How to find out if your husband has cheated with 100% accuracy: psychological techniques, tests, advice and folk wisdom


A person who hides behaves differently than usual. A man with an affair, in addition to changing his behavior, becomes nervous, overexcited, and reacts sharply to criticism and remarks. A sensitive wife will quickly suspect cheating. The husband may not be able to withstand the gaze, forget about the usual kisses before going to work or after returning.

If this behavior is repeated day after day and becomes a habit, this is a reason to think about it. Here are some more points that will help check the likelihood of your husband cheating:

  • gifts accidentally found in the husband's pockets or briefcase that remain ungifted;
  • shifting gaze and desire to leave the house as soon as possible;
  • thoughtfulness.

A man begins to take more care of himself. This includes daily removal of facial hair and the acquisition of new wardrobe items. In the evening, upon arriving home, the husband may refuse to eat and, citing fatigue, go to bed. Reluctance to participate in family dinners, problem solving and discussion of previously interesting topics indicates a mistress. How to check if your husband is cheating, folk methods are additional here. Rather, observation of behavior and a woman’s seventh sense works.

Some statistics

Scientists conducted a large-scale study to find out what percentage of men cheat on their wives. The results were not very encouraging. Thus, it turned out that about 74% of Russian men in an official or civil marriage have at least once entered into intimate relationships on the side, and 40% do this regularly. Experts also came to the conclusion that on average such novels last about three months. During this time, the adulterer enters into intimate relationships with his new partner approximately 7-10 times. However, every fourth husband cheats on his wife for much longer. Their romances can last from one year to several years. Most often, over many years of marriage, men experience several similar relationships.

In addition, experts have concluded that cheating is becoming less and less common among spouses. If 40 years ago this situation was perceived by women as a terrible tragedy and in most cases ended in divorce, today many spouses are trying to solve such problems together and trying to save the family.

Delays at work

Even workaholic men know when to stop. Therefore, systematic delays at work, business trips of 2-3 days, refusal to spend vacations together indicate betrayal. The exception is employment in a long-term and serious project that should bring dividends. If the wife knows about such a project, it is better to wait until it is finished.

If the husband continues to stay late, does not pick up the phone and does not want to talk about work and colleagues, then a serious investigation begins to verify the fact of infidelity.

This does not mean that a woman should turn into a detective. You need to become more attentive and pay attention to details. Hair of a different color, fingerprints from foundation or lipstick, or a foreign smell may appear on your husband's shirt or in the interior of the car. If a family owns a dacha that is visited only in the summer for barbecuing and occasional overnight stays, you can go there. Perhaps there will be other traces of the presence of an outsider woman. Married men sometimes do this to avoid visiting crowded places and hotels.

If your husband is planning a work trip, it doesn’t hurt to ask who he’s going with. A vague answer or increased nervousness is a signal for further investigation. A wife who knows her husband’s colleagues at work will ask how things are going, what new employees have come to the office. Such information is useful for checking and confirming infidelity.

But you can’t fanatically find fault with details. Attentiveness does not mean intrusiveness and hysteria. You need to behave calmly and confidently, creating the impression of an unsuspecting person. A husband should not see an angry wife at home, tormented by suspicion, controlling every minute and demanding explanations. Even a faithful lover will leave such a wife.

Which methods are doomed to fail from the start?

A woman's fantasy, fueled by jealousy, has no boundaries. Therefore, women are constantly coming up with new ways to test a man for jealousy. At the same time, there are several initially disastrous options that not only will not help strengthen the relationship, but will completely destroy it. These methods include:

  • persistent calls and the desire to constantly monitor every step of the partner;
  • an abrupt cessation of communication in the hope that the guy will come to his senses and understand what he is losing. In such cases, men perceive their partner’s actions as a desire to end the relationship or as evidence that they have found another love;
  • making inquiries about the whereabouts, plans and capabilities of a loved one from those around him - friends, relatives, colleagues.

In any case, you need to understand that healthy harmonious relationships do not need testing. Love, respect and trust for each other initially reign there. If doubts about your partner’s fidelity begin to creep in, and you begin to notice that you are turning into a notoriously jealous person, you need to immediately think about whether this person is really that valuable to you and what he can give you in the future. Based on this, draw your conclusions, love and be loved, change yourself and help your partner - build your love together, where there is no place for betrayal and deception.

