Aliens are among us: the expert spoke about gender stereotypes and their impact on our lives

From time immemorial, there has been a division of people into men and women in the world. It is not surprising that the consolidation of certain norms and standards in human behavior was based on this. A man is a strong and brave warrior, breadwinner and guardian. A woman is a keeper of the hearth, a caring mother and an affectionate wife. It is not for nothing that even in the modern world many men and women compare each other to aliens - they seem so different and sometimes alien in the process of communication.

But time passed, and as technology developed, the amount of time spent on meeting the basic needs of the floors noticeably decreased. As a result, step by step, humanity has come to the current picture of the world, where gender differences are no longer based only on gender and where, instead of two genders, more than 60 new types have been formed in just a few years.

What are gender stereotypes, how have they changed with the development of society and how do they influence our daily lives, said psychologist-sexologist Irina Alexandrova .

From the personal archive of Irina Alexandrova /

What is gender and male and female gender stereotypes?

Before developing the topic of gender stereotypes, let us briefly define the concept of “gender” itself. This term, which goes back to the English gender and the Latin genus, which means “genus,” understands a number of characteristics that are related to masculinity and femininity. At the same time, gender identity is not related to a person’s sexual orientation: the concept of gender refers to mental, social and cultural differences, and gender is determined only by physical differences (human anatomy and physiology).

Femininity, or femininity, is a pattern of behavior and the focus of mental qualities that make up the female gender - such as tenderness, compassion, sensitivity, and so on. The opposite of femininity is masculinity (masculinity) - a male gender stereotype, which is characterized by such traits as independence, rationality, courage, assertiveness, emotional control and others. The concept of femininity, as well as masculinity, is shaped by the cultural, ethnic, age and social environment.

All men need only one!4

The role of sex in relationships cannot be underestimated, but in modern society it is greatly overestimated. And there is a simple and understandable explanation for this, and this is marketing again! Advertising mechanisms exploit simple physiological needs, which is why girls in swimsuits advertise cars, men's deodorants, cigarettes, alcohol and many other things that have nothing to do with sexual instincts.

True, this trend is gradually starting to go away, because many people have long suspected that there is a deception hidden somewhere here. And most importantly, women also want sex and enjoy it! Does this mean that they also only need one?

How influenced is everyday life by gender stereotypes?

Of course, the main gender stereotypes living in the public consciousness significantly influence our lives. Moreover, we are often guided by them even in relation to ourselves. For example, society defines a woman as the “weaker sex” - a gentle, vulnerable and weak, and sometimes also narrow-minded, weak-willed and spineless creature.

If at decisive moments in life someone tries to remind you that “you are a woman,” we can safely say that we are talking specifically about gender stereotypes of men and women. And sometimes we ourselves are happy to give up struggle, competition, difficult and responsible, but interesting work, keeping promises and much more, “covering” ourselves with just such stereotypes.

Worker rights advocates around the world actively oppose job advertisements written according to the "male/female only" principle, as it is discriminatory. However, there is no clear ban on such publications in the legislation. The same can be said about the possibility of promotion: many believe that only a man is worthy of career advancement, since he is the one who can look more respectable, competent, and so on in the eyes of partners and competitors. These and other similar misconceptions are also a consequence of gender stereotypes among company management.

A man should earn more than a woman

Woe to all businesswomen, now they can’t marry for love, because the main thing for a happy relationship is that the husband’s salary be at least a ruble higher than that of the wife. Otherwise, he’s not a man, not a breadwinner, and not... Wait, since when did relationships turn into a salary competition? And who benefits from maintaining this stereotype, you or the mothers who dream of selling their daughters in marriage at a higher price?

Yes, the roots of this prejudice go far into the past, and if you look at it, it has nothing to do with modern realities. A husband can work as a doctor and save people’s lives, unfortunately not receiving decent pay for it, when his wife’s nail salon, skillfully promoted on Instagram, brings stable and high profits. Does this make them an inferior couple? No.

How have gender stereotypes changed with the development of society?

However, even if you look from the point of view of the binary gender system, then as society develops, you can notice quite strong and dramatic changes in centuries-old gender stereotypes.

“For example, the role of a woman has been transformed from a man’s companion and assistant, the mother of his children, into an independent person who has the right to vote, learn any profession, hold any position, and so on,” said Irina Alexandrova. “The man has also moved away from the role of an exclusively dominant breadwinner without the right to sentimentality and emotions.”

Of course, even in 2021, gender stereotypes from the past can still be observed in some places. For example: a woman should take care of her family and children, but building a career is the lot of men. However, every year such stereotypes weaken, the boundaries of exclusively “feminine and masculine” qualities are gradually erased. Gentleness, caring and tenderness, as well as determination, perseverance and ambition, can be present in absolutely any person and do not depend on gender.

The term "gender" as a social category

This term was first introduced into practice in 1975. It arose as a result of the differentiation of social, cultural and constitutional aspects determined by the gender of the individual and the difference in their qualities.

