Short SMS to a man to lift his spirits (TOP 30 SMS)

Modern SMS has replaced love notes, which were the messengers of love in the 19th century. They were passed on through servants, friends, or sent by carrier pigeons. They approached the contents of such notes thoughtfully, and even turned to poets. In modern times, they have been replaced by messages that are delivered to recipients in an instant. Despite the speed of delivery, words in SMS are as important as in bygone centuries.

The power of SMS in modern times is enormous; with their help you can attract attention, attract someone you like, literally explode the feelings of an experienced couple, make peace, confess your love and even fall in love with yourself. With the help of the right words in SMS, you can conquer a man and demonstrate your exclusivity.

If you want a man to drop all his planned activities and go on a date right in the middle of a meeting, then take a few effective SMS into service.

Short SMS to cheer up your beloved man

When thinking about a message to a man, you need to remember that the stronger sex does not like long messages. Such an SMS should be short and bright, like fire. A short message should touch his heart and make him think about you, no matter what he is doing.

  • “I dream of being the reason for a smile on your face.”
  • “Lovers are the main miracle that cannot be explained by science”
  • “Regardless of the ending of our novel, the plot is intriguing”
  • “Love completely takes away pride, but in return gives wings”
  • “Lovers are happy travelers in a world of loneliness”
  • “In the sunset hours on cold evenings, only the memory of our meetings warms us”
  • “The heart cannot make a mistake, it feels its soul mate”
  • “My soul belongs to only one man who is reading these lines at this second.”

These messages are loaded with meaning and feeling. They are suitable for a declaration of love and a hint of a serious relationship. These SMS are not for daily communication; they are used on special occasions.

If he hasn't called for a while, the first or third text message is perfect. However, you should not expect a quick answer or a date this evening. The gentleman may be busy and will answer a little later, or will meet you in the evening with flowers.

It also happens that men fundamentally do not communicate using short messages, but they are pleased to read warm words with a romantic flair. And there are those representatives of the stronger sex who will call you back after a sensual SMS.

Regardless of the male reaction, such SMS evoke a positive response, and it will certainly manifest itself when they meet.

Don't send SMS too often, it will only cause irritation and won't be as interesting or unexpected. Teach your man to expect your SMS, then they will be welcome and will not go unanswered.

Cool short poems for your loved one

  • Sep 14, 2017
  • Category: Poems

Swallows miss the sky, Fish miss the water, And I write... and at the same time I miss you very much.


You are my beloved ray of light. Even sweeter than candy. Softer than velvet and plush. I really need you in my life!


I purr with love, When you are close, I love you, I kiss you tenderly! Your pussy!


I miss you so much when you are far away, I so want you to be near, I miss your look, your sweet sweet smile and your hairy butt!


You are so completely unapproachable. Like a still pool, only muddy, You have powdered my head. I stand as if on the edge.


I flutter like a moth, And I almost crashed, And all because of you, freak, Because I fell in love with you.


On sultry nights I can’t sleep, And the stars fall in the darkness. In my heart I think about the prince... I dream, in general, about you!


May you not be an angel from heaven, I don’t expect miracles from you, And I don’t send you praise, In general, you are not ideal.

Not rich, not famous, and not Brad Pitt in appearance. But the man is no relative, And I don’t need another.


How many stars are in the sky, How many pebbles are at the bottom, So many sweet kisses I am sending you!


I'll tie your hands, I'll tie your feet. But first, I’ll strip naked. And you won’t run away from me along the path today, Today I’m driving the parade!


Every evening I miss I eat a bun and watch the dawn. The nights here are longer than a year, Boredom cuts at the threshold. Without you, the world is not sweet to me. Do you believe me or not?


I love you more than life itself. I have sent away many guys, I want your love and nothing more, No need for princes and horses.


If you can guess, If you can understand, Then love will come at once, Well, come on, I'm waiting, infection.


My man! My hero! Be always with me! My only one, dear! Dearest!


My warm message is flying to you, And hidden in it... what do you think? Of course, an insane desire to kiss you a hundred times.


You're soft and fluffy like a hamster, full of friends like fleas, like a dog with lice! But I still love you very much, And I want to be with you, You know this, by the way!

Cool SMS to cheer up a guy (short with humor)

Men appreciate humor, and if they meet a girl with such a feeling, they appreciate her doubly. Messages that can make your loved one smile and make them recognize your wit are also popular. Such messages also have pitfalls; they should be appropriate and not frequent.

It is also appropriate to think about the time of their departure, because the chosen one should be comfortable reading them. If he is at a meeting, your humor will not be appreciated, such an SMS can become an irritating factor. In general, when sending SMS, make sure that the gentleman feels comfortable reading the message. The best time for this is lunch break. There is no need to send funny SMS at a time when a man, for example, is meeting with his parents or is engaged in a business conversation.

