How to make peace with your wife after a strong quarrel: 14 tips and 5 anti-tips


Wife, forgive me, I did something wrong again, But it’s not scary - after all, I apologized!
I will be good, I swear, I promise, Tell me two words: beloved, I forgive! ***
You are the best wife in the world! I'm sorry, I didn't offend you out of malice! I appreciate you madly, for your affection and love!


For all the terrible insults that you had to endure from me, forgive me! I am very ashamed, I never stop regretting.

Now I clearly understand: You can’t treat people like that. I don’t wish this for myself – but others can, so that means, right?

Please change your anger to mercy, I admit that I was wrong. I'm sorry it turned out this way. I'm waiting for your forgiveness.


I’m sad, I sit and continue to love you, my beloved, I ask, I simply conjure - Please forgive me!


Forgive me, my wife, I repent to you completely, For the sadness in your dear eyes, For what is not on your lips

Your fabulous smile. I'm sorry that I insulted you with my rudeness, dear... I have no strength to be in a quarrel anymore!


Sorry, dear! Guilty, I know it! Please forgive me and let go of the offense!


How often do we not notice that we offend someone, hurt someone, then pour salt on the wounds.

I’m ashamed to admit that among people I am not without sin, because you suffer because of me, you worry because of insults.

I regret everything. I ask you one thing: Please forgive me, Let go of your grievances!


Forgive me, dear, I broke a lot of wood! And in my soul, of course, is the thought that I am wrong!


I want to apologize, dear. Don't be as angry with me as before. And it will never happen again. My stupid mistake!


Forgive me for the offense, dear, You are the best wife in the world! I don’t know what came over me, it was just something bad that happened.

Are you thinking about how to make peace with your wife after a strong quarrel?

Still from the film “Deep Sleep”

You don’t know how to choose words if you really feel strongly

offended her?

We will try to tell you in as much detail as possible about how best to do this, creating a kind of universal apology formula.

However, first you should familiarize yourself with the most important rule: you should ask for forgiveness only when you really consider yourself to be guilty, and this is sincere


If this is your case, then let's go.

Take responsibility and apologize

No one is responsible for your behavior except yourself. It doesn’t matter how bad things are going at work, whether you had a headache, or who “provoked” you and for how long. You obviously shouldn't have done what you did and circumstances had nothing to do with it.

Try to say in your own words that you were very wrong and you repent of it. Say that you understand that apologies in themselves do not mean anything, but you will try not to be unfounded and back them up with actions.

Apologies to my beloved wife in verse

If a man is to blame for the conflict, then you should apologize with all sincerity, choosing the right words. This is what will help melt the ice in the heart of his beloved wife and establish peace in the family. Remember that the main thing is to do everything with love and sincerely. Women sense falsehood very subtly.

Excuse me, dear, I am, of course, to blame! But I’m glad to beg forgiveness from my beloved wife!

I will never again offend and upset, I’d rather greet you every day from work with roses!


Ah, these girlish habits! Let the grievances burn out like matches. I beg them to forgive and extinguish with a kiss.


I apologize to you, my beautiful wife! I am very guilty before you! I promise to atone for guilt at any cost!


Please accept my apology without guilt, Sorry for my revelations. Believe me, I didn't lie to you. Sorry to scare you.


There is no excuse for me and no forgiveness! But I pray for your indulgence! I can’t live without you, Because I love you madly!


I am writing this message to you now with the hope of mutual understanding. A lot of different things were said. Such unpleasant, terrible words were all inappropriate. I realize my mistake, honestly. For unacceptable behavior, For everything that was said, I apologize. Believe me that this will not happen again, After all, I should learn from my mistakes. But I will not forget your kindness And I will not utter those evil words!


In your destiny I am a blind hermit. Sorry it turned out like this. For you, I’m like Monday, flown by somehow in a hurry.

I am like an unexpected sky, And I burst into everyday life like thunder. I promise: no matter where you are next, I will become your life-saving umbrella!


I was wrong and I know it, So I ask for forgiveness, Understand me, dear, I blame myself for everything!


Forgive me for the offense, dear, You are the best wife in the world! I don’t know what came over me, it’s all my fault.


Forgive me, wife, for the sharp words, For the fact that I could not restrain the reproaches, After all, without you my soul is dead! I have already learned the lessons of fate.

Listen to your wife with an open heart

After your monologue, it’s her turn, and there may be two most likely scenarios. The first - the beloved will also open up, talk about her feelings, resentment, fears, pain and concerns. Listen and don’t interrupt, try to understand her feelings.

The second scenario is similar to the first, but more emotional. Be prepared for a wave of criticism and accusations to hit you after your apology. In this case, if you are serious about making peace, be patient. Don't argue, don't downplay guilt, admit your real mistakes. Try to move the conversation in a constructive direction. If this is difficult, you can respond with a slight delay so as not to accidentally say something offensive. Here it is important not to internalize negative emotions and pay attention exclusively to the feelings of your spouse - pain, fear and resentment.


