What does it mean if a girl is afraid to look a guy in the eyes?

Hello! My name is Igor Lapin, I am a professional pickup trainer. Today we will find out why a girl does not make eye contact when talking and what it means. Men often notice this seemingly trifle when communicating with women. It’s as if the girl is embarrassed to make eye contact and is unable to establish close contact with her or move to a new stage of the relationship. There are many possible reasons for this behavior of a lady. I will talk about the most common of them in detail below.

She's clearly hiding something

Physiognomy comes into play - a science that studies a person’s character, his reactions, etc. by facial expression.
Just like in the TV series “The Theory of Lies,” you can tell that a girl is lying or not telling the whole truth when she looks away after asking questions. No matter what a person says, the tongue may not fail and the speech of a liar sometimes does not betray him in any way. However, subtle changes in the face, averting the eyes and other unconscious actions can tell us the truth.

However, there is no need to rush at the lady and accuse her of lying ahead of time. It is better to look for additional signs of lying and not focus only on the fact that the girl does not look into the eyes when talking.

#5: She doesn’t call or text you herself.

At the beginning of communication, she may be unapproachable, but if a month has already passed and she still does not show initiative, then the girl is dynamite. Women in love need the company of the object of their adoration. No matter how proud and busy she is, the girl will call and text.

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The most pleasant of all possible reasons when a girl is embarrassed to make eye contact is her feelings for you. Ladies are often afraid to show their feelings and emotions, fearing that they will not perceive her as she should.
Most women wait for the first step from a man. That's why all they can do is look away flirtatiously. This is usually done unconsciously, but it perfectly makes it clear that the girl is trying to hide the emotions that are creeping through her eyes.

In addition, such behavior may indicate sexual tension. In this case, women’s pupils dilate, and they try to hide the uncontrolled manifestation of feelings.

Signs that a girl likes you

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She straightens up, straightens her shoulders and sucks in her stomach.

If a girl's posture changes and she tries to straighten up, then she subconsciously wants to impress you.

Pay attention to her posture as she walks past you or walks away from you. If she knows that you will be looking at her, she will automatically change her posture. At the same time, the girl can slightly sway her hips, as if she were on a catwalk.

In addition, she will try to lick her lips, stretch her neck, or touch her more often, as she wants to emphasize her body or face. Her interest is also often evident when she adjusts her hair or tilts her head.

Her feet are pointing in your direction

According to psychologists, this is one of the most accurate non-verbal clues that someone likes you.

This is explained by the fact that we rarely consciously pay attention to what our legs are doing.

Main features:

  • If her feet are pointed at you, that's a good sign.
  • If they are looking in a different direction, such as the door, then she may not be interested.
  • If she sits cross-legged and her legs are tightly intertwined, then most likely she is nervous or uncomfortable around you.
  • If a girl sits freely, her legs are not pressed against her body, then she is quite relaxed and enjoys spending time with you

Her body is facing your direction

As with the feet, the direction of the body is an important indicator of her liking.

It's good if her body is turned in your direction and she gives you full attention. The body, like the feet, subconsciously turns towards the person in whom we are interested, and this is something we rarely think about.

If she is talking to you, but her body is turned away from you, this is not a very good sign.

4. She notices and reacts when you touch her.

A girl's reaction to physical touch is an excellent indicator of whether she likes you.

If she has a crush, she will definitely notice if you touch her, even if the touch is purely platonic. She may blush, smile and move closer to you.

If she doesn't like you, she will likely move away when you touch her, even if the movement is subtle.

Of course, it still depends on where you are touching and how appropriate such a gesture is in a given situation. If you are having a conversation, lightly touch her shoulder - this is enough to see her reaction.

5. She seeks physical contact with you.

Everyone knows that we like to touch whoever we like. For example, a woman may lightly touch the arm of the person she is talking to. This kind of light touch is not necessarily a sexual invitation, but most often indicates that she likes you.

Another indicator of her sympathy is her attempts to court you. For example, she removes pills from your clothes or straightens your shirt if it is wrinkled.

As stated above, if you want to test her feelings, touch her. If she pulls back, she is not comfortable. This doesn't always mean she doesn't like you, she might just be more sensitive and need to get used to your touch.

