laughs at your jokes, etc.

Important! The main sign of flirting is a fleeting glance, when a woman looks, and as soon as she receives a visual response, she turns away, embarrassed, lowering her eyes down.

Signs of a man's gaze in love

If a girl is of interest to a guy, he will begin to behave differently without even realizing it.
If a girl is of interest to a guy, he will begin to behave differently without even realizing it. Bold and decisive before, now he behaves modestly, hesitates when she looks at her and often lowers his eyes to the floor.

A man in love can behave in two ways: he either becomes silent or turns into a talker who cannot be stopped.

A guy more often looks for random meetings with a girl: he calls for any reason and for no reason, writes notes, “suddenly” finds himself in the same cafe or store, more often asks for small favors, and looks for reasons to talk.

He will lend you an umbrella in rainy weather, offer to come over for tea or take you home. A young man in love will show sincere care, try to help in any situation and even perform heroic deeds if such an opportunity arises.


When communicating with his beloved, a man looks directly into her eyes , noticing every change in her facial expressions. He expects a response to his actions and words, often positive, so he constantly watches female behavior.

What does it mean if a man looks intently into his eyes during a conversation: let’s look into it in detail

Have you noticed that during a conversation a man looks intently into your eyes and they shine? No, it’s not your imagination at all, he’s doing it on purpose, and we’ll tell you why. You will learn what prolonged eye contact with a girl means depending on certain gestures, how to interpret it correctly, and what is the best thing for a girl to do in this case so as not to look stupid.

Frank calls

Signals such as stroking are even more revealing. They tell their partner about sexual desire. For example, a lady may stroke her shoulders, thereby demonstrating a desire to be hugged. Hints of intimate connection are also contained in the unconscious stroking of one’s thighs. The desire to win over your partner and encourage him to get to know each other more closely also manifests itself in light touches of himself.

If a woman, in the presence of a man she likes, begins to behave a little stupidly - laughing provocatively loudly, embarrassed like a schoolgirl - then she is attracted to the man as a potential intimate partner. It is clearly high time for the man to move on to more active actions. Loud laughter coupled with long inviting glances is a direct invitation to contact with sex in the future.

By the way, Russian women behave much more modestly and restrainedly than European and American women. They can flirt with their partner for a long time, going a long way from timid glances on the sly to loud open laughter and stroking. This reveals the mentality of our women, who were brought up in the belief that a young lady should under no circumstances approach a man on her own.

American and European women are much simpler in this regard and even somewhat lazier. If they like a guy, they are unlikely to perform the “peacock dance” in front of him for a long time and, after several “checks” with their eyes, they will immediately approach him to get acquainted. In some countries (for example, the Netherlands), emancipation is so strong that ladies are almost always the first to take the initiative.

If the same Dutch woman liked a guy, she herself will approach him, get to know him and even shower the handsome man with compliments. Dutch men are so used to this that they do not understand any “opaque” or “transparent” hints. Moreover, they often expect the ladies to take the initiative.

Why does a man look intently into his eyes during a conversation?

A long glance may indicate his interest. It is necessary to interpret behavior together with gestures, facial expressions, speech - you need to create a single image. Then the woman will be able to conclude that the guy is interested.

Here it is worth considering the view, taking into account the situation as a whole: you are quarreling, breaking up, talking in a cafe, or he came to visit you. In a tense environment, a long gaze indicates a negative perception of you. A man can get angry without expressing his feelings and experiences out loud.

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If the interlocutor usually behaves cheekily in company, and in your presence begins to pretend to be a gentleman and peers intently into your eyes, then most likely he is flirting or wants to please you.

Looks and gestures will help you understand a man’s true intentions during communication. If he looks at you for a long time and keeps his arms crossed over his chest, he probably feels hostility. If a young man looks into your eyes and has a slight smile on his face, his pupils are shining - he wants to communicate, the girl is pleasant to him.