Changing tastes

It is common for a woman to impose her views and tastes on the man next to her. This pattern also applies to relationships between a mistress and a married man. She will definitely notify the man about what she loves and what would not hurt for him to fall in love too. This applies to food preferences, clothing style, and behavior. A man will agree to a lot in order to please her, because this is rewarded.

Arriving home, the spouse can refuse baked meat, preferring salad. He will ask you to cook a vegetarian breakfast or oatmeal, although he previously could not stand it. During communication, phrases slip about the dangers of certain products or combinations. It is unlikely that a man will spend time studying the principles of proper nutrition. Rather, he received this information from an important person for him - his mistress.

Serious and systematic exercise in the gym indicates a desire to improve physical fitness. This is understandable, because a man wants to look more attractive and sexy. Not wanting to take a subscription for your wife to the same center speaks of intrigue. What can a wife do?

  1. Offer to run together in the morning to keep both of you in good shape.
  2. Ask your husband to attend sports classes at the same time.
  3. Buy a set of sportswear and let them know that you also bought a gym membership.
  4. Ask directly why you want to go to the gym.

If your spouse is not happy about joint activities or abruptly refuses them after learning about the purchase of a subscription, it is worth delving into the topic and continuing to observe. The main thing during this period is not to forget about yourself and your family. The wife still has to take care of herself, update her wardrobe, and engage in her favorite hobbies. You can even find something else to do to distract yourself from suspicion for a while.

Forgive your husband for cheating?

It is impossible to give a definite answer to this question. After all, a woman must decide for herself whether to continue the relationship after her husband’s betrayal . If your spouse does not yet know that you are aware of his “dirty” actions, then try to think about the situation as calmly as possible. Analyze his behavior in this situation, because it is possible that he did his best to hide his infidelity so as not to offend you, which, of course, is little consolation, but proves his concern and desire to stay close to you. Also remember the years spent together: what was good and what was bad? Think about what reasons might prompt your husband to go “left”. Perhaps you yourself accidentally pushed him to take such a step.

Try to discuss the situation with your husband as calmly as possible, without shouting or hysterics. If your spouse proposes a divorce because he has been in a relationship with another woman whom he loves for a long time, then there is no point in trying to keep him close to you by force. But what if he repents of what he did and assures that he will never repeat a similar mistake in the future? Should I forgive my husband’s infidelity?” in her own way “But it’s still worth thinking carefully about everything before breaking off a long-term relationship or, conversely, again trusting a person who regularly deceives you.

If you were able to forgive your husband’s infidelity, in the future you need to try to do everything possible to prevent this situation from happening again. First of all, never blame your spouse for what happened. And you shouldn’t waste time and nerves thinking about your former opponent. After all, even if he is younger, more attractive and slimmer than you, it does not matter at all, because in the end you are the winner.

Intimate question

Refusal to actively engage in sex is the first and most important alarm bell about betrayal. There are two possible answers here. The first is that my husband has health problems. Second, he gets a lot of fun on the side. You should not ask directly about health problems. This is painful for a man. Especially about a mistress, because a woman first of all wants to save her marriage and family. What to do? Folk methods on how to check whether your husband is cheating advise resorting to various fortune-telling and tricks.

A smart woman will first try to diversify her sex life. Perhaps the couple lacks a spark in the relationship and the spouse lit it on the side. It's worth a try. You can cook an unusual dinner, buy wine and a beautiful bedding for the bed. Send the children to their grandmother.

It is enough to mysteriously ask your husband to return from work earlier. If all this works and both spouses are satisfied, there is a chance that everything will return to its place, and the mistress will look for a new victim. In the case where the spouse does not show much interest, it becomes clear that the other woman has firmly established herself in his life.

Then more drastic methods will be required. A woman will have to become more attentive to her husband, change her image, raise her own self-esteem or achieve heights in her professional activities. A man must understand that next to him is a pleasant, successful and loving person, and his mistress is temporary.

How to test a guy's fidelity and when to do it

Of course, if a guy does not give you reasons for jealousy and suspicion, then you should not tempt fate simply because you have already had a negative experience or because you are simply suspicious. In both of these cases, you need to find ways to improve your self-esteem and learn to trust people without insulting them with your checks. There are many trainings and articles for this. You can also meet with a psychologist about this issue. It is important to realize that the problem is not with the guy, but with you, and it is you who need to solve the problem with trust, otherwise the current relationship, like the next one, will be doomed to failure. If the young man really began to behave suspiciously, then below you can read in what ways you can test his loyalty.