If she shows physical contact with other people, for example, hugging when meeting, then her withdrawal is not a very good sign.

6. She blushes when she's around you.

We often blush when we receive an unexpected compliment or like someone.

If you notice that a girl often blushes in your presence, then this is a good sign.

However, it is worth paying attention to whether she blushes when interacting with other people, because she may simply be shy.

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Her pupils dilate

Although this sign is not so easy to spot, dilated pupils are an indicator of attraction.

Look her in the eyes while talking, but try to do it casually so as not to scare her. However, remember that pupils naturally dilate when the light is dimmed.

She copies your movements and gestures

This is one of the proven signs that a person likes you, and it is something that we do subconsciously.

Please note this:

Does she copy your hand gestures when she speaks? Does he try to be in the same rhythm with you? For example, if you speak slowly, is she also trying to slow down? All of these indicate that she likes you.

Also, if she cares about you, she will start using some words from your everyday life.

9. She looks at you

If she is interested or has feelings for you, she will look at you and maintain eye contact when you make eye contact.

At the same time, the girl may smile or examine your face, throwing a few glances from time to time. This behavior is quite obvious, it says that she likes you, and she is not afraid to show it.

However, if she is nervous or shy, she may lower her eyes when making eye contact.

Often a girl turns away if a man notices how she is looking. This is actually a sign of attraction and means that she is interested in you but doesn't want you to know it.

She preens

Almost any girl, in the presence of a representative of the opposite sex who is attractive to her, begins to preen herself: adjusting her clothes, touching her hair, or applying gloss to her lips.

This is how our psyche works - we want to look as good as possible next to the object of our affection. Of course, everything can be explained by some nervousness or anxiety.

However, if you notice that a girl is trying to dress up, carefully takes care of herself, and slightly protrudes her lips, then all these are clear signs that the man she likes is nearby. Moreover, preening most often indicates not just sympathy, but a strong attraction to a man.

She clings to you and tilts her head

If a girl moves closer to you when you are talking, she is showing with her entire appearance that you have her attention. This is especially true if she behaves this way in a group of people and pays more attention to you than to others.

Thus, she subconsciously tries to be one on one with you in space.

The same meaning applies to tilting the head, which shows interest and involvement in the conversation. If you like a girl, try to pay attention to her in conversation, maintain eye contact and show your interest in conversation.

She uses open body language

You can tell how comfortable she is by how open her postures and gestures are. If her arms and legs are relaxed and her posture is not closed, it is safe to say that she is not feeling tense around you. This sign is not a direct indication of attraction, since she may be comfortable with a friend.

It all depends on the context. If you've known her for a short time and she exhibits open body language, it's a great sign that there's a strong connection between you two.

It is very important for a girl to feel physical and psychological comfort when choosing a guy.

However, it still depends on her character. If she is more private or shy by nature, she may not use open positions, even if she likes you.

If she is straightforward and confident, this behavior indicates her great sympathy.

13. She is noticeably nervous or embarrassed

If she likes you but doesn't know you that well, she'll likely feel nervous or embarrassed around you.

Nevertheless, she wants to impress you and not lose face.

There are seven main signs that a person is nervous:

  • Touches your face

    , for example, touches the face, slightly twitches the cheeks or rubs the forehead.

  • Blinks frequently.

    Psychologists have found that the frequency of blinking increases when we are nervous.

  • Purses lips

    . This is an instinctive reaction that protects us from danger.

  • Fingers with his hands

    . This may include intertwined fingers, awkward twisting of arms back and forth, or cracking of joints.

  • He rubs his palms.
  • Yawns often.

    While this may seem like a strange sign, stress and anxiety are known to increase brain temperature, and yawning regulates body temperature by cooling the nose and mouth areas.

If you notice these signs in your presence, the girl may be nervous and she likes you (assuming you don't know each other very well).

As you get to know each other more, the nervousness will subside and it will be easier for you to get closer.

14. She rubs some object in her hands

This is a rather interesting sign, which is sometimes difficult to distinguish from normal behavior.

You need to pay attention to the following:

Look at how she holds the item. She gently strokes him, or maybe while she looks into your eyes? Subconsciously, she lets you know that she is attracted to you as a man.