Cool and slightly humorous SMS that will help you make peace with your beloved girl.

  1. The world itself is designed in such a way that forgiveness is possible! The shores forgive the waves of the ocean, the sun forgives the moon of the sky... Really, you can’t forgive your teddy bear?
  2. SMS apology for the most charming face... Forgive me for being a fool...
  3. My affectionate... my tender. I'm sorry! Let's never quarrel again!
  4. Don't be too strict, I am a legless poet. Forgive me if you can... otherwise you will become a cow!
  5. Show at least a little compassion for your dunce... I’m dying without you!
  6. I can’t sleep... I couldn’t sleep without you. I love you very much, bunny, forgive me!
  7. I know I'm not a gift... but you're not an angel either! We are the perfect couple!
  8. I have never been so sorry for my wrongdoings in my life. Forgive me... if you can find the strength within yourself.
  9. There is no limit to despair... you dared to love me. And I'm a fool and an empty talker! Forgive me, because that's who I am.
  10. You are the brightest and purest spot in my dirty life. You are better than me, forgive me...
  11. Let's make it up? Let's just make peace... and let this never happen again.
  12. Well, stop sulking at the fool. Kitten, we are made for each other... we are like Bonnie and Clyde!
  13. I don’t need this world if you are not in it... Let’s forget everything?
  14. They didn't order the execution! It's just an SMS! A text message of love and attempts to make amends... What should I convey to the owner?

Validate your wife's feelings and don't invalidate them

It is very important to learn to acknowledge the feelings of another - this does not mean giving up your position and agreeing with your partner in everything. You can still disagree, but at the same time acknowledge that her feelings and reaction to what happened are real, and you don’t doubt them. Agree, it’s not up to you to decide how exactly she should have been upset (or not upset) because of your action.

“When we quarreled and I went to see friends in the middle of the night, you felt abandoned and unwanted. I understand that it was very offensive and difficult.”

You are not saying that your reaction was wrong, but you are acknowledging the reality of your spouse, showing that you heard her and understand how scared and hurt she was.

Still from the movie "Pretty Little Liars"

Apologies to the girl for being rude

You were out of sorts, and the girl fell under the hot hand. Without thinking, they offended her with cruel words. If you truly regret a mistake, do not remain silent. Ask the girl for forgiveness - write her an original letter apologizing for the insult.

  • I didn't mean to hurt you. How it happened, why I allowed myself to lash out at my beloved girl, I don’t know, but I fully admit: I’m guilty. My behavior was stupid and unreasonable, I promise that this was the last time. Let's make peace, dear! Forgive me, such a stupid person who loves you.


  • Yelling at my loved one is the most disgusting thing I could do. Without a reason, without any right - that’s how he took and offended his sun. And now I understand how dearly this mistake cost me. I don’t want you to think I’m rude, I promise to work on myself and never take it out on you. Sorry honey, let's forget about everything.


  • I know how many times you have tolerated my antics and that because of my character, I may not deserve you. But that doesn’t mean I’m giving up on “us.” On the contrary, I intend to fight for you and our love until the last second! I'm sorry, I'm sorry a thousand times, I'm so guilty before you.


  • Can I try to win your heart again? Sorry for the rude words and my stupid intemperance. I don’t want you to be nervous and angry with me - I didn’t hurt you out of malice, although I had no right to do so. Smile and don’t be sad, my joy, please forgive me.


Be prepared that forgiveness will take time

Under no circumstances insist on immediately resuming communication, even if your apology has been accepted. If your wife says that she needs time to come to her senses, be patient and do as you are asked.

Show understanding and respect for her feelings. A person who has been offended most often feels depressed and disenfranchised. The ability to “push aside” the aggressor and set your own rules means regaining control over the situation.

You must be prepared for the fact that even after your confidential conversation, your partner will want to be alone. Everyone has their own pace of healing wounds; restoring warm and trusting relationships can take days, weeks, months (what’s up, sometimes even years, depending on the situation).

On the way to forgiveness

Sending SMS to make peace with your loved one is a great idea! You may not be able to reconcile within a couple of messages, but at least you will start a dialogue.

  1. Think about all the good things that happened... there is no need to ruin everything because of some stupid things.
  2. Sorry, I said a lot of unnecessary things... I did a lot of bad things. I don't know how to make amends...
  3. I'm very sorry... I know I offended you, kitten. Let's talk?
  4. I only breathe with hope that we can fix everything...
  5. I'm trying really hard to change. I know I'm shitty at this. But I'm still trying... for you.
  6. Let's not have a fever and leave each other in the past... I love you!
  7. I offended you. I offended you greatly. I understand. But maybe it's not too late?
  8. Excuse me... if you can. I will do whatever you want to make it up to me.
  9. I really want to become that person who will no longer make mistakes... help me.
  10. Life is too fleeting to waste it on stupidity and mutual insults, don’t you think?
  11. Let's just forget about everything and pretend that nothing happened? I do not want to live without you…
  12. It's hard to forgive... I understand. If you can't, I understand. But know that there was no one more important than you in my life and never will be...
  13. I really want to go back in time and fix everything, but I can’t. Now I have to somehow live with this...
  14. I don't know what to say... I'm really sorry for being an idiot...