When sending SMS with humor

, it would be good to foresee in advance what the reaction might be, whether your partner has the same sense of humor as you, what will make him smile. Without knowing such subtleties, it is easy to cross out the nascent relationship. And of course, such messages are sent after a certain time from the date of acquaintance, when there is some idea about him. In other words, such a message must accurately achieve its goal; to miss is unacceptable.

  • “Darling, you have 5 seconds to respond to this message, otherwise you will be fined one hundred kisses!”
  • “Do you dream of an ideal lady? So I’m next to you!”
  • “A hundred cute bears cannot compare with you in charm”
  • “There are skeletons in every closet, but yours are the cutest.”
  • “Someone stole my heart, and you are the prime suspect!”
  • “Dear subscriber, you have a duty. Pay it off before the end of the day. This is a hundred hot kisses"
  • “It’s me, the text beggar! Write me something affectionate and warm!”
  • I have found a very beautiful sweater for you, but I’m afraid that your wings won’t fit in it, my dear Angel!
  • My joy! I forgot to put something in your pocket this morning, so I’m sending it via SMS - good luck!
  • I saw yesterday how you hugged her greedily and at the same time purred like a March cat! You will sleep without a pillow today)


  • 27.10.2019


    Or: “Where are you, my unquenchable heater, the perpetual motion machine of my love, come to me, bring me to the point of condensation.”

  • 28.10.2019


    Such messages will definitely cheer up the guy, I’ve already imagined his reaction, I’ll definitely send it.

  • 29.10.2019


    Sometimes there is time to send just such short sweet messages to your husband. Thank you for the wonderful ideas, tomorrow I will send some of the above to my loved one. I liked literally everything.

  • 15.11.2019


    Don’t be sad, otherwise your ears will grow like those of the baby elephant Dumbo, you will amuse the treacherous people!

The best SMS to your beloved man in your own words

There is another type of message when they are written in their own words, but with a special meaning. Basically, the purpose of such messages is to cheer up a man, remind him of himself and get a response. Some of these messages are good for first dates, and some are good throughout the relationship.

  • “I thought there was nothing sweeter than honey until I tasted your kiss.”
  • “My beloved, your company is more intoxicating than a hookah.”
  • “I don’t have a drop of royal blood, but your embrace makes me a queen.”
  • “I’m begging for a break, leave my thoughts for at least an hour so I can focus on work.”
  • “For me, you are my personal paradise”
  • “I will turn every minute that remains until we meet into a kiss as soon as I see you.”
  • “From the moment we met, I don’t care whether it’s raining or whether there’s a blizzard outside the window, now there’s always sun in my heart.”
  • “I command: let every minute of today turn into happiness!”
  • “After meeting you, I believed that luck exists!”
  • Expensive! You have great taste! You chose me and you were right - I am the best and all yours!
  • Now I catch your glance between the lines of SMS and love you with every letter!
  • I have a rival with whom you spend a lot of time - this is your job. But I’m not at all jealous, because you’re sleeping with me.
  • Beloved, my heart asks you for the smallest thing - a wide, sincere smile!
  • I haven’t told you before, but a smile suits you very well – don’t part with it!

When choosing one or another SMS, you need to take into account the degree of proximity. So, for example, after the first dates, a simple message is enough, from which your sympathy for your partner will be clear. You shouldn’t admit your feelings right away and compare a man with God.

After the first dates, you need to be very careful with the text of the message; you just need to cheer up the gentleman and hint that you expect further actions from him.

A neutral message will be appropriate if there is a disagreement. It is important to send the message first if you want reconciliation. A bright and sensual message is suitable when the relationship has entered a serious phase.

The message may be somewhat obscene if the couple is an experienced couple and is planning a hot date. Such an SMS is also suitable for a workaholic, as it will definitely crowd out thoughts about a career.

Let's laugh?

The best way to do this is with a funny message. Funny SMS to a guy, in your own words, funny and slightly ironic, will make him miss his faithful friend even more. There is no doubt that the answer will come very quickly and will be no less funny.

