Inner core: how to stand your ground and remain a good person

The inner core of a person is a metaphorical concept that describes the inner strength of the individual, awareness, practicality, freedom from assessments, patterns and other people's judgments. The inner core of the personality helps to withstand the pressure of life’s failures, orients in a reliable direction for completing tasks, which prepares the personality for spiritual development.

An individual with a very stable life orientation, who is aware of his responsibility and understands his personal life mission, is said to have a personal core. The stronger it is, the stronger the person will become; the weaker it is, the less resistant the person will be to any life events. An individual whose perception of the world is distorted and lacks an inner core uses any negative experience to turn himself into an unfortunate victim, so that others sympathize and help him in everything.

How to find inner core? It can be found and strengthened if you become more active, creative, active, create your life, creating your own views and principles. Moderate workload, development of independence, finding one’s own goal, nurturing independence in the face of obligations - all this contributes to the formation of an inner core.

The inner core of personality is a system of personal guidelines and principles, the logic of actions and thoughts. This is a person’s general idea of ​​everything, the ability to distinguish what is essential from what is unimportant. A woman who has an inner core does not judge others, does not criticize and recognizes any human manifestations. This woman creates her own reality, radiating love to everyone around her.

The inner core of a man represents his psychological resistance to various problems, the greatest difficulties.

A woman's inner core

For a woman with an inner core, all life events and destiny are created by the woman herself, her thoughts, emotions and intentions.

The inner core of a woman’s personality represents her personal “I”, expresses her as a formed personality, an adult individual living in the current state, the present time. Such a woman herself resolves all pressing issues, without delaying them, and makes her own choice. This woman has self-respect and does not allow herself to be humiliated. She has a special vision of the world, her own view of all events and other people.

The inner core of a woman’s personality allows her to remain firm in her desires and decisions, without hushing them up or suppressing them. He helps her enter the state of “masculinity,” show masculine courage and firmness in decisions, and say no when she wants to. It also helps to communicate desires to the whole world, loved ones and your man; sincerely voice them so that the man can act in accordance with her desires. Such a woman creates her own destiny, using the colors of the soul that fill her and her internal energy. A woman needs to concentrate on herself, her inner space, dream and love. A man surrounded by the love of such a woman will be more responsive and inspired to her. The feminine energy she has gives her man the strength to move forward.

Often a woman who devotes herself entirely to a social role forgets about personal desires and the importance of love. She gives energy to other individuals, lives by their script. True female nature is not characterized by firmness and categoricalness, which are more suitable for the male sex. A woman who devotes herself to the cycle of life lives in a reality alien to her nature, revealing masculine qualities and traits, although most often her soul does not accept this role. A woman steps over her true femininity when she acts like a man. She certainly has an inner core, since she is quite brave, but this is not her truth.

A beloved and loving woman shines with harmony, joy and happiness, she is sure that her love for her family gives her the strength and ability to protect her family. This expresses her inner core. It is easier for such a woman to achieve her goals and remain free.

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The inner core of a man

A man who has a personal core is the master of life, who will not become a slave to others. A man needs an inner core in order to be able to become a true authority for his child and wife.

The inner core of personality gives a man the ability to effectively confront any difficulties, make consistent and wise decisions, remain free, not listen to the opinions of others, and not depend on any annoying external circumstances.

In the understanding of many women, a man’s inner core is the quality that adds attractiveness, which is observed in a person’s manner of speaking, interesting, and attractive. A man with a strong character will be able to enter into a tense discussion and justify his personal position. Even if there is a misunderstanding, he will remain with an individual opinion and will withstand the flow of his opponent’s lies; he is also able to remain silent if necessary. It is easy for such a man to adapt to continuous changes in circumstances. It is easy for him to overcome depression, not allow negative emotions to develop, and support others in their need. Such a man knows how to muffle his feelings, memories and think positively in a negative situation. He is always ready to defend personal interests. A man without a personal core is not decisive, not firm in his intentions, he is easily forced, persuaded or persuaded to decisions that contradict his real views.

Main components

Can say no

Sometimes a person, afraid of losing the favor of others, always agrees to fulfill their requests and instructions. This causes the opposite effect; it is then not appreciated or respected, considering it simply convenient.