Do something nice for your loved one

When a person is very offended, and you understand that an apology and a confidential conversation were still not enough, perhaps you should please him with something.

But we are not talking about a bouquet of roses and a huge teddy bear.

Remember, compensation for grievances with gifts is the weakest and most unreliable of all possible (although the most popular). And not because gifts are bad, but because they involve mostly monetary investments and minimal emotional involvement.

During quarrels, it is primarily the emotional connection between people that suffers, so it is this that needs to be “fixed.” Caring and working together are best suited for this purpose.

We also strongly do not recommend giving your wife surprises; it is better to ask her quite openly: “I feel very guilty. I want to please you in order to at least make up for my guilt a little. What can I do for you?"

It is important to be ready to fulfill her request, otherwise you will only make things worse.

It is best to immediately offer some option (or even several). “Let me cook you your favorite dish?”, “How about we spend the evening together and go to your favorite restaurant?”, “Do you want me to buy us theater tickets?”

A beautiful apology to a girl

Girls are actually more emotional than men. Therefore, wait a pause - let your beloved come to her senses a little after the quarrel. Then you can send a beautiful apology to the girl - a couple of touching lines in prose that will reflect your best intentions to achieve forgiveness.


  • The most beautiful, gentle, kind and understanding, I loved you, love you and will always love you! You are my Universe, life without you loses all meaning... I realized how unfair I was to you. I regret everything and apologize!


  • Dear, I am ashamed of my offense, of all the pain I caused you, my princess. I myself don’t understand what came over me. Today, when you go for an evening walk, let a light breeze gently touch your lips, and then whisper my sincere, from the bottom of my heart, “I’m sorry.”


  • Sunny, with every cell of my body I am aware of my guilt and I want you to give me another chance. I’m ready to prove my love for you with my actions - just forgive me, kitty.


  • I don't want to lose you, my love. Can I earn your trust again? Sorry for the rudeness, my joy, and don’t hold a grudge. As a sign of forgiveness, I am ready to fulfill any of your wishes.


What you absolutely CAN'T do

Hush up a quarrel (even a small one)

All conflicts have a cumulative effect. In addition, over time, the details are forgotten, only feelings remain: betrayal, mistrust, dissatisfaction, sadness, loneliness.

Learn to discuss everything, even the smallest misunderstandings, immediately after they happen - in a calm atmosphere, without shouting or insults.

Talk if anger and irritation have not yet subsided

As we already said, you need to give yourself time to cool down. It's normal to talk about what happened after a while. If emotions get the better of you, there is a risk of only aggravating the situation and taking the quarrel to a new level (even more difficult, of course).

Trying to settle the conflict with sex

A very insidious method that looks beautiful only in the movies, but in reality it only makes things worse. Firstly, this method leaves the problem at the same point, the partner’s resentment does not disappear, and understatement will corrode your relationship for a long time. And secondly, sex subsequently risks becoming a less pleasant activity, causing associations with quarrels, resentments and negative emotions.

“Settling Scores”

The phrase “I agree, I was wrong, but you too...” must be forgotten once and for all.

Pointing out your partner’s shortcomings, and at the same time listing everything that brings (or has brought) discomfort for a long time in order to look better against her background, is an extremely unfortunate technique.

You can and even need to express your dissatisfaction, but at the right time. It is worth learning to discuss problems in everyday life as they arise, without conflict and in a polite manner. Now is not the time to remember past grievances.

Gnawing yourself (long and painfully)

Admitting that you were wrong - yes, getting carried away and thinking only about it - no. Internal torment can play a cruel joke on you.

Firstly, there may be a feeling that you have already “suffered” enough, so there is no need to apologize (in fact, no).

Secondly, during torment, anger and irritation can flare up with renewed vigor, and the conflict will resume.

Thirdly, it often happens that the offender is so upset because of his incontinence that his partner has to console him: “Well, I’ll forgive you, it’s okay.”

In fact, this situation is manipulation in its purest form. Of course, it is pleasant for the aggressor himself, but it has destructive power for relationships. Agree, it is the injured party who should receive consolation and compensation (and in this case it is not you).