She can also point an object towards you, as if she were pointing her legs or body towards you.

If she just clutches the object and glances at you, it probably doesn't mean anything.

If, on the contrary, she seems to be blocking the object from you, pressing it to her and turning her body away from you, then this is not a very good indicator that she likes you.

15. Pay attention to details

The most important thing you need to remember is that most women are more subtle in expressing their feelings and do not show their interest overtly.

Moreover, it is known that it is women who take the first step, but they do it quietly.

What signals do women send most often to men who interest them?

  • A long, close look from the side at the man she likes
  • As soon as your eyes meet, the girl smiles and looks away
  • She starts to preen
  • She takes an open pose
  • She points her body at you

Signs of a girl's sympathy by behavior

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She acts differently around you

Even small changes in a girl's usual behavior can be an indication that she likes you. But before drawing any conclusions, observe her usual behavior around friends.

  • Is she more sociable and cheerful around you? This could be a sign that the girl is trying to impress you.
  • Some young ladies, on the contrary, become shy, clumsy and silent in the presence of the gentleman they like. If she blushes or looks at the floor, then she may be embarrassed or nervous because she likes you.
  • If she is not interested in you, she may turn away from you or give short, insignificant answers.
  • She may act a little irritated when you interrupt her or take up her time or direct her attention to someone who interests her more.
  • Does she treat you differently than others? For example, he pats you lightly on the shoulder, or puts his hand on you. If she doesn't do this with others, it could mean she likes you.

When you do something out of the ordinary, she blushes or gets excited.

Try to do something that will surprise her. This could be an unexpected compliment or a playful touch on the shoulder. The girl will not have time to react, and this will be a great indicator of her feelings.

If she blushes or appears embarrassed, this is a clear sign that she wants to impress you. She can simply run her hand through her hair or straighten her clothes.

If she seems a little annoyed, like you're distracting her from something important, then she's probably not interested in you.

Your friends want to leave you alone

How do your mutual friends behave towards you? If you notice how they try to leave you alone, then she likes you, and this is obvious even to others.

They may giggle, whisper, and smile knowingly when you're around.

However, this only applies to situations where the girl told her friends about you. In this case, they may try to find out more about the object of her interest and find out if you are suitable for her.

She pays attention to you

If she likes you, she will enjoy your time together. She will be all ears and will happily accept any attempts at interaction.

  • If she is shy, she will not shy away from conversation and will try to extend the time alone, but may not show that deep down she is happy.
  • When you're in a group, do they look at you more than the others? If so, then this is a clear sign of sympathy.
  • On the other hand, constant glances at the phone when you are talking one-on-one, or distracted glances do not promise you romantic interest on her part.

She gets excited when you say hello to her if she's talking to someone else

Walk up to a girl while she's talking to another guy, say hello, and watch her reaction.

If she's embarrassed, blushing, or excited, it means she's worried that you won't think she likes this guy more than you.

She may even try to engage you in conversation to convince you that she likes you or to move away from the guy to show that there is nothing romantic between them.

Remember: her reaction shows that she cares what you think of her and she doesn't want to give the wrong impression about herself.

If she doesn’t seem to notice you, or your greeting rather distracts her, then she most likely likes your interlocutor better.

Also, in a group of people, if she likes you, she will look at you more and observe your reaction.

When she does or says something, she looks at your reaction.

This is one of the most reliable indicators, which is quite easy to notice, especially if you are in a company.

If after a girl says the phrase she looks at you, this is an indicator that she is looking for your approval and is trying to impress you.

This becomes even more obvious when she tells a joke in a group of people. If she likes you, the first thing she will look at is you to make sure you are funny.

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7. She asks personal questions

Many men do not notice this sign. Personal questions are not the kind of questions we ask out of decency, but deeper ones, perhaps? with an emotional context.

For example, instead of asking “ What do you do?”

” she asks “
Why did you choose this profession?

Pay attention to unusual questions that you are not used to. She most likely thought for a long time before asking you the question. Such questions are an indicator of her interest and attraction.

She's trying to connect with you on social media.

It’s not always easy to understand that a girl likes you through correspondence on social networks. Here it is important to understand how determined she is to communicate with you.