A sign of interest is a man preening in your presence. A person will automatically try to look attractive: smooth his hair, straighten his shirt, keep his back straight. It’s possible that the guy is used to taking care of his appearance, but he definitely doesn’t care how he looks in your eyes.

The site has an article about nonverbal communication between a man and a woman. From it you can glean a lot of useful information: why a guy is twirling something in his hands, coming close, raising his eyebrows, etc.

If a man stares without looking up

How a man who truly loves behaves - the psychology of falling in love
The psychology of the stronger sex is designed in such a way that a man’s gaze into a woman’s eyes can mean a lot. Unlike girls, guys are less emotional and are not used to openly showing their feelings.

In this matter, the main thing is not to make a mistake and interpret eye contact correctly. Many girls are accustomed to relying on intuition.

When talking

Making eye contact during a conversation speaks volumes. The situation and the general component of the dialogue are also important. If a man stares at a woman while sitting in a cafe and chatting about nothing, this may be a sign of interest and sympathy.

Looking at the eyes, lips, and décolleté is a clear sign of passion and desire. These emotions are indicated by a dilated pupil and a desire to periodically touch the interlocutor.

If there is a quarrel or a tense dialogue between a man and a woman, then the gaze does not mean anything good. Perhaps the guy is angry or annoyed. Very often, the stronger sex keeps anger deep inside itself, but a sharp, directed gaze at the interlocutor can tell about his true emotions.


Stealing a glance or looking at a lady from afar indicates that the guy is interested in her, but is afraid to approach her and talk about his feelings. Such young people can hide their emotions for years; they will only show them in such periodic peeks.

What should a girl do in this situation? If she is not indifferent to the guy, she should take the first step on her own. Such modesty does not indicate his negative qualities. An indecisive young man is afraid of being rejected and ridiculed, that’s all.

Passing by a woman

Looking eye to eye between a man and a woman as they pass each other indicates clear interest on both sides. If a guy follows a girl with his eyes during a meeting, this means that he likes her and he doesn’t mind starting a conversation.

What should a girl do in such a situation? Most likely, after some time the man himself will take the first step. If he allows himself to openly gaze at a representative of the fair sex passing by, he has no problems with self-esteem.

Passing by a woman

How a woman should respond to eye contact

If you are interested in a guy, feel free to start the conversation first. If you don’t want to make an acquaintance, it’s enough to ignore the ardent look.

If a guy tries to stay close to you: sit down closer, lean in your direction when talking, listen carefully, look straight into your eyes - he is clearly interested. There doesn't have to be physical contact, just a light casual touch is enough.

Any man will understand when you are not interested in him - you will not respond to the signs of attention he shows. If you like your boyfriend, “mirror” his behavior: smile and listen carefully to your interlocutor.

In this video, the girl answers the question why the guy looks but doesn’t approach:

Now you know why a man looks intently into his eyes and what to do about it.

Combination with facial expressions and gestures

Sometimes it is difficult to identify intentions only by the expression of the eyes. Additional clues will be gestures, facial expressions, and postures. So, if a man looks long and carefully, but his eyebrow is raised arrogantly, and his gaze slides from top to bottom, he is clearly not interested in communicating with a woman.

Be that as it may, if a man does not avoid eye contact, this at least suggests that he is not trying to hide anything by looking away. All that remains is to decipher the visual message and give your answer.

If a man looks intently into his eyes, what does that mean?

“You can tell a person by his eyes” is a very apt saying, because, you see, nothing expresses your intentions and feelings better than your eyes. That's why we often omit them when we tell lies, so that the interlocutor does not see what is happening in them, and only a few manage to hide the truth. But among women there is one eternal question that requires detailed interpretation. Yes, you are right, the fair sex always has a lot of problems and there is something to ask about, but the answer to this particular question can be fateful, because here a right or wrong decision will be made: to be with this person or not. And it consists of the following: “What does it mean if a man looks intently into the eyes and does not look away?”

What do his eyes tell?