Words sorry to the woman, forgive me, my love

My darling! If it were possible to turn back time and return to our conversation from the very beginning, I would definitely use this opportunity and would never repeat those words that offended you! My love! I really regret what I did, I don’t know how to explain my action, but this will be a lesson for me for the rest of my life, believe me! I not only caused you mental trauma and left a bitter trace of memories of our quarrel, I broke the crystal of our love! I'm very regret about it! I was wrong! Forgive me, dear, if you can! Give me one last chance to understand and realize this ignoble act! My life is meaningless without you, my heart will stop beating without you, my soul will be empty without you! Sorry! Don’t be angry with me, let’s forget all the bad things and never remember! I swear to you that this will never happen again in our relationship with you! I love you!


Someday, the time will come when I will begin to understand you without words, honey.

my. And then, all our misunderstandings and misunderstandings in relationships will remain a thing of the past! I will try, I want to look into all corners of your soul and know all your thoughts and desires! I want to know everything about you, I want to see through you so that that awkwardness does not arise between us, which alienates us from each other! I offended you, but believe me, my love, I didn’t mean it! Forgive me, fool! I did this without thinking that your soul is so vulnerable and you take my words too close to your heart! What can I do to make your resentment go away? What can I do to make your sweet lips smile at me again? I’m ready to kiss your fingers all my life, I’m ready to spin you around in my arms and give you bouquets of flowers, just so that you, my beloved, never remember this quarrel of ours! Forgive me, my dear! I promise that this will not happen again in our relationship!


I will never forget this day, because it will become a memorable lesson for me for the rest of my life! I offended you, my dear, forgive me! I realized, I fully admit my guilt and agree that before you say anything, you need to think carefully! I rushed to conclusions, didn’t think about what I said, my love! I replayed our conversation in my head many times and regretted what I had done a hundred times! Please find the strength to forget this offense and try to forgive me, and I swear to you that this will not happen again in our lives! Probably, our mistakes are needed so that we can learn from them and not repeat the same thing again! I will remember this for the rest of my life! My heart stopped beating without your smile! The spark of joy and happiness faded in my sad eyes, I stopped noticing everything beautiful around me! Give me back all the joy of our relationship, forgive me, my girl, and I swear that I will live up to your hopes and will continue to behave with dignity!


My sweet girl! No matter how offended you are with me after our last conversation, I still love you no less! And for the sake of our crazy love and passion, you must forgive me! I believe in you, I hope, I'm waiting! Forgive me, my love, and try not to think about bad things, because in life everyone has the right to make mistakes, the main thing is to draw conclusions and not repeat what you did! And I understood everything, realized it and remembered it for the rest of my life! Trust me, take a step towards me and don’t hold a grudge against me! Free your soul from sadness and longing, don’t waste time, let’s enjoy our love, and not remember past grievances! After all, together you and I can overcome any difficulties on our life path! We just need to unite our thoughts and understand each other! I'm sorry, I was wrong and I promise that before I say anything next time, I will definitely weigh every word!


My love! Do you want me to kneel in front of you and stand on them all my life? Do you want me to get you a star in the sky that gives you the ability to forgive? Do you want me to fly to another planet and bring you an unusual flower that will make your soul softer? Do you want me to reach the bottom of the deepest ocean and find the biggest pearl there that will bring a smile to your face? Do you want me to prove to you with my love that you are the most worthy, the most beautiful, the best girl on the globe? Do you want me to give you all the riches of the Earth and lay them at your feet? Do you want me to give you my heart for eternal use? Do you want me to sell my soul to the devil, if only you would forgive me for my ridiculous mistake and be with me? Do you want me to take all your sadness and sadness for myself, and your eyes will cry only from happiness? I am ready for anything, I live for you, I breathe for you! Forgive me, give me the opportunity to return your smile, my love, I ask you tearfully! Love you!


The kindest soul on the globe! The kindest girl on planet Earth! My beloved, my dear, my precious! My sweet candy, my sugar marmalade, my girl! I'm sorry! And I know that you will forgive me! You can’t do it any other way, you don’t know how to hold a grudge for a long time! Both you and I are suffocating from this insult! We cannot live without each other, you are mine, and I am yours! Forever! I was so wrong in what I told you! I immensely regret what I said, but, unfortunately, words cannot be taken back! I will never do something like that again, I promise you, my baby! I only want to please you, I want to see your eyes full of happiness, your beautiful smile, your dimples on your cheeks, hear your ringing laughter! I will try, I heard you, my joy, I drew conclusions, I understood, realized and forever made a note in my memory! Sorry Sorry sorry!


I don’t know what I should do to achieve your forgiveness! Your mental wound will not heal for a long time, because I offended you very much, and I realized it only after your tears! It’s terrible to see you cry and realize that with my own hands I destroyed our happiness, our love, our trust! My dear girl! There is no excuse or forgiveness for me, I know! But! Let's work together to try to forget this nightmare and bring back the joy of our relationship! We will succeed! Our love is so strong that it will overcome any misunderstandings, insults and grief! For this, we just need to be together! Forgive me, dear! I am ready to kneel and kiss your tender fingers for the rest of my life, if only you would forgive me for my terrible mistake! Think, honey, I’m not rushing you, I’ll be patient and wait, even if this wait requires giving half my life!