Monosyllabic answers can indicate indifference, and on the contrary, detailed phrases show interest.

How quickly does she respond? The faster the better. But it’s also likely that she won’t want to look too approachable and may deliberately respond late. If her response is delayed for several days, then this is already an alarm bell.

A lot of likes on your publications on social networks indicate more than a friendly disposition.

9. She calls you when she's drunk

You probably know the expression: “ What a sober man has in his head, a drunk man has on his tongue.”


Alcohol liberates and helps us express our emotions honestly.

If a girl texts and calls you when she's drunk, then she definitely wants to be with you. She constantly thinks about you, and alcohol pushes her to action.

She lets you know she's single and wants to know if you have a date

She won't necessarily ask the question: “ Do you have a girlfriend?

“Most of the fairer sex are not so straightforward.

She will try to find out using more subtle methods. For example, she will say that she went to the wedding alone in the hope that you will also share with her the details of your personal life.

In this way, she is trying to test the waters and find out whether your relationship has a future.

11. She even laughs at your stupid jokes.

Even if everyone around you knows that the joke is stupid, the girl you like will still laugh at it.

In general, if a girl smiles a lot when talking to you, she definitely likes you. She enjoys your company and wants to make a good impression on you.

12. The conversation between you seems casual.

This is a great sign of chemistry and understanding between you. And where these two things exist, sympathy arises automatically.

Again, if she likes you, she will participate more in the conversation, ask questions, and be generally more talkative to avoid awkward silences.

If you care about her too, you'll likely do the same to make the conversation enjoyable.

13. She starts revealing her little quirks.

When a girl feels at ease, she begins to show more of her real self. At the beginning of a relationship, many people try to make a good impression and hide some oddities, but the easier and freer she is with you, the more she will open up.

This shows that she is comfortable with you and knows that you will accept her for who she is.

Although this behavior is common among friends, if you are not in the friend zone, you have definitely gained her trust.

14. She tells you personal details about her life.

In the same way, as you get closer, the girl you like will talk more about herself and share details of her life. This means that you have gained her trust.

If you communicate often, this does not necessarily indicate romantic feelings.

But if you've known each other for a short time and she reveals more personal details about her life, it's safe to say that she likes you.

15. She actively likes you on social media.

Likes and comments on your page are one of the clear signs of a girl’s interest. She can actively monitor your updates, remember everything you are interested in, and generally study you and your interests.

If you two are more intimate, she may post photos of you together to show others that you are together.

If you don’t know each other so closely, her behavior may not be so obvious and may be limited to likes.

The lady is bored

The situation when a girl does not make eye contact during a conversation is a clear example of the fact that she is bored by the conversation.
Remember how you behave during a dialogue that is not interesting to you: you think about your own things, look into the distance, look away, or just nod thoughtlessly. You need to choose the right topics to talk to a woman. The mistake a lot of guys make is that they talk about politics, martial arts, or technical stuff in an attempt to show off their best side. Usually girls are not interested in these areas of life. It's better to talk about travel, dreams, films and music. In a word, about what the girl understands.

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  • Share with your friends and loved ones what is bothering you. Unless, of course, they already know about your problem. By telling about your experiences to another person who is ready to listen and provide support, you legalize most of the tension that tends to accumulate, provoking the occurrence of various diseases. This is human psychology. Feelings have energy that, without finding a way out, has a destructive function, both for the body and for relationships with other people. It's like cooking soup with the lid tightly closed. Sooner or later it will be blown away, literally exploding, if you don’t periodically let off steam.
  • Use the method of positive affirmations. These are positive statements that, influencing a person at the subconscious level, help get rid of complexes and fears. Changing his worldview, behavior style, reactions, and so on.
  • Before going to bed, analyze the past day. What was interesting, or maybe sad, about it. What can you be proud of, what is worth paying attention to in the future. Just try to carry out this analysis without evaluatively, that is, without giving a general description. Moreover, without blaming yourself for failures. If you didn’t manage to meet your interlocutor’s gaze, note for yourself exactly what the difficulties were, what feelings and thoughts you encountered. Such an analysis will allow you to increase your level of awareness and identify patterns in behavior, which will subsequently make it easier to work on your own limitations.
  • Practice meditation. It will help not only achieve a sense of inner harmony, but also increase the level of awareness. Because the whole process a person is concentrated on his feelings, he notices thoughts, not driving them away, but simply watching how they appear and disappear. This approach is effective, especially when you need to make a decision, figure out how to deal with a problem, and so on. By relaxing the body and brain - insight, that is, insight, happens on its own.