Budget and expenses

Keeping a mistress is not a cheap pleasure. For attention and sex, she will demand dinners in expensive restaurants, jewelry, subscriptions to beauty salons and money for small expenses. This significantly impacts the budget, and the wife will always see it. The husband can notify his wife about difficulties at work, a crisis, temporary financial difficulties and cut the budget. At the same time, decent amounts of money will be withdrawn from the card.

To his wife’s questions, the man replies that he lent it to a colleague, a friend, spent money on car repairs, helped his parents, and so on. A woman will check her jacket pockets and look at store receipts, although this is humiliating and unpleasant. The family budget needs to be controlled, especially when there are children, because a serious decrease in it will affect them first of all.

New numbers on the phone that the husband often calls or texts can also alert a woman. Men encrypt their lovers under the most unimaginable names, from electrician to trainer. You can write down such a phone number and call it. If a woman answers the phone, the spouse will ask where she ended up and apologize. We are not talking about any clarification of relations.

There are a lot of tests on how to check if your husband is cheating, and each of them asks about calls from unknown numbers that the spouse systematically does not answer. The telephone is the main symbol of the connection between a mistress and a married man. Otherwise, they are forced to hide. If a husband does not answer the phone in front of his wife and brushes off the conversation, this is suspicious.

What NOT to do

In an attempt to maintain female happiness, a woman’s mind becomes clouded, so she resorts to techniques that in the future only have negative consequences. Even if your husband's betrayal hurts you deeply, never let go of doing the following:

  1. Do not create a public scandal for your husband and his mistress with curses, fights and hair pulling. This will only make you fall in the eyes of your spouse and the people around you, and this will definitely not work in your favor.
  2. Don't trust rumors and gossip. Often women learn about the so-called betrayal of a loved one from “well-wishers” - friends, colleagues, relatives, etc. Do not rush to blindly believe empty words. It is possible that the woman whom my husband dropped off in his car this morning is the wife of his best friend, whom he met by chance. And a receipt from a cosmetics store is a gift for a colleague, which the whole department put together. Be prudent and do not rush to accuse your loved one of all mortal sins only on the basis of other people's words.
  3. Do not be jealous of your husband in vain and do not accuse him of infidelity without evidence. This behavior reveals a very complex and insecure woman. Respect yourself and your dignity.
  4. Don't tell anyone about your husband's cheating. Especially if you are not 100% sure about it. Strangers do not need to know the details of your personal life; in the future, this may turn against you.
  5. Don't threaten your lover. This will make you look quarrelsome, aggressive and unbalanced, so that the chances of your husband returning will be reduced to zero.
  6. Do not blackmail your husband with suicide under any circumstances. Also, do not drag children into your conflict, do not turn them against their father and do not forbid them to see him.

Whether a husband cheats with 100% accuracy is difficult to answer until the man himself admits to infidelity or you catch him in bed with someone else. Therefore, each verification method, especially traditional methods, should be treated with a certain amount of skepticism and not make hasty conclusions.

None of the women will be happy to learn about her husband's betrayal. But, no matter how painful it may be for you, respect yourself first of all, do not waste precious nerves and time on a person who does not want to be with you and who exchanged you for another woman. The fact that your husband cheated on you does not mean that all men are not faithful to their soulmate. It is possible that your spouse has left your life, giving you the opportunity to find happiness with a more reliable and loving man.

Traditional methods

For a long time, both women and men have been concerned about the issue of marital fidelity. How to check if your husband is cheating: folk remedies come down to psychological tests, fortune telling, and checking for special signs. Some can be treated with humor, others can be listened to, and others can be adopted. There is some meaning and truth in each of them, so you can use them to reassure or confirm your guesses.

Fortune telling with a ring

For fortune telling, things that belong to both or one of the spouses are usually used. This thing must have the energy of the person being told fortunes. In addition to the thing, you need to follow the entire ritual step by step and be able to interpret what is happening. For fortune telling using a ring you need to prepare:

  • paper;
  • spouse's wedding ring;
  • candle;
  • matches;
  • thread.

A thread 10-15 cm long is tied to the ring. The husband's name is written on a piece of paper and burned with a candle. The ashes are carefully scattered on the table and a ring on a string is held above it. If it describes circles, everything is fine, the husband is faithful to his wife. If the ring moves like a pendulum, it is obvious betrayal. Such fortune telling should be carried out at midnight in absolute silence and solitude, so that extraneous energy does not affect the outcome of the fortune telling.