Psychologists explain: a long gaze point-blank speaks of deep or nascent feelings. If a man looks a woman straight in the eyes for more than eight seconds, it means he likes her. But direct four-second eye contact indicates a lack of interest.

When a man makes eye contact, you should pay attention to how he does it:

  1. 1. If he liked her, he will catch her eye.
  2. 2. Are his pupils dilating?
  3. 3. Do the eyes glow, is there a lively interest in them?
  4. 4. Where else is the male gaze directed?
  5. 5. Does he look at the girl when she doesn’t see it.
  6. 6. Examines her intermittently, paying attention to her chest, legs and back, or constantly seeks visual contact.

An unblinking gaze speaks of admiration and love at first sight.

The man is fascinated and cannot hide it.

If he secretly, from the sidelines, watches her gestures, behavior and facial expressions at a time when she does not see him: he has serious intentions and he wants to know as much as possible about her.

It would seem that he is looking intently into your eyes, so let him look. But no, sometimes men look at you with such a look that pierces you right through, and you even feel uncomfortable under his gaze. I wonder what this could mean?

Scientists' assessment, or How long does a sincere look last?

As you know, psychology is a very useful science for life in society, which not only helps an individual adapt, but also helps to establish contacts and connections. In this particular case, we are dealing with the psychology of relationships, which is actively developing in our time and attracts many scientists from all over the world. Thus, they found that the duration of a gaze can directly indicate the intentions of the gazer.

If the duration of eye contact does not exceed four seconds, then we hasten to disappoint you: the man is not interested in you and such a glance can be considered fleeting, not carrying any semantic or sensory load. Therefore, you should not take it as something promising.

But it’s another thing when a young man does not take his eyes off yours for eight seconds or more: then this means that he is interested and has a feeling of sympathy for you. In this case, you can count on at least a compliment or signs of respect from him.

What does the duration of eye contact indicate?

Can a man love and ignore a woman - what psychology says

The duration of eye contact also matters and indicates the different mood of a man. No less important is the reaction that follows after the gazes of a man and a woman meet and intersect:

  1. If a man looks into the eyes without looking away, he experiences positive emotions, especially if the attention lasts at least eight seconds.
  2. If a man begins to quickly look away after his eyes have crossed, you should pay attention to how he does this. If a person looks down, this indicates his sympathy. Putting aside, most likely, the lady was not interested in him;
  3. A look and a half. It is very difficult to notice, especially for girls who are not discerning. Such a gaze lingers on a person, a little more than is necessary during normal communication (about two seconds). The male body exhibits similar signals in relation to things or people that interest them. This reaction takes place on an unconscious level, and the stronger sex is not able to control or hide it. Therefore, if a married guy lingers his gaze on a girl like that, this is a reason to think;
  4. The double glance is a conscious gesture used to attract a woman's attention. If a girl increasingly catches such long eye contacts on herself (about four seconds), she should pay attention to this guy;
  5. The guy averts his eyes or consciously tries to avoid direct contact. A man and a woman can even be alone. Such a reaction indicates refusal. He is not interested in the interlocutor.
  6. The look of a man in love. When the object of his sympathy is in front of him, he is ready to watch as much as he can, he simply cannot tear himself away. This reaction is also accompanied by a warm smile, facial wrinkles and much more.
  7. Passion or madness. Constant close attention, obsessive eye contact are signs that a man is crazy about a woman. He may even be silent about his feelings, but he will constantly look with his eyes for the object of his passion.
  8. A careful look after a joke - the guy watches the girl’s reaction. As you know, female psychology is designed in such a way that if she likes a man, she will laugh at even his stupidest joke. Therefore, close attention to the girl’s reaction to the joke also indicates his interest.

The look of a man in love

Why does a man look intently into a woman's eyes?

Male psychology is very complex. Gentlemen, unlike beautiful ladies, are not so emotional, more closed and sometimes even unpredictable. Therefore, the interpretation of their view is a complex problem, which women, of course, can solve intuitively, but it is advisable to read something about it, in case it comes in handy?