My beloved girl! Our love with you is incredibly strong and worthy of my forgiveness! I know that your heart is very heavy and sad after what I did, but! You need to forgive! Otherwise, our relationship will reach a dead end, from where there is no turning back! I'm guilty, I admit, I was wrong! Forgive me, please, and let's never return to this unpleasant topic for both of us! Let's forget everything like a bad dream! For my part, I swear to you that I will never again offend my dear and beloved girl! I will pray for your every smile, for your every joy and will never disturb the peace of your soul, I promise! There is no person dearer to me on the entire globe, and without you, I can’t see my life, dear! Forgive me and try to believe my words, I beg you! I will be responsible for my words and actions, I will cherish the crystal of our love like the apple of my eye and will never repeat my mistake!


The sun of my life, the joy of my days, the ray of happiness of my destiny, my beloved girl! Forgive me my mistake, my mistake, my failure! I really regret that I didn’t think before I said those hurtful words to you! I wish I could turn back time so much, I would do everything differently, and I would never do something like that! I promise you that from now on I will be attentive and careful in such situations and will try to never hurt you! Have mercy on me, my dear, forgive me one more time, don’t ruin our love! Your forgiveness will decide our fate! Let's preserve everything that exists between us, let's love each other even more, and let's never quarrel again! Your mental wound will heal faster if I’m nearby, don’t reject me, don’t drive me away, don’t repeat my mistakes, my love! Just forgive me and forget what suddenly destroyed our understanding! Love you!


My dear girl, the love of my life! I am guilty before you and I know it, but please, I beg you, find within yourself the opportunity to forgive me and give me your beautiful smile, without which the light before my eyes fades! Without you I am lost, I don’t understand why I live and why I was born in this world! Only you fill my life with rainbow colors and give me the idea of ​​what I live for! Only with you does my life make sense, only with you does the sun shine brighter and only with you does the sky become bluer! The sparkle of your eyes illuminates my life’s path, your presence next to me makes me the happiest man on planet Earth! My nights next to you turn into magical ones, my everyday life with you turns into holidays! Don’t deprive me of this happiness and forgive me for the last time, because I promise you that there won’t be a next time! I will not repeat such discord in our relationship again, believe me, please!


My beloved, my beautiful, my affectionate, my kindest girl in the world! I want to beg your forgiveness and promise that such a ridiculous incident in our relationship with you has happened for the last time! I will no longer allow any mistakes on my part, I will no longer offend you or cause pain to your beautiful soul! Just believe me, meet me halfway, give me this chance! I can't let you go, I can't live without you, I can't breathe without you! It’s a pity that I realized this only after you turned away from me, when your eyes were filled with resentment, sadness and sadness! But I got it! Sorry, be kind! Let's preserve our feelings and not completely destroy them! Feelings like ours are not given to everyone for a reason, and we simply must preserve them! We will be happy, I promise you, I will make your happiness my meaning in life and I will live only for you, dear! Understand and forgive, dear!


My doll, my girl, my song, my fairy tale! Let me ask you for forgiveness and promise that such a quarrel will never happen again in our relationship! I can’t understand myself, how I could offend you, it’s so painful and absurd! After all, you are very dear to me, I love you madly and even in my thoughts I did not allow myself to hurt you! I still don’t understand what happened to me! Forgive me, please, my princess, my joy, my treasure! I didn’t think, didn’t assess the situation, didn’t calculate my strength, didn’t know that everything would turn out like this! If I had known, believe me, this would not have happened, but only my mistakes allow me to see the results of what I did! I will learn to anticipate the situation and understand what can come of it! Just stop being offended by me, give me a sip of forgiveness, hug me and forgive me, my love! Your forgiveness will make me stronger and more confident, and then I promise you that in our relationship with you you will only enjoy life and enjoy my love!


The beauty of my soul, the love of my destiny, my dear girl! Look into my soul and please see in it repentance for the offense caused to you! Forgive me, my love! Don’t scold me, don’t judge me harshly and don’t put an end to our relationship, I beg you on my knees, my sun! Just don’t think that I will constantly ask you to give me a chance, no! This is an isolated mistake, I swear to you, this is a misunderstanding, this is an accident, I don’t understand what came over me! This will never happen again! Never! Do you hear? You have to believe me, otherwise our relationship will really go down! I cannot allow this and therefore I promise you, from now on, everything will change! I will become more attentive and serious about my words and actions, I will cherish our feelings and value our relationship! I'm ready! I promise! I'll prove! Forgive me and you will see everything for yourself and you will never regret that you gave me this chance!