But a person with an inner core can fight back against manipulators and protect their boundaries. She knows how to refuse, despite the format of the relationship and intimacy.

If she says “no”, it means that for some reason she is not able to fulfill the request, or even does not want to. And not that it is cruel, insensitive or does not love the one who asks. In the same way, he accepts refusals from others. Without being offended or angry.

If you feel guilty in such cases, or worse, always, like Chip and Dale, rush to the rescue despite reluctance, check out this article.

Has his own opinion

Even if it differs from the majority opinion. He is not afraid to express himself and show up as who he is.

Manages time

He plans, sets priorities, and, if necessary, delegates responsibilities. Time works for him, not against him. It's difficult to keep up with things when you have no idea what to do and when. Especially if you are distracted by watching TV, news on social networks, etc.

Successful time management eliminates anxiety and allows you to maintain strong nerves.

Defends borders

He does not allow anyone to treat him badly, does not tolerate humiliation and does not forgive violence. This applies to both men and women.

Solve problems as they arise

Does not give in to procrastination. If it is necessary to complete a task, do not put it off until later, hoping that everything will somehow work out on its own. No, he immediately develops an action plan and begins to implement it.

Able to maintain a balance between sensitivity and rationalization

In difficult situations, he does not “lose his head”, but tries to rationally approach the solution to the problem. As it were, he maintains “sobriety of mind.” But at the same time it does not lose sensitivity. He listens to his feelings, desires and thoughts. Notices changes in well-being, both physical and emotional.

Has adequate self-esteem

That is, he neither diminishes his own personality nor “inflates” it. Such a person understands what resources and strengths he has. Among other things, he knows what to pay attention to and what features definitely do not help you win, but, on the contrary, hinder you.


Each person is responsible for his own life and its quality. Therefore, those who have a strong character simply understand that desires cannot be fulfilled just like that, that efforts must be made to realize what is planned.

They do not expect someone else to solve their problems; they themselves take active action, even if they don’t want to.

Follows interest

When something new awaits us, interest, excitement, and anxiety always arise. And this is normal, because we will have to face something that has not yet been experienced. We don't understand how this will work out for us, so we're worried. Even if the situation is expected and pleasant.

So, there are individuals who get scared and stop themselves, not allowing themselves to follow interest. And there are those who, despite fear, continue to move.

After all, how can you find your inner core while constantly slowing down your impulses? Without trying something new, without taking risks, it is impossible to gain new experience.

So, arm yourself with the recommendations from this article and declare battle on your fears.

Doesn't compare himself to others

The key to success is focusing on yourself in the past, and not on others. It’s very good if you have a role model, a person you want to emulate. But it is important to understand that he has a completely different character, personality and life history.

Therefore, a person with an inner core considers as victories those moments when she managed to overcome her own limitations and move forward in development.

Self-education of parents

Is this an easy task for thirty year olds? We are very afraid to listen to ourselves, you never know what you will hear inside. For example, you will understand that your life is not yours at all, and you would like to live differently. That you don’t like this city and dream of milking cows in the village (how terrible!). Or that you want to give birth to many, many children, and not go to the office (an even bigger nightmare!). Or that you hate your job and all the people around you (and it’s such a prestigious position!). Or that your husband is already a stranger to you, whom you have never really known. Or that you don’t know your children, don’t see them and don’t love them, even though you buy them the best. These are painful discoveries. Difficult. Therefore, since you haven’t heard yourself for thirty years, you can live on the machine for another thirty. This is how we spend our whole lives running away from ourselves, and then we wonder why it is so difficult and painful.

And the child awakens all these traumas with his liveliness. He still easily follows his desires and listens to himself. Looking at this, without realizing it, we experience pain and envy. And he also understands that real life is better than fictional life, and he is trying in every possible way to return us to this life because of our computers, phones, televisions. He invites us to go for a walk, and we all watch TV series. He wants to draw and create, but we brush him off by reading the news. For us, people without inner integrity, children are a threat. The threat that we will have to look into places we don’t want to look at all. To the depths of your heart. Let's take a look and see devastation there.

We, ideal and successful on the outside, are in fact often empty and unhappy on the inside.