Another way to tell fortunes about treason using a ring:

  • cut a long strip 5 cm wide from a sheet of paper;
  • write your own name, spouse along the strip and complete the inscription with a cross;
  • slide a wedding ring across a strip of paper;
  • say the words of the spell: roll the ring, indicate your favorite heart.

If the ring rolled far, the husband cheated more than once. If it stops at a cross, there is a case of betrayal. If you settle on the wife’s name, there is no doubt about the husband’s fidelity. If it is in the name of the spouse, the likelihood that betrayal will take place is high, since the man puts his desires first. If the spouses do not have wedding rings, and the marriage is civil, the woman takes the ring given by her husband and symbolizing love and the connection between two people.

Wax fortune telling

Frozen wax figures have long been used for fortune telling on various topics. With their help, they predicted the outcome of important events, girls told fortunes about grooms, and healers told fortunes about illnesses. To tell fortunes about treason, you need:

  • prepare a saucer with water, preferably not from the tap;
  • light a candle over water;
  • saying: melt the candle, strange woman, show yourself, pour wax into the water.

If the frozen wax resembles the outline of a female figure, there is treason. Other figures can be interpreted in different ways. There is no need to rush to see an unfavorable sign. The saucer can be rotated clockwise to make the outline of the figure more expressive and understandable.

For the second method of fortune telling using a candle, you will need the same attributes. But there is no need to cast the figures. It is enough to say the words, as in the first version, and at this time move the candles over the water in a circular motion. After this, the drops of wax frozen in the water are counted. An odd number of drops indicates betrayal, an even number indicates fidelity.

For fortune telling, they always take a simple white candle, which has been lying at home for some time, preferably in the marital bedroom. The procedure is carried out when no one is at home, in the evening or at night, in complete silence and darkness. The main thing is to focus on the problem, but not to imagine other women and pictures from their meetings with their husbands.

Potassium permanganate to help

You need to approach this with humor. This is more of a psychological way to identify betrayal. When the husband comes home, his wife confronts him with the fact of doing a lot of laundry. With a bit of humor, it must be said that a 100% way to identify a dishonest husband has been found on the Internet. If you soak the cheater's underwear overnight while saying special words, the water will turn pink in the morning.

The husband who really cheated on his wife will get up early and change the water in which the wife had previously dissolved several crystals of potassium permanganate. A good husband who loves and appreciates his partner will sleep peacefully, and the wife herself will change the water to clean water.

In this method, the main thing is to correctly approach the issue of notifying your spouse about the inspection. A woman should be mysterious, slightly tense, but at the same time smile and tease her partner. This will give the spouse an incentive to think and stop all thoughts of cheating.

And also humor, not without meaning.

This is a psychological release for a tense woman. Perhaps she has the most faithful husband in the world, and her suspicions are excessive nervousness, fatigue or dissatisfaction with herself.

Checking for treason using your phone

Another way to prove treason is to use a cell phone. You can check using a specially developed application called lovereport. It applies if the spouse has an account on social networks, and almost everyone has one.


Is it possible to restore a relationship after cheating?

This option is safe, anonymous and quite simple. The main disadvantage is that the program is paid. However, the photographs viewed by the husband and the likes given will help to find his mistress no worse than a private detective.

Another working program mTracking. After installing it on the mobile device, all information about the owner’s actions begins to be collected. The received data is then sent to the wife’s mobile phone.

Without using additional programs, a wife can simply check her husband's incoming and outgoing calls.

Of course, only if she has access to his cell phone. All suspicious frequent calls are a reason to raise doubts.

SMS messages can provide no less information, especially those received at night. Sometimes it happens that direct evidence can be found in this way, but most traitors prefer to delete correspondence that incriminates them.

A program with GPS navigation also helps to establish the husband’s location. For it to work properly, the phone must have a constantly working Internet, but on modern devices this is not a problem. So, when visiting dubious places (restaurants, cafes, hotels), the spouse will have grounds for suspicion.

Checking fidelity using your phone

Folk signs, modern and not only

People's experience is an assistant in any area of ​​life. Our ancestors were no less attentive to marital relationships. Many people know the rituals of weddings, betrothals, entering a new home, and so on. There are also folk signs on how to check whether a husband is cheating on his wife. here is their list:

  • foreign smell on the clothes and body of the spouse;
  • frequent lies;
  • new password on the phone;
  • fear of meeting your wife's gaze;
  • new words and phrases in the lexicon.