My baby! I don’t know which side to approach you from so that you at least give me your look! I don’t know how to atone for my guilt and return to my former attitude! How wrong I was! How could I not see that you take me seriously and weigh every word so as not to offend me! But I’m blind, I said and didn’t think that your soul is vulnerable, that you take everything to heart, if only because you’re just a girl! Forgive me for my rudeness, inattention and frivolity! Only after I saw the sadness in your eyes did I understand everything, realize everything and feel everything! I heard the cry of your soul, I felt the groan of your heart! Honey, I am amazed by your depth of soul! You are doing everything right, you are right as always, please forgive me for such a fool! I pray to God that you don’t stop loving me after such a gross mistake! Forgive me if you can and give me hope that I can fix everything!


My dear swallow! My dear girl! May the Lord God give you the gift of forgiveness, and may you have mercy on my sinful fate! My beloved, forgive me, be kind! In the name of our great and pure love, forgive me my carelessness to disturb your peace of mind and excite your heart with exciting grief! I didn’t mean to, God knows, I didn’t mean to, I swear to you! Believe me, our quarrel with you caused me great mental pain, no less than you! This of course does not justify me, but I suffer the same way! My heart bleeds, my soul finds no place, my eyes do not dry from tears of sadness, my life has become empty and uninteresting! I lost the ability to think correctly, it became difficult for me to breathe, it became impossible for me to see your smile, I feel very bad without you, my girl! Let's end this nightmare as soon as possible, make peace and love each other with renewed vigor!


My baby! My little girl! My sweet lollipop! How could I allow you, my love, to become sad and not want to see me? How could I do something like this, offend you, and not even notice it? I didn’t expect this from myself! My darling, forgive me whatever you want, ask, just forgive me! I have no life without your forgiveness, there is no point in continuing to live, there is no joy in anything, there is no light, complete darkness before my eyes! Save me, darling! I'm dying! Forgive me and stop this nightmare that I feel when you are not around! I will never offend you again, I will never dare to repeat this terrible mistake, I will never do anything like that again! The price to pay is too high! You are too dear to me! Our relationship means too much to me! And let this situation be a lesson to me for the rest of my life! Sorry, dear!


You did everything right, my dear, that you didn’t forgive me right away! I deserved severe punishment, I learned a big lesson in my life, and may I not be forgiven, so that I do not repeat such rudeness and manifestations of my not best qualities in my life! I'm an ungrateful person! I have no excuse! But! I will improve, and these are not simple words, these are words of truth! I will set myself a goal in life and will never offend you again, my dear! Believe my words, and later I will prove to you through my actions that I understood everything, understood everything and remembered everything, once and for all! I won’t dare to do this to myself anymore, my conscience strangled me, your tears opened my eyes to many things that I had not noticed before, or did not want to notice! But from this moment on, everything in our lives will change and our relationship will reach a new level, my love, to the highest level of trust, respect and understanding! I love you, my girl, I cherish you, my love!


My precious girl! I love you with all my heart as desperately as I have never loved any girl in my life! And I probably hurt you, because I put my feelings into all my emotions to the maximum! I didn't mean to, sorry! When I realized that I had offended you, it was too late, tears rolled from your beautiful, beautiful eyes and they left an unforgettable impression in my soul and a scar on my heart! I will never allow this to happen again! It was unbearable to see, impossible to watch my beloved girl cry! And I will remember this sad picture for the rest of my life, along with the concept that doing what I did to you is unacceptable for our relationship! My heart cannot withstand such tension, my conscience torments me and torments my soul, I am choking from how wrong I was, how wrong I was when I offended you! I can’t forgive myself for this, but I ask you to forgive me, otherwise I will never know peace!


The day when I offended you cannot get out of my head, my beloved girl! Forgive me, sun! Understand, this gust of emotions raged in me for a reason, I am not indifferent to you, and everything that I said then, on that ill-fated day, was not true! I just couldn’t curb my emotions, I lost control, I got lost in space, I didn’t follow the right path, I’m sorry, honey! I can’t forgive myself for this, only you can do this! And only you can do this to return our relationship, to renew our feelings, so that our love flares up with renewed vigor! When you forgive me, remember that this is the last time you do this, you won’t have to do this again, since I’m never going to offend you again! This will be my ban, my taboo, my point of no return! Never, do you hear, will I never dare something like this to happen to me again! I realized the most important thing in life is that a girl like you needs to be carried in your arms and only please, love and take care of!


My princess, sweet creature, my treasure! Forgive me, a stupid person, I couldn’t control my emotions and splashed out a stream of negativity on you! I am very ashamed that I, an adult, behaved like a complete idiot, like an uncontrollable cretin, like a selfish fool unworthy of your little finger! I know that I caused you great pain, and perhaps your mental wound will not heal so quickly, but let me help you heal it, just give me a chance to make things right! Don’t deprive me of the opportunity to be next to you, breathe the same air with you, look into your eyes! Although there is a lot of sadness in them, they are as beautiful as ever! I will help you start smiling, I will become your medicine, I will love you with new strength, and with new concepts of love! I outgrew myself, I understood everything, I drew conclusions and learned to reassess values! There is no past me, there is me - the real one! Forgive me and believe me!