If a man looks intently into his eyes, then it means something, but what exactly—at first, a woman can only guess. After all, it’s not without reason that he devotes so much time to your eyes; besides, you need to have a large amount of courage and courage to look like that directly and without hiding. And it doesn’t matter how long you’ve known each other or whether you don’t know each other at all: a glance can appear purely by chance (in the subway or at work) or it can be prepared in advance for someone about whom a certain idea has already been formed. In any case, one thing is obvious: he is interested in you, he is intrigued and ready for dialogue, for a meeting and, possibly, for the subsequent development of the relationship.

What can happen if a man stares into his eyes?

“What will happen next?” you begin to panic. “After all, this is all for a reason, and we must be prepared for any turn of events!” any woman will think to herself and begin to predict the future purely intuitively. But not all of us are Vangas, and not everyone can accurately guess a man’s likely actions, and not all male representatives always act in a standard, stereotypical manner: some creative or especially impressionable individuals can do anything. But there are a number of very likely options that you can expect and prepare your actions in advance.

1. If you don’t know each other, you meet eyes in the subway, on the street or in the park, and he peers into your eyes for a long time, then most likely the man will come up and start a dialogue, invite you on a date or ask for your phone number.

2. It may also be that you have known each other for several weeks, months, etc., then there are three options. The first is possible if during this time you did not communicate very closely and did not have time to get to know the person properly. Then the man will try to be as close to you as possible, make noticeable signs of attention, invite you to football, the theater, cinema or circus. This is done in order to get to know you better and make a good impression. The second option is that after a long acquaintance, friendship and many years of communication, he suddenly realizes that you are the one with whom he wants to spend the rest of his life. In other words, this is love. If you are dating recently and have not yet had your first kiss, then before kissing you, a man may peer into your eyes for a very long time.

Classification of views

"Speaking". If a man looks intently into your eyes with an unblinking gaze, his pupils are dilated, he admires you, cherishes every movement, every moment of your actions, but at the same time says absolutely nothing with his lips, this means that he speaks with his eyes, it is with them that he tries to express his tenderness , love, trust and admiration. This is often done by indecisive men or those who are too amazed by you.

A look awaiting an answer. It also happens that a man’s soul is worried about some important question, a sincere answer to which he will receive only thanks to the expression in his eyes. For example, he wants to know whether you will marry him, whether you will become a loving mother to his children, whether you will be faithful to him, and so on. For men who have serious plans for a woman, this is very important because it can determine your future life together.

Seductive look. It can occur when a man feels a strong sexual attraction to you.

Don't trust your fleeting glance!

I would like to say more about the latter and warn inexperienced women to be wary of such frank, provocative looks. Typically, pick-up artists often use this technique to conquer the weaker sex for one or several nights. Be prepared to be taken advantage of and end up crying into your pillow at home at night. How can you determine that a look is insincere and has sexual overtones? Here are some signs for you:

the pupils are clouded, unclear, often run around (pay attention to whether the man is sober at all);

a sweet smile that does not disappear from his face should alert you, since men often rely on it to reinforce their flirting;

a too direct and daring look that undresses the victim carries nothing other than a thirst for sex.

How to react to this?

If a man looks intently into a woman's eyes, how should he react? Your behavior may not solve the situation in favor of what you would like. Therefore, do not behave too cheekily: no provocative movements, loud voice or vulgar jokes. Be patient and wait to see what he does next. At the same time, you don’t have to be too shy: look at him sometimes (no more than 4 seconds). After all, your gaze can scare him away (yes, men are so timid), and even more so, when you are counting on a serious relationship, you need to be a little restrained in your feelings at first.

If during a conversation a man looks intently into the eyes, respond in kind: let him know that you are a brave woman who is not afraid to meet a stranger halfway and open her eyes to him. But don’t succumb to his charm right away - who knows what’s in these men’s heads?


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