Psychological Rorschach test: interpretation of results

The Rorschach test or Rorschach inkblot technique is one of the most famous psychodiagnostic personality tests. Each of us has seen at least one picture with blots that resemble... But here, in fact, the test begins, since the answer determines the individual properties and inclinations of a particular person. Recently, due to its massive distribution on social networks, the Rorschach test is often presented in significantly simplified versions, but in fact it is a powerful psychological tool. In this article, we tried to talk about it without confusing scientific terminology and, moreover, we wrote an online test based on the inkblot technique, the completion of which will allow you to determine the properties of your personality.

Rorschach test: what is it?

The Rorschach test is one of the most famous and popular projective drawing techniques, which was developed by the Swiss psychiatrist G. Rorschach. The first mention of this technique was in 1921. Then Rorschach published the book Psychodiagnostics.

The test consists of 10 cards (half color, half black and white) with symmetrical images created by ink blots. The psychologist shows the cards in a certain order and asks what it could be. The test taker must describe in detail what he sees in the image, where he sees it and why the spot causes such an association. The picture can be rotated, tilted or flipped. There is no time limit for taking the test.

There is an opinion that the image that a person sees indicates individual psychological characteristics and personality characteristics. Thus, according to the answers, it is possible to judge the psyche, understand the past and even partially predict future behavior.

It is important that the blots on the cards do not resemble anything in particular. This causes associative thinking. If you cannot describe the picture, this may mean the presence of certain psychological problems.

Answers are scored in 5 categories:

  • Localization (the entire image or details are analyzed);
  • Determinants (what attention is paid to: shape, color, etc.);
  • Level of form (adequacy of reflection of the form of the image in the answer);
  • Content (the answer concerns: people / animals / objects / fantastic images, etc.);
  • Originality – popularity (the answer is rare or occurs in more than 30% of respondents).

Picture No. 2: two people

This drawing in the Rorschach test is most often perceived by test takers as sexual. And many people consider red elements to look like blood stains. Answers to this test can provide insight into the methods used to control pain, anger or feelings. Most people see these spots as a four-legged animal, a person looking at himself in the mirror, or two people.

  • Two figures speak of an obsession with sex, an obsession with relationships.
  • The dog symbolizes a faithful and devoted friend. If the test taker saw something negative in this card, then this may indicate the need to realize their own feelings or fears.
  • A person looking at himself in the mirror speaks of narcissism or egocentrism of the person being tested. Depending on a person's feelings, this can be either a positive or negative trait.
  • Elephant - symbolizes intelligence and memory, deep thinking, but it can also speak of negative physical self-perception.
  • Bear - symbolizes aggression, independence, competition, but can also speak of vulnerability and insecurity.
  • A person praying - this can symbolize attitudes towards sex from a religious point of view. Blood may mean that the person being tested associates physical pain with religion, as well as experiencing difficult emotions.

When and how is the test performed?

  1. Preparation. The psychologist explains basic information about the test and why it is being carried out.
  2. Carrying out the test. The specialist shows 10 pictures to the patient in turn. He must say what he sees in them. After this, everything is recorded in a journal and a conclusion is drawn.
  3. Survey . This is the final stage. The psychologist asks a few questions to the person, asking how accurate the associations with the picture are. This is necessary for better output.

In order to quickly and accurately draw a conclusion, the psychologist maintains a research protocol.

Picture No. 4: Carpet, leather, animal skin

This picture is called "father's". Most people see her as having a large figure (usually male). Responses to the perception of these spots reflect the attitude of the test taker to authority and the person’s upbringing. People also see the skin of an animal or a large animal (monster) in these spots.

  • The skin of an animal symbolizes the discomfort associated with the theme of the father, but at the same time it may indicate that the person being tested does not have problems with inferiority and authority.
  • A monster or large animal - symbolizes a feeling of fear, inferiority in front of the father, government officials or authorities.

Interpretation of results from cards

Card 1

This card features a black and white spot. Most often, patients see it as a bat, butterfly or moth. The card helps determine your personality type.

OptionWhat is the stain associated with?FeelingDecoding
1BatTroubleFear of the outside world and hidden intrapersonal problems
2ButterflyPositiveAbility to grow, change and overcome challenges
3MoleDevastationVulnerability and inability to cope with challenges
4ButterflyNoLoneliness and feeling of abandonment
5Cat headUncertaintyFear of the outside world

Card 2

A black and red blot is depicted. Most of all associations with something sexual. Helps reflect a person's emotional state.

OptionWhat is the stain associated with?Decoding
1People on the moveHaving close relationships with others
2Image of a person in the mirrorEgocentrism, narcissism, inability to take criticism
3DogA man is a true friend
5The BearsHidden aggression and disobedience

Card 3

A black and red spot is also depicted. And in this blot they most often see two people. This card helps to understand human social interaction.

OptionWhat is the stain associated with?Decoding
1Two people having lunchIn society, a person is very active and can quickly adapt
2Image of two dollsThe patient is removed from society. Also possible: poor emotionality, schizoid traits
3Two people washing their handsParanoid fear and obsessive phobias
4Man looking in the mirrorEgocentrism and inattention to others
5People playing with each otherInconsistency in your decisions, close social relationships

Card 4

A black and white spot is drawn. The subjects more often mentioned associations with a large animal, a monster, or an animal’s hole. The interpretation of this card will allow you to learn about how a person relates to authorities and values.

OptionWhat is the stain associated with?Decoding
1Big monsterInferiority and worship of authority
2Animal skinInternal contradiction, intrapersonal conflicts
3Fur or skin carpetFear of authority

Card 5

There is a gray spot on the card. Most often, patients talk about a bat or a moth. This picture allows you to find out the personal traits of a person.