The woman is tired

Sometimes girls get tired of a long conversation and look away, and at the same time cover their faces with their hands.
This suggests that the information received is too much and the lady needs time to digest everything. It is unlikely that she will be able to perceive further conversation at all. In this and other situations, it is often enough to ask why the girl does not make eye contact. There are several interesting outcomes that can be predicted here:

  • She will look intently into your eyes and say something like: “It’s not difficult for me, I can look”;
  • She will be surprised and justified that she didn’t even notice it. Then the girl will try to periodically look into your eyes;
  • He won’t look you in the eye and tell you why. Perhaps he's just shy.

Of course, it is impossible to predict all reactions, but one way or another, something will happen that will help understand the reasons for a woman’s behavior.

In the direction of gaze: how to determine what a woman is thinking about3

A lot of research has been carried out on this matter, which has made it possible to find out how to determine a woman’s attitude towards a man depending on where exactly she averts her gaze. It turned out that this is quite eloquent!

So, if she lowers her eyes and seems to be rummaging with them on the floor, this with a high degree of probability indicates that the representative of the stronger sex is pleasant to her - in this way she seems to demonstrate her emotions and thinks about them herself. What happens next depends on the man - if he continues to court, then most likely it will be a success.

There are also situations when a girl looks away and looks at her interlocutor again. takes her away again - and this means not at all what men usually think - that is, in fact, the girl is not avoiding them at all, but quite the opposite. Experienced men understand what this signal means and use it to their advantage.

Many representatives of the stronger sex, who are considered real heartthrobs, supposedly because girls never refuse them, actually have a very simple secret: they choose those girls who show hidden interest with their averted gaze.

Individual characteristics

Some girls are such delicate creatures that it is difficult to try on a certain pattern on them and explain the reaction in simple words.
There are cases when people date for more than a year, or even two, but the girl never looks the guy in the eyes.

Naturally, the guy is not very pleased with this and gets the feeling that he is disgusting to the lady or she is afraid to open up to him. Moreover, he sees that the girl communicates with everyone normally, looks other people in the eyes without any problems, but he doesn’t.

This happens because the lady has a very special relationship with her partner. Well, somehow it happened that she couldn’t look me in the eye. In the end, this is not the end of the world, because the girl shows the warmest feelings and tries in every possible way to create a strong relationship.

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What is the girl afraid of?

Did your relationship start recently? Then it's no surprise that your partner avoids direct gazes.

Girls are often embarrassed by their new boyfriends and intimacy with them. Therefore, any hint of this very closeness gives an inexplicable result. Remember that prolonged eye contact in romantic movie scenes usually ends with a kiss. Your girlfriend may be afraid of this outcome, especially if she is an introvert and you have not kissed yet. It would be a mistake to correct such a situation with direct conversations. Extra words can take away the charm and romance from the beginning of a relationship. Nevertheless, try through your actions to achieve trust, which will help the girl open up.

Gaze control

This title may sound a little naive and funny, but it fits perfectly with the next example.
You can control women with your gaze. Of course, we mean those who are not afraid to look you in the eye. If you want to win over a woman who is aggressive or neutral towards you, try practicing the following. Imagine that the girl is a small child, perhaps even your daughter. Look at a lady the way you would look at a little girl who is trying to prove something to you. Just be touched and radiate goodness.

The main thing is not to overdo it, since such tenderness can be perceived as disrespect and pity.

This can infuriate the person even more. Well, if successful, a change of mood will come almost instantly, and the girl will break into a smile.

The man has a rich imagination

Many people find it easier to formulate a thought and imagine a certain situation only by immersing themselves a little. Such people simply need to create a picture in their heads for better perception, and doing this while maintaining contact with their opponent is simply impossible.

For more productive communication, you should learn to hold your gaze for as long as possible. The ability to maintain eye contact will help not only in informal, but also in business relationships.

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