My love! The way I offended you does not deserve forgiveness, I know, but understand that everything in this life must be forgiven, at least for selfish reasons! It will become easier for you! Free your soul from insults, I ask you, my dear girl! Fill your life with bright colors and do not deprive yourself of the pleasure of enjoying life, and not digesting grievances! Our life is very expensive to waste time on grief! Hear me! Yes, I was wrong, but we all sometimes, due to our inexperience, make mistakes, and the main thing is that I understood the complexity of the situation and drew conclusions! There won't be a next time! You don’t have to be offended, cry or be sad, I just won’t allow this to happen again, I promise, dear! Forgive, forget and let's let go of this terrible situation! I can’t see your tear-stained eyes, your sad expression on your face, your drooping corners of your lips! Smile, my dear girl!


My dear girl! For me, you are the closest person on the globe, the most beloved, the one and only! And probably the closest ones get the most emotions, including not very pleasant ones! Sorry! I didn’t offend you out of malice, I couldn’t cope with my emotions in a fit of boiling passion, I didn’t want to, I’m telling you the truth! Understand me if you can and give me your forgiveness! I will give everything in the world just to regain your trust and the smile of your beautiful lips! I have no joy in life, if you are sad, there is no place for me on the entire globe, if you are not near, the light is not dear to me, if your eyes do not look at me! I want to return the former sparkle of happiness in your eyes, I want to hear your ringing laughter, I want to hug and kiss you! I want to never return to the past and remember the bad! I want to take care of you, cherish you and love you the way you deserve it! And you deserve the best female happiness in this life! I love you, baby!


My sweet strawberry, the girl of my dreams! How wrong I was then, on that ill-fated day when I offended you and left a deep trace of resentment and disappointment in our souls! Forgive me, my love, I ask you with all the strength of my love, forgive me! It’s very difficult to bring back the past and fix everything, but I will never give up and will beg your forgiveness to the end, even if it means spending my whole life! Without you, my life has no meaning, I don’t see happiness, I don’t notice the joys around me! Only with you does my world find full-fledged human happiness, only with you does my world become colorful and bright, only with you can I experience all the delights of existence on this planet! Please give me your mercy, forgive me! I didn’t know that my ridiculous mistake would cost me so much, I was not myself when I offended you! Forget my words, throw them out of your memory forever and I promise that I will never offend you again!


My affectionate little kitty, my fluffy little bunny, my favorite girl! How can I ask you for forgiveness, tell me? How can I regain your trust, how can I take back my words? I am ready to bear any punishment for my ugly act, let fate punish me and take everything from me except you! Forgive me, my dear, my love, my soul! There is no life for me without your affectionate touches, without your caring hands, without your silky curls, without your iridescent laughter! There is no place for me on this planet among people if you are not nearby, my doll! You make my world colorful, complete and full of admiration! Only with you I see a future, a strong family and healthy children! I need you! Hear me and forgive me, my beloved girl! Nothing like this will happen again in our lives, I realized, I have learned everything, I regret what I did and will never dare to offend you!


My tender doll, my affectionate girl, my baby! Forgive me my mistake! I'm sorry that I made a grave mistake in our relationship with you, and let's not waste time on offense! Give me the opportunity to fix everything, don’t deprive me of the chance to make you the happiest girl on planet Earth! I can’t forgive myself for this, but life goes on and you need to move on, and not stand still! I suggest you forget this misunderstanding and spend minutes of resentment for hours of joy! My beloved, forgive, understand, forget and believe! I will not put our relationship in jeopardy again, I will not let our love with you end, I will never allow myself to do such an act again! For myself, I realized once and for all that by hurting you, I could lose what I had been looking for all my life and found only in you! You are so dear to me that I can’t imagine how I will live further if you don’t forgive me!


The indescribable beauty of my eyes! My love is pure and bright! The one and only girl on the entire globe! I am asking you for the last time, please forgive me! I ask you for the last time, I will never come to you with such a request again, because you will never have to forgive me again! I will never repeat my mistake, I will never hurt you, I will never dare to offend you, my girl! After all, you were born to please and love! You shouldn’t know tears of sadness and sadness, and you won’t anymore, I promise! Be kind, have mercy on me, forgive me my rudeness and let's forget all this like a bad dream! Let's love each other, respect, take care of our feelings and take our relationships seriously! Let's live in peace and harmony, make compromises, understand and be able to forgive! And if you forgive me, it will be so, I promise!