  1. My phone just glowed with passionate love for you. I'll go cool it down a little at the nearest cafe around the corner. Join us!
  2. Don't open my message! There are hidden a little piquant fantasies about tonight.
  3. Who did I just receive a message from? Some amazing guy sent it. Really, mine?!
  4. Who are you? You write me some amazing messages of love here.
  5. Now I know absolutely exactly what happiness is. When you can relax and not receive SMS from you for at least 10 minutes. At least I had time to eat.
  6. Today at the clinic the doctor told me that I had completely lost my head due to my crazy passion for you. So I'm going in search of her now. In the meantime, look for me. Otherwise I'm afraid of getting lost.
  7. Save me, beloved! Otherwise my heart will break out of my chest and rush to you.
  8. A passionate message has been sent from the most amazing girl in the world to the most amazing guy in the world.
  9. Let's go relax at the karaoke bar tonight. Let's sing about our love.
  10. Just try not to respond to my message in 5 minutes. You won't touch me for the next 5 years.
  11. Save my heart! It is bursting with crazy passion for you.
  12. I have a slight suspicion that you have another girlfriend. Who did you just send a message of declarations of love to? Really for me?!
  13. Don't you understand anything at all? I'm terribly busy right now. I'm working, if you don't know. Therefore, write to me no more often than every 3 minutes.
  14. Oh, you handsome! Just try to spend tonight without me! You won't receive another letter.
  15. I give you 1,000,000 SMS with declarations of crazy and crazy love.
  16. Listen, I really want to sleep. Let's at least wait until the morning with messages. There are only about 40 minutes left before the rise.
  17. What a bad boy! How dare you write to me just: “I love you.” Immediately write: “I absolutely love it!”
  18. My fingers are already tired of typing messages for you. Therefore, for the next half hour, you will be assigned to duty via SMS.

How to establish a dialogue using SMS

Communication can be difficult in the first minutes and days of dating. Such conversations are accompanied by embarrassment and fear of saying the wrong words, leaving a wrong opinion about oneself. It’s good if you met on the Internet, or if you have the opportunity to chat online for the first time.

You don’t need to come up with any special words, try sending your gentleman a funny video or a humorous picture, which you can then discuss, overcoming the awkwardness of the first phrase. Send really funny pictures, without double meaning. When communicating with a gentleman, if you feel sympathy, do not allow a pause, but also do not draw attention to yourself. Strive for dialogue by filling pauses with original quotes on the topic of the day or collages.

Using emoticons in written communication is a great option to reflect those emotions that you are currently embarrassed to express openly. However, when choosing pictures and smiles, also maintain a middle ground. They are good in moderation and for the occasion; the diversity of emoticons does not color the message.

By the way, in order to quickly select the right picture, save the ones you like, then at the right moment in the conversation you will skillfully use your experience. Without a doubt, there is no need to choose pictures with a vulgar tint, this will not only repel the man, but will also present you not from the best side.

Words to cheer you up at work

  • Sorry if I'm distracting you, but if I remain silent for another minute, I'll be torn apart! In the midst of your usual work routine, remember that you are loved and are already waiting for you at home. Drop everything and run to me!
  • I hope you don’t need to remind me that I already miss you wildly? I understand that you don’t have time to talk, so I’m writing. Beloved, remember - you can handle any task, I know for sure that you will cope and emerge victorious.
  • Still sitting in the office? Eh, I’ve already prepared a delicious dinner, dressed in the most revealing outfit, and now I’m sitting here, bored. Don’t know what to do with yourself until my beloved man returns?
  • Love, that's good, but thoughts about you don't let me concentrate on work! I hope you have the same situation.
  • When you leave for work, I sit for a long time and look out the window. This is not because I have nothing to do, but because it seems to me that you will come back in a moment and hug me tightly!
  • Is it possible to describe your love in a short message? Of course not, but I will write the most important thing - I love you madly!
  • There have been no messages from you for twenty minutes now! If you don’t write, you’ll be punished in the evening!
  • I wanted to send a voice message, but I decided to send funny emoticons to make my most beloved man smile!
  • If you only become my prince, then you are ready to become Cinderella! By the way, I seriously can’t find my shoe!
  • Sorry if my messages constantly distract you, believe me, I think about you much more often than I write!
  • If I worked as a WhatsApp operator, then he would already go broke from my messages to you!
  • Darling, there are exactly 6 hours, 43 minutes, 27 seconds left until we meet. I was wrong, it’s already 26 seconds!
  • If we don’t stop texting during work, then I’ll start calling my boss by your name!
  • Do you want a romantic dinner with an unforgettable intimate continuation? Then finish everything and go home quickly!
  • Darling, I want to shout about my love, but I’m afraid they will misunderstand. So come and I’ll whisper it in your ear!

How to get someone to talk

It happens that the gentleman is not in the mood for a conversation, then you won’t get an SMS from him. The reasons may be different, from a bad mood, poor health to meeting a new girl. There is no point in prolonging the silence; an excellent option would be a casual message that the girl sends first. Such an SMS should be neutral; news about a concert, the release of a movie, or other news that suits the man’s interests can be used as a reason. As a welcome message, there may also be an interesting question about some sensational research. The purpose of such a message is to interest the gentleman and get a reaction from him.

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