Nobody wants to see this. So what are we doing? We move away those who force us to look where we don’t want to. We come up with a theory that the child is better off in kindergarten - they will study with him, there are children there, there are a lot of things there. We justify this theory to ourselves - and get rid of the child in this way, remaining in the illusion of our success. We feel better. Everyone does it. That's how it's supposed to be. This is right. But for whom is it right?

Lack of self-reliance: main signs

The inability to support yourself affects all areas of life - work, family, study. Before considering the manifestations of internal resilience, let us pay attention to the main signs that signal the absence of an internal core.

  • Conflicting desires. A person himself does not understand what he wants;
  • Addictions (alcohol and drug addiction, gambling addiction, unhealthy emotional attachment);
  • A person is doing something he doesn't like. Work is not fun;
  • He strives to please others - even if this behavior harms himself;
  • A feeling of fear of authorities - officials, managers;
  • The desire to find an assistant, a kind of “Teacher” who would suggest the right path in life;
  • Striving to be perfect in everything.

It also needs to be emphasized that the lack of self-support skills is always accompanied by dissatisfaction with the current life situation. The main emotions are fear and anger, irritation and bitterness, melancholy and resentment.



What gives us strength and confidence is the understanding that we have managed to cope with something successfully. It is impossible to live life without making mistakes. There are no ideal people. Everyone knows about this, but for some reason, with every misdemeanor, many feel guilt and disappointment that they failed to live up to the expectations of both themselves and those around them.

But the important thing is the ability to move on no matter what. Overcome fear and try to correct your mistakes. Energy and a call to action can be obtained through experience. No matter how unsuccessful a person considers himself, it simply cannot be that there are no cases in his life history where he was able to overcome the obstacles that arose.

Therefore, try to remember situations in which you were not at a loss. And even if they were confused, they were able to pull themselves together and find ways to solve the problem.

Write down all your achievements in a notebook. Let them be insignificant, the main thing is that they exist. If you don’t devalue yourself and compare with other people, but learn to accept the qualities and skills that you possess, you will be able to believe in yourself. This means finding the inner core.

And no matter how strange it may sound, the more troubles and sorrows a person has befallen, the more strength he has to withstand new blows of fate. Try to look at troubles differently, you cannot change the past, but your attitude towards it is quite possible.

Faith and fidelity

This refers to faith in the correctness of one's beliefs. Iron character is usually found in those people who know exactly what they want and how they should live and act. They will defend ideas to the last, even if the whole world turns out to be against them.

Think and make a list of values ​​that not only fill you, but also “warm your soul.” What is so important to you that you will be ready to defend to the last?

For example, for some it may be family. It is her well-being that can motivate her to achieve success at work and withstand stress and tension. Learn to find a common language with colleagues, superiors, develop, etc.

A person who has set priorities and knows exactly what he wants is unlikely to allow himself inaction, destructive hobbies that lead to various forms of addiction, and so on.

Negative reset

No matter how strong you are, if you are used to accumulating tension, one day stress can take over. It is important to recover and rest; the body’s resources are not bottomless, they must be constantly replenished.

But no amount of rest will help if there is always tension inside you. Even in a dream, it will subconsciously interfere, for example, causing nightmares.

Learn to show your feelings and express them. This is especially true for anger, resentment, and pain. It happens that it is not possible to react to a situation the way you want. Let's say you tell your boss about how he annoyed you. But you shouldn’t keep aggression inside yourself either.

There are many methods that help you become aware of your feelings and relieve tension. They will not harm you, but on the contrary, will help maintain peace of mind and health.

In the end, go in for sports, come up with a hobby, but be sure to be calm and relaxed by the evening, before going to bed. To wake up in the morning cheerful and rested.

Meaning of life

It’s quite difficult to be confident in yourself if you don’t know your place and purpose on this earth. Unfortunately, there are moments when a person simply loses faith in something good, he ceases to understand what he wants to do and what to strive for.

If he loses the meaning of life, he becomes vulnerable to any adversity. Even those who weren’t hurt at all before.

Think about it, do you know what your purpose is? Can you answer the question, what is your meaning in life? What motivates you to get up in the morning and sometimes do something you don’t like? Why do you endure something, resign yourself?