OptionWhat is the stain associated with?Decoding
1Causes different associations than 1 picturePrevious cards caused a person great discomfort inside
2Same associations as with 1 pictureDeep and personal problems

Card 6

The picture shows gray. From this spot, the psychologist understands how close a person is to other people.

OptionWhat is the stain associated with?Decoding
1Animal skinNot wanting to interact with others
2NoraMental emptiness and isolation from society
3Fears and responses of a sexual natureHidden depression
4Sexual intercourseFears of a sexual nature

Card 7

A light gray spot that most people associate with women, children, and the feminine principle. The card helps determine your relationship with the female gender.

OptionWhat is the stain associated with?Decoding
1Hard to tellDifficult relationships with women. Women have a conflict with their mother
2Head of a woman or childrenIncreased maternal instinct, need for care
3Heads that want to kissThe desire to be loved and have a relationship
4Female genital organsDifficulties in sexual life

Card 8

Bright multi-colored blot. One of the most difficult pictures in the test. If it is difficult for a person to say what is depicted, it means that he has difficulty expressing his emotions.

OptionWhat is the stain associated with?Decoding
1Hard to tellThe patient has a difficult life situation
2QuadrupedRelaxation, emotional calm
3Several imagesPettiness

Card 9

Multicolor spots are also depicted. Decoding the association allows you to understand how the patient copes with the lack of certainty in any situations.

OptionWhat is the stain associated with?Decoding
1Uncertain form of evilDoesn't cope well with uncertainty. It's easy to piss him off
2HumanOrganized and good time management

Card 10

This blot has the largest number of colors. Most often, people associate it with a spider, crab, snake, etc.

OptionWhat is the stain associated with?Decoding
1Uncertain or negative feelingsCard 9 caused great difficulties for the person
2Several imagesDeveloped abstract thinking, integrity of human nature
3Crabs and lobstersTendency to become attached to things, patience
4SpidersInvolvement in a difficult situation
5CaterpillarHuman growth and development

Picture No. 1: bat, animal or moth

It is with these ink blots on a sheet of paper that the Rorschach test begins. Thanks to it, you can understand how the test taker perceives stressful and new tasks. Most often, people see the face of an animal, a moth or a bat in these spots. The answers to this picture give a general description of the person.

  • The face of an animal indicates that a person knows how to react to problems, fear and reluctance to understand himself. This may also indicate that a person has a serious problem that he is avoiding and not solving.
  • Mole - this suggests that the tester underestimates himself, his appearance, and can also symbolize weakness and irritation.
  • A bat most often means something demonic, unclean, and for some it is the path through darkness to rebirth.
  • Butterfly - if the person being tested sees a butterfly, then this symbolizes his ability to change, overcome obstacles, as well as a transition period.

Features of the technique

The Rorschach blot test was not originally intended to be a projective measure of personality characteristics. Instead, he had to construct a personality profile of a person with schizophrenia (or another mental disorder) based on frequency ratings. Rorschach himself was skeptical about using his test to projectively measure personality characteristics.

The Rorschach test, at its most basic level, is a task that provides a reflection of the psychology of the person taking the test, as well as establishing some level of understanding of the patient's past and future behavior. Patients often use imagination to formulate an answer, but the underlying process of solving this problem has little to do with imagination or creativity.

Unlike all previously existing psychological methods, subjects in this test give their answers independently, and do not choose them from those prepared in advance by the experimenter. Under these conditions, responses depend to a much greater extent on the innate characteristics of perception and individual past experience than on the external stimuli specified in the experiment. Such techniques were called personality, and the Rorschach test was the first among them.

The starting point of the technique is the absence of even the slightest idea of ​​what is shown on the card. This uncertainty triggers associative thinking, where the images that arise belong to the sphere of consciousness only partially. A series of such associations is combined into more complex images, and on their basis the imagination completes the formation of a complex, logical idea. Such a chain of mental acts makes it possible to identify those psychological characteristics that determine the individuality of each person.

This is the main difference between the Rorschach test and other projective tests (tests where hidden emotions or internal conflicts are determined through a reaction to ambiguous stimuli projected onto the participant during testing). His stimulus material is “pure” - the proposed pictures are formless and vague, which excludes any external direction of associations.

Stimulus material

The stimulus material for the test consists of 10 standard tables with black-and-white and color symmetrical amorphous images. Those. You need ten pictures (cards) with ink blots: five black, two red and black, and three multi-colored.

Card 1. “Bat, butterfly, moth”

Card 2. “Two people”

Card 3. “Two people”

Card 4. “Animal skin, leather, carpet”

Picture No. 9: man

The spots in this picture are colored and quite fuzzy; most people have difficulty understanding what they see. Therefore, the answers about these blots tell us about the test taker’s confidence and ability to cope with the shortcomings of the structure. Most people see a female figure or a person in these spots.

  • The image of evil indicates that the person being tested needs order in life and does not tolerate uncertainty.
  • Person – shows that the test taker knows how to cope with the unsystematic nature of time and information.


  1. Bely B.I. Rorschach test: practice and theory / Ed. L.N. Sobchik. - St. Petersburg: Dorval, 1992. - 200 p.
  2. Burlachuk L.F. Introduction to Projective Psychology. — Kyiv: Nika-center; Vist-S, 1997. - 128 p.
  3. Burlachuk L.F. Personality research in clinical psychology. - Kyiv: Vishcha school, 1978. - 174 p.
  4. Rausch de Traubenberg N.K. The Rorschach Test: A Practical Guide. - M: Cogito-Center, 2005. - 255 p.
  5. Sokolova E.T. Projective methods of personality research. - M.: Publishing house Moscow. University, 1980. - 176 p.
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