The dearest love on the entire globe, my beloved and dear girl! Let me beg you for at least a drop of forgiveness and promise that this time will be the last! I ask you, find the strength to forgive me and not remember this terrible incident! I am very guilty before you, but if you have mercy on me, then I will never dare to offend you again! I will carry you in my arms for the rest of my life, I will be forever grateful to you for your forgiveness, I will treat you completely differently! Give me this last chance, forgive me, I can’t live on without your forgiveness! I am very ashamed and painful to realize that I almost lost you because of ridiculous rudeness and inattention! My sun, illuminate the path of life for me with your gorgeous smile, make our world with you light and bright, only you can bring back the joy of our days! I love you more than life itself and dream of forgiveness, my girl! Don't torment my soul, do it!


My girl! If you believe that love exists in the world, please forgive me! In the name of our feelings! You can’t just give up on the most beautiful thing in life called “love”! Let's save what burns between us with the fire of passion, let's remember that we met in this life not by chance, let's think that such love as ours is not given to everyone, but only to the chosen ones! Forgive me, I was terribly wrong when I offended you, my love! The devil got me wrong! But because of my stupid mistake, it’s not worth destroying everything that fate has given us! Give me a chance, and I will do everything possible and impossible in order to regain my former passion, trust, love and your attitude! Let's not aggravate the situation, escalate and ruin everything completely! I was wrong, and I'm ready to change! I am ready to do anything just to preserve our love, as long as you are nearby, as long as you remain mine!


My beloved joy! How I regret that I offended you! How it pains me to realize that because of me you shed many tears of sadness! How can I now make amends for my guilt! How can I see the joy in your eyes? How can I give you a smile, my girl? I am ready to do a lot to bring you back to the joys of our relationship, if only you would believe me and never remember this ridiculous incident again! Forgive me, baby! I repent, I regret, I suffer, I suffer, I can’t find a place for myself! I understood, thought, realized, and I don’t want to hurt you anymore! I am ready to answer for my actions in any way of punishment, do with me whatever you want, ask for everything your soul desires, just forgive me, please! I am ready to go through any test, any torment, just to be next to you! Without you there is no joy, no strength to live, no air, no light! Have pity on me, dear, I beg you!


The beauty of my soul, the love of my destiny, my dear girl! Look into my soul and please see in it repentance for the offense caused to you! Forgive me, my love! Don’t scold me, don’t judge me harshly and don’t put an end to our relationship, I beg you on my knees, my sun! Just don’t think that I will constantly ask you to give me a chance, no! This is an isolated mistake, I swear to you, this is a misunderstanding, this is an accident, I don’t understand what came over me! This will never happen again! Never! Do you hear? You have to believe me, otherwise our relationship will really go down! I cannot allow this and therefore I promise you, from now on, everything will change! I will become more attentive and serious about my words and actions, I will cherish our feelings and value our relationship! I'm ready! I promise! I'll prove! Forgive me and you will see everything for yourself and you will never regret that you gave me this chance!


Excuse me, forgive me: To a man in verse | To a man in prose | Short poems for a man for a woman | Short for woman | Postcards

Psychologist's advice

Psychologist Mikhail Labkovsky, who sometimes writes for our readers, also commented on the burning topic and gave four tips on how to apologize correctly.


You only need to apologize once, without mentioning the situation, so as not to provoke a new conflict.


After an apology, it is better to leave your spouse alone for a while, let her digest everything, wait until she herself takes the initiative when she is ripe.


When you apologize, you don’t need to say, if you knew the purchase, you would live in Sochi, or “How could I...”, because your wife may get the impression that you could have acted differently, but for some reason you didn’t.


And, of course, you only need to apologize when you really feel guilty, and this is sincere.

By the way, if your offense is of a milder nature, we previously listed 11 of the most inventive and unusual ways to apologize to a girl.

  • Author: Larisa Stebeneva

Original ways

If your misdeeds are not chronic, but occur occasionally, then you can approach the apology process creatively. But only if your beloved wife does not have a very serious character, and the reasons for the resentment are not too strong.

READ I fell out of love with my husband: get a divorce or save the marriage

Try on the image of her favorite actor

Print or cut out a photo of her favorite actor from a magazine.
Buy sweets and flowers in advance, prepare a touching speech. Wake up your wife wearing such a mask with a bouquet in her hands. You can make tea or breakfast in bed. A girl with a good sense of humor will definitely appreciate your originality. How will this morning reconciliation end? The answer is limited only by your imagination.

Write words about forgiveness under the window

Remember the cute school confessions. The inscription under the window will definitely touch your beloved. Only now you are a man and in your arsenal for such creativity there are many options:

  • write with chalk on the asphalt;
  • make an inscription in the snow;
  • use paint;
  • light candles or lanterns in the shape of words or a heart;
  • arrange the rose petals in the desired shape (to protect your creation from the wind, consider a fixative, such as honey);
  • make up the right word or figure from people and even cars (in this case, ask your neighbors and friends for help).

In Kinder Surprise

Cute and unconventional way. Carefully open the egg and place a note with apologies and gentle words in the toy capsule. For a more serious offense, add decorations to the Kinder Surprise.

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