Definition 2

Gender is a sexual, socio-biological characteristic that reflects the socio-psychological signs of personality development, determined by its gender.

The introduction of this term reflects the presence of psychological differences between the sexes.

Are modern gender stereotypes different in Russia?

Of course, data from the United States differs from the situation in Russia, where women are still considered more stupid. Until now, a woman - a leader, a politician, or even just a boss in our country - is rather an exception rather than a 100% norm.

Society, advertising, family influence the formation, consolidation and change of stereotypes. However, fortunately, there are also trends that allow each individual, regardless of gender stereotypes in advertising, society, culture, and so on, to make their own choice.

Today in Russia, many women already want to build a career, self-realization and fulfillment as a professional, instead of remaining a kind of addition to a man and his “accessory” for the sake of gender stereotypes.

“However, unfortunately, we still have a lot of men who are sure that the kitchen and children’s room are exclusively women’s territory. And that all decisions should be made by a man. And showing weakness, tears and emotions is unacceptable for the stronger sex,” noted Irina Alexandrova. — After all, according to statistics, only 4% of Russians visit a psychologist and more than half of them hide it from others. Moreover, the vast majority of people who use the services of specialists are women. The remaining 96% prefer to communicate with friends, relatives or remain silent. Men don’t even think about visiting a specialist, because they believe that they should be strong and cope with their internal psychological problems themselves. And, as is already known, this has a detrimental effect on the health of the male population. In this regard, the statistics of strokes and heart attacks are very indicative.”

Men don't cry!6

Every time someone says this phrase, somewhere in the world one Matthew McConaughey cries. External manifestations of emotions are still treated reprehensibly, but it cannot be called anything other than hypocrisy. Is there at least one person among you who has never cried? If he is found, then he should consult a doctor, since something is clearly wrong with his body. Only insensitive robots or psychopaths do not show emotions.

What are the gender stereotypes of today's youth?

However, completely different trends are observed among young people - open appeal to psychologists, as well as breaking the notorious gender stereotypes. Young people, including in Russia, do not adopt the principles of their parents and are looking for new adequate solutions.

“In general, today’s youth are now carrying out both a gender and stereotypical revolution in society. Young people are raising important issues of ageism, body positivity, victim blaming, and so on. After all, all this generally has a positive effect on health – both physiological and mental,” concluded our expert.

How to combat stereotypes in society regarding male and female roles?

Unfortunately, none of us, including psychologists and sexologists, are able to get into a stranger’s head without his desire in order to restore order in it. That's why the best way to mitigate gender bias is knowledge.

If you have become a victim of professional, social or any other gender stereotypes - for example, at work or in society you are treated based on average ideas about the female or male sex, or even allow yourself very offensive statements, like “a chicken is not a bird, a woman is not man” or “a man without money is not a man, but a male” - it’s worth trying to calmly, in a polite manner, explain to your interlocutor that he is wrong, sharing your knowledge in the field of research into stereotypes of gender behavior, as well as personal arguments. And here, as they say, water wears away stones.

Types of thinking distortions

“Cognitive distortion” refers to some incorrect thoughts that do not correspond to reality. At the same time, the person is convinced that he is right. Based on these judgments, a person regularly makes the same mistakes. For example, the husband is the breadwinner, and the grandmother must bake pies.

Typically, such distortions are caused either by social pressure or by evolutionary adaptability. In fact, a person grows up in certain conditions, gets used to them and accepts them as the only true ones. Gender prejudices often arise from such thoughts.

Belief in a just world

One of the common misconceptions that is the basis for misogyny or sexism. Most people believe that our world is arranged fairly, and everyone receives according to their abilities and skills.


Watching how women are humiliated for their gender, a person believes that she deserved it with her behavior. The source of such a stereotype is a happy life. People who have not faced life’s problems think this way.

The Illusion of Correlation

The main feature of human thinking. The modern person is not inclined to believe in the unknown, the emptiness. We think we know everything, so we look for obvious explanations for difficult things.

Many people find a connection between two things because it seems obvious to them based on a few coincidences. A striking example is that all women are stupid and want to stay at home.

Cascade of available information

A mass phenomenon characteristic of people who regularly read discussions on a certain topic. It means the phenomenon when the same thought at first seems wrong, but over time it gains more and more weight if it is often heard and occurs in thematic discussions.

Let's give an example. Let's assume that a person is not subject to gender stereotypes. However, he finds himself in the wrong company, where the opinions of the ladies are not taken into account. Over time, the idea that the opposite sex is bad becomes familiar to him.

Self-fulfilling prophecies

This is some thought, a prophecy for the future, which by its very existence influences reality and can easily be fulfilled. Moreover, the reason for this is not that the speaker was right, but that the phrase itself already carries some kind of message.

Let us give an example from the field of gender stereotypes. Let's say a woman gets a job. Her boss is convinced that she is stupid, so he only gives her the easiest tasks. As a result, the girl really cannot express herself, and over time she even loses her professional skills.

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