It is difficult to determine betrayal based on one sign. There should be several of them, from changes in behavior to changes in image and attitude towards your wife. One of the most important is the availability of the phone. If the husband systematically stops picking up the phone, does not call back, or periodically the phone is not available. Everything is very serious. Especially when it comes to a business trip. Away from home, men indulge in entertainment.

Another sign is frequent general cleaning of the car interior. The man carefully vacuums, looking into the most inaccessible places. Most likely, he seeks to hide possible traces of his entertainment with his mistress.

There is an interesting sign that indicates betrayal by the apple. You need to let your spouse eat the apple and evaluate the core left behind. The main thing is that no one bothers him. If the apple is eaten thoroughly and the core is small, the husband did not cheat. If there is a lot of pulp left, the man has had enough of a few bites - he has a mistress.

Moles as a sign

Birthmarks appear on the human body throughout life. A small child has few of them, but an elderly child has a lot. The pattern that moles create speaks volumes about a person’s life. Moles can also be used to determine a person's tendency to cheat.

Those birthmarks that are on the face speak most clearly about character and love for entertainment. Loyalty is indicated by a spot above the eyebrow on the right side. Such a man will be faithful to his wife. If the mole is located on the right cheek, the man loves intrigue and is not against having fun on the side. He will not miss a single opportunity to have fun, and the pangs of conscience will be unknown to him.

In addition to moles on the body, one can determine a tendency to cheat by looking at the lines on the arm. A woman should pay attention to her right palm, namely the love line on it. This one is located at the base of the little finger between the line of the heart. The latter is always clearly defined and is easy to identify even without bending the palm. If the love line is clearly visible, a woman will not suffer from cheating men. If she is weak and inarticulate, affairs on the side and mistresses will be constant companions of married life.

Here you can pay attention to the marriage line. It is located on the edge of the hand at the base of the little finger. There may be one or several. They stretch to the tubercle under the little finger. If a woman has her first marriage, and there are 2 or more marriage lines, most likely the cause of divorce will be infidelity.

How to find out if your loved one is capable of cheating

In fact, whether your partner is prone to cheating or not is indicated by many features of his character and behavior, which are worth paying attention to even at the dating stage.

    Guys with the following qualities can hurt you by betraying your love:
  • pronounced egoists are a kind of “Narcissist” who do everything in life for their own good and for their own pleasure. Such a man does not care at all about your feelings, and he will easily follow his, albeit not very plausible, desires, calmly stepping over your tears and insults;
  • disrespectful attitude towards the mother - by speaking rudely about the woman who gave birth and raised him, without listening to her advice and not attaching importance to her opinion, he, in fact, shows what kind of attitude awaits you in the future. And believe me, your suffering about fidelity will be of least interest to him;
  • low self-esteem - this factor, although it is radically opposite to the narcissism of an egoist, can also play a bad joke. Very often, such men look for ways to assert themselves and easily respond to any flirtation of a more beautiful and successful partner;
  • a tendency to flirt and a desire to be the center of attention. Having assessed your boyfriend’s behavior towards familiar and unfamiliar girls in your presence, it will not be difficult for you to predict the development of events if they met in private - no one will remember you there;
  • excessive attention to appearance and clothing - such a partner will select a wardrobe from the list to attract more female attention to his person and win more women’s hearts. Do you need to be one of this list?

What to do if your chosen one has a couple of these qualities? It’s better to immediately ask your partner about his attitude towards cheating. And don’t listen so much to the answers (don’t expect that they will openly tell you the truth), but watch the reaction. Calmness and looking straight into the eyes will indicate your partner’s honesty, but his forced laughter, darting glances, and active gestures will reveal his excitement and desire to hide the truth from you.


Today, on the Internet you can do everything, from earning virtual money to dating and having sex. If your husband starts staying up on the Internet in the evenings and checks his email or social media pages in the morning, then there is something very interesting there. It is suspicious if he is in no hurry to share this interesting thing with his wife. What to do?

You need to register on the same social network as your spouse and ask to visit him. They choose seductive photos on their page, and statuses, if they exist, are also no less promising. It is important to conduct relaxed correspondence, but without obvious hints of close acquaintance. A few days of communication will be enough to understand whether a man is ready to change and whether he has done this before.

No less important is the fact of the truthfulness of the information that he posts on his page. Namely – status, married or single. If he does not hide the fact that he is married, but at the same time is not averse to having fun, the problem is complex. If the husband does not hide his accounts and does not mind if his wife looks at the page, you can be calm, your loved one has no secrets.

But if he is categorically against it, there is no need to insist that he let his wife into his personal space on social networks. He will look for other ways to communicate with his mistress and will spend even less time at home.

Is a wife cheating on her husband, signs

Female infidelity is also not uncommon. But they are more often in the nature of fleeting affairs, because family is more important to her than pleasure and desires. How to check if a wife is cheating on her husband? Here are some signs:

  • loss of interest in the husband and his lifestyle;
  • careful self-care;
  • a radical wardrobe change;
  • lack of regular sex;
  • delays after work, spending the night with a friend.

A woman flies in the clouds, absent-minded and dreamy. She is not interested in why her husband came home later than usual, why he doesn’t go to the gym, and so on. The main reason for refusing sex is simple headache and fatigue. In fact, everything she wanted she already got on the side.

When a woman is in love, she is beautiful at any age. Bright sparkling eyes, a new fashionable dress, a change in hair color and makeup style - this speaks of a lover. He is active, young, attentive and sees in her advantages that her husband had forgotten about. There are no other reasons for such a transformation. It is more difficult for a woman to hide the fact of betrayal and the appearance of a new person in her life. Women are too emotional and sensitive for this.

Symptoms of giardiasis

Giardia can number up to a million per square centimeter of intestinal wall. They mechanically damage blood cells (erythrocytes), cause irritation of nerve endings, and disrupt the absorption process. As a result, inflammation develops. Giardia waste products can cause allergic reactions.

Giardiasis can occur in acute or chronic form. Symptoms of acute giardiasis may appear 1-3 weeks after infection.

Giardiasis most often manifests itself as an intestinal disorder. In some cases, giardiasis can cause disruption of the gallbladder and stagnation of bile. In the case of long-term giardiasis (especially in children), neurotic symptoms may be observed.

Abdominal pain

With giardiasis, there is pain in the epigastric region and in the navel area. The pain is usually dull, but in some cases it can be sharp.


Increased gas formation (flatulence) is usually accompanied by a feeling of fullness in the stomach. Belching and heartburn are possible.

More about the symptom

Stool disorder

Possible diarrhea up to 3-5 times a day; The stool is initially watery or foamy, but may later become greasy. Diarrhea may give way to constipation.

Allergic manifestations

Possible allergic manifestations of giardiasis:

  • hives;
  • severe itching;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis, blepharitis and some other manifestations.

Neurotic symptoms

With a long course of giardiasis (especially in children), the following neurotic symptoms may be observed: weakness, fatigue, irritability (tearfulness in young children), headaches, dizziness, cardialgia.

Ways to determine if your wife is cheating

A woman does not know how to hide and encrypt herself, so it is easier to follow her. Changing the usual route of travel with hour-long delays in the evenings or in the middle of the day indicates betrayal. The wife may change the scent of her perfume, or she will have a new piece of jewelry, which she can pass off as a high-quality fake. Makeup becomes brighter, hair styling is more thorough, the image is expressive. The wardrobe is filled with new things, the length of the skirt is reduced.

It is natural for a man to act, and not to guess on the tea leaves. You can check the number of visits to the gym. If it decreases, it means she spent this time with her lover. But the time for visiting the beauty salon should increase - after all, being beautiful and sexy is the most important thing for her now.

Fortune telling by hand also works here. A man can evaluate his line of love and marriage and draw appropriate conclusions. The main thing is not to rush into action.

Cheating is an unpleasant event in the life of any married couple. There are many reasons for this phenomenon, from a long history of living together, constant mutual reproaches and discontent, to too much sexual activity of one of the spouses. The bond of marriage has always been considered sacred. It's not for nothing that people take the oath of allegiance in church. It’s a pity that people soon forget about her and don’t appreciate what fate has given her.


Betrayal always hits too hard. Testing a husband's fidelity in the expectation of finding evidence that he is wrong sometimes leads to the opposite effect. If you are not ready to accept the truth, to refuse a full-fledged family, then take a different path. Become alive and pleasant, loving and interesting again. Don’t try on the role of a victim, decide your own destiny, fight for happiness. And only if you are ready to put an end to it, file for divorce, look for evidence, bring it to light and build a new relationship with someone for whom you are ready to always be desired.

Write in the comments, are you ready to forgive your spouse’s infidelity? What decisive actions are you willing to take for the sake of truth?

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