The inner core is like a spine on which the entire body rests. It’s the same with the meaning of life. You can find out how to find it if temporary difficulties arise and you are unable to answer the questions posed by clicking here.

Fight against attitudes

Each of us has attitudes and beliefs that interfere and limit, preventing us from experiencing the harmony and fulfillment of life. They often originate from childhood, when, for example, parents, trying to protect the child, instilled in him some of their ideas.

Or they simply threw around phrases that affected their character. For example, those who have often heard: “You are still small, when you grow up, then you will make decisions or do something,” even in adulthood may feel unsure of their abilities and rely only on other people’s opinions. There can be many such examples.

Write down the phrases that you have heard most often. Think about how they occur in a given period of time. For every negative statement, try to come up with an answer that is supportive and reflects reality.

Creating and strengthening internal support

The most important points of support are within us. Support is how well we know ourselves. First, you need to form a basic idea of ​​yourself: identify your moral values, begin to respect your own opinion, set personal boundaries, learn to hear body signals. A person who knows himself well is difficult to confuse.

To better understand your personality, ask yourself a few questions:

  1. What strengths can I rely on? What can I learn from my experience? What are my moral values? What is important to me?
  2. What activities make me happy? What makes me smile?
  3. Are there people in my life who are ready to help?
  4. Do I understand my body's signs? Do I notice how it reacts to what is happening around?
  5. How do I breathe? You just need to slow down and understand the rhythm of your breathing.
  6. Do I notice my emotions? What causes a strong response? What is bothering me at the moment?

How to develop willpower?

Willpower is a person’s ability to control himself with the help of thoughts. A person is always on the verge of a struggle between mind and body. Instincts are the desires of the body, and the mind is willpower, subconscious desires and fears. If a person is able to maintain control throughout the entire movement, then he develops willpower.

Willpower is the ability to control your laziness. In fact, there is nothing wrong with laziness as long as it does not prevent a person from acting and achieving what he wants. The human body needs to rest. But if a person rests when his body does not need it and when he needs to act, then he develops laziness. To develop willpower, you need to be able to motivate yourself to act after rest and not be lazy.

Willpower is conscious control. A person must take an active part in what is happening. And this is difficult, because a person does not want to exert all his strength. Here we come to the point that self-discipline is needed.

What is self-discipline? This is the ability to set yourself rules for your behavior, spending time, work or life and adhere to them, controlling yourself. What is self-restraint? This is a person’s ability to set prohibitions on himself for one reason or another and control the process of observing them.

Usually, by freedom, people understand the ability to do whatever they want, without obeying rules and regulations. But imagine that you are stranded on a desert island. You are alone on this island. Here's freedom! But you need to live somewhere, eat something, maintain your health, and perhaps think about how to get off the island. Do you feel free now?

Freedom is the opportunity to determine the rules of your life yourself, adhere to them and at the same time be a happy person. It is self-discipline and self-restraint that make it possible to achieve the independence that many dream of. Freedom is not the ability to destroy something and remain unpunished. This is an opportunity to decide for yourself whether you need to smash something or whether you can feel like a happy person without smashing anything.

Freedom is a choice. When you set the rules of life yourself, that is, choose how to live, what to do, how to be, where to work, with whom to communicate, etc., while controlling yourself in adhering to your choice, you truly become free human.

People often do crazy things, thinking that in this way they show their independence from others. But what's really going on? When a teenager shouts “I won’t listen to you anymore” and leaves home to go out with his friends, smoke and drink, then in fact he is not a free person. The teenager simply went against the words of his parents. It's as if he listened to mom and dad's instructions. To obey or to go against it is the same thing, only the polarity is different. Both in obedience and in resistance, a person acts for the same reasons. There is no freedom here.

Freedom is when, for example, a teenager listened to the opinion of his parents and told them: “Mom, dad, I love you. But I'm interested in spending time with my friends. I’ll come home in... Don’t worry!” or “Mom, dad, you're right. Perhaps I don't need to communicate with such people. I'd rather find other friends." A person chooses how to live. But you need to not only choose, but also follow your decision. This is where self-discipline and self-restraint come into force. Accordingly, self-discipline and self-restraint are a sign of your freedom.

The following tips will help self-discipline and willpower:

  1. Always keep your word.
  2. Keep everything in order.
  3. Keep your daily routine organized.
  4. Get your priorities right and then stick to them.
  5. Write down those moments that unsettled you and made you weaken your willpower. We need to figure out what weakened our willpower in those situations.
  6. Keep calm. Moreover, a peaceful state must be maintained constantly, which will allow you to reason and remember your goals.

Willpower is the ability to support yourself throughout the entire path to achieving a goal. If you are not able to motivate and support yourself, then you break down.

Be responsible for the actions

The need to answer, first of all to friends, for failure to fulfill any promises made in a common company, forces the young man to tense up or even limit himself in some way. A habit is developed of not allowing words to differ from deeds.

Growing up and the emergence of a natural attraction to the opposite sex allows another beacon to appear, which is not always easy to get to. Some people have to resort to improving their own appearance. And only then the object of adoration becomes accessible. And the habit of forcing yourself not to lie down under the covers in the morning, but to run around the park, is also not easy.

A way to strengthen willpower is to adhere to an unusual or unloved way of eating. Diet helps a lot not only to make your body attractive, but also makes you think differently. But all this applies to a person who has not yet become ossified and, under the influence of surrounding people and circumstances, can develop a masculine core on his own.

What is a person’s inner support?

A person’s inner support is a kind of compass that does not allow one to go astray in difficult moments, a feeling of reliability of one’s inner self, a sense of integrity with the world. A solid system of moral qualities, deep love for one’s nature and faith in the truth of moral values ​​are the basis of a person’s inner core.

Inner support is born from unshakable self-confidence and trust in intuition. It is impossible to create a powerful, reliable spiritual foundation once and for all - this is an eternal process of self-knowledge and development.

Throughout life, difficulties arise that sometimes seem insurmountable. Each person has a powerful resource that does not depend on the conditions of the outside world - this is himself.

A person who respects his values ​​and knows his sincere desires will be able to build a strong sense of reliability. Having the right inner foundations, he will be able to confidently move into the unknown, endure difficulties, protect his life from what does not give it joy and meaning.

A person who has an inner core makes the path to his individuality. He knows how to listen to intuition, feels connected to the world, and understands the value of his thoughts.

People with inner support radiate self-confidence. Outwardly, they do not differ from the rest, but in their presence one can feel a strong and persistent energy.

They usually say about such people: “He knows exactly what he wants from life.”

The meaning of their existence is to build a life based on their desires. They know how to take responsibility, are sociable, are able to quickly acquire new skills, deftly find a way out of difficult situations, are independent of the opinions of other people, and value their own and other people’s space. A distinctive feature is respect and honesty for one’s opinion and individuality, they live by their own rules - they know what they want. They love to spend time with themselves, because they understand that inside them there is a world filled with meaning.

Objectivity helps to see the essence of what is happening, to get to the bottom of the truth. With the help of keen intellect and reasonable criticism, they see different facets and sides of the problem.

3 important steps

which every woman should go through

Anika Snagovskaya

Author and presenter of women's trainings on harmonizing feminine energy. Master of removing limiting beliefs and master of constellations.

I have prepared three lessons for you that will help you better understand yourself, remove the restrictions that prevent you from feeling loved and living happily.


Video lesson with meditation: 5 states of femininity

You will learn about 5 female states that exist in every woman, how they manifest themselves and which archetypes are most manifested in you and which are not developed.


Video lesson + meditation: How to let go of past relationships

I’ll tell you what you need to do to free your heart from old feelings and break the energy threads connecting you with your past partner.


Audio recording: Neuro-af

Thanks to this neuro-affirmation, you can regain self-love and feel sincere gratitude and happiness for every day.

Top 3 useful materials that will help you know yourself better

And start a new, happy life for yourself.

Video lesson with meditation: 5 states of femininity

Video lesson + meditation: How to let go of past relationships

Audio recording: Neuro-af

Take your gifts!

A person’s internal support is a tool that helps to understand the importance of self-realization and personality traits. It should be understood that perfection is not the main indicator. Recognizing your individuality and following your values ​​is the basis of a fulfilling life.

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