8 tips on how a person can plan their time and stay productive

Give up rigid planning

The most famous time management systems are designed for rational people. The Eisenhower Matrix, “Time Drive” by Gleb Arkhangelsky, planning using the 10 lessons from Benjamin Franklin's daily schedule that will double your productivity by Benjamin Franklin and others. All of them involve linking tasks to a specific time, scrupulous timing, and dividing tasks into many categories - for example, by area of ​​life or into important-urgent ones.

But for a person in a mood, it is often difficult and boring to follow a pre-established routine. As well as a rigid planning system that requires a lot of time and perseverance. Therefore, it is better for spontaneous people to move away from classical time management and choose more flexible and creative methods with which they will be comfortable - for example, the system of Yana Frank or Donald Ros.

Of course, there are things that we can’t get out of: children, bosses and collectors usually don’t ask where we started and what we want to do. Therefore, now we are talking about those tasks for which we ourselves choose the time and priority: personal projects, freelancing, creativity.

Man of moods

A person of mood is one of the psychotypes in the classification of N.I. Kozlova. An analogue of the Labile type in the Lichko classification.

Portrait of a psychotype

Oh, Ivanushka, you made me laugh! Princess Nesmeyana, through tears ​​​​​We all come from childhood.
A man of mood, however, differs from the rest in that he remained like that in childhood. His soul is the soul of a child, it is bright, sincere, spontaneous and naive. In childhood, these children often suffered from infectious diseases: constant sore throats, colds, chronic pneumonia, there could be rheumatism, cholecystitis and other not terrible, but unpleasant things. They were not seriously ill, but the protracted and repeated form meant that someone close to them was always with them. To be a little naughty, to play a little - it was nice to babysit such a child. The child was loved and responded in kind.

He has been sweet since childhood: he ran to his mother, so soulfully buried himself in her, hiding his eyes, and pressed him, hugging her... He complained, even tears came to his eyes! But the best part is that I quickly felt comforted under my mother’s warm words. And he blossomed with a smile...

They coddled him, caught the slightest change in his mood and well-being, and he began to do the same. And, having matured, he became an eternal nanny to himself, dearly loved. It seems that he liked to bask in the bright childhood, but did not go into an adult, independent and responsible life.

And now, every time, every minute, this nice big child allows himself to feel what he wants: when to be happy, when to be capricious or sad. This is his lifestyle, and it’s so easy to find reasons for any mood if desired!

Inopportunely, it began to rain, a trolleybus drove off in front of my nose, and then a button came off - the mood was ruined. A pretty girl stood next to her, the sun came out, I saw a stunning orange peel on the gray asphalt - my soul was singing, I wanted to love everyone. Everything is easy: because the next time he wants to be sad and feel sorry for himself, he will find reasons for this “just once.”

Like a sincere child, he experiences everything for real, from the heart and to the whole body: he easily loses sleep and appetite, his ability to work and simply his state of health changes dramatically. The mood changes - the world changes. He is on the rise - life is wonderful, he loves everyone and admires everyone. He’s not in a good mood, which means everything is bad, people are bastards, and he himself is a fool.

He lives not with his head, but with his heart, and his heart rarely lets him down. He is intuitive, and when meeting people, he instantly feels a real attitude towards himself.

What’s worse is that he also reacts to it instantly and sincerely...

And yet, the people around him, and especially those close to him, treat him with sincere sympathy: after all, at heart he is a kind and warm person, he is not envious, not arrogant, grateful, appreciates a kind attitude towards himself, and is open and cordial in communication.

At work he is just as pleasant and sweet, but if you need to work there, then he is essentially useless. Smiling in confusion or frowning sadly, he will guiltily talk about the latest circumstances, sincerely sigh and promise that this will be the last time - but you know that the case he failed is not the first and not the last.

Such people do not set themselves big goals in life and, as long as life protects them, they live easily, catching the sun and sometimes fluttering like a leaf in the wind. However, they endure real losses hard, and in difficulties they cannot rely on them: they are not used to fighting. They can only worry and cry.

It seems that at any age they believe that if they cry long and bitterly, someone Very Big and Kind will definitely come and console them... See Man-Child

What to do?

If you observe the traits of a person of mood and want to correct your characteristics, then see Labile type: how to work on yourself

Eat elephants

In classical time management, there are still techniques that a person of mood can successfully use. For example, in the book “Time Drive” Gleb Arkhangelsky suggests eating elephants. That is, splitting one large and frightening project into many small pieces and solving (“eating”) them one by one.

This way, you won’t feel like you have an insurmountable mountain of work to do, and large-scale projects won’t demotivate you.

For example, if you want to write an article, you can add the following items to your to-do list: make a plan, compose the first part (second, third), select links and examples, edit and format the text, and so on.


  • Ekman, P., Levenson, R. W., & Friesen, W. V. (1993). American psychologist. Facial expressions and emotions. (384-391)
  • Nofsinger, J. R. (2005). “Social Mood and Financial Economics,” Journal of Behavioral Finance, 6
  • Olson, K. R. (2006). “Social Mood Literature Review,” Journal of Behavioral Finance, 7
  • P. A. Andersen & L. K. Guerrero (eds.) Handbook of Communication and Emotion. pp. 5-24. San Diago: Academic Press.
  • Sucală, M.L.; Tatarski, A. (2010). "Optimism, pessimism, and negative mood regulation in cancer patient life expectancy." Journal of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapy
    (1): 13-24.

Keep your goals in mind and your tools at hand

Irrationals are chaotic people; they always need to check whether they have lost their course or whether they are doing something that takes them away from their goal. You can make something like a wish card and attach pictures that are associated with the goal above your desktop. Or order a mug with an inspirational quote.

In addition, you should always keep your work tools - laptop, tablet, notepad - at hand.

Let all the necessary gadgets, pieces of paper, notes, notebooks be in one place so that you don’t have to look for them: searching can disrupt your work mood. But if your things are in order, you can put together a “camping kit” at any time and go to work in a cafe or park.

Emotional background: high and low

Purple color in human psychology - what does it mean who likes it?

Positive and negative emotions

The basis of mood is laid under the influence of a dominant emotion. The emotion itself, caused by an individual event in life, does not last long, but it influences the creation of a bouquet of internal experiences and forms a long-lasting reaction as a response to what is happening. The predominance of a set of positive or negative experiences forms a general background, which can be increased or decreased.

An elevated background indicates the dominance of positive types of mood: joyful, inspired, interested, fluttering and others.

The low background, on the contrary, consists of a selection of negative types, such as: sad, depressed, irritated and similar ones.

Some authors understand the background of mood as a globally stable attitude of an individual towards himself and the situation around him, which affects the course of certain mental processes, for example, thinking.

How to prevent depression

When a negative mood is observed for about 2 weeks, we can talk about the onset of depression. In this state, the world seems gray and dull to the patient. The mood remains consistently bad; changes are rarely observed. If you are concerned about this condition, you should consult a psychotherapist.

Feelings of depression may occur in the late afternoon when the body is exhausted. Often a person feels anxiety, indifference, despair, melancholy, and dissatisfaction.

Panic anxiety may occur; symptoms are clearly expressed by lack of air, rapid heartbeat, and body trembling. This is characteristic of anxious depression .

Other types of pathology, on the contrary, are manifested by a decrease in motor activity and drowsiness that does not go away even after a night's rest. Ordinary affairs begin to seem meaningless and difficult.

Another symptom of depression is vegetative-vascular dystonia, which causes dizziness, headaches, increased blood pressure and temperature, and increased urination. The gastrointestinal tract is concerned about lack of appetite, constipation, diarrhea, and in women the menstrual cycle is prolonged.

Depression negatively affects the sleep process. A person may have trouble falling asleep, have shallow sleep, and not get enough sleep even after a long rest. He is constantly irritated, feels tired, and is sensitive to weather changes.

With severe depression, the usual methods of dealing with bad mood are unable to help. If characteristic signs are detected, you need to take antidepressants, sedatives, and sleeping pills from the group of tranquilizers.

Some drugs have a less pronounced effect and are prescribed for anxiety depression. Treatment depends on the complexity of the situation, its duration is from several weeks